Ling Mu'er was really curious about who designed and built the royal palaces in the Western Regions. She didn't know how long she had walked, but she just felt like following Amu De around and around, passing through countless palaces, and passing by The secret room corridor and so on, finally came to a very secret place.

"Hush, father is sleeping, let's go this way, don't make a sound."

Amu De put his index finger in the center of his lips, and reminded Ling Mu'er carefully, after speaking, he took the lead to walk in front, his steps were light and cautious,

Ling Mu'er stretched her neck, looked diagonally across, and there was a figure clearly visible behind the screen, that is the King of the Western Regions?

It was rumored that the king of the Western Regions had been ill for a long time, and everything about the palace of the Western Regions had long been handed over to the eldest prince. Who would have expected him to be so ill that he didn't even know that his bedroom was broken into.

Just when Ling Mu'er was curious, Amu De had already led her to a bookshelf. He didn't know where he pressed it, and saw that the bookshelf, which had no flaws as a whole, suddenly broke open from the middle, revealing a short secret door in the middle.

"After all, I am the second concubine of the Celestial Dynasty. If you open the secret room in front of me so recklessly, you are not afraid that I will steal the treasure inside?" Ling Mu'er sneered.

"That depends on whether you have the ability."

Amu De lowered his voice, and after the secret door was completely opened, he bowed his body and walked in first.

Seeing that Ling Muer didn't keep up, he popped his head out again with difficulty, "Why, are you afraid of death?"

"I'm a little scared, but anyway, you died before me."

Holding her skirt, Ling Mu'er hurriedly followed, but she didn't know what kind of device was installed on the secret door. After she entered, the secret door suddenly closed automatically. She was very sure that Amu De didn't press any mechanism.

"Looking at the structure of this castle, it should have been built in recent years. I really don't know who is the designer and craftsman who built the palace for you in the Western Regions. How could it be so exquisite?" Ling Mu'er was really curious and admired.

"Well, I agree with you on this point. This designer is indeed powerful, but according to what my father said, she is a very delicate woman."

Amu De turned his head back, his eyes inadvertently revealed a bit of admiration when he spoke.

"Woman?" Ling Mu'er became even more curious, "You haven't seen it either?"

"It seems that you don't know this prince well enough." Amu De sighed sadly, "This prince has been unpopular since he was born, how could the unloved prince know so many secrets! I just I know, this palace was built thirty years ago, how about it, can’t tell, does it seem to be built in recent years? It’s enough to show how powerful this female craftsman is.”

Amu De spread his hands, showing his surroundings very proudly, and when they walked by, the dark corridor gradually lit up with candles, yes, it automatically lit up again.

Who is this woman who can build castles? Why are you so powerful?

"Thirty years ago, when the king of the Western Regions was in his prime, he should have met that woman, but to be able to invite such a wonderful person, it seems that we have a strong friendship." Ling Muer felt that if it wasn't for the national flower If it was very important to her, she really wanted to rush out and ask the king of the Western Regions who this woman was and if he could introduce her to him.

"No, you're wrong about that."

Amu De stopped suddenly. At this moment, the two seemed to be no longer enemies, but friends with the same goal. When discussing this mysterious person, they were very tacit and friendly.

"Although I was not born at that time, I heard later that this woman lost a bet to the father, and the father imprisoned her and forced her to build a castle! But obviously, the ending did not disappoint the father. The woman is indeed a very wonderful person."

Hearing this, Ling Muer became even more curious.

Not to mention that women in ancient times had to abide by the three obediences and four virtues, and did not step out of the gate. Even if some capable ones could be self-reliant, but relying on her own strength to build such a wonderful palace, she is absolutely extraordinary! And if he can achieve such an achievement while being coerced and detained, then this person is simply a god-man.

"Sure enough, like father like son, you Western Regions are good at detention and coercion, which is really eye-opening." Ling Mu'er snorted coldly.

Amu De originally wanted to say something, but he opened his lips and held back. He smiled and shook his head, "Whatever you say, you are now my prisoner. Oh yes, I suddenly had a wonderful idea, I am Shouldn't I follow the example of my father and imprison you, maybe you can bring me any surprises?"

Ling Muer could see the seriousness in Amu De's eyes, and she was sure that his thoughts were definitely not a joke.

Ling Muer tensed up all over immediately, and glared at him guardedly, "Didn't you already do this, but unfortunately, I don't have that woman's brilliant idea, nor is she as well-behaved, if I was detained and threatened, I would help you." Keep doing things, if you imitate your father, then there are only two consequences..."

Ling Muer paused, "I die. Or, you die."

Seeing her glance at him arrogantly, Amu De was rarely angry, but walked in front of her, spread his five fingers and placed them in the center of the stone door. Just when Ling Muer was curious about what kind of surprised scene he would see, suddenly came a message from behind. There is a noise.

She immediately looked back, only to see another door appeared on the seemingly ordinary wall behind her, and colorful lights gradually glowed in the crack of the door.

"Didn't you want to know what the national flower looks like? You have an incense stick of time to look carefully."

Amu De's voice appeared in her ears, making her itchy and uncomfortable.

Ling Muer distanced himself from him, glanced at him again with disdain, and walked cautiously into the secret room.

She was stunned by everything in front of her eyes.

"My God, this is the national flower of the Western Regions?"

Seeing that her open mouth could be stuffed with an egg, Amud looked at her with a smile like a clown, "I thought you were a person who was used to storms, but I didn't expect you to be so."

Ling Muer ignored his ridicule.

Put away the red lips, and look around, there is no shelter, a national flower with colorful rays of light just grows on the ground against the wall, and the surrounding, no, is the whole secret room, except for this national flower Nothing at all!

There is no hidden weapon, no shelter, it just grows freely, allowing its vines to climb on the wall.

"No, how can a plant survive in a secret room? Plants need sunlight, air and water, and the conditions here are not met at all. Amu De, what tricks are you playing?" Ling Muer quickly realized that something was wrong. .

This secret room is behind the bookshelf of the King's bedroom in the Western Regions. You need to walk through a long corridor of about three meters, and you can only enter after opening the mechanism. It is obviously stored here deliberately.

It is not only dark here, but also surrounded by bare walls. How did the plants climb up? And there is no light source here. Could it be that someone comes in to water every day?

Looking down, Ling Muer was even more stunned, because this flower didn't grow in the wet soil at all, but in the water.

"Otherwise, how could it be called the national flower of the Western Regions?"

Amu De's evil voice came, and it was an answer to her question just now.

Seeing Ling Mu'er's surprised look, he wasn't surprised at all, "This prince was also in the same state when he saw the national flower for the first time, but what you see is true. The national flower blooms once every ten years, and it bears fruit after blooming." , one plant at a time, one fruit per plant. Just take out the immature fruit in the flower and take it, it can regulate the meridians and blood vessels of the human body. And the time until the next flowering and fruiting is just at the end of next month."

Hearing this, Ling Muer was very excited, but also very melancholy.

This means that she will stay in the Western Regions for a full month.

"You lied to me, last time you clearly said..."

"Otherwise, why would you yearn to come to the Western Regions?" Amu De sideways, dodged her silver needle attack, saw Ling Mu'er suddenly rushing towards the national flower at a very fast speed, not only did he not stop him, but also wrapped his arms around her. Chest, as if watching a show.

What shocked Ling Muer again was that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get close to the national flower. There was clearly nothing in front of her, but it was like a transparent barrier blocking her out.

Moreover, in this secret room, she couldn't even enter the space!

This is so strange.

"how so?"

Ling Muer looked back and saw Amu De's state, and realized why he didn't rush over to stop him, "What is the secret of the national flower of the Western Regions?"

Listening to her questioning, Amu De stretched his arms and shrugged meaninglessly, "You ask me, how do I know? You want to see the national flower, and I have brought you here. What do I want?"

Looking at the hand stretched out in front of Amu'er, Ling Muer really wanted to chop off his prosthetic limb, "Give me the national flower, so that I can give you what you want, but I can't touch the national flower at all right now. What gave you the baby?"

"Don't say it so grandiosely, if I give you the national flower, you will really give me the treasure? I look so playful?"

Amu De suddenly rushed in front of her, and when he met her eyes, there was a soul-stirring evil fire in his eyes, Ling Mu'er looked away instinctively.

"If you don't try, how will you know if what I said is true? How can you get this national flower?"

The national flower in front of me not only grows in the water, but also grows very luxuriantly. The point is, it is full of colorful rays of light, and it is even more beautiful than Bai Lingxian.

On the green rhizomes, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, and among the leaves in the middle, there is a budding flower that is almost ready to come out.

It seems that Amu De didn't lie to her, the flower is indeed about to bloom, but she can't get it, and can't enter the space, how can she recuperate her body?

"If you have the ability, you can get it yourself, but if you don't have the ability, just hand over your treasure obediently. As long as you show your sincerity, I will naturally not treat you badly."

After Amu De finished speaking, he took a few steps back consciously, his eyes seemed to say, watching your performance.

Ling Mu'er was unwilling to use her mind again, but this time, she succeeded.

Amu De watched her freely shuttle in and out of the space, a pair of eyes showing a very greedy possessive desire.

But no matter how wide his eyes were, he couldn't see how Ling Muer moved her hands. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and had a bold idea.

"Is it true that you can only get your baby if you get it? Why don't I try?"

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