"Let my family Cheng'er go, King Xian, you are a cold-blooded butcher, you are a woman who is undisciplined and colluded with others, what right do you have to arrest innocent children, he is only a five-year-old child, how can he stand Torture in your palace of the virtuous king? Su Ce, you cold-blooded Hades, if you don't let me go today, I will die at the gate of the mansion of the virtuous king."

"Give me back my husband, what did my husband do wrong and the Xian Wangfu wanted him to be arrested? What did you do to him? Don't hurt my husband, otherwise, I will report to the officials, I will report to the palace!"

"I beg the virtuous king to do me a favor and let my family go. They just watched the show and didn't spread rumors. We poor people can't stand such torture. I beg the virtuous king to be merciful..."

A louder cry came from outside the gate of the mansion, either accusing, threatening, crying, hysterical, all kinds of voices, undoubtedly not accusing the virtuous king of cruelty.

Zitong sighed deeply, ordered the guards to keep guarding the gate of the house, then turned and went to the study.

"My lord, there are more and more people outside the mansion, all of them are here to beg for their family members, and the voices accusing you are getting louder and louder. The reputation of the Xianwang mansion is now ruined. My lord, why don't we let those people go?" " Zitong begged, seeing that the master's expression was not very good, he hurried to the desk.

"My son, how are you?"

Waving his hand, he signaled that he was fine. When Su Ce raised his head again, his face was as pale as paper, and his expression was full of powerlessness, "It's just a skin injury, it's not a problem. As for those people, they dared to humiliate Mu'er. He will chew his tongue indiscriminately, so don't let it go!"

"Young master!"

Zitong was in a hurry, "Women and children, old and young, as long as they were half-suspicious of humiliation, they were all taken back to the palace. Although we didn't punish them, whoever rumored that the young master was cruel and heartless, they were arrested and tortured. Now It is widely rumored among the common people that the young master is a cold-blooded butcher, and that the young master can't just think about the second prince and concubine, is it true that the young master's reputation is lost?"

"Shut up!" Su Ce scolded coldly, "To humiliate her is to humiliate me. Heh, I can't even get the person I want. What kind of reputation, what title, what's the use of caring so much?"

Su Ce took a deep breath, raised his head and leaned on the chair, but because of the pain of the wound, he began to cough violently.

Zitong hurriedly stepped forward to pat him on the back. Su Ce instinctively covered the corner of his lips with his arm. When his arm fell, the cuff was covered with blood.

"Young master! Zitong really can't figure it out. The second prince concubine cares about you, but that concern is only based on a friend. She only cares about the second prince in her heart. And you don't ask for anything in return for her. Why bother? You went to seek revenge on Amu De five days ago, but you were ambushed and injured all over your body. Does the second prince know? How can the second prince know? Now, for the reputation of the second prince, you have offended the people of the world and caused a lot of damage. Xianwang Mansion..."

Zitong really can't go on, son, why are you so stupid.

"Shut up."

Su Ce reprimanded him coldly again, but his tone and strength were clearly beyond his control.

Wiping the corners of his lips with a white handkerchief, he looked at the blood-stained sleeve with distaste, "Go, my king wants to take a bath, it's really uncomfortable to wear this dirty clothes, go arrange it."

"Yes, Zitong will go now, but regardless of whether the young master agrees or not, Zitong will also go to the imperial doctor to take a closer look for the young master. Even if the young master punishes me, he will punish me when Zitong comes back."

Even though he said this, he didn't hear the young master's objection for a long time, and Zitong hastily quickened his steps and rushed out of the room.

In the smoky room, the warm mist covered the huge pool. Su Ce leaned against the edge of the pool, revealing his hardcover upper body, but anyone with a discerning eye would be terrified by this sight.

I saw that his strong chest was full of scars.

Half new and half old, it hurts to look at it.

Five days ago, when he learned that Ling Mu'er had disappeared, he single-handedly rushed to the official post where Amu De lived after taking the medicine that could restrain Miqingsan.

Amu De hired dozens of quack killers to protect him. As he was extremely weak, he was seriously injured as expected.

In the end, Ling Mu'er's whereabouts have not been found yet.

"Why did you come back alone? Didn't you mean to go to the doctor?"

Hearing some noises, Su Ce didn't open his eyes, but frowned.

The visitor squeezed his fist, endured it for a while, and finally said helplessly, "There are twelve imperial doctors in the imperial hospital, but... none of them came to the Xianwang mansion to treat the son. When you saw the monster, you ordered all the imperial doctors to be arrested and threatened for three days, so..."

Zitong sighed in frustration, raised his eyes, and looked at Su Ce's eyes that he didn't know when to open. Although his heart was tight, he was still bold and bold, "Young master, don't you regret it? You have offended the second prince and concubine." The entire capital, and now even the imperial doctors are not coming to Prince Xian's mansion, you have to think twice!"

"Hmph, is it possible that those twelve old bastards can see a doctor?"

Su Ce sneered indifferently, only heard a 'crash', he got up from the pool, and immediately a servant came to change his clothes.

The beautiful clothes covered his wounds, as if no one knew he had been injured.

After soaking in hot water, Su Ce felt refreshed, but his complexion was still very pale.

"As long as it's related to her, I never regret it!"

When Su Ce walked past Zitong, he spoke very decisively.

Turning around and leaving the room, he walked in front, "Since the imperial doctor refuses to come, then go to the rivers and lakes to find a doctor to treat this king."

"Young master, don't bother. Zitong has already made up his mind to report the situation of the young master to the second prince. Zitong just thinks that the young master has done so many things for the second prince's mansion. The second prince has the right to know."

Zitong spoke faster and faster, and when she finished speaking, she lowered her head as if she had done something wrong.

Su Ce turned around quickly and was about to reprimand when the servant came to report and the second prince begged to see him.


Su Ce flicked his sleeves angrily. Although he didn't want to see anyone at the moment, he still came to the front hall.

Shangguan Shaochen and a plain-clothed man were standing in the front hall. The man was carrying a medicine box, so he knew his identity without guessing.

"It's the subordinate who disturbed the second prince because of his troubles. This king has taught him a lesson just now, but I'm really sorry for making the second prince come back."

Su Ce said as he walked, implying that he doesn't need the people brought by Shangguan Shaochen to heal his wounds, they can go back.

The stern Shangguan Shaochen frowned, and was about to ask him if he had really consulted someone? Spotting his slightly pale face from the corner of his eye, he curled his lips, "For the sake of Mu'er's reputation, King Xian once imprisoned all the rumormongers, resulting in no one in the imperial hospital willing to come to King Xian's mansion for treatment. At the head of the second prince's residence, the Xian Wang had no choice but to be implicated, and the Xian Wang was wronged."

He waved his hand and motioned for the doctor to come forward with the medicine box, "If you had already consulted someone, your face would not be so pale. Although Mu'er is not in the capital, if she was, she would never just sit and watch You were injured and no one asked for a doctor. Mr. Liu, the old doctor of the second prince's mansion, a trustworthy person."

He has already said this, if Su Ce refuses again, it will be senseless.

Seeing that the doctor was already standing beside him, Su Ce simply stepped back to the chair beside him, stretched out his long arms with a smile, and let the doctor feel his pulse.

"The internal injury is serious, the root is injured, and the five internal organs are slightly fluctuating. It must be diagnosed and treated immediately. The virtuous king..."

After the doctor took the pulse, he looked at King Xian in disbelief, but the other party still had an indifferent smile.

"Anyway, I can't die. Since you are someone the Second Prince can trust, this king will also trust you. You just need to see the diagnosis and treatment."

The doctor wanted to say something, but when he received Su Ce's threatening eyes, he swallowed his nervous words back into his throat, shook his head, and wrote down a prescription.

After he left, Su Ce crossed his legs and leaned on the backrest like an old man, "I am worried about the second prince, as you can see, this king has received medical treatment, this time you can leave with confidence, come and see off the guests .”

"This prince has just arrived, and he was driven away without saying anything. Isn't this the way a virtuous king should treat guests?"

Shangguan Shaochen not only did not leave, but imitated his appearance, swaggeringly sat on the chair opposite him, with an arrogant posture, as if he was the master here.

"Then I don't know what advice the second prince has?"

Seeing him take his seat, Su Ce was not unhappy. Instead, he gave the maid a wink and signaled her to make tea and entertain him.

"As far as I know, you haven't found Ling Mu'er's whereabouts yet, can you expand your search? Is there really no clue at all?"

Seeing Su Ce's nervousness, Shangguan Shaochen felt dissatisfied for a moment, but if Mu'er was around, he would definitely blame him for thinking too much.

"In the case of Mu'er's disappearance, you and I know who did it, but there is no evidence. But I'm sure she's no longer in the capital." Shangguan Shaochen sighed dejectedly, "Su Ce, you are Mu'er's friend, so why are you with me? No? You have helped me in the second prince's residence many times, and the favor I owe you can no longer be repaid. I know that you have long regarded Mu'er as a family member. Mu'er disappeared, and he disappeared in your other courtyard. Very anxious, but you're taking it too far."

Shangguan Shaochen's expression became more serious, "All those who spread rumors and cause troubles will be taken back to Prince Xian's Mansion by you. Although I know that you did not torture them, your actions have already caused chaos in the capital, and the people are panicked. Tomorrow, your Xianwang mansion will be broken into by those people. Su Ce, let them go!"

"It's okay for them to humiliate me, but if they humiliate your woman, even you have to spare them?"

Su Ce's original good mood was completely annoyed, "Do you know what they said, Ling Muer has not been found yet, but once she comes back, those people's saliva alone can drown her. Shangguan Shao Chen, I know that you asked me to let them go because you didn't want the capital to fall into chaos. You are the second prince, the future prince, and the future prince, but let me ask you, is it important for you to be a woman or power? "

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