"Is there a cure so soon?"

Seeing Ling Muer come out, Amutuo rushed over impatiently, "I don't know what the girl needs and how long it will take for the diagnosis and treatment. Is Xing'er okay?"

Seeing his worried look, Ling Mu'er remembered what Sheng'er had told her, she nodded with a smile, "Mrs. , this is the most difficult to solve, so the treatment may last longer."

Although Amutuo was a little disappointed, she obviously had already thought of such a result, she shook her head, "It's okay, as long as Miss Ling does her best."

"Whether I know her or not, she is my patient now, and I will be responsible to her." He didn't lie about this.

"However, as you said just now, Amu De is always paying attention to you, and I am imprisoned by him. If he finds out that I often come to this courtyard, I'm afraid it will be bad for Xing'er."

The joy on Amu Tuo's face disappeared instantly with these words.

He frowned unhappily, with mixed emotions, "Damn Amu De, not only fights with me everywhere, but also always endangers the people around me! But I will never let him hurt Xing'er."

"The fight between you and Amu De is a matter between you, eldest prince, I promise to save people for you, and you also promise to help me get the national flower. This is our agreement, so I believe you will handle it well, yes ?"

Before he could answer, Ling Mu'er had already taken out a paper prescription from her bosom, "Although Xing'er's condition is serious, it needs to be recuperated slowly. You ask someone to take the medicine according to this prescription, and then follow this instruction to take it for her. After half a month, I need to check her body's absorption before prescribing medicine and acupuncture treatment, this is no problem for the First Prince, right?"

"Half a month?" Although this was much longer than expected, Amutuo knew that she was much better than other doctors in being able to give a cure.

It's not that they didn't find a doctor for Xing'er in the past, but those people all said that there was nothing they could do about it, "Sure enough, the girl's title of Immortal Doctor isn't just for nothing."

Amutuo praised, but soon he changed his subject, "However, what if the girl is deceiving?"

"Since I promised to save people, I will never break my promise. You don't want fame, but I want it."

Ling Mu'er turned her face away in displeasure, and even snatched back the prescription, "If you don't trust me so much, please ask Gao Ming."

"The girl misunderstood."

Busily snatching back the prescription, he put it in his chest and hid it immediately. Amutuo clasped his fists together again, "Thank you Miss Ling."

"I've settled what I did for you, so what about the person I asked you to rescue?" Ling Mu'er raised her head proudly, waiting for him to call Dongfang Que out.

The oriental sparrow was taken away by Amud, and he didn't know where it was taken, and he didn't know whether it was alive or dead, and whether it was in danger.

But she believed that Amutuo, since he was so capable and hid his woman so deeply under Amutuo's eyes, there must be a way.

"Girl, please look."

With the sound of a whistle, whoosh, three figures suddenly landed not far away.

Ling Mu'er raised her neck to look, and saw two men in black standing one on the left and one on the right, and the person who was dressed as a maidservant and the man disguised as a woman who fainted was Dongfang Que or whoever it was.

"Oriental sparrow!" She stepped up and was about to rush over.

"Hey, girl stay here."

Amutuo stopped her in time. Staring carefully at her eyes with a little deep meaning, Amutuo smiled, with an extremely evil smile, "It's okay to take him away if you want to, but my people rescued him after a lot of hard work. For him, But eight people were killed in battle, so I think it's time to re-discuss with the girl the conditions for releasing them."

Ling Mu'er didn't speak, and her face was a little angry. Although she had expected that he would backtrack, she still couldn't calm down.

"Don't look at me with such murderous eyes. Since I rescued him, you should thank me. You must know that the news that Amu De got was that I went to snatch someone back, not you! A Mu De They will come back to deal with me, and the people around me will only suffer more casualties, so my conditions are not harsh, are they?"

Amutuo took a deep breath gently, "I want you to kill Amutuo, you must do it!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Ling Mu'er finally got angry, "How can I do it to someone who can't even defeat you!"

The more she talked, the more excited Ling Muer snorted, "Since the eldest prince is so insincere, why bother playing with me! You deliberately changed the conditions for the sake of my acquaintance with the woman inside, right? Then you are wrong , I do know her, but our friendship has not reached such a point, whether she lives or dies has nothing to do with me, let alone a disease that cannot be cured by others!"

Seeing that Amutuo was also a little angry and affectionate, Ling Mu'er had a smug smile on her lips, "Please ask the eldest prince to find someone else."

Seeing her turning around to leave, Amutuo feared that there would be no more chances, so he flew in front of her, and aimed his sword mercilessly at her neck, "Miss Ling, I didn't mean to offend, but how can I go back on what I promised!"

"Dare to ask the eldest prince, how can you go back on your word and temporarily change the conditions?"

Amu Tuo opened his lips, wanted to say something, but changed his words temporarily, "Amu De regards you very seriously, he cares about you very much, otherwise he would not have brought you to the other courtyard where his mother and concubine lived. So, kill him Only you can do it."

"If I could kill him, why would I be imprisoned by him! Do you think killing someone is as simple as buying a cabbage? The eldest prince has so many capable men and soldiers around him, and you can't even do it, let alone me who is pregnant with you!" pregnant woman."

Ling Mu'er resolutely refused, "Anyway, let Dongfang Que go, and I will continue to fulfill the promise I made just now, and treat your wife for you. But if you don't let her go, I can also kill the person you care about! "


Amutuo was short of breath, and the hand holding the sword kept trembling. After a long while, he heard a bang, and the sword fell to the ground.

"Let go!"

As soon as he gave an order, the two men in black threw the oriental bird on the ground and disappeared.

Ling Muer ran over in a hurry and was relieved to find that Dongfang Que was only in a coma for a short time and her life was not in danger.

"Miss Ling, you have seen my sincerity, do you really not consider my words?"

Amutuo came behind her unwillingly. Although he was asking this question, people could vaguely hear a bit of threat in his words.

While carrying the Oriental Sparrow, she looked up at Amutuo, Ling Muer's expression was flat, "If you believe that I am the person who wants to kill him the most in this world, then you don't have to ask any more. Of course, if the eldest prince is really so If you are sincere, why not exchange the national flower, I will work harder!"

Leaving aside the words, she walked to the gate of the mansion with Dongfang Sparrow on her shoulders, "Please don't forget, Eldest Prince, for diagnosis and treatment every half a month."

Watching Ling Muer disappear from sight, a girl quietly appeared behind him.

"Master, are you really not going after him?"

Amutuo shook his head slightly, "So what if you catch up, don't you see that the prince's handle is in her hands?"

The woman glanced at the door behind her from the corner of her eye, "Wuqing knows that the master misses his wife, but..."

"Don't worry, I have my own way." As he spoke, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise. Yes, he had thought of a good idea.

When he turned around to leave, he suddenly thought of something, and called out to himself, "Ruthless!"


Looking at the closed door, he thought of the gentle woman in the room who made the corners of his lips curl up when he met him. He blinked, "I have never thought of investigating everything about her for so long, and now is the time." Check it out."

Wu Qing was startled, but soon understood his intention, "Yes, Wu Qing will do it now."

The voice fell, the figure disappeared, and a cloud of dust was raised.

When Amutuo returned to the room again, he saw Xing'er gently holding and teasing a baby boy.

"Why did you get up, didn't I tell you to rest more?" He sat gently beside her bed, seeing her sweet smile, he was not jealous at all.

"The child is hungry and crying for food, how can I bear to let him cry?"

As Xing'er said, gently comforting the child in his arms, when Amutuo looked over, he saw his eyelids blinking, as if he was about to fall asleep.

"What a good boy, no matter in appearance or temper, he is very much like his mother." After complimenting him, he gently pinched the bridge of Xing'er's nose, as if he couldn't love enough.

"How does Xing'er feel about the doctor's visit just now?" The question was intentional or unintentional, but she pricked up her ears, intending to listen carefully.

"No, I don't like that woman, my husband, can we change to a doctor?" Xing'er almost didn't think about it. After handing the child to the nanny, she nestled into his arms and acted like a baby, "She almost killed her just now. you!"

Seeing her nervous and caring appearance, Amutuo stretched out his long arms and held her tightly in his arms, "Silly girl, I said it before, it was all a misunderstanding! But she is very skilled in medicine, and she is the first one to tell you For those whose illness can be cured, let's let her try, huh?"

Xing'er didn't want to agree at first, but looking at Amutuo's begging eyes, she nodded bitterly, "Okay, but if there is no improvement in a short time, I will not use her! Also, if she I want to hurt you at every turn, and I will be rude to her!"

"Okay, listen to Madam!"

The corners of Xing'er's mouth raised, and she found a more comfortable position in his arms, "Husband is really kind to Xing'er, but it will last forever."


"But..." Seemingly worried about something, Xing'er raised her head in his arms, "But that child is not your husband's after all."

Her voice was as thin as a mosquito, she lowered her head guiltily when she spoke, and even gradually cried out, "Xing'er said at the beginning that she didn't want to give birth to this child, but my husband..."

"I don't allow you to think about it!"

Interrupting his words fiercely, Amutuo squeezed her shoulders with both hands, "I like you, and I will like everything about you! I admit that raising children for others is a shameful thing, but you Since you are willing to have a child for that person, it means you really care about him! I don’t want you to hate me after you regain your memory!”

Seriously looking into her eyes, seeing the teardrops on her face, Amutuo kissed and wiped away the crystals from the corners of her eyes.

"Xing'er, after I have dealt with Amu De, I will take you into the palace and formally make you a concubine, and I won't let you suffer any grievances at that time. Your, no, our child will also become a little prince, He's going to be the happiest kid in the world, okay?"

Xing'er didn't speak, because she was so moved that she couldn't say anything. She nodded heavily, but her thoughts became more determined.

She doesn't want to get back any memories, it must be a painful past, otherwise why would she feel sad unconsciously every time she thinks about it?

I don't know if that doctor can keep his word, if she breaks her promise, she will never relent!

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