If her guess is true, then this king of the Western Regions is too terrifying. He actually imprisoned the woman he admired, and even forced her to build a city for him!

No wonder such a powerful woman would allow others to threaten her without resisting. Perhaps, she was willing?

But why did the King of the Western Regions steal the Medicine King Valley Anti-Drug Integration? Ling Mu'er suddenly thought of Amu Delai. Could it be that his extraordinary poison technique came from the lost book of Medicine King Valley Anti-Poison Collection?

Shaking her head, many questions lingered in her mind, Ling Mu'er suddenly felt that even one brain was not enough.

"It's a pity that the king of the Western Regions is dead, otherwise I will be able to ask something. But what I am most curious about now is your ancestor."

Ling Muer took a deep breath, "What kind of powerful woman is this?"

She was still fantasizing about what Master Yaowanggu might have looked like in her mind, and then she heard Dongfang Que say.

"I thought, I might know."

Ling Muer raised her head hastily, and saw that Dongfang Que had found a calligraphy and painting somewhere.

She immediately leaned over, only to see Dongfang Sparrow hid it mysteriously.

"Why don't you let me see it?"

"Are you sure you want to see it?"


Dongfang Que hesitated, putting his hands behind his back, not knowing whether to take them out or not, in the end Ling Muer couldn't bear it anymore, and grabbed them rudely.

When she opened it, she was shocked.

"Can I pretend I didn't see it?"


Dongfang Que resolutely refused her request, and seeing Ling Muer's pale face, he held her shoulders tightly with both hands, "Ling Muer, tell me what's going on."

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Breaking free from his confinement, Ling Muer seemed to be ready, she opened the calligraphy and painting again, and looked at the face of the woman above.

Yes, exactly like her.

She never expected that the most curious woman in her heart had the exact same face as hers.

So who is she?

She was sure and sure, before and after her rebirth, her face did not change. So she has been wondering about one thing, could she be reborn on the real Ling Muer because she looks the same?

Then why did the master of Yaowang Valley come to join in the fun?

If it wasn't for her rebirth, the real Ling Mu'er would have died in Lingjia Village long ago. What secret is hidden here?

"Maybe it's just that they look similar. After all, it's a painting. How could it be exactly the same?"

Fearing that Ling Mu'er's illness would be affected by this painting, Dongfang Que hurriedly comforted her, and took the scroll away from her hand, "It's important that we find the exit first."

Kacha, after a loud noise, a dazzling light suddenly came from above the head.

Ling Muer and Dongfang Que instinctively raised their arms to block the light, but at this moment a figure suddenly jumped down from above.

No matter how fast Dongfang Sparrow reacted, the sword in Amu De's hand was still pointed at the chests of the two of them.

"You two are so brave!"

His whole body was covered with menacing cold air, his eyes were bloodthirsty and scarlet, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently after being injured, obviously very angry.

Ling Mu'er secretly tugged at the corner of Dongfang Que's clothes, signaling him not to reveal her identity, and looking at Amu De again, she immediately pretended to be afraid, and protected Dongfang Que behind her, "It's all my idea, you are not allowed to hurt he!"

"It's hard to protect yourself, and you still want to protect others?"

Seeing Ling Muer like this, Amu De became even more angry, he shifted the tip of his sword, and immediately pointed it at Dongfang Que, who was disguised as a woman.

"Sparrow?" Amu De sneered, "It's really a bird that makes people worry. Tell me, who are you!"

I'm afraid that Amu De will see through the identity of Dongfang Que. After all, everything here is inextricably related to Yaowanggu, and they don't know how much Amu De knows.

"The sparrow is from your Western Regions, and it was your people who stuffed me around. How do you know that he was not influenced by my kindness?" Ling Muer asked back, trying to confuse Amu De's attention.

"Are you kind?" Amu De only felt ironic, "When I taught Abi, why didn't I see you stand up for her? Amutuo wanted you to kill me, why didn't I see you pretending to be confused? It was you, you deliberately put Amutuo's The intention is to tell me that it is to pay me to go to him to settle accounts, and then come here to steal the national flower, you thief!"

"If I'm a thief, I don't know what Prince Amu is? You brought me from the Celestial Dynasty to the Western Regions without my consent. Why can't I learn your methods? Steal? You are stealing people, and I am just stealing things. You don’t need to be beheaded for stealing things in the Western Regions, do you?”

As Ling Muer said, she pinched the tip of his sword with her fingertips, trying to take the opportunity to take away his sword. But Amu De, who was burning with anger, thought that she was going to take away his sword to deal with him, so he acted first, turned his wrist slightly, held up the sword, and stabbed at him.


Seeing that Ling Muer was in danger, Dongfang Que knew he shouldn't reveal his identity, but he couldn't bear to see her get hurt.

The wind under his feet rushed in front of Ling Mu'er, hooked her waist and flew to take her away.

Unfortunately, no matter how many moves he made, the two of them still couldn't escape the secret room without finding the switch. Also exposed.

"What a wonderful light work!"

Amu De was very amazed, and when he looked at Dongfang Sparrow again, his eyes showed a dangerous light, "Although I don't know who you are, you are dead!"

It was too late and then it was too fast, Amu De suddenly stabbed at Dongfang Que with 50% of his internal strength.

Now that his identity has been revealed, no matter how stupid he is, he can't fool anyone. Dongfang Que has to protect Ling Mu'er while fighting against Amu De. He who only knows light work but not martial arts is gradually defeated.

"Amu De, you are crazy!" Ling Mu'er yelled, wanting him to stop.

It's a pity that a man with red eyes can't listen to anything at this time.

I don't know what happened between him and Amutuo. In short, he had minor injuries on the corners of his mouth and arms, and he had trouble breathing, obviously suffering from internal injuries.

But even so, a pregnant woman and a person who can only do light work are still not his opponents.

"Why are you yelling at him? Will you let you go if you yell at him?"

Dongfang Sparrow has begun to struggle gradually, "Since I have made a move, I will never let you get hurt, but this guy's moves are deadly. It is not a solution for us to just defend and not attack."

His face turned ashen, and his sharp eyes kept looking around while dodging. Unfortunately, they still haven't found the secret door of the secret room, and it is impossible to escape.

"Ling Muer, don't you always hide? Hurry up, do you want to die!"

"Then what do you do?" Ling Mu'er had actually thought about hiding in the space a long time ago, but she had tried secretly just now, and she couldn't bring Dongfang Que in at all.

This person who gave her life to protect her, how could she abandon him at the most critical moment?

"Leave me alone, the child in your womb is important, don't let the unworthy person hurt your most precious thing." Dongfang Que spoke faster and faster.

Ling Mu'er doesn't know what kind of blessings she has accumulated in her previous life, that she can make so many kind and righteous friends in this life.

It's only a few encounters with the oriental sparrow.

"No, you came for me, I can't leave you alone!" Ling Muer refused decisively.

She patted Jian Ou of Dongfang Que, signaling her to temporarily stop the dodging light kungfu, and gestured with her hands in a close combat posture, "Amu De, what is it to bully someone who doesn't know martial arts? If you have the ability to fight me One, let's have a real contest today!"

"just you?"

Amu De obviously didn't take her seriously, "You are really challenging my patience. You know that I can't bear to do anything to you, but you deliberately provoke me! If you want to die like this, I will help you!"

Seeing his lingering movements suddenly struck, although Ling Mu'er was uncertain, she still turned into a ghost, planning to fight him to the death. It's a pity that this man was born with a sinister nature, and he was obviously coming towards her, but he turned suddenly at his feet, and attacked Dongfang Que with his palm.

"Despicable and shameless!"

Hurriedly hiding in the space, taking advantage of the rapid movement of the space, Ling Muer rushed to Dongfang Que, originally intending to take him away, but unfortunately it was a step too late.

She got a hard slap on the shoulder.


A mouthful of blood sprayed out, Ling Muer looked at the injured shoulder in surprise, sure enough, there was a poisonous needle on it.

"Ling Muer!"

Dongfang Que hurriedly supported her falling body. Looking at the wound on her shoulder, he immediately groped for her pocket.

Dressed in women's clothes, where are the extra pockets for him to hide medicine?

By the way, Ling Muer has it, she can always transform many things unexpectedly.

He hurriedly fumbled for the pocket on her waist, "Where is the medicine? Where is your medicine? Aren't you able to conjure many rare treasures at any time? Quick, take it out and I will detoxify you."

Ling Mu'er held down his hand, signaling him not to get excited.

Look at the same unbelievable Amu De, she hooked her lips evilly. "If I die, you will never get what you want in this life! I have never lied to you, that thing is connected with my fate, of course you can choose not to believe it! But, unless you kill me, otherwise, Let him go!"

She seemed to have exhausted all her strength in the last few words.

After yelling a few words, another mouthful of blood spewed out. Ling Muer felt dizzy and had no strength, so she could only lean against Dongfang Qu's arms.

"You woman—"

Amu'er was in a hurry, he really didn't expect Ling Mu'er to sacrifice so much for someone else.

Didn't she come to the Western Regions to steal the national flower because she was afraid of death? But how could she be willing to seek death? Who is this person? If that's the case, you can't let him go!

"You are wrong, what you should threaten me now is to spare him!"

Before Ling Mu'er could react, Amu De suddenly raised his arm, and the three silver needles fell down at a high speed, shooting at the acupuncture points of Dongfang Que and Ling Muer respectively.

The two fainted in front of him without warning.

Opening the mechanism of the secret room, he was about to take the two of them away, but from the corner of his eye, he found that there seemed to be something hidden under the messy table. He immediately walked up and picked up the calligraphy and paintings on the ground.

He looked at it casually, but in an instant, he was stunned.

"I have lived in this secret room for more than ten years, why have I never thought about this?"

Amu De asked self-consciously, his eyes were already attracted by the woman on the calligraphy and painting.

"Ling Muer, is it exactly the same as Ling Muer?"

He opened his mouth wide in surprise, looked at the woman lying on the ground, and then at the woman on the calligraphy and painting. Yes, she was absolutely right, but he couldn't figure out why.

How could Ling Muer's calligraphy and paintings be in the Western Regions?

Looking down, there was an introduction of the person at the inscription of the calligraphy and painting. Amu De was even more astonished and shocked, "It's not Ling Muer, but... a person from Yaowang Valley?"

Haven't been this shocked for a long time?

Amu De's hand holding the calligraphy and painting was trembling violently.

Look at the collection of Medicine King Valley's Anti-Poison Collection on the table. Yes, this book has been torn by him long ago, but he doesn't know who wrote this book. Now it seems that it is the medicine king valley. Master?

But how could Master Zu be exactly the same as Ling Muer? What is the connection between Ling Muer and Yaowanggu?

No wonder they found this secret room that was unknown to anyone but the king and him!

"Ling Muer, it seems that I really can't let you go easily!"

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