"If you dare to come over, I will die in front of you immediately!"

Ling Mu'er hurriedly covered her abdomen to prevent Amu De from approaching, and she was on guard all over, as if she would really kill herself with a knife if he got closer.

Amu De smiled, and the corners of his mouth were raised with a very happy look, "Ha, hahaha, it seems that I was right! I said, Shangguan Shaochen, a man, how could he bear it? As long as you are a woman, it turns out that there is still such a thing. layered reasons."

Seeing his smirk, Ling Muer just felt nauseous, "I don't allow you to humiliate Shao Chen's feelings for me! If you don't give my country flowers, you won't get my baby!"

The two fell into a stalemate instantly, and the originally quiet secret room became even quieter.

After a while, Amu De nodded, "You just disappeared four times and appeared four times. Although I tried my best to see clearly how you manipulated that mysterious baby, unfortunately, I still didn't see anything. , but I’m sure that you haven’t found the mechanism to enter here and the way to touch the national flower, am I wrong?”

Ling Mu'er didn't speak, and Amu De continued to raise his eyebrows, "There is only one whole month left before the national flower blooms and bears fruit. Since you are not in a hurry, then I will play with you to the end! You should think about it carefully, why are you willing to give me the baby? But let me remind you, you don't have much time, and I have plenty of time to play with you slowly!"

Leaving aside the words, Amu De has already turned around and left the secret room. Ling Muer tried to enter the space several times, but it was the same as before. People can enter the space, but the space cannot be moved. national flower.

What the hell was installed around here?

Who is the woman who built this castle?

Although very unwilling and frustrated, Ling Muer still exited the secret room.

Seeing Amu De's humble appearance, she snorted, "Shao Chen will come to rescue me soon, and when the time comes, you will be the one who will try to keep this national flower."

After leaving the words, she turned passive into active and walked ahead.

Her memory has always been very good, although she has only been here once, and although it is easy to get lost in the winding and winding palace of the Western Regions, she followed the way she came and walked out of the palace without turning a corner.

There were more people beside the carriage outside the city gate, and they seemed to be waiting for Amu De for a long time, and when they saw him come out, they rushed over and said something in his ear, and soon she saw Amu De's face change suddenly.

Amu De nodded and dismissed the guards, and then strode up to her, "I'll send you back, but you'd better not think about running away, this is the Western Region. I'm everywhere, I want to catch you You are as simple as trampling an ant to death. If you want to get the national flower, just obediently go back and think carefully, when you figure it out, I welcome you to come to me anytime!"

After leaving the words, he waved his long arm, and two guards came over to support her, one on the left and one on the right, and forced her into the carriage.

Before Ling Mu'er poked his head out to ask what happened, Amu De had already rode away on the steed that his subordinates had already prepared.

"What is she going to do? It seems that there is something very important." Ling Muer asked.

The coachman who was driving the horse was startled, but he didn't answer anything.

When they returned to the other courtyard, the two maidservants who were in charge of guarding Ling Mu'er had been waiting for a long time. Seeing her appear, they hurriedly took her arms from the guards. It seemed like a simple support, but their hands were hard, but it was Locked tightly, "Girl, go back to your room."

"What's the use of being so rude and gentle? You hold me up like this, can you give me wings and fly away?" Ling Mu'er broke free from the restraint of the two, "Myself will go."

Seeing her take the initiative to walk in front, and remembering what the master said just now, the two maids looked at each other, grinned unwillingly, but had to follow behind to serve.

Her mind is full of the national flowers of the Western Regions, as long as she closes her eyes, that colorful light will appear in front of her eyes, which makes Ling Muer never forget it.

Ling Mu'er, who was lying on the soft couch, couldn't fall asleep no matter what, she simply got up and knocked on the closed door, "I can't sleep, you two come in and chat with me."

"Girl, it's already three o'clock." The voice of the servant girl came from outside the door, obviously very unhappy.

"Before Amu De left, you should obey my orders in addition to guarding me. I'm not going to eat you, I'm just talking. Why, I want me to tell him the next time I see him. Report it truthfully?"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a 'squeak', the door opened, and two maidservants walked in one after another.

The one on the left was yawning with a sleepy look on her face, while the one on the right had her eyes wide open, looking at her like an enemy.

"I don't owe you any money, why are you looking at me so murderously, wanting to kill me so much?" Ling Muer provoked her deliberately.

That's right, she has never been a person who makes things difficult for her subordinates, but the enemy's subordinates are not necessarily the same, and these two people watch over her all the time, and even report to Amu De when she goes to the latrine. There is no need to be polite to them.

"Young lady is an honored guest brought by the second prince, I dare not!" The maid gritted her teeth, lowered her head, and simply did not look into her eyes.

"Oh, I don't know where Amu De got the two girls, they are quite powerful." Ling Mu'er nodded and patted her side, "Come and sit?"

"Slaves don't dare!" He continued to grit his teeth and continued to ignore her.

Ling Mu'er nodded, and she didn't make it difficult at all, "We are all women, I don't want to make things difficult for you, but you make things difficult for me everywhere, don't think I don't know, you poisoned the water I drank and the food I ate Poisoned, and even put poisonous insects on the clothes I was wearing!"

As she spoke slowly, she saw the eyes of the two maidservants staring in astonishment, while the one on the left was obviously timid, and her eyes already showed horror.

"Don't worry, I didn't report these things to your masters, but I think that if I tell the truth, your fate will be miserable!"

Hearing this, the timid servant girl hurriedly knelt on the ground, "I beg your life, girl, this is not our idea, this..."

"Get up!" The bolder maid beside her roughly pulled her companion up, and looked at Ling Mu'er again, her chin was raised proudly, "You are just a captive captured by the master, so why are you arrogant, as long as you One word from the master, you will die here at any time! You are only of great use to the master, so he let us serve you with good food and drink, but it does not mean that you are our master!"

"Of course I'm not your master!"

Ling Mu'er stood up slowly, walked in front of her, seemed to be casually grabbing her wrist, but in a corner where no one else could see, she exerted force with her thumb and index finger.

The maidservant snorted, and when she raised her eyes in surprise, she smiled softly and said, "But I am the one who controls your life and death!"

"You, what did you do to me!"

The maid clutched tightly at the wrist she had grabbed, and saw that it became dark at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was obviously a sign of poisoning. She hurriedly picked up the dagger and was about to cut the surface skin.

The silver needle flew out from Ling Mu'er's hand, and she knocked down the dagger lightly, "I can't tell, but you're still very strong, wanting to cut your wrist with the dagger and force the poison out? Ordinary girls can't do this, but you are so ruthless." Make up your mind?"

Ling Muer admired it, and had to admit that this girl's courage made her admire, "Forget it, I won't make things difficult for you."

After handing over the antidote for a moment, seeing the maid took the pill unpreparedly, she quickly grabbed her jaw with lightning speed, "Say, what is Amu De up to lately? Why did he leave suddenly today? ? Since he is an unfavored prince, why does he have a pivotal position in the Western Regions? Also, how much do you know about the national flower!"

The servant girl's eyes were filled with anger, but she tried to struggle a few times, but because of the poison just now, she was completely powerless.

Looking at the blue medicine bottle in her hand, she realized that there was something wrong with the pill she took just now. The servant girl hated her very much, "Kill me if you have the ability..."

"Okay, I will fulfill you."

As Ling Mu'er spoke, her wrists continued to exert force, and the maidservant's originally calm face gradually turned livid, and even pale.

"No, girl, don't kill her!"

The timid maid hurriedly grabbed Ling Mu'er's sleeve and said, "Young lady seems to be a kind-hearted person, how could you do such a cruel act? Miss, you have to do good for the child in your womb, don't you?" ? Let us go, we are also obeying the second prince's order, and we are forced to do so."

Seeing the scared and nervous look of the timid servant girl, Ling Muer not only did not let go, but instead smiled and looked at her innocently, "Since you are so nervous about her, then you can tell her, but I will tell you You, if you hide half a sentence or don't say it, she will die in front of you immediately!"

Ling Mu'er asked herself that she was never a good man and a faithful woman, and she would use some extraordinary means when necessary.

Seeing that the maid fell to the ground suddenly in fright, she exerted force with her hands, and the maid's throat began to neigh.

"I said, can I say it's okay?" The cowardly maid nodded hurriedly, "The second prince hasn't returned to the Western Regions for a long time, so there are naturally many things to deal with, and our king's recent illness has already caused him to be unable to deal with state affairs. There are many people in the Western Regions. The matter cannot be solved by the first prince alone, so the second prince is needed to help! As for why the second prince is reused on the Internet, how would we slaves know? The slaves only know that the second prince is very powerful. The first prince should be afraid of him. Although the first prince is the future heir of the Western Regions, the second prince doesn't seem to want him to be in the position. He is probably busy with these things. As for the national flower..."

The maid shook her head, "How can we and other lowly maids be able to see such miraculous things? We don't even know what the national flower looks like, so how can we answer your question. Girl, can you let her go? "

Ling Muer let go, and the controlled servant girl suddenly fell to the ground. After coughing violently, she looked at her companion complainingly, "Why are you talking so much to her?"

Suddenly, she took out the dagger in her boot and was about to stab Ling Muer, "Bitch, I'll kill you!"

It's a pity that before her people could get close, her body was already weak and fell to the ground, "You, what did you eat for me just now?"

"If your companion hadn't interceded for you, you would have died when you assassinated me."

Ling Mu'er flicked her sleeves, and replied again, "You are all sent by Amu De to monitor me. As long as you don't do anything excessive, I will naturally not make things difficult for you."

Thanking the maid who answered her truthfully, Ling Muer began to fall into deep thought.

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