"It's not that I'm allowed to stay in the room and not go anywhere. It's only half an hour. Where are you taking me?"

Ling Mu'er struggled, but she was not Amu'er's opponent, because from the moment she was taken out of the room, iron chains were placed on her hands and feet, controlling her like a prisoner.

"Of course I will take you to a good place."

Amu De gestured, and someone carried Ling Mu'er into a carriage, and then he also sat in, but he didn't say a word the whole time, like a mute.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Ling Mu'er was on guard all over, looking at him with murderous eyes, trying to find out something from his micro-expression.

"Don't worry, I have worked so hard to get you from the Celestial Dynasty to the Western Regions, not to kill you, at least until the national flower is in full bloom, I will not kill you lightly." Amu De closed his eyes, and his voice escaped from his thin lips.

The carriage was still driving slowly, and he didn't know where he was going, and he didn't know whether it was on purpose or what. In short, it seemed to be going around in circles all the time, causing Ling Muer to disturb the road he had finally memorized.

Shaking his head, putting aside distracting thoughts, forget it, if it comes, let it be, wherever he wants to take her.

About an hour later, the carriage stopped suddenly, and Amu De took the lead to lift the car curtain and looked outside. After confirming that it was the place he wanted to come, he looked at Ling Muer, "Hold out your hand?"


"Don't want to untie?"

"Are you going to let me go?"

Curious, Ling Mu'er stretched out her hands obediently, and saw that she took out the key, the iron chain snapped off on both sides under her slight turning, and she hurriedly looked out of the carriage.

A very lively market, but not the one she visited last time, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Those who can do more work, naturally it is your place to play."

As Amud said, he jumped out of the carriage first, and stretched out his hand to her, "Why, don't you plan to get down?"

"I don't need your help."

Ling Muer dismounted from the other side, and in order to prevent her from escaping, guards immediately followed her, but Ling Muer never thought of running away.

Seeing Amu De go straight into the opposite room, Ling Muer raised her head, and saw the three big characters of Baishantang written on the top.

"Could it be that Amu De was angry, and an old illness relapsed?" Ling Mu'er asked to herself, seeing Amu De turning around in displeasure, she pretended nothing happened, and obediently followed behind him.

"See the second prince!"

In Baishan Hall, more than ten uniformly dressed men stood there. Seeing Amu De's appearance, they all saluted him with the highest etiquette in the Western Regions.

"Get up." With a very lazy voice, Amu De didn't even look at them, his eyes looked around, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

"How?" he asked.

"Are you asking me?" Ling Muer pointed to her nose.

"Otherwise, is there anyone else here who knows how to heal?" Amu De gave her an idiot look,

Ling Muer had an unbelievable and only answer in her heart, "You don't want me to treat your people here, do you?"

"Really clever."

Smiling appreciatively, Amu De walked to the side table and tapped on it with his fingers, "From now on, this will be your consultation desk, and I want you to see patients here for the people of my Western Regions! Play your part. The most powerful medical skills, no matter what illness the common people suffer from, I want you to cure them within a short period of time, so that the common people think you are the reincarnation of a miracle doctor, is it possible?"

"Of course!" Ling Muer was still very confident in her medical skills, "But why should I listen to you?"

"Don't you want to live freely? Don't you want to give full play to your medical skills, don't you want to be sought after by the world, and you really have the heart not to see a doctor because of your strange disease in the rest of your life?" Amu De said a few times in succession, Seeing Ling Muer's heart fluttering instantly, he approached her evilly, "It's not that you said that you want to develop your medical skills, I will give you this opportunity, how about it?"

Before Ling Mu'er could fully digest his information, he threw over a piece of paper with the word "land deed" impressively written on it.

"From today onwards, this Baishantang is yours. Of course, the money you earn will belong to me. But I want you to become famous within ten days and let everyone in the Western Regions know your existence. Of course, the following They are all famous doctors in the Western Regions, and they will obey your orders and be your assistants."

After Amu De finished speaking, he looked at more than a dozen people, some old and some young, but none of them showed unwillingness or reluctance on their faces.

"Do you understand everything?"

"Just follow the master's order!" Everyone shouted in unison, and when the words fell, everyone looked at Ling Mu'er, "Master!"

Ling Mu'er was really taken aback, she gave Amu De an extremely resentful look, and then looked at more than a dozen people of different ages. "Stop, I don't have the habit of accepting disciples casually, besides, I'm just a weak woman, not as powerful as you think."

Looking at Amu De again, she handed over the title deed to him without hesitation, "Why should my life, Ling Muer, follow your arrangements! It's fine if you take me captive to the Western Regions, and let me benefit your people for you ! You want to use my medical skills to buy people's hearts, but you have asked me if I am willing!"

"If you don't want to, I'll go back and destroy the national flower immediately. Guess, am I telling lies?" Amu De bent down, met her eyes, saw the anger in her eyes, but he was in a good mood look.

That's right, Amutuo came to the door yesterday and wanted Ling Muer to go to the First Prince's Mansion to see his soldiers. Don't think he didn't know that Amutuo wanted to use Ling Muer's medical skills to win the hearts of the people.

However, I have to admit that his idea is really wonderful.

Therefore, he asked someone to find such a pharmacy overnight, and offered it at a high price. According to Ling Mu'er's medical skills, I believe that he will soon buy the people's support in the Western Regions. As long as he wins the people's support, even if the civil and military officials do not believe him, so what?

"Despicable and shameless."

Although Ling Mu'er said so, she still sat in front of the consultation table, "I have three requests, if you fulfill them, I will agree, otherwise, you can kill me."

Seeing her cold attitude, more than a dozen people were stunned, because they saw that Amu De did not get angry, but lay down in front of the table in a good mood, "Okay, tell me, let alone three, I I am happy today, even if it is thirty, I will agree."

"First, I have my own rules when seeing a doctor. I don't like being disturbed by others, and I don't like to point fingers. Since I will be the boss of this clinic in the future, then everything will follow me! Second, I can sit here to see a doctor, but the business How, I am not responsible. If you want to use me to win the hearts of the people and get everything about you, that is your own business. You can handle it yourself as a guest. Third, since I am here as a doctor, then I want to live here, don’t you You can restrict my freedom, otherwise, I won’t watch it.”

With a few simple words, Ling Muer said them very seriously, and Amu De responded very readily.

"Okay, by the way, I will send you the fourth item. I will invite you to the palace as soon as the national flower is in full bloom. At that time, we will exchange with new terms of exchange."

Ling Muer didn't speak, her eyes had already started to look around.

I have to admit that Amu De has really done a lot of preparation this time. In this Baishan Hall, everything is available, even some rare medicinal materials. Although she often feels unwell and tired, she has Ten people help her, what else is she worried about?

"And the fifth point, they are not allowed to call me master."

Amu De raised his eyebrows and looked at more than a dozen people, "Didn't you hear that? It's still Miss Ling!"

Everyone shouted, respectful to her as if paying homage to Amu De, "Greetings to Miss Ling!"

Ling Mu'er shuddered all over, and wanted to tell them that they are not polite, but she knew that these people only obeyed Amu'er's orders.

She knew that this was the result of Amutuo entering the mansion yesterday.

Although he was forced to arrange a doctor's visit, but thinking about it carefully, it's not bad, at least he can treat Sister Sheng'er in an open and aboveboard manner, and she can also use her medical skills.

After careful calculation, she did not see a doctor for some days, and her hands were really itchy.

"Then let's start, from now on."

Ling Mu'er played tricks on the two younger drug boys, and after a few simple instructions, the two went out and stood at the door shouting loudly.

Although it is a medical center, if a new store opens, there must be high-level activities.

Amu De didn't expect her to be so fast, "Why do you seem to be more anxious than me?"

Seeing that Ling Mu'er didn't speak, he smiled, "I'm so eager to show off, and want to win the hearts of all the people in our Western Regions, what are you going to do? Ling Muer, you don't think you can't go back to the Celestial Dynasty, so you plan to be my Western Region's Second princess, right?"

Although she knew that Amu De was joking, Ling Mu'er still had a chill, "I've been very sick lately, please don't provoke me, so as not to vomit all over you, I'm afraid you might be misunderstood and pregnant."

"You woman..." Amu De has never seen anyone contradict him like this, "You are so outspoken."

"Pregnant women don't have a good temper, so please don't provoke me, Second Prince, if you want popular support, I can help you, but you look so scary, it would be bad if you scare away my guests!"

Ling Mu'er's voice was sinister, and she pointed to the mask on his face after speaking.

Amu De immediately turned around in shame, and even moved a little to hide in a corner where no one could see him, but he suddenly thought of an important thing.

"I'm about to succeed to the throne and become the new King of the Western Regions. If I continue to wear this mask..."

Suddenly, he made up his mind and grabbed her shoulders with both hands, "Ling Muer, you are right, wearing this mask will not only scare away the guests here, but also scare away my people! May I ask, which one?" Does the king wear a mask to show others? I want you to heal half of my face immediately, immediately!"

Ruthlessly pushing away Amu'er's body, Ling Mu'er looked at him with disgust, "You managed to make yourself into such a ghost, isn't it just to scare people? Since you are so powerful, you should find a way to do it yourself. "

"This is Baishantang. The pharmacy is open on the first day. If you cure my ugly face, you will definitely become famous in the shortest possible time!" The more Amu De thought about it, the more interesting it was. "That's it, Ling Muer, treat me now, it must be cured."

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