"What did you do to the oriental sparrow?"

Ling Muer was very nervous.

Since she was transferred to the residence, and she was poisoned and had not been treated, she knew that Amu De was determined this time.

He was originally an unpredictable weirdo, with vicious methods and no consequences.

But Dongfang Que is innocent, he can only do light work but not martial arts, if he is imprisoned, it is equivalent to cutting off his wings, and his life will be worse than death.

"Don't think that what I said just now is to scare you. My people are serving him well. His lightness kung fu is really good, but unfortunately he doesn't have any internal strength. Even my most stupid subordinates are no match for me." Amu De sneered, "Guess Guess how long he can last?"

"You are despicable and shameless!"

Ling Mu'er got up and wanted to rush out of the room, but just halfway there, Amu De forcibly dragged her back, and pressed her firmly against the stone pillar, "Ling Muer, I advise you not to challenge my bottom line. I will say the last Once again, hand over what I want, otherwise, both you and him will die!"

"You contradict your promise!"

Ling Muer also roared angrily, is he the only one in this world who can roar?

"You have been stranded in the Celestial Dynasty for several months, you should know that threatening me is useless!"

"Really?" Amu De not only didn't get angry, but even laughed out loud, "Okay, very good. But it's a pity, as I know you, you should also know me very well! Could it be the first day you met again? I?"

The meaning of these words is that he...has no compensation for his evil spirits, and his methods are cruel. It is as easy as trampling an ant to death if he wants to deal with the oriental sparrow.

Moreover, she saw the firmness in Amu De's eyes, as if if she really didn't give up the space today, the oriental sparrow would really die.

Now how to do?

No, she can't mess with herself.

Who is Amud? Temperament is cloudy and cloudy, and he is sneaky and evil.

His people may really be using cruel means to deal with Dongfang Que, but whether she gives up the space today, Dongfang Que will be injured, and Amud will be so kind to really let them go?

Yes, she should trust the oriental finches.

That guy is only a more cunning fox than Su Ce.

"If it wasn't for the sake of space, how could you serve me with delicious food and drink? It wouldn't be a day or two if you wanted to kill me. If that's the case, then you can do it."

When he closed his eyes, he simply let him kill him.

Ling Muer relaxed and leaned on the stone pillar, as if she had already put life and death aside, as if the person in front of her was not a murderous maniac, but a good friend who trusted her life to him.


She didn't expect her to look like this at all.

Amu De originally thought that she would be very nervous about the safety of the oriental bird, or that she would be so worried that she would lose control, so that he could take the opportunity to disturb her mind and force her to compromise.

"Oh, it turns out that your sentimentality and righteousness are also fake. Once your bottom line is touched, are you also such a heartless and ungrateful person?"

He intentionally disturbed her mind, "Ling Muer, Ling Muer, you are nothing more than that, for the sake of your own treasure, you can even disregard the life of your benefactor, if this is the case, then what's the use of me keeping the Oriental sparrow ?”

After the words fell, he clapped his hands across the air, and a masked man in black appeared in the room instantly.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Kill the people in the secret room."

After the cold voice fell, Amu De did not hesitate, and the masked man in black led the order to leave.

But he had already reached this point, Ling Muer still didn't react at all, if he hadn't pinched her neck to make sure she was still alive, he would have preferred to believe that she was dead.

"Ling Mu'er, you also want to die with Dongfang Que, don't you? Believe it or not, I really want to help you!"

After all, it was An Nai who couldn't help her violent anger, and Amu De pinched her neck constantly, as if he would end her life at any time.

"Don't think I'm joking. Shadow's methods are more cruel than mine. As long as I issue a death order, the oriental sparrow will definitely die. You... Since you don't care about the life and death of your savior, then I invite you to go and see him together." How is the death scene?"

As he said that, Amu De, who was in a rage, grabbed her collar mercilessly, intending to drag her out.

And at this moment, Ling Muer suddenly screamed.

"Ah! It hurts, my stomach hurts."

Like a cooked soft shrimp, she bent down suddenly, she didn't know whether it was faking or real, in short, her face was pale, and there were beads of sweat dripping down her forehead.

"Amu De, what poison did you poison me, why does my stomach hurt so much! I warn you, if anything happens to the child in my womb, even if I die with you, I will kill you!"

Ling Mu'er squatted on the ground and screamed with difficulty, her face gradually turned pale, "If I die, the things you want will disappear from this world, and everything you have done will be useless, you... ..."

"Ling Muer!"

Amu De gritted his teeth and wished he could kick her away.

Squatting on the ground watching her dying in pain, his eyes were wide open, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Qin Ruochen's eyeliner planted in the second prince's mansion heard with his own ears that your blood is not poisonous. Invasion, you will be poisoned?"

The grief stopped, and Ling Muer raised her eyes expressionlessly, looking at Amu De who was on the verge of bursting.

Soon, she stood up as if nothing had happened, "Yo, the information is quite comprehensive, and even my invulnerability has reached your ears! It seems that I can't fool you."

Seeing her being tormented one second, but acting like a normal person the next, Amu De stretched out his trembling hand, trying to break her neck, but couldn't do it several times.


There was a knock on the door, and the man in black who had just left had returned, holding a brocade box in his hand, "Master, what you want."

Amu De did not speak, but gave the man in black a look, and the man in black immediately threw the brocade box in front of Ling Muer.

The brocade box fell to the ground, the lid was opened, and the contents inside rolled out. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a finger.

And the emerald ring on her finger was exactly the same as the one worn by Oriental Sparrow on weekdays.

"This time I will give you a finger first, but if you don't hand over what I want, the next time I will send you his head, Ling Muer, are you sure..."

"Are you sure? I haven't played such childish games since I can remember. I never thought that the second prince of the Western Regions, oh no, the future prince of the Western Regions is still so childish! Do you think you can fool me with a fake finger? Since the props are not realistic enough, would you like me to make one for you?"

Ling Mu'er ruthlessly interrupted Amu De's unspoken threat.

She squinted at her fingers on the ground, "I don't even know how to threaten anyone. You're so fake. I don't know if it's because of your IQ or because I look stupid? You really killed the oriental sparrow if you had the ability, but I guarantee that you will never know the relationship between the Western Region Wangs and Yaowanggu in your whole life!"

From the painting and calligraphy that Amu De threw over, she was sure that A Mu De did not know the source of the calligraphy and painting, nor did he know how his father was involved with Yaowanggu.

But she was sure that he must also be curious.

The king of the Western Regions is dead, and he cannot explain it to the world, so he can only rely on the only heir of the Valley of the Medicine Kings to explain it to everyone.

If he wanted to become the new king of the Western Regions, he had to find out what secrets remained in the palace. Why did his father always keep other women's calligraphy and painting, and why her face was exactly the same as the woman on the calligraphy and painting?

She didn't believe he wasn't curious.

"Come on!"

Staring at Ling Muer's pretty face for a long time, Amu De roared angrily.

Immediately two people came to the door, one Ling Muer was familiar with, it was Abi who had served her before, and the other one looked unfamiliar, but her facial features made people feel very uncomfortable.

The eyes are sharp, the corners of the mouth are pulled down, and it is not easy to mess with at first sight.

"Give me a close look at her, if there is anything wrong, I will kill both of you!"

Amu De dropped his words and left indignantly, shaking his sleeves.

After making sure that he was far away, Ling Muer weakly found a chair and sat down.

Although Amud was very angry when he left, and the implication was that he wanted to kill the oriental sparrow, but she was sure that guy would not die for the time being.

Because she got to the point.

She guessed right, Amud was curious.

How could a majestic prince be imprisoned by his biological father to refine poison? What is the intention of the King of the Western Regions? What does it have to do with Medicine King Valley? It seems that he doesn't need to take the initiative to find answers to these questions, Amu De will tell her.

"Give me a cup of hot water,"

It was only then that Ling Mu'er realized that she was extremely thirsty, and there seemed to be a fire burning in her throat.

For a long while, the two maidservants guarding her remained motionless.

"Is your ear not working well? I have some medicine here, do you want to take one?" Ling Muer pointed her gaze directly at Abi.

It's really because the tall maidservant next to her is really not easy to mess with.

"Why did you instruct me!"

Abi snorted coldly, "Hmph, you are now a prisoner, the master's captive. The master asked us to watch you and not allow you to escape, but he didn't let us serve you anymore! I'm afraid you still don't know your current situation."

Abi taunted disdainfully, "You are in danger of protecting yourself now, and you will die in the hands of the master at any time, otherwise, why would the master leave you here! Why don't you calm down and still want to drink water? It's a good idea!"

Seeing Abi shaking her head and hating her so much, Ling Muer suddenly felt a little regretful. When Amu De punished her that day, if she pleaded for mercy, would she be grateful to him, and perhaps be of use to her? ?

Alas, man, it is indeed necessary to leave a way out for oneself at any time.

"That's right, it's my whimsy, it's my naivety. I'm a prisoner now, how can I have the right to order the two of you to serve me, but..."

Ling Mu'er slowly got up, with her hands behind her back, she walked towards the two seemingly harmlessly.

Just when the two were unprepared, two silver needles flew out of her cuff and shot at their acupoints respectively.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the two immediately fell to the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that this skill is also good."

Ling Mu'er shook her head and sighed, "If you are obedient and make me a cup of tea, why should you suffer so much?"

But since she fainted so easily, she should do something she wanted to do.

"Jing Er Street, Lan Duan Fang, the third master. '

This is the words on the note hidden in the wooden box that Amutuo sent her, hidden inside the gift.

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