Ling Mu'er thought about it for a long time, but still planned to ask this question.

She really couldn't grasp whether Amutuo knew that she was pregnant. Such exposure might affect the relationship between the two of them.

But she was the only one who knew how much Sister Sheng'er cared about that child, and she learned from a simple pulse just now that Sister Sheng'er's body was no longer fertile!

If she finds her memory again, and learns that the child she conceived for her most beloved person with so much painstaking efforts suddenly disappears and is no longer fertile. How painful and sad Sheng'er is!

"You really know her!"

Amutuo raised the corners of his lips charmingly.

Just when Ling Mu'er cried out that it was not good, Amutuo whistled.

As if some kind of secret signal, suddenly someone knocked on the door and came in. Ling Muer looked back, and saw an old lady holding a baby who was still in its infancy.

"This is……"

"That's right, when I woke up from the injury, Xing'er was with a big belly! Maybe you won't believe it, but I was attracted to such a married woman. But when I was sure that her man was no longer alive, I also I don't know why I have such thoughts, I want to protect her, protect their mother and child!"

Amutuo said very seriously, "At that time I revealed my identity and wanted to bring her to the palace, but she refused with a strange look on her face. And since you also recognize her, can I boldly guess that she is actually ..."

"she is not!"

Ling Muer vetoed his words without thinking.

She thought, Sheng'er never mentioned her past, because she didn't want to bring up that sad past again, so why should she uncover the scars that she had healed with great difficulty.

"Yes, she is not!"

Unexpectedly, Amutuo also vetoed it, and looked very happy, "Unfortunately, when the enemy chased me, she was seriously injured and had an accidental miscarriage in order to save me! But fortunately, the Wen Po in the Western Regions is very powerful, not only The adults were saved and the children were saved."

As he spoke, Amutuo gently took the child in person, hugged him in his arms and teased him carefully and skilfully, "It's a boy, although it's someone else's child, but her mother is now my concubine, my baby." Son. I will take good care of him and teach him to grow up, so that he will become an invincible general in the Western Regions in the future, because this will protect his mother. It’s just that he hasn’t named her yet. I don’t know her past, so I dare not act recklessly , Miss Ling, do you want to give him a name?"

Looking at Amutuo's loving father, Ling Mu'er's heart was full of blood, and even she couldn't control her trembling.

Is this Qin Xuanting's child?

Sister Sheng'er really did it, she finally left her blood for the person she loves the most in her life.

Calculating the days, it should be premature, and the child is a bit thin, but it does not affect his growth in the slightest.

"The little guy looks so cute." She stretched out her hand, wanting to touch it but was afraid.

Unexpectedly, Amutuo suddenly stuffed the child into her arms, "Hug it, you will also be a mother soon, experience this experience in advance, it is very different."

Ling Muer was about to refuse, but when she lowered her head, she found that the child who was less than three months old was actually smiling at her.

It was just so cute.

"What a pair of beautiful eyes." She sighed, the child's eyes resembled Sister Sheng'er, but the other facial features were exactly the same as Qin Xuanting's.

The crime is not as good as the family, the child is innocent, he does not deserve the mistakes his father made, so he will definitely thrive.

Ling Mu'er pretended to take him away to tease him, but actually cut her finger and dripped a few drops of blood on the corner of his lips. Surprisingly, the child did not cry, and was very happy to accept.

It was the only gift she could give him.

Her blood is invulnerable to all poisons, and may this child live a safe life and grow up healthy.

"The air swallows the clouds and dreams, and the waves shake Yueyang City; the water falls shallow, and the sky is cold and the dreams are deep. I don't know if Mengze still sounds good?" Ling Muer, who is not good at ancient poetry, suddenly thought of this phrase in his mind .

After Amutuo read it a few times by himself, he found that he liked it very much. When he took the child, he called his name over and over again, "Mengze, little Mengze, from now on you will be called Mengze, okay?"

Signaling the nanny to carry Mengze down, Amutuo clasped his fists and bowed to Ling Muer, "Thank you Miss Ling for giving me the name."

"Since the eldest prince also likes it, it is my honor. However, you just said that Amu De has been targeting you. If he finds out the existence of Sheng...Xing'er, Xing'er will be very dangerous. You plan to hide Xing'er in the here?"

Amutuo shook his head, "Every three months I will order people to find a new residence, but I believe it will not be needed soon."

As he finished speaking, there was a vicious look on the corners of his eyes and brows.

His thoughts seemed to come back, and Amutuo returned to the evil charm of the past, "Miss Ling, now do you know why I made that request to you?"

Kill Amud!

In this way, Xing'er is no longer in danger, so she can stay by his side dignifiedly, and even live in the palace with him, and she will have no worries in this life.

For some reason, Ling Muer desperately wanted to agree to him!

"How do you know that I can succeed when you can't even do it?"

Ling Mu'er didn't promise at the first time. For Amutuo, although she was very grateful for his help to Sister Sheng'er, it could be seen from the corners of his eyes and brows that he was very shrewd, no less than Amutuo.

"Miss Ling is a smart person, and she is also a person with extraordinary abilities. If the girl can't do it, I really don't know who else can."

Amutuo shook his head, "Don't mention the unhappy ones, the purpose of finding a girl today is to treat my wife. We have finished our story, I believe that the girl believes that I am not a bad person now, right? So if you dare to ask the girl, is there any chance?" Do you want to heal Xing'er well?"

This question hit the point, Ling Muer rarely showed embarrassment.

"If I'm not mistaken, Xing'er's head has been hit twice. The previous cause has not been eliminated, and she suffered the second time in succession. To be honest, it's very difficult."

"But are you sure?"

Ling Muer nodded, shook her head, and nodded again, "I need her cooperation, but you saw it just now, she..."

"give it to me."

Before Ling Mu'er could answer, Amutuo had already turned around and returned to the room.

Ling Muer stood alone in the yard, looking at everything around her, and suddenly, unconsciously smiled.

Even if she was killed, she would never have imagined that she would reunite with Sister Sheng'er in the Western Regions.

Sheng'er is the first good friend she met in Kyoto, the kind who can talk heart to heart! But because of Qin Xuanting's reasons, they were forced to no longer be good sisters.

She owes Sheng'er too much.

"Sister Sheng'er, don't worry, I will definitely cure you."

When she turned her eyes, she found that Amutuo was already behind her. She gathered her thoughts and was about to move over, but Sheng'er came out cautiously from behind him.

Seeing her approaching, Sheng'er's first reaction should be to be afraid and not welcome, but I don't know what Amutuo said in her ear, since Sheng'er took the initiative to walk towards her.

"A Tuo said, you can really cure me, isn't it true?" She asked cautiously, not even daring to look her in the eyes.

Ling Muer smiled as gently as possible, "I will definitely do my best."

"I didn't want to be healed by you, but you bullied my husband like that just now! But...My husband said you are very powerful, so I will believe you once."

After leaving the words, Sheng'er turned around suddenly, seeing that Ling Muer hadn't followed, she turned her head in dissatisfaction, "Aren't you following up? Why, the doctor's medical skills are so good that he can see a doctor just standing in the yard?"

Seeing her deliberate savagery, Ling Muer laughed dumbfounded, and hurriedly followed.

"Miss Laoling." When walking by Amutuo, I heard him thank you.

Ling Muer paused, and when she looked back, she found that Amutuo was smiling and grateful.

"I should thank you for her in the past."

I believe he can understand these words.

In the room, Sheng'er was sitting on a chair, she had consciously stretched out her long arms, and when she saw her coming in, she sighed sadly, as if she had already prepared herself, "It's okay, I'll only give you one chance , if you can really cure me, I will let you be my attending doctor, but if you can't tell the cause of my pathology, no matter what A Tuo says, I won't give you a chance."

Ling Mu'er laughed again, could this be the temperament deep in Sister Sheng'er's heart?

Well, this temper is really cute.

"Don't worry, sister, I will do my best."

Ling Muer began to take her pulse seriously. Silently remembering all her symptoms in the bottom of my heart, and talking about some of Sheng'er's illnesses, Sheng'er, who didn't trust her at first, gradually began to accept her, and even looked at her with admiration after an hour.

"Oh my god, you are really so powerful, you have predicted everything, even you know my daily nightmare?"

"Poor sleep will naturally affect the whole body. I will add some sleep-regulating prescriptions to your medicine. You may feel short-term lethargy after taking it. That's normal, understand?"

Ling Mu'er said that she had already picked up the pen and ink and started to write down the words, but suddenly, there was a soft hand on the back of her hand.


"The girl's medical skills are really good, but I want to ask the girl for one thing before I get sick."

Her seriousness, her eyes, her expression, her state are all like Sheng'er who has no amnesia.

Her blood flowed backwards. Excitedly, he held her hand back, and was about to call her by her real name, but in the next second, Sheng'er seemed to turn into Xing'er again.

"Girl, do you think I'm weird? In fact, I don't know why I'm so weird. Maybe I'm just a weirdo."

She smiled, revealing two beautiful dimples at the corners of her mouth, but lowered her head shyly, and she was not so similar to Sheng'er again.

"I'm a doctor, and I will definitely cure you. If it's because of this reason, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

"No, that's not what I want to ask the girl for." Sheng'er hurriedly explained, and then carefully looked behind her to make sure no one was eavesdropping. She said cautiously, "Girl, if it is possible, I beg the girl not to be cured. I!"

Don't cure me!

Five words, so clear, Ling Muer was completely stunned.


"The girl may not believe it. Although I don't have any memories of the past, when I saw the girl for the first time, I suddenly felt very sad, as if something unpleasant had happened! Also, A Tuo also asked me before. As long as I mention the past, my heart feels inexplicably uncomfortable and uncomfortable! I know that my amnesia may be deliberately trying not to remember the past, but this feeling is very bad, I will be unhappy, sad, The headache will be even worse, girl, do you understand what I'm talking about?"

Ling Mu'er has mixed feelings in her heart, she understands, how could she not understand, it's good that she doesn't want to remember those sad things, but why... She has a bold guess, Ruo Sheng'er has never lost her memory.

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