"Ade, I was wrong in the past. Since the death of the father, the emperor has understood a lot. I really shouldn't attack you with the father, and even turn you into such a ghost, so I came to the door in person today. I apologize to you, I wonder if you can forgive Brother Huang."

Amu Tuo stood behind Amu De devoutly, bowing to him, like a child who did something wrong, sincerely hoping to be forgiven.

"What are you doing?"

Amu De didn't ask him to get up immediately, but looked at him carefully, from top to bottom, over and over again, "Although I don't know what wishful thinking you are planning, but I don't welcome you here." You, please get out!"

His voice became more and more fierce, and he roared directly.

The blunt expulsion made Amutuo's face very dull, but he endured it and did not let himself get angry.

"You and my brother..."

"Fart!" Amu De interrupted roughly, "Have you ever treated me as a brother?"

Seeing Amutuo's so-called pious appearance, Amu De just felt it was funny, "Don't be hypocritical here, if you want to show it to the world, to the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty in the Western Regions, you should go out from here and stand on the royal city , play a bitter scene, maybe everyone will be really moved, raise your pole to resist, let me give you the throne. Unfortunately, the name clearly written on the father's will is my name, Amu De!"

"Ade!" Amutuo gritted his teeth, and originally wanted to get angry, but for his own plan, he endured it.

Everyone knows that he is the justifiable future new king of the Western Regions.

Not to mention that Amu De doesn't have this ability at all, even his ruined face is not enough to become the new emperor!

But he had no evidence, so he could only take his time.

"You hate me that much?"

"Now that you know it, if you don't get out of my sight, I'll be annoyed when I see you." Amu De sat on the chair, with his legs crossed in a sloppy manner, looking annoyed.

"I didn't look for you, but you took the initiative to come to the door and killed so many of my hidden guards, Amutuo, do you believe that I made you unable to leave my house today!"

Hearing this, Amutuo's murderous eyes glared immediately, but he quickly turned away.

"It was all a misunderstanding! I was also plotted against. I was just leading someone to hunt down a person who wanted to murder me. Who would have thought that the group of useless underlings found the wrong person and killed them in your other courtyard. I came here today to apologize to you for this matter." Amutuo said, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, and his face was very calm, "Originally, I brought the person who was wrongly arrested before I came, but unfortunately, that person is too I was too cunning and escaped by him halfway, but don't worry, I have already been chased by someone, and I will send it to your house as soon as I catch up!"

"No need!" Amu De waved his hand very lazily, "It's just an insignificant person. I'm not interested in life or death. Have you finished your words? If you have finished, you can get out!"

In other words, I still won't forgive you.


This was the third time he called him this way today, and he finally succeeded in angering Amu De.

"Anyone can call me like that, only you can't!" Amu De became angry with embarrassment, and his sudden roar scared everyone in the room to hold their breath.

He got up suddenly and stared straight at the person standing in front of him, his so-called elder brother.

"It's you, everything is because of you! Because you were born an hour earlier than me, you are the elder brother, and because your mother and concubine is the concubine of the father, so you are the first prince, but what are you better than me? ? I have been smarter and more diligent than you since I was a child, but because of your status, my father asked me to be your foil and your shadow in the dark. Have you ever asked me if I would like it?"

As long as he thinks of all the past, Amu De feels like he is trapped in a huge whirlpool, and he can't get out no matter what.

"I am also a prince, I am also the son of my father, and I am also a bright boy, but I was only five years old that year!" He stretched out five fingers. "Father threw me into that secret room, forced me to practice poison, and made me stay with those poisonous insects all day long. Even if I was bitten by the poison and was about to die, he dismissed me because he said, Let me protect you in the future."

Amu De slanted his lips, and couldn't help chuckling, "You have nothing to protect, because you are afraid that someone from the enemy country will murder you, but have you ever thought that you and I are the same age, and I was a child at that time!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, Amu De clenched his hands into fists, wishing he could blow the head of the person in front of him with his fist.

"When you were happy as a family, I was bitten by poisonous insects in the secret room. When you were lying in the arms of your father and acting like a baby, I had to accept the doctor's bloodletting to detoxify. In that darkened secret room, there is nothing but darkness! Tell me, why should I forgive you, huh?"

Seeing that Amu De's eyes were narrowed into a slit, but there was a murderous look in the corner of his eyes, as if he was going to be shot at any moment, A Mu De was on guard all over his body, "It's the emperor's fault, the emperor should plead for you, and should stand This is where you are."

Amutuo lowered his head again, with a sincere attitude, and a very obedient gesture of admitting his mistakes, "But that is all the decision of the father. You and I are both young and don't know how to resist, but now that the father has passed away, I believe that his spirit in heaven will also help me. I regret my original decision. Ade, are you giving Brother Huang a chance?"

"I bother!"

Amu De unceremoniously spit on Amutuo's clothes, obviously on purpose, just to see him get angry, but who knows that Amutuo has such patience today, he didn't say a word, not even frowning.

"Hey, why is your temper so good today? I remember when I was a child, because I accidentally hurt your clothes once, you asked your father for orders, and I was beaten up. Why, now that I don't have a backing, I dare not gone?"

"No!" Amutuo shook his head hastily, "Brother Huang was ignorant at that time, but now Brother Huang understands, now that father and king have passed away, only you and my brothers are left, we should love each other even more, as brothers and sisters. "

"Why don't you put a knife on my neck and just point it out, aren't you tired of pretending like this?" Amu De looked down on him more and more.

"You know now that you were wrong? What did you do back then? You said that you were young at that time, but some time ago, I lost the battle with the Celestial Dynasty, and I proposed to surrender with my relatives. What did you say to the emperor? Don't think I don't know. !"


His angry fist slammed down on the table, and when Amu De looked over again, his face was scarlet, as if he would really kill her at any time.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you if it's superfluous! You repeatedly proposed to kill me in front of the father, and you let the father make me like this. I remember it here."

He thumped his chest, "Amutuo, when you locked me in the secret room, I said that I will make you regret it! Our game has just begun, since you are so interested, then we might as well Play slowly."

After speaking, he stood up and gave the guards a look, and the guards immediately made a gesture of invitation to Amutuo.

"Prince, this way please."

"Amu De, I am your imperial brother. I came to visit you. Are you in such a hurry to drive me away? I really know I was wrong and plan to confess to you. It's fine if you don't appreciate it. Why don't you wait for me to let you go?" Finished talking?" Amutuo not only refused to leave, he even violently bumped away the guards, stood in front of him, and blocked his way.

"Okay, tell me, what are you going to do today?"

I didn't expect him to be so forthright, Amutuo was taken aback, but quickly returned to the subject, "It's okay if you don't forgive me, or you can occupy my throne, don't think I don't know that the name on the edict was changed by you. Okay, In order to represent my sincerity, I don't need to worry about these things, but I came here today to ask you for someone."

"Finally willing to tell your true purpose?"

Amutuo stared at him with contempt, "It's impossible to want Ling Mu'er!"

He has a firm attitude, a tone that cannot be rejected, and when he shoots dangerous eyes, it seems that if he says one more word, he will immediately get angry.

Amutuo was not in a hurry, and said very gently, "Ah De is really smart, you are right, you are the smartest and most powerful one! But, listen to me, it is not too late to refuse. "

He went straight to the table, filled two cups of hot tea, handed one cup to Amu De, and gave one cup to himself. Although the other party didn't take it, he still gently pushed it down in front of him, without any complaints.

"Although I don't know why Ade brought back a woman after he came back from the Celestial Dynasty, but I have investigated it. She is a very prestigious medical fairy girl in the Celestial Dynasty! Since the medical skills are so good, I want to invite him to come to my house as my doctor. The generals will treat you."

As Amutuo said, he looked into Amut's eyes confidently.

As the princes of the Western Regions, each of them has 200,000 elite soldiers. During the last war against the Celestial Empire, they had insufficient reinforcements. Amutuo's soldiers came to support them. Many people were injured and could not be healed. Naturally, he would not Will give up such a good opportunity.

"Ade also knows that the soldiers are plagued by old diseases, which will be very unfavorable for future marches and wars. I heard that you arrested the fairy doctor girl and imprisoned her in the mansion. Why don't you imprison her in my eldest prince's mansion and help us by the way?" The soldiers of the Western Regions should give a diagnosis and treatment!"

He said, seeing Amu De open his mouth to refuse, he hastily added, "Amu De, I apologize for everything that I and my father have done to you in the past, I don't need the throne, but you believe that everything I have done It’s for our Western Regions! Look at this, you let Ling Mu’er treat our soldiers in the Western Regions, not only can you make them stand up again, but also make them appreciate you! The doctors of the enemy army are working for the benefit of our people , the people will also be grateful to their new king, whoever wins the hearts of the people will rule the world, are you right?"

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