"Cousin, the Western Regions have sent someone to send invitations. The new king is enthroned, and I will send you a congratulatory gift. Let me go, and I will definitely bring Mu'er back!"

Having just received the news from the envoys of the Western Regions, Nangong Yizhi took the initiative to invite Ying. He knew that the Western Regions were a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, but he was not afraid at all.

"My woman, of course I will look for it myself." After rejecting Nangong Yizhi's proposal, Shangguan Shaochen was determined.

Putting down the unfinished memorial in his hand, he walked to the window, silently counting the days in his mind, "Twenty days, twenty days since I haven't seen Mu'er, it should be time to go."

Without waiting for Nangong Yizhi to ask, he turned around quickly and spoke at an extremely fast speed, "Is there any news about Qin Ruochen and Lan Sihe?"

"Qin Ruochen and Lance He are too cunning. After yesterday's battle, we sent all the hidden guards around us, even the virtuous king, to help! It's a pity that they had already planned their way out, and they suddenly disappeared! But Cousin, rest assured, even if we dig three feet into the ground, we will definitely find those two thieves and make them pay the price they deserve for everything they have done!"

Nangong Yizhi replied indignantly, thinking of yesterday's counterattack and confrontation, although he was also slightly injured, it still couldn't replace the excitement in his heart.

Qin Ruochen, he is completely finished!

"Qin Ruochen and Lan Sihe are both cunning people. Before they make a move, they will never hold back!" Shangguan Shaochen analyzed, hurriedly returned to the table, and took out the distribution map of the capital.

After looking carefully for a while, he circled a few key locations, "Qin Ruochen's other courtyard, the people around him, his subordinate's courtyard, and Lance He, I remember that he has another courtyard in his hometown in Jiangzhong. These places are all Send someone to look for it, and once you find it, life or death will be irrelevant!"

"Yes!" Nangong Yizhi was extremely excited when he saw that his cousin had finally issued an order to hunt down the two of them, "As long as we bring them back to avoid future troubles, we don't have to worry about anything, cousin, We finally won."

"Unfortunately, Mu'er didn't see this victory."

Shangguan Shaochen was full of melancholy, but soon regained his fighting spirit, "What is the current situation in the Western Regions?"

"According to our spies' report, after the death of the king of the Western Regions, the eldest prince Amutuo and the second prince Amutuo are fighting for the throne, and according to the laws of the Western Regions, the eldest prince should succeed, but for some reason this time the King of the Western Regions' last move is on the line. What was written was Amud's name."

Nangong Yizhi felt curious, "However, there is another news, I don't know if it is true or not."

He looked around, and carefully listened to Shangguan Shaochen's ear, "I heard that the death of the king of the Western Regions is related to Amu De!"

There was a turmoil in his heart instantly, Shangguan Shaochen looked at Nangong Yizhi in disbelief, "Can it be verified?"

"It's because I haven't verified it that I dare not publicize it! However, according to Amu De's cruel heart and methods, this matter is probably true."

"If it's true, then Mu'er is in danger!"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't wait. Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly put aside the unfinished memorials, took the sword and planned to rush out.

"Where are you going, cousin?"

"Order to go down, advance the schedule, and go to congratulate the new king of the Western Regions on his enthronement!"

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen's firm attitude, Nangong Yizhi knew that it would be futile for him to say anything, "Okay, I'll go with you and bring Mu'er back!"

"No, you are the only person I trust, you must stay in the capital instead of me, and defend the capital for me!"

"What am I guarding, isn't there Su Ce?"

Nangong Yizhi smiled obscenely and complacently, "The virtuous king is capable and resourceful. Compared with him, I am not worthy to lift his shoes! Besides, since he was reused by you, he has fully demonstrated his talent and ability. Now I'm so busy, I think I can't get away from this trip to the Western Regions, it just happens that those who are able work harder, so it's okay to give him some more tasks."

"Su Ce is indeed a talent. His wisdom is completely beyond my imagination. During these few times of chaos in the court, he made a lot of suggestions. The sudden riot in the south in winter was also his suggestion to put it down. But even so, you can't leave."

Shangguan Shaochen seemed to have other plans, his piercing eyes flashed with light that Nangong Yizhi couldn't understand, but he knew that his cousin trusted him, and his cousin would not be like this if the situation was not urgent.

"Cousin, what plan did you think of?"

"Qin Ruochen and Lan Sihe will never be captured easily. I'm afraid they still have their eyeliner in the capital city. I leave Beijing to go to the Western Regions to congratulate the new king on his enthronement. This is an excellent opportunity for them."

Shangguan Shaochen spoke slowly, obviously implying something.

Nangong Yizhi nodded, discarding the cynicism of the past, becoming serious and deep, "Cousin, don't worry, I know what to do."


"Cousin, what else do you want?"

"Be careful! You, and Su Ce, I won't allow anyone to get hurt!"


She felt a severe headache, as if she had been in a coma for a century, and when Ling Muer woke up again, she was surrounded by a strange environment.

The room was pitch black, only the light refracted by the windows made her look around, and she was sure that this was not the other courtyard she had lived in for the past few days.

The environment here is obviously not as good as that over there.

"Are you going to start torturing me so soon?" She said to herself, and was about to get up, but the pain in her shoulder made her gasp.

When he lowered his head, he realized that the wound on his shoulder had not been treated.

She hurriedly took out the spiritual spring water from the space to wash it, and then sprinkled the original golden sore medicine until the toxin was completely forced out, and she clumsily bandaged herself with one hand.

She didn't know what kind of poison Amu De had used on her, but she only knew that the wound hurt so badly that it seemed to affect her whole body when she moved it.

It took a whole stick of incense before she finished the bandage with difficulty, and her forehead was already dripping with sweat.

"After watching it for so long, you still don't plan to come out?"

Her voice was as thin as a mosquito, very weak, but her voice drifted in a certain direction.

With a sound of '咻', something flew by, and the room instantly became as bright as day.

With the burning of the candle, a shadow came out from the corner.

Amu De appeared in front of her with a very arrogant and evil face with that evil face.

"Didn't you always lament that you didn't live the life of a prisoner? Now, I'll let you feel it!"

He spread his arms and looked at everything around him proudly, but soon, his eyes became vicious, and his facial features became ferocious, "Ling Muer, you chose all of this, delicious food If you don't want to live, but you want to be a prisoner, then I will fulfill you, are you satisfied now?"

"Where's the oriental sparrow?"

Ling Muer didn't answer his question, but just stared straight into his eyes, her voice was very calm, as if she was just asking a cat or a dog.

"Heh, you are about to die, but you still worry about others?"

Amu De really lamented that guy's good life, making such a stunner miss him so much, um, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

"The thirty-eighth generation descendant of Yaowanggu, I heard that he has great medical skills, but he never shows it off, and he is resolute without knowing martial arts! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that such a foolish person, even disguised as a woman The person who is here will be the owner of Medicine King Valley!"

Amu De nodded, his eyes couldn't help showing some appreciation for the Oriental Sparrow.

Looking at Ling Muer's tense eyes and cold facial features again, there was a vicious smile on the corner of his mouth, "Tsk tsk tsk, it's a pity what to do, he is suffering from my torture, a torture that is more painful than death, hahahaha. "

Listening to his howl, Ling Mu'er felt extremely disgusted, "Come at me if you have the ability, what's the ability to hurt innocent people!"

"So nervous about him? Then I can't let him go." Amu De was not only not angry, but even more cheerful.

"I just said, when you punished Abi that day, why didn't you beg for mercy for her? You deliberately acted for me. See, you are still a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and this is your biggest fatal weakness! "

Amu De snorted, and sat on the chair diagonally opposite, seeing how she wanted to kill him but couldn't do it, it was so satisfying.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on here?"

The smiling face withdrew instantly, and Amu De unceremoniously threw a piece of calligraphy and painting at her. When the scroll fell to her feet and stopped, the scroll opened automatically, revealing her familiar half face.

Ling Muer's heart paused, it seemed that Amu De really didn't know anything.

When she raised her eyes, her eyes were a little more inquisitive, and she was sure that he was not pretending. She snorted coldly, "You don't know the calligraphy and paintings that appeared in your secret room, so how could I know."

"How do you know it's my secret room!"

"There is a collection of Medicine King's Valley and Poison Protection in the secret room, and you turned yourself into a strange person because of the poison technique. If I guessed correctly, you lived in the dark and damp secret room all day long studying poison, so you became a strange person." You have become the appearance of people and ghosts today. Although the environment there is simple and daily life, it has everything you need, so that is your base camp! And your poison skills are all obtained by stealing medicine from the Valley of the King of Medicine. Amu De , you are a thief!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Ling Muer was very indignant.

A thief can be so rampant, and only he can be so shameless to the extreme.

"shut up!"

When someone mentioned the past that he didn't want to face, Amu De was anxious, "I didn't steal it at all. When I was sent there, the book was there. Do you think I want to become like this?"

Clearly seeing the anger and remorse flashing by the corner of his eyes, Ling Muer suddenly had some bold thoughts, could it be that he was also coerced?

Yes, he and the eldest prince Amutuo should be siblings, why did they turn against each other?

Since the king of the Western Regions was able to imprison the original Master of Medicine King Gu, why is it so strange to imprison his own son?

"It's no wonder that your mood has become so evil and capricious. It turns out that you were imprisoned in that dark secret room since you were a child, and forced to make drugs."

Ling Mu'er felt that she seemed to have found Amu De's weakness.

"It must be uncomfortable. The space is so small, you can't see the sun all day long, and you don't know whether it is black or white outside, but you still have to live with all kinds of poisonous insects and poisonous things. Let me guess, whether it is not good or not. Want to be punished? Not being cared by my father, not being able to play with friends of the same age, being manipulated by others, not being appreciated by others, becoming a tool to be used..."

Her words were like a magic voice, piercing through Amud's ears little by little, cruelly outlining the past that he most wanted to hide.

Amu De's facial features gradually became dark and distorted, and suddenly, she and he only exploded the ball, and the whole person was full of anger.

"Shut up! Shut up! Ling Muer, I warn you, immediately hand over what I want, or Dongfang Que will die!"

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