"Who is it? How could someone break into my secret base!"

Amu De didn't expect that there would be other people coming in this secret base he carefully designed. How could he let go of everything he had worked so hard to plan?

I saw him lightly tap his toes, and immediately flew to a certain place, and pressed down with his big palm without hesitation, and suddenly ten thousand sharp swords flew across the air.

The man in black who rescued Ling Mu'er was about to lift his breath and fly away, but after all, he couldn't escape the hidden weapon that flew suddenly, and was shot in the shoulder. Even so, it didn't affect his superb lightness kung fu. Under many hidden weapons, he still easily escaped from the ice cellar with Ling Mu'er.


Amu De was anxious, "Come on, chase me!"

Giving up the mechanism, Amu De turned around and left the ice cellar. It turned out that outside the cold ice cellar was a very ordinary room, and a woman in the room looked at a long tube with no name in front of her with hatred. Everything in the ice cellar can be seen just inside the cylinder.

Seeing Amu De coming out, the woman rushed up and grabbed his sleeve tightly, "Brother Huang, don't you say that this ice cellar is your most severe torture room, and no one can escape? Why did the man in black appear?" What? You let Ling Muer run away like this?"

"Yaoyao, you can't trust the emperor so much?"

Amu De stroked the hair on Mo Junyao's sideburns tenderly, and pinched her ears, but the words he said were more evil than the evil spirits, "I tried my best to bring her from the heaven to the Western Regions, what do you think?" I was just playing around?"

As if by a magic trick, he suddenly took out a delicate whistle from his pocket, put it under his lips and blew a few times.

When a strange tune came, Mo Junyao vaguely seemed to hear some kind of sound, she frowned, "What sound?"

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, hundreds of butterflies of different colors and species suddenly flew by the door, dancing in front of Amu De's whistle.

Amu De, wearing a hideous mask, can control hundreds of butterflies with just a whistle, and the butterfly gates with dancing wings seem to be very happy and happy. This picture...is a bit weird.

"Ling Mu'er was locked by me in front of the ice cellar, and I put a special fragrance powder on her body, which can't be smelled by ordinary people, but she can't escape the pursuit of these butterflies."

Amud turned the whistle confidently, and blew a few more times. The original agile whistle suddenly became very harsh, and the butterflies seemed to be controlled, and suddenly, they went in one direction.

"Let's go, together with Brother Huang, to catch our prey."


"Who are you and why did you suddenly appear to save me?"

Ling Mu'er was dragged by the arm by the man in black, and ran wildly in the jungle. She didn't care to check the surrounding environment, but felt that she was running out of breath.

"No, I can't run anymore, my stomach hurts!"

Vigorously shaking off the man in black's arm, Ling Mu'er supported the tree trunk and panted heavily, aware of the discomfort in her abdomen, she hurriedly took out the pills from the space and took them, but did not see the surprised expression on the man in black's face .

"Are you injured?" Ling Mu'er realized that he had been shot by an arrow, and was about to check his wound. The man in black thought she was going to take off his scarf, so he dodged immediately.

"Skin injuries are not a problem. Amud will not let you go easily. He will catch up soon. Even if you are unwell, you must go."

The man's beautiful voice came out, and the big palm clasped Ling Mu'er's arm again, but when he saw her frowning slightly, he paused, "Hold on to me, I'll take you."

"Then I will become your burden and implicate you."

Of course Ling Mu'er is familiar with Amu'er's character. She was rescued under his nose, and he will chase after her even if he tries his best.

She vaguely seemed to hear something, and she secretly called something bad, "I didn't expect them to chase so fast, my benefactor leave me alone, I have a way to escape, thank you benefactor for saving me today, I don't know the benefactor's name, in the future Mu Where are you going to repay your benefactor?"

Hearing this, the man smiled sarcastically, "I'm going to lose my life, and you still want to thank others?"

Why does this tone sound familiar?

Ling Muer carefully looked at the man in black, and was about to take off his scarf when he was not prepared, when suddenly, a group of butterflies appeared in front of her, "Why are there so many butterflies?"

"No, it's the unique technique of attracting butterflies from the royal family of the Western Regions. They're catching up." The man's face was tense, but just as his eyes moved behind him, a group of men in black were gradually approaching him.

"It's true that you can't run far like this, and I'm afraid it will hurt the fetus in your womb. I will try to save you again!"

After leaving the words, the man suddenly disappeared in front of Ling Muer.

If it wasn't for a burst of dust around him, Ling Muer would have felt that the man in black had never appeared.

"What a wonderful light work."

With an exclamation, a cold long sword landed on Ling Muer's fair neck. Amu De, while admiring, appeared in front of Ling Muer with Mo Junyao.

"Tell me, who is the one who saved you!"

"Your secret base was broken into. You are not in a hurry to investigate, but you still ask me?" Ling Muer snorted, thinking about how to distract them, and then hid in the space.

But Mo Junyao rushed up suddenly, "You bitch, since I have fallen into my hands, you can't even think about running away. I will repay you ten times and a hundred times for the humiliation I suffered in the capital. Today I will first Let you know how powerful I am!"

Saying that, Mo Junyao suddenly grabbed the guard's dagger, and was about to slash at Ling Mu'er's face, but unfortunately, before the point of her sword touched her skin, the sword had already been broken with a stone.

"Brother Huang!" Mo Junyao stomped her feet angrily.

"She's still useful to me, don't worry, Brother Huang promises you, when I run out, she will be at your disposal." Amu De continued to smile gently, and comforted the pale-faced Mo Junyao in a very peaceful voice, "Okay Yaoyao Brother Huang, you know that you have suffered a lot of grievances, but you just killed her so easily. Don’t worry? Don’t worry, after Brother Huang tortures her, he will personally deliver her to you. Let her life be worse than death, and the emperor will not interfere."

"Is this true?" Mo Junyao raised her head, and finally calmed down a lot.

"Brother Huang will not lie to you again."

He gestured to the guard, "Take it away!"

Ling Mu'er originally wanted to take advantage of the time when they were turning around, to break away from the guard's long sword and hide in the space, but when she saw Mo Junyao's helpless expression of wanting to kill her, remembering how Qin Ruochen used to deal with her and Su Ce, she suddenly thought stay.

Su Ce is an old fox. He was smart all his life, so how could he be tricked by others? Could it be Mo Junyao's credit for this?

Ling Mu'er was not taken back to the ice cellar, but was instead brought into a very spacious and warm room.

The surrounding layout is decorated like girls like, and the interior is also warm. In terms of confinement, this kind of environment is really too high for her.

"Let me experience the freezing cold just now, and now bring me to such a beautiful room, Amu De, what kind of tricks are you playing?"

Ling Muer's hands were tied, but her innate aura did not look like a prisoner at all, but rather like an invited guest.

"This is the room where my mother and concubine lived, Ling Muer, is it enough to show how much I respect you? How about it, do you plan to give me your baby?"

Amu De said casually, as if the baby was not that important to him.

He strode to the soft bed beside him, and leaned on the side like an old man. Immediately, a maidservant brought tea and snacks.

Ling Mu'er couldn't help but sneered, "I'm afraid your brain was kicked by a donkey when you chased me just now, if my baby was given to you so easily, you still need to work hard to bring me to the Western Regions? "

"How do you know this is the Western Region?" Amud's eyes flashed with appreciation.

"The environment, climate, and their attire are not in the style of the Celestial Dynasty." Ling Mu'er blinked contemptuously with sharp eyes, "How long have I fainted?"

Amu De didn't speak, and stretched out five fingers.

"It usually takes half a month to travel from the Celestial Dynasty to the Western Regions. You are so quick and cherish the time." Ling Muer let out a cold snort through her nose.

"Put you in a wooden box and have been consigned all the way. You have been bumped and bumped. If I don't hurry up, I'm afraid you will be suffocated to death."

Amu De raised the corners of his lips, with an expression of 'I love you so much', which made Ling Mu'er feel sick.

"You conspired with Qin Ruochen, you not only damaged the reputation of me and King Xian, but also brought me here to make Shao Chen worry. Now, the Heavenly Dynasty must be in chaos, Amu De, have you ever thought about your end?"

"Hey, let me declare first that I did not take part in the matter of damaging the reputation of you and King Xian. It was all Qin Ruochen's trick." Amu De spread his hands and shrugged innocently, "Just now I have As I said, I saved you in this matter. Qin Ruochen wanted to murder you and King Xian, but I showed up in time to take you away, not only saved you, but also King Xian, shouldn’t you thank me ?”

"Shao Chen learned that I'm missing, and that the virtuous king is being tricked by you again. The capital must be in chaos at this moment. If Qin Ruochen has other plans, Shao Chen is afraid..." Ling Muer took a deep breath, not daring to think about it.

Moreover, she fainted for five days. Shao Chen didn't know if he had found out that she had been taken away from the Celestial Dynasty, and he didn't know if he would know that she was in the Western Regions.

And who is that night man?

"Even if you lock me up here for the rest of your life, I won't give you what you want, and Shao Chen will find this place soon, so you just wait for another war between the Celestial Dynasty and the Western Regions."

After Ling Mu'er finished speaking, she no longer looked at Amu De, since she has already been tied up anyway, so it's better to be at ease now that he's here.

Her legs were not bound, and when everyone thought she was going to escape, she walked to the soft couch opposite Amu De and lay down comfortably. As if she felt that it was not comfortable enough, she stared at the opposite side with wide eyes The maidservant said, "Make me a cup of tea, and bring me a blanket, I'm cold."

After going through the freezing cold, she only felt that her whole body was completely cold. No matter how warm she was in the room, she didn't feel comfortable at all.

The maid was taken aback, she didn't expect the imprisoned hostage to be so arrogant, and she looked at the second prince uncertainly.

After receiving the look in the eyes of the second prince, the maid unwillingly took what Ling Muer wanted.

"You're quite obedient." Ling Mu'er gave the maid a thankful look, took a sip of tea, covered her with a blanket, and closed her eyes very comfortably, where did she look like a prisoner?

"You will enjoy it?" Amu De snorted,

"Since you like this place so much, then you can live well, and I will come to see you some other day."

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped, "Oh, by the way, Su Ce divorced Yaoyao, which is tantamount to giving up the marriage between the Western Regions and the Celestial Dynasty. It should be me in the Western Regions to crusade against the Celestial Dynasty. Just take care, the person you care about will fall into my hands again."

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