"Oriental Sparrow, Oriental Sparrow, are you okay?"

In an unoccupied corner, Ling Muer laid him flat on the ground, felt his pulse again, reconfirmed that he was only slightly injured, hurriedly took out the spirit spring water from the space, and gave him a pill, seeing him slowly Waking up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"This... what is this place?"

Feeling the light that entered his eyes, Dongfang Que hurriedly raised his arm to cover it, and seeing the strangeness around him, he said in a daze, "I, why am I here!"

"It was Amutuo who rescued you!"

While talking, Ling Muer wiped the sweat off her face, "Fortunately, Amu De didn't do anything to you, otherwise I would never let him go!"

Only then did he realize that he was completely out of Amud's control. Dongfang Que wanted to stand up a little excitedly, but because he accidentally touched the wound, he screamed in pain.

"Ah! This bastard, Amu De, dares to treat Lao Tzu like this. After Lao Tzu recovers from his injury, he will definitely not let him feel better, ah! Take it lightly, lightly, lightly, it hurts!"

Sprinkling the last bit of golden sore medicine on his wound, Ling Muer rolled her forehead and rolled her eyes angrily, "What is the name of a big man who is crying and screaming? If you don't know, you may think I molested you in the street."

"Pfft..." Dongfang Que was so startled by her words that she almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and looked her up and down in disbelief, "You, you, you woman, how rude you are."

"Since you still can't die, let's go. Don't wait until Amu De finds out that you are lost, and if he chases after you, I can't protect you."

Ling Mu'er left her words and was already walking ahead, and Dongfang Que, who followed, realized that they had left Amu De's other courtyard far away.

"where is this place?"

"Amutuo's good friend's yard."

"Then why are you here?"

"Save you!"

Give him an idiotic look, "We're tied this time."

"I was arrested because of you. Why did I get a tie? Besides, Amutuo's good yard, what are you doing here? Oh, I see, you won't be selling me for my appearance. I don't read much. Tell me I have a word how to say, what you can’t use is a beauty trick? Ah, it hurts!”

Dongfang Que covered her aching head from the beating, and looked at Ling Mu'er with an aggrieved face, like a resentful woman, "I said how can you be so strong as a woman."

"If I had really tried my best, your brain would have exploded long ago."

After Ling Muer finished speaking, out of the corner of her eye she seemed to see a group of people searching for something diagonally opposite, she hurriedly grabbed Dongfang Que's arm, and the two of them hid in the corner.

"I've seen the signs on them, they're from Amud, what should I do?"

Dongfang Que obviously noticed something was wrong, "You only see the front, and there is a group of people behind you, so let's run separately."

"No, you are injured. If you are arrested by him again, I have no leverage to threaten Amutuo to save others. I can't let you take risks."

Seeing her nervousness, Dongfang Que was very moved, "Then what should we do? Are we going to live a life of escape in the Western Regions?"

"Of course it's impossible!" Ling Muer interrupted, "I haven't got the national flower yet, besides, don't you also want to know the secrets of the Western Regions?"

"Of course!" Dongfang Sparrow nodded like pecking rice, "So I won't leave either."

But if he didn't leave, he would be arrested by Amu De's people. The two of them had such a big goal that it was difficult for them to get close to the royal palace of the Western Regions.

"You are good at lightness. Although you only suffered minor injuries, it's no problem to escape those people's pursuit, right?" Ling Muer suddenly thought of something.

Oriental Sparrow nodded, "Of course it's no problem, but what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to distract those people's attention. As long as Amu De catches me, I'm sure he won't care about your life. Find a place to hide first, and come to me after A Mu De relaxes his guard."

After finishing the words, Ling Muer suddenly stuffed something into his arms, and she turned around and ran out.

"Hey, Ling Muer!"

Dongfang Que was about to go after her, but unfortunately, the group of men in black had already spotted her and rushed after her in her direction.

If he rushed out at this time, he might not be able to take Ling Mu'er away safely due to internal injuries, or both of them would be arrested, wouldn't it be a disappointment to Ling Muer's painstaking efforts.

Dongfangque finally sighed in frustration, looking at the banknote in his hand, he raised his breath and left this place of right and wrong for the time being.

"Tell me, where did you go, why did you come back after you left, what is your relationship with Amutuo, and where did you hide that oriental sparrow, don't think I dare not kill you!"

Sensing the violentness of the man in front of her, Ling Muer frowned in disgust, "I've already fallen into your hands, why are you shouting?"

I glanced at him impatiently, "Since you don't know anything, why bother to ask, I was naturally arrested by you to save Dongfang Que, and Dongfang Que is very good at light work, so if you have the ability, send all your people Go out and catch him, shut up if you can't!"

"You woman!"

After all, Amu De couldn't stand her arrogance, and stretched out his hand to hold her jaw tightly, "Challenge my patience again and again, believe it or not, I really want your life!"

"Okay, let's do it, so you will never know the secret of the secret room."

As soon as this remark came out, Amu De's hand loosened instantly, "What do you mean by that?"

"I believe you also saw that day in the secret room. We found a calligraphy and painting. The woman in the painting should be the ancestor of Yaowanggu, that is, the person who designed the castle for you in the Western Regions. But why is that woman? You look exactly like me, aren't you curious?"

Ling Mu'er carefully looked into his eyes, boldly guessing, seeing the confusion in Amu De's eyes, she knew that she had won the bet.

Ahmed really didn't know anything.

But what people fear most is curiosity!

He wanted to get the throne of the Western Regions, he had already killed his father by mistake, so how could he not find out everything.

"What do you know, tell me clearly!"

"Although I don't know anything for the time being, I know one thing. This person may have something to do with me, but if I die, you won't know anything. What secrets does the castle have? Are you in the Western Regions? Also, what method Amutuo used to deal with you, you will never know about it!"

"Ling Muer, you are courting death!"

Pulling out the soft sword at his waist, Amu De held the coldness on her neck, "I'll kill you if you don't tell me!"

Ling Mu'er didn't speak anymore, but closed her eyes calmly.

After a while, she didn't see any movement from him, so she opened one playfully first, and seeing that he was full of anger and remained unmoved, she simply opened all of them, "Why don't you do it, come on, give me a good time, I just miss the Palace of the King of Hell, so I’ll go for another walk.”


The sword was thrown on the ground by him.

Ling Muer saw that he tried his best to control his anger, and sat on the chair opposite.

"Why don't you kill me?"

"Shut up!"

Amu De angrily scolded, "You were arrested on purpose in order to distract my people, just to let the oriental sparrow go? Oh, stupid! You should know that the person I care about is you, and whether that oriental sparrow lives or dies has nothing to do with me ? If you just ran away, it would be extremely difficult for me to catch you, but you took the initiative to send it to your door, do you think I will let you go again?"

"Oh? It turns out that Prince Amu is so powerful, that is to say, if I escape successfully next time, you and your people can cut off their heads. It's useless anyway, even a woman can't stand it!"

Ling Mu'er smiled, her brows and eyes were curved, and she looked in a very good mood.

Amude still wanted to get angry, but knowing that this was her scheming again, he simply relaxed, "If Dongfangque dares to rob people again, I will definitely let him die here! Tell me, why did Amutuo help you rescue him?" Man, what did you promise him?"

Ling Muer knew that if she denied her relationship with Amutuo at this time, it would only make matters worse.

"He asked me to help him save a man."


"His own!" Ling Mu'er looked at him like an idiot, "You fight him for a fight, which will cause both of you to lose. But you are really vicious, you poison him, or slow poison , even if he is poisoned to death, no one will find out that you did it!"

For this, she admired Amu De, "First the father, then my elder brother, who will be next, is it Mo Junyao's turn?"

Amu De's mouth twitched violently, and he gritted his teeth, "Have you detoxified him?"

"Otherwise, let's release the Oriental Sparrow in exchange." Ling Mu'er admitted generously. "You are sure that no one in the entire Western Regions can cure your poison, but unfortunately, you did not expect that I would escape from your imprisonment! Amutuo has many capable people under his command, all of whom are martial arts masters. After rescuing me So he took me to a courtyard to heal and detoxify him, although it will take some time to recuperate, at least he won't die."

Hearing this, Amu De became even more angry, "I want to kill people, but you help me save people. You are a natural healer, so you like saving people so much?"

"I'm a doctor. If I don't use my medical skills to the injured and needy, then I'm a waste!"

Ling Mu'er said very seriously, "But now it seems that your doctors in the Western Regions are indeed not very good. During the journey of fleeing, I found that many people have perennial illnesses. How, if you can't protect your own people, you can't make one side stable, the Western Regions will be over sooner or later, are you going to be the king of the empty city?"

The more I thought about it, the more amusing it became, Ling Muer couldn't help but roar with laughter.

Looking at Amu De's livid face, she was sticking out her tongue mischievously. If she could really easily piss him off, wouldn't she be considered amazing?

"Come on, from now on even if she goes to the latrine, I will keep an eye on her. No matter what this woman says, don't believe it. Except for the food delivery person, no one is allowed to come in, and she is not allowed to go out. Otherwise, I want all of your heads!"

Throwing down the words viciously, Amu De left the room indignantly.

Ling Muer was about to rush out when she heard that the door was locked. Unfortunately, she still heard the report from outsiders.

"Master, the eldest prince is asking to see you!"

Ling Muer's expression suddenly changed.

Why did Amutuo come to the door so quickly?

Shouldn't he stay with Sheng'er to protect her from being discovered by Amu De's people?

Although Amutuo led people to rescue Dongfangque, although there were many casualties, Amutuo was angry at the moment, and might investigate the authenticity of her words. Once he found Sheng'er, he would never show mercy.

What the hell is this Amita thinking?

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