I have to admit that Amu De is a smart person, but unfortunately, she can't say anything, and the result is that she was taken back to another hospital and controlled again.

And since that night, every time she came out to see a doctor, Amu De would be by her side, never leaving her.

But so what?

Dongfangque is also a smart person. On the first day, he bought a child and exchanged the second part of her story in the name of seeing a doctor; on the second day, he disguised himself as a flower girl and pretended to beg for water. , giving her the opportunity to place the third paragraph of the story in his flower basket when the clinic closed in the evening. On the third day, he even boldly caused a riot and attracted Amu De to go out. When he was confronting A Mu De, he approached her and took away the fourth paragraph of the story... Seven days passed, and there were still three days before the national flower bloomed. day.

And early this morning, Amu De brought her into the palace. Although he didn't tell her why, she heard the news that the envoys from neighboring countries came to congratulate her along the way.

It's Shangguan Shaochen!

Ling Muer didn't hide the excitement in her heart, but looked at Amu De openly and squarely. Just want to see how long he can endure.

Sure enough, when the carriage was about to arrive at the palace, he couldn't help it after all, his calm face gradually turned dark, "It's too early to be happy! Don't think that he can take you away just because he came!"

"Whether you can take me away is his ability. If you have the ability to deal with him, you won't use tricks to bring me to the Western Regions."

Ling Muer snorted, leaned on the backrest with a relaxed face,

Counting the days, she has been in the Western Regions for nearly a month, and she can finally see Shao Chen! Although I don't know what he faced in the capital, but it took him so long to come, he must have dealt with a lot of difficult things.

Soon, as long as everything in front of me is resolved, the national flower is obtained, and her body is recuperated, they will go home together and never be separated again.

"What's this?"

After receiving the thing thrown by Amu De, Ling Muer frowned slightly, and when she opened it, it turned out to be a silver mask.

"I said that you are used to wearing a mask, and you are not used to showing your true face! But it's fine if you have this eccentricity, and you still force others?" Ling Mu'er threw the mask aside with great disgust.

This silver mask is small in size, and it looks like it is worn by a woman.

Why Amu De asked her to wear a mask to meet Shangguan Shaochen, you don't need to guess, what's on his mind.

"Don't you want your man to be able to recognize you immediately under any conditions?" Amu De chuckled, "A man who truly loves you, no matter what you become or where you are, he can recognize you at a glance! But if not..."

He paused, his face full of rest, as if this game was so interesting, "Then you are really blind, and there is no need to follow him back to heaven."

"You think Shao Chen is you? Even if you are blind, he won't."

Ling Muer insisted on not wearing it.

Amu De forcibly put the mask on her face, and he didn't know what kind of mechanism he had designed for this thing, so he couldn't take it off after putting it on.

"Don't waste your time, I've been wearing a mask for many years, and my experience in it is unmatched by anyone. Without my exclusive potion, you can't take it off no matter what."

The smile on the corner of Amu De's mouth became more and more rampant. Suddenly, he approached Ling Mu'er and stared at her eyes carefully, "Ling Muer, do you want to make a bet that if Shangguan Shaochen didn't recognize you at the first time, I would follow you!" how do I?"

Ling Muer's heart sank.

Looking at the powerful possessiveness that suddenly appeared in his eyes, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

But she wasn't afraid.

"Okay, then if you lose, I want you to kneel in front of me and kowtow to admit your mistake!"

"I won't lose."

The carriage came to a complete stop, and Amu De got out of the car first, reaching out his hand to help Ling Mu'er, but she refused.

Unexpectedly, he had been on guard for a long time, and the silver needle hidden in the fingertips suddenly pricked the blood in her wrist when she was unaware, and soon, she felt numb all over and had no strength.


"Today is my big day. Many foreign envoys came to congratulate me. If you do something in the middle, won't I be in trouble?"

Amu De said proudly, "Don't worry, as soon as today is over, I will give you the antidote. Of course, if you have this ability, it is not impossible to prepare the antidote by yourself within the controlled time."

He stopped talking to her, and Amu De walked ahead alone. He was fully prepared, and he didn't seem to worry at all that she would run away halfway.

Seeing that she hadn't followed up for a long time, the two maids held her arms, one on the left and the other on the right. They were called supporting, but they were actually dragging her forward forcibly.

After being hit by his exclusive soft tendon powder, she was weak for a while and had no extra strength, so she could only let others drive her to the main hall, and press her to sit behind Amu De.

At this moment, someone has already shouted, "The envoy of Dongcheng has arrived..."

Soon, a fat envoy came slowly with many guards holding congratulatory gifts.

Then, envoys from Nanling and Northern Qi came to congratulate one after another. Ling Muer, who was wearing a mask, sat on the chair all the time, as if watching all this very calmly, but only Amu De knew that as long as it wasn't Shangguan Shaochen, she There will be no waves.

"Tsk tsk tsk, all the envoys from the Three Kingdoms are here, why is your man not here? Guess, he didn't carelessly underestimate the enemy and died on the way, right?"

Amu De looked sideways, looked at her with a smirk on his face, and saw her only exposed eyes full of anger, he couldn't help laughing loudly, "Ha, hahaha, if he is really dead, I..."

"The King of Heaven has arrived!"

With the servant's shout, everyone in the hall stretched their necks to look out, and the originally blocked passage spread out to both sides inexplicably.

In the mainland of China, the Celestial Dynasty is the leader and the Celestial Dynasty is the most respected.

All the other three countries who came to congratulate were envoys, and only the Celestial Dynasty sent the Celestial King.

When Ling Muer saw that familiar figure approaching slowly, the face under the mask was already so shocked that it became stiff.

What did she just hear?

Is the envoy from the Celestial Dynasty the king of the Celestial Dynasty?

But the person standing in front of her is obviously her husband, Shangguan Shaochen!

Could it be?

"Congratulations to Prince Amu who is about to become the king of the Western Regions."

Shangguan Shaochen stood in front of Amu De surrounded by guards surrounded by brocade clothes. He waved his hand and signaled everyone to open the presents. The congratulatory gifts of six boxes were so bold that everyone was stunned for a moment.

And above the main hall, Amu De, A Mu Tuo and the princes and princesses, ministers of civil and military affairs all stared in awe. This is not a simple congratulatory gift, just a box in front of them is enough to feed their palace for a period of time.

"The Celestial Dynasty is really proud!"

Amu De stood up first, put one hand on his shoulder, and bent slightly to express his highest thanks to Shangguan Shaochen, "Thank you Tianchao, thank you Tianchao Monarch, my prince will be enthroned as emperor in three days, and please stay here for three days." , waiting for the enthronement ceremony. However, I, the Western Regions, cannot accept these gifts!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Although the envoys from the other three countries were not as high as Shangguan Shaochen, and the gifts they sent were not as heroic as him, at least Amu De accepted all the gifts they sent, and even ordered the servants to send them to the treasury for safe keeping, It is respect for them.

And if he publicly rejected the congratulatory gift from Shangguan Shaochen, wouldn't that be disrespecting him, that would be disrespecting the entire Celestial Dynasty.

Amutuo was afraid that there would be a war because of his words, so he hurriedly got up, "What is the meaning of the emperor, it is a great honor for the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty to come to congratulate him in person, and the arrogance of the emperor has sent many congratulatory gifts, shouldn't we..."

"Brother Emperor!" Before Amutuo could finish speaking, Amu De had already interrupted in a cold voice, and then looked at Shangguan Shaochen, his evil lips slightly raised, "I'm sorry, I haven't formally introduced you to the king of the Celestial Dynasty, this is mine. Brother, the eldest prince of the Western Regions, Amutuo." As he spoke, he pulled up Ling Mu'er who had been sitting quietly on the chair, and pushed her onto Shangguan Shaochen as if he had been prepared for a long time. "And this one is the prince's fiancée, the future queen of the Western Regions."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked again!

Why does the second prince of the Western Regions have a fiancée?

The second prince has always been alone, walking alone, not to mention that he has been wearing an ugly mask before, and he has never thought of getting married. Even if the mask has been taken off now, it is only a matter of half a month. , Why do you suddenly have a fiancée, and introduce it to the king of the Celestial Dynasty in such a high-profile way.

Amutuo's face also changed, he immediately turned to look at Ling Muer, with curiosity in his eyes, "I don't know when the emperor will have a fiancée, why does the emperor not know?"

Looking at Ling Mu'er who was wearing a mask, he was even more confused, "Besides, why is the queen still wearing a mask on such a grand occasion? Could it be that there is some ulterior secret?"

"What did Brother Wang say?"

Amu De took a step back, stood beside Ling Muer, and grabbed her hand affectionately. Ling Muer wanted to resist, but unfortunately she was numb and had no strength at all.

"My fiancée, how can she show others easily before she gets married? If someone covets her beauty, won't it be very troublesome for the prince in the future?"

Amu De laughed, and pressed Ling Muer on the chair again, Ling Muer didn't say a word the whole time, and even his stiff look aroused the suspicion of many people.

In the main hall, many people whispered to each other, all curious about Ling Muer's identity, but Shangguan Shaochen didn't even look at her the whole time, instead he continued to congratulate her.

"Congratulations to the second prince with double happiness. I don't know when we will get married?"

"Of course it was on the day I ascended the throne!" Seeing that he didn't see through Ling Mu'er, Amu De was extremely excited, but soon, the smile on his face turned grim, "However, isn't the king of the Celestial Dynasty curious about why I don't accept the Celestial Dynasty? A congratulatory gift?"

Seeing that his originally calm face became full of evil spirits, Shangguan Shaochen continued to be calm and unwavering, "If I guessed correctly, the second prince is angry because I divorced Princess Yaoyao from Prime Minister Su? It just so happened that I went to see you in person. To congratulate the king of the Western Regions on his enthronement on behalf of the envoys is to explain this matter."

"Prime Minister Su?"

Amu De's face was stunned, but he quickly realized, "I didn't expect the virtuous king to transform into the prime minister of the Celestial Dynasty in just a few days. We have diplomatic relations, but Su Ce can't help but say that he divorced the princess without any reason, and even drove her back to the country. This action not only humiliated my princess and princess in the Western Regions, but also humiliated my Western Regions. Dare to ask the king, where did your celestial dynasty put my Western Regions! ?”

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