He had thought for a long time that Amu De would beat him up, but Shangguan Shaochen's face was still full of spring breeze, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

"Since the second prince said so, then I have no reason to hide it. During the marriage marriage between my princess Mo Junyao and my celestial dynasty on behalf of the Western Regions, I colluded with outsiders and murdered her husband, the virtuous king Su Ce. Originally, I wanted to suppress this matter." Next, discuss with the second prince alone, but I didn't expect the second prince to be so aggressive, so I won't be scruples anymore."

Shangguan Shaochen's voice was neither loud nor soft, but his words just passed through the ears of everyone present.

Mo Junyao was suddenly divorced and brought back to the Western Regions. Originally, only Amu De knew the truth. Now that Shangguan Shaochen said it so bluntly, all the envoys who came to congratulate him began to point fingers at the Western Regions again.

A betrothed princess actually murdered her husband? This is something that is not allowed in any country, and the Celestial Dynasty is benevolent enough not to kill her, and the Western Regions are still beating her up?

"You, nonsense!"

Amu De shook his sleeves angrily. Looking at the contemptuous eyes of everyone, he gritted his teeth, "When did Yaoyao murder Su Ce? Yaoyao is the most beloved princess in my Western Regions. My Western Regions faction She going to marry is representing my sincerity in the Western Regions! And you, not only divorced your wife and sent her back, but even humiliated her, Shangguan Shaochen, are you really going to give up the friendly exchanges between the Western Regions and the Celestial Dynasty?"

After the voice fell, the faces of the people present suddenly changed.

The Western Regions and the Celestial Dynasty started a war more than half a year ago, and it has been difficult to distinguish between them, but suddenly they chose to get along with each other and have friendly exchanges. It was originally a happy family thing, but they were sent back because of their divorced wives, and they were about to make trouble again. On the battlefield, no one wants to see it.

"Emperor Brother, calm down." Amutuo stood up in a timely manner, "The emperor of the Celestial Dynasty came here in person. I think he must not want to see the two kingdoms fighting! There may be some misunderstanding here."

"Hmph, misunderstanding?" Amu De snorted coldly, pointing to Shangguan Shaochen's face, "They said that Yaoyao murdered Su Ce, why did I not be treated at all after hearing that Yaoyao got married? In the cold! Besides, they accuse Yaoyao of hurting others, what evidence do they have?"

As soon as this statement came out, all eyes looked over immediately, as if they were waiting for Shangguan Shaochen to produce evidence.

Ling Mu'er also wanted to look back, but the medicine Amu De had given her was really effective, not only could she not move, her body became even more stiff.

She couldn't hide in the space in public to find the antidote, so she could only let the drug control her, sitting on a chair, and looking at Shangguan Shaochen from the corner of her eye.

But why didn't his eyes look at him? Did Shao Chen really not recognize her?

"Whether Princess Heqin murdered your husband, let her come forward and explain in person, wouldn't the truth come to light?" Shangguan Shaochen's hearty voice sounded, and he looked at Amutuo, "Please trouble the First Prince to send someone to invite Her Highness the Princess to the hall."


Almost as soon as Shangguan Shaochen finished speaking, Amu De objected.

How could Mo Junyao appear? Shangguan Shaochen's mouth is so powerful that he can tell black things into white things. If he tells the truth under the sway of him, wouldn't everything he created with great difficulty be in vain?

"Since Yaoyao was divorced by Su Ce and came back, she has been sick and unable to go to the palace!"

Amu De said firmly, looking at Shangguan Shaochen again with evil eyes, "King of the Heavenly Dynasty, I think you did it on purpose. You knew that Yaoyao was seriously ill, but you wanted to bring up her sad past deliberately. If you can't afford to make mistakes, how can you be the leader of the Five Continents?"

Amu De turned around suddenly, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to shoot ten thousand sharp arrows, "In short, no matter what, on behalf of the Celestial Dynasty, you must give us a satisfactory explanation for the Western Regions!"

The majestic monarch of the Heavenly Dynasty was ordered by the prince of Xiaoguo to point at his handsome face like this. If today's actions were spread, wouldn't it be a disgrace to the Heavenly Dynasty?

But Shangguan Shaochen remained calm, without being affected by his emotions in the slightest, "It was my negligence, I didn't expect Princess Yaoyao to be sick because of self-blame, but it doesn't matter, how can the princess not send someone to treat her when she is seriously ill?" ?My empress has excellent medical skills and is quite prestigious in the Celestial Dynasty. She is known as a medical fairy girl. If the second prince doesn't mind, please ask Princess Yaoyao to let my empress treat her, how about it?"

Hearing Shangguan Shaochen's words "Queen", Ling Mu'er, who was sitting on the chair like a sculptor, trembled instantly in her heart.

Before she came to the Western Regions, Shao Chen was just a prince, not even a prince, but he suddenly became the emperor!

Who is his queen? Isn't that what she was talking about? But he didn't look at himself the whole time. She is now dressed as a woman from the Western Regions and wearing a mask. Could it be that he really didn't recognize her?

"Okay." Amu De was very surprised and agreed, "It's just that the king of the Celestial Dynasty seems to have come alone, and he didn't see where your queen is? Could it be that you want me to bring Yaoyao to the Celestial Dynasty?" Go for medical treatment?"

The tone of these words was full of contempt, and the unkindness in his eyes was also provocative.

Hearing the laughter from the people behind him, Shangguan Shaochen raised the corners of his lips confidently, "My queen has already arrived in the Western Regions, just right behind you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, when no one responded, he suddenly came to Ling Mu'er, with the dagger he had prepared in his hand, and slashed open her mask, only to hear a 'click', and the mask split in two, It broke in response, revealing Ling Muer's surprised and delicate face.


Shangguan Shaochen held Ling Muer's shoulders tightly, and regardless of the shocked eyes of everyone present, he gently pinched the bridge of her nose, "It's okay to be naughty by my side in the past, but how can you be like this now in the Western Regions?" How naughty, you actually ran behind the Second Prince?"

Seeing that Amu De was about to get angry, and even wanted to snatch Ling Muer back, Shangguan Shaochen quickly pressed Ling Muer into his arms, turned around, and met his fierce and angry eyes, "Muer is playful, two Why did the prince allow her to play games with her? Just now I was still wondering why the future queen of the Western Regions should wear a mask, with a cold and indifferent attitude. It turns out that the game was discussed between my queen and you. Test me?"

After saying that, he lifted Ling Muer's jaw, and looked at her tenderly, "I've already recognized you, how about it, am I very powerful?"

Ling Mu'er, whose body was stiff and let Shangguan Shaochen knead her, couldn't get angry at all.

This hateful bad man didn't even look at her the whole time, but he recognized her early on, causing her to worry for a long time.

"Bad guy, you, how did you recognize it?"

"If you don't recognize your own woman, how can you be a man?"

When Shangguan Shaochen said this, he looked at Amu De provocatively. He deliberately said that Ling Muer was playing a game with him just now, so as to block all the way forward. Now if Amu De claims that she is his fiancée, It will become a bigger joke, and it may lose the face of the entire Western Region.

He bet that Amu De would never act recklessly.

"Husband is amazing."

Ling Mu'er leaned on his shoulder at the right time, the intimacy and affection of the two made others envious.

Seeing this, Shangguan Shaochen put his arms around her waist, and solemnly introduced Ling Muer's identity to everyone present, "Muer is naughty, I never expected to play a game with me on such a grand occasion, making everyone laugh. She is my queen, the queen of the heavenly dynasty."

As soon as this remark came out, all the people who didn't know why seemed to understand what was going on at once, and congratulated Shangguan Shaochen one after another.

After all, he is also the new emperor ascending the throne, and the husband and wife are so loving, although there are still doubts in their hearts, no one dares to step forward and ask Amu De whether Shangguan Shaochen's words are true.

The angry Amu De was about to erupt. Seeing this, Amu Tuo hurriedly pressed his shoulders and stood in front of him, "I heard that the empress of the Celestial Dynasty is called a medical fairy girl, and her medical skills are very excellent. Since the empress condescends to come to me Western Regions, why not ask someone to invite Yaoyao out, and trouble the empress to treat her with all her heart."

Hearing what Amutuo said, Amut was so angry that he didn't care about his status and occasion, so he yelled, "No!"


Amutuo pretended to be confused, "Didn't the emperor say just now that Yaoyao is seriously ill, of course she needs to see a doctor, how can she keep dragging on?"

Knowing that Amutuo did it on purpose, Amut wished to strangle him alive, but there were so many people present.

If Mo Junyao really came out, not only would it help her not get sick, but if she couldn't hold back the shock and started talking nonsense, it would ruin many of his plans.

"Yaoyao's illness is a heart disease, and heart disease needs heart medicine. She was wronged by Su Ce, and she has been missing Su Ce very much since she came back, and because of being misunderstood, she became depressed and fell ill. Don't bother the Empress of the Celestial Dynasty."

These words are polite, but how can Shangguan Shaochen let go of the good opportunity he finally created?

"But Princess Yaoyao doesn't come forward in person, so how can she prove that she is really ill, and not deliberately hiding herself in fear of being punished by my celestial court?"

Seeing what Amu De wanted to say, Shangguan Shaochen had a sneer on the corner of his lips, "Mo Junyao, as a concubine, murdered her husband, even though it was their family business, but she murdered the virtuous king of my dynasty. This is a big matter. If the Second Prince's House insists on asking me to give an explanation, then on behalf of the Heavenly Dynasty today, I will also ask the Western Regions for an explanation! Unless, Mo Junyao personally insists that she has never done it. Please also ask the two The prince carefully considers it."

"Yaoyao, she..." Amu De held back, his face was full of anger and he didn't know how to explode, looking at the curious eyes of Shangguan Shaochen and everyone around him, all the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

"I also ask the emperor of the heaven to appease his anger!"

Amutuo stood up at the right time again, "Misunderstanding, there must be a misunderstanding! Since Yaoyao is seriously ill, let her rest. She didn't do it, and she will explain it personally. Of course, if she did it, She has already been driven back to the Western Regions by Xiu, and she has already been punished, please look at the diplomatic relations between the Western Regions and the Celestial Dynasty, why not let this matter go, okay?"

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