It is very simple to escape from Amu'd's control. After she fainted Abi, who was guarding her, and her companions who used silver needles to block the acupoints, she yelled, attracting several hidden guards from outside. After the locked door was opened, She immediately hid in the space.

The hidden guards found the two maidservants fainted, thought she took the opportunity to escape, and hurriedly chased them away. She took the opportunity to come out of the space, and fled cautiously.

This is her first time wandering the streets of the Western Regions.

I have to admit that the very exotic Western Region is a good place worth visiting.

The scenery is magnificent, and the people are extremely enthusiastic. The smiles on their faces seem to be infectious, and she can't help but curl the corners of her lips.

When she came out of the place where Amu De imprisoned her, she changed her clothes in the space. Due to her belly swelling, she couldn't disguise herself as a man. Said it was pretty nice.

The disguise technique is not difficult for her, isn't it just a more advanced make-up, and it is a breeze to escape the pursuit of the Amud people.

I strolled along the way to inquire, and after about an hour, I came to Jinger Street on Amutuo's note.

It turned out to be the busiest market in the Western Regions.

It was easy to find Lan Duanfang. As expected, it was a shop specializing in high-quality silk and satin. Ling Muer originally thought it was just a shop. Maybe the third master inside was Amutuo's connector, but when she walked in, she found that it was just a shop. I found that this place is simply a kingdom of silk and satin.

There are five floors up and down, full of silk and satin, and there is a huge yard in the backyard, where silk and satin are woven on site. On the opposite side of the yard is a three-story pavilion, which seems to be a place to stay and rest, but there are many people from the rivers and lakes guarding the door, which looks mysterious and mysterious. magnificent.

"I don't know if the girl is here to buy silk or to find someone?"

A very polite voice came from behind.

When Ling Mu'er looked back, she saw a middle-aged man standing behind him, looking at her with a smile on his face, and he was not at all displeased by her sudden intrusion.

"Sorry, I'm here to find someone." After apologizing deeply to him, Ling Muer asked cautiously, "I wonder if there is a third master here?"

Hearing this, the visitor's expression became serious in an instant. He looked Ling Mu'er up and down again, and felt something was wrong when he saw her attire. He said sternly, "Who are you, and why are you looking for the third master? To be honest, he recently received a big business order and is not in the store, but if you have any important matters, you can tell me the same."

Ling Mu'er smiled, "I sent someone to bring me a gift yesterday, so I'm going out today? No, as far as I know, Amu De just settled with him and was severely injured. You can't be lying to me, are you? ?”

"How dare you call the Second Prince by his name?"

The person who came was shocked, but it was the same, he nodded suddenly, "The girl is as straightforward as what the master said, and since she is invited by the master, please forgive me for being negligent just now."

The person who came made a gesture of invitation, "This way please, girl."

I don't know where it is, but the silk and satin here is really beautiful, and it also attracts many customers to choose.

It was only then that Ling Muer discovered that the service here was one-on-one, and what is commendable is that every waiter in the store has a very friendly attitude, with a warm smile on his face, making people feel as warm as coming home.

Someone took her through the courtyard to the mysterious three-story pavilion. The guards originally wanted to stop her, but they didn't know what the visitor said to her, but let the guards let her go without searching her body.

"My boss is waiting for you on the third floor, girl, step carefully."

The visitor took her to the corner of the stairs and made another gesture of invitation.

"Aren't you coming in with me?"

"This is the owner's private resting place, the old slave does not have this status,"

Ling Mu'er nodded, thanked her, and strolled up the stairs with her skirt in hand.

Maybe Amutuo explained something in advance. When everyone in the attic looked majestic at her, they looked at her carefully, and then they all lowered their heads and walked around her to leave.

It wasn't until she reached the third floor that she realized that such a large floor had been opened up into one room, and a man dressed in white in the distance was standing under the window, looking at the bustling market outside.

"I believe that the world's people will not believe it if they want to break their heads. The grand prince of the Western Regions will open a silk and satin spinning shop, and it will be so big and impressive!"

Ling Mu'er sighed and approached him, "He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth and has no worries about food and clothing, but he still wants to compete with ordinary people for business. It seems that the eldest prince also hides some secrets that no one knows."

"I knew you would come to me."

Amutuo turned around and opened the folding fan in his hand, which gave off a bit of Su Ce's taste.

He put away the folding fan and pointed to the seat beside him, "The tea and snacks are ready, Miss Ling is from Kyoto, she must have never tasted the authentic delicacy of the Western Regions, I wonder if it suits your taste."

Ling Mu'er was not polite to him either, she was really hungry after spending a long time finding this place, so she picked up the cakes and tasted them unsuspectingly.

"Are you not afraid of me being poisoned?"

"I'm afraid I won't come. Besides, you don't want to kill me yet."

Ling Mu'er didn't raise her head, she spoke calmly.

Amutuo looked at her carefully, "Miss Ling really has a straightforward temperament, no wonder she is sought after by many people. Since you are here, let's get straight to the point. You have figured it out from the moment you stepped here. You intend to agree to cooperate with me, right?"

"Otherwise, do I have any other options?"

Ling Muer didn't stop until she was half full, "Although you tried your best to endure it, you couldn't escape my eyes. You suffered serious internal injuries. It seems that you were accidentally injured while fighting with Amu De Amu De is a vicious man, he will not let you go when he learns that you are going to bribe me, it must have been exciting just now, right?"

Amutuo didn't speak, his eyes signaled her to continue.

"Since the first prince can open such a silk and satin kingdom in a busy market without being discovered, he must be quite clever, so I will not beat around the bush, Amu De kidnapped my people, I want to save him. "

Amutuo nodded, "Of course we have to save him", but soon he paused again. "To tell you the truth, I have already inquired into the place where Dongfang Que is being held. You saw it when I came in. I have many guards. As long as I send some people there, it should not be difficult to rescue him! But..."

His eyes were full of mystery, "The condition for me to talk to you in that other courtyard is that you help me kill Amu De, and I help you get the national flower! But now you want me to help you save people, so for me Isn't it unfair?"

So the princes of the Western Regions are all full of calculations and refuse to take any losses?

The wisdom of the person in front of her is definitely not inferior to Amu De, although I don't know why such a smart person lost to Amu De, but as long as he is willing to help, Dongfang Que's safety will be assured.

"what do you want?"

"I help you save people, you help me kill people."

It was the same sentence, but one of the conditions was changed, and the national flower was never mentioned again.

Ling Mu'er's face changed. In this case, she is the one who suffers?



Before Ling Muer finished speaking, Amutuo suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood.

Amutuo's originally majestic complexion suddenly became sluggish like eggplant beaten by frost.

Leaning back in the chair, as if even he didn't expect to become like this.

"What's wrong with you?" Ling Mu'er hurriedly stood up, looked around, and made sure that he was not attacked secretly.

"Damn it, damn it!"

With difficulty, Amutuo uttered two words, and Amutuo, who was sitting on the chair, wanted to get up, but found that he had no strength in his body.

He immediately rolled up his cuffs and saw a thick black line on his left arm rising slowly. He hurriedly tapped the acupuncture points on his wrist to prevent the poison from spreading, "I was careless."

Seeing his face full of anger, anxiety and fear, Ling Muer made a bold guess, "Amu De did it? He is good at using poison, he must have poisoned you secretly when he was fighting with you just now, and this kind of Chronic poisons usually take several hours to take effect, so no one will suspect him of doing it."

Hearing this, Amutuo's face became even more ugly. He clenched his hands into fists and roared with difficulty, "Come, come!"

A black shadow flashed past, and a person suddenly appeared behind him. Seeing his weak appearance, the visitor had no time to salute and greet him, so he squatted beside him.

"Master, are you okay?"

A woman's voice?

Ling Mu'er followed the prestige, and saw that the man in black dressed in men's attire turned out to be a young woman, and she was still very worried about Amutuo's appearance.

Who is Amutuo, the eldest prince of the court, he was injured in front of her, but as a doctor, he refused to save him, and if he didn't, he would be bitten back by her. Don't let the oriental bird not be rescued, but she gets in, then the gain outweighs the loss.

"Since the eldest prince is not feeling well, I'll come to visit another day."

Ling Muer thought for a while, and made a gesture of saying goodbye, intending to turn around and leave.


Amutuo wanted to say something, but accidentally used his internal strength, he opened his lips and couldn't make any sound, he clasped the woman's arm with his big palm, and blinked nervously at her.

The woman understood her master's silent order in an instant. After she tapped a few acupuncture points on Amutuo's body, she flew in front of Ling Mu'er.

"Young lady, please stay, the master is here to invite you, so you can't leave!"

The woman's voice was cold and heartless, like a puppet without emotion.

"He has been poisoned so heavily. If he doesn't detoxify quickly, he may not be able to see the sun tomorrow morning. Are you sure you want to stop me?"

The woman was taken aback for a moment, apparently looking at Amutuo uncertainly.

"She, she doesn't know medical skills. Only you can save me now." Amutuo spoke with difficulty, but suddenly, his voice became trembling, as if the blocked acupuncture points could not suppress the spread of toxin, and his face gradually changed. got twisted.

"Ling, Miss Ling, please help me."

Ling Mu'er's heart tightened, "Okay, I can meet you in the Western Regions even if I am a person from the Celestial Dynasty, so we are destined. Besides, as a doctor, how can I refuse to save you?"

He took out a medicine bottle from his arms. "Although I don't know what kind of poison you have, this Hundred Poison Pill can cure all poisons in the world, but I have one condition."

Amutuo didn't speak, and motioned her to speak with his eyes.

"As you said just now, it's time for us to change the terms of cooperation." Ling Muer smiled triumphantly, "I'll save you, and you help me save Dongfang Que."

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