The king of the Western Regions is dead, and Amu De is not in the palace. Although the magnificent castle of the Western Regions Palace is heavily guarded, it still cannot stop the wonderful lightness of the Oriental Sparrow.

When they came to the secret room where the national flower was stored again, both of them felt very heavy.

"Don't hide it, you can always conjure a lot of incredible things by surprise. Obviously, there are some secrets hidden in you. If I'm not wrong, it's because of this that Amu De has always been polite to you , then you try to find a way to see if you can put this national flower in your treasure, and I try to find a way to open it, and we will split up."

The oriental sparrow had a serious face and spoke very fast. After finishing speaking, it began to look around.

This secret room seems small, but the surrounding area is bare, and the area visible to the naked eye is nothing special. Most people will definitely say: How can there be a mechanism here?

But Ling Mu'er knew that Dongfang Que was not an ordinary person, he was extremely intelligent and courageous, maybe he could really find him.

"Be careful."

She reminded that, regardless of other things, Dongfang Que had already seen her disappear in an instant, so she stopped hiding and generously displayed the mysterious "invisibility technique" in the secret room.

Although Dongfang Que felt very shocked once again when a big living person disappeared under his nose, but he knew that now was not the time to ask the secret.

After marveling for a moment, he immediately got busy, groping the bare wall with both hands, trying to find any clues, but not only the wall was bare, but the ground was also very bare, let alone switches and the like, any doubts were beyond doubt. No.

At this moment, Ling Muer was already hiding in the space. She carefully looked at the national flower, trying to move the space, but no matter how hard she tried, the space was blocked when she was almost close to the national flower.

"Strange, it seems that there is nothing, but why is there a virtual wall protecting it?" Ling Mu'er really couldn't figure it out.

"So this is where the magic lies. It seems that this craftsman is indeed unfathomable. We must hurry up."

The Oriental Sparrow looked at her and changed direction again. If there is nothing around, it doesn't mean there is nothing in the sky.

He began to raise his head to observe the top carefully, and sure enough, he found something strange.

"Ling Muer!"

"What's the matter, did you find any doubts?"

"What do you think that is?" Dong Fangque pointed to the top of his head.

The entire secret room is gray-black in color, whether it is the surrounding walls or the top of the head, they are all in the same color system, and ordinary people will not easily notice that there seems to be a slightly darker black spot in the gap between the bricks and tiles in the middle of the head.

"If you don't look carefully, you really can't see any clues, but such a small dot, could it be a mechanism?" Obviously, Ling Muer also found something unusual.

"Isn't it? Try it and you'll know."

As the sparrow spoke, it raised its breath and flew up, but because the surrounding walls were very smooth, there was no place for his toes to support. After several failures, he finally touched the seemingly invisible black spot lightly with his fingertips.

Just listen to 'click'.

Ling Muer and Dongfang Que looked back one after another. Although they still couldn't see anything with their naked eyes, when Ling Muer tentatively stretched out her hand, she found that her arm touched the national flower intentionally or unintentionally.

"Dongfang Sparrow, you are amazing!"

Ling Muer exclaimed, he actually found the mechanism to open it!

It was too late and then fast, she stepped up and was about to walk over, but she seemed to touch something again under her feet, and only heard a "ding", and the bricks and tiles under her feet, which had no visible flaws, suddenly split to both sides, and Her body also fell down for no reason.


Ling Mu'er screamed, trying to hide in the space to ensure that her body would not be injured, but Dongfang Que was already a step ahead of her and jumped down.

"Ling Muer!"

Dongfang Que called out nervously, regardless of whether it was an abyss below or many hidden weapons, he tried his best to get behind Ling Muer as quickly as possible, only to see him forcefully throw Ling Muer high into the sky Go, when her body turned completely, he held her ankle tightly and let her fall to the ground smoothly. But to do this, he must have a close contact with the ground.


With a loud noise, Dongfang Que's body fell heavily to the ground, and because Ling Mu'er was taken special care of him, her feet were a little numb, but her body was standing beside him intact.

"Are you OK!"

Ling Mu'er was extremely nervous, she didn't care about patrolling the surroundings, and hurriedly helped him up, "Are you injured?"

It was a coincidence that he hit the place, there was a brocade box just below it, and a corner of the brocade box hit the back of his head, and soon blood oozed out again.


Ling Mu'er acted like a conjurer, suddenly there was a bottle of clean water in his hand, just as Dongfang Que wanted to ask what it was, she saw that she poured clean water down the wound on the back of his head.

"Phew~" It was so painful and refreshing that Dongfang Que couldn't help but exclaim, "What is this, why does it make me feel refreshed, but very soothing?"

As a doctor, what he can't stand the most is that someone with better medical skills than you has developed pharmacology that you have never seen before.

"Colorless and odorless, it looks like ordinary purified water, but why does it have the effect of analgesia and repair? Ling Muer, what is this?" Dongfang Que is really a miracle, but damn it, he can't tell this thing apart source.

"You're right, I have a mysterious treasure in my hand, and this spring water is not researched by me, but formed freely in the treasure, so I can't understand why it is so powerful."

Ling Muer's tone was very sincere, she just didn't want Dongfang Que to misunderstand that she was hiding something and refused to tell him.

"Forget it, trust you."

He struggled to get up from the ground. Although his lower back was injured when he fell down, he could still bear the pain, so he didn't mention it. Instead, he looked at Ling Muer nervously, "Are you okay? I'm pregnant. If you suddenly fall from a high altitude, it is likely to hurt you and the child in your belly, so just now I chose to use this method to ensure your safe landing out of helplessness, don't mind."

Ling Muer knew that he was referring to touching her ankle,

Sure enough, the ancients were conservative in their thinking, but she was moved by this thoughtfulness and subtlety.

"You saved me again." Ling Muer said sincerely, "Thank you!"

"If you can get out alive, think about how to thank me."

Dongfang Que began to look around with sharp eyes, "I didn't expect that there was a secret room in the secret room, and when we fell, the seal of the secret room was automatically closed. If we want to escape, we must find a new mechanism. "

Ling Mu'er was a little frustrated, "Although I admire the craftsman's ability, but there are so many secret rooms hidden in the king's bedroom, what exactly does she want to do?"

"There are some simple daily necessities around here. It seems that someone has lived there. If I guess correctly, this is probably the place where the King of the Western Regions imprisoned the builder." Dongfang Que boldly guessed.

Looking around, this place is very big, half the size of the dormitory.

There are tables, chairs and benches around, and a simple bed. There are some unknown things in the corner, whose origins cannot be seen, but the most curious thing is that there is a large desktop on the side of the wall and the bookshelf behind it.

"It seems that the people who were once imprisoned here really like to recite poems and paint."

"That's not necessarily the case," Ling Muer disagreed with Dongfang Que's words, "In case your guess just now is correct, this person was imprisoned by the king of the Western Regions to design the design of the Western Region Palace."

"Well, it's not unreasonable, but guessing is guessing after all, it's important that we go out first."

Ling Mu'er nodded, agreeing with his words, and the two of them split up and acted again with a tacit understanding.

They are trapped here for one second, and they are in danger for one more second. God knows when Amu De will go to another hospital. They haven't got the national flower yet. What if they can't find an exit?

Ling Mu'er felt scared when she thought about it, "The air here doesn't circulate at all, not to mention if things go on like this for a long time, we'll both be suffocated here in just one day and one night, it seems we have to hurry up."

Dongfang Que paused, he didn't feel any discomfort in breathing, and was about to ask her if there was any discomfort, but after thinking about it, she was still pregnant and belonged to two people, so she was naturally different from ordinary people.

"Don't worry, there is no organ in this world that I can't find."

The Oriental sparrow believed in itself, and the search became faster and faster.

"Oriental sparrow, look what this is!"

While talking, Ling Muer threw something at him.

Dongfang Que turned sideways, stretched out her hand, and precisely borrowed the object she threw over. After a closer look, she was shocked.

"Medicine King Valley Anti-drug integration?"

An old dilapidated ancient book, it looks quite old, many pages have been destroyed, but the words on the top are clear, it comes from the Valley of the Medicine King!

"The ancestor is indeed related to the king of the Western Regions!"

The Oriental sparrow made a final decision, and its mood was very out of control.

"But according to what you said, the ancestor of Medicine King Valley didn't take half a step out of Medicine King Valley, so why did she come to the Western Regions? And since she is so powerful, why was she captured and coerced by the King of the Western Regions?"

Ling Mu'er couldn't figure it out, she had a big doubt in her heart.

But this book clearly says Medicine King Valley, that is the stuff of Medicine King Valley, I still remember that Dongfang Que once showed her the collection of medicine from Medicine King Valley, and this book is exactly the opposite of that one, it is about developing poison recipe.

It is so precious, did it drop by accident?

"I only know that the master had a secret that was unknown back then."

Dongfang Que's gaze gradually became distant and long, "I heard this from my master accidentally when I was young. It turns out that the master is not only good at medicine, but also very shocking in poison. The two wonderful books with Yaowanggu Yudu integration are left to the descendants of Yaowanggu, which can be regarded as the secret treasure of Yaowanggu. It is a pity that when the ancestor was young, the Yaowanggu Yudu collection was stolen because of a love affair. The master once suspected that the person who stole the book was the lover who was forced to separate from the master, but the master knew who that person was, but he did not pursue it, and even since then, he has not been infected with poison!"

Dongfang Que's vision gradually became clear. Looking at the anti-poison collection of the ancient Medicine King Valley in his hand, a layer of anger gradually gathered in his eyes, "Why is the lost treasure of the Medicine King Valley in the Western Region Palace? Master Dinghe The king of the Western Regions has an incomprehensible origin!"

"Could it be that the king of the Western Regions was the former lover of Master Yao Wanggu?" Ling Muer boldly guessed, and suddenly a layer of goose bumps appeared all over her body.

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