"There are still two days until Amutuo ascends the throne. I heard that Amutuo was hunted down last night, but he was rescued. Did your people do it?"

Ling Mu'er snuggled up to Shangguan Shaochen in doubt, while enjoying the grapes he fed with her mouth wide open, she asked curiously.

"I helped Amutuo regain the throne, and he promised to use the entire Western Regions as a reward. Tell me, why don't I agree to govern?"

After Shangguan Shaochen finished speaking, he peeled another grape, even picked out the seeds inside, broke it into two halves, and gently stuffed it into Ling Muer's small cherry mouth.

Seeing her eating sweetly and enjoying her stomach full, that moist tongue still licked the corners of her mouth full of temptation, he lowered his head, wishing to occupy it forever.

"Yeah, yah, look, look what I see!"

A low-pitched voice came from the door, and when Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer let go of each other and looked up at each other, they saw an oriental sparrow in white standing mischievously at the door, "A needle's eye is about to grow, really! The eye of a needle is going to grow, and I said that the two of you who are in the blue sky don't feel ashamed."

"Oriental Sparrow, why are you here?"

Shangguan Shaochen was full of doubts as he looked at this slender man in amazement.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you woman, you are really cruel. I saved you and you actually told your man?"

Dongfang Que gave Ling Muer a white look, as if he was really angry, he ran to Shangguan Shaochen's side with his cheeks puffed up, snatched the plate of grapes from his arms, and used everything that happened in the past few days to make the most of it. Simple words speak eloquently.

"How about it, now you know how powerful this young master is, the king of the Celestial Dynasty, how do you plan to reward me, the benefactor who saved my wife?"

Seeing him begging for a gift with a shy face, Shangguan Shaochen really wanted to say that I will reward you with two mouthfuls, but after thinking about it, he was still full of gratitude in his heart.

"I really didn't expect you to follow me to the Western Regions, thank you!"

He thanked him so earnestly, which made Dongfang Que embarrassed, "Hey, it's really boring to be so serious."

Too lazy to talk to him anymore, Dongfang Que looked up at Ling Muer, "I originally thought that you would be imprisoned by Amud and unable to contact me again, but I didn't expect you to live such a happy life, which made me worry for so long. "

Reach out, "Here, today's story."

Ling Mu'er was already ready, she took out a letterhead from her pocket and handed it to him, and hurriedly asked, "How effective is it?"

"Not bad." Dongfang Que shook his head, "But now that you are brought here by Shangguan Shaochen, I can come and go freely, and finally I don't have to think about ways to get close to you anymore."

Oriental Sparrow breathed a sigh of relief, feeling much more comfortable.

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?" Shangguan Shaochen didn't know what kind of riddle they were playing, but he was very curious.

"So you really didn't tell him anything?" Dongfang Que was extremely surprised, "Well, then my heart is balanced. You didn't tell him such an important thing, so naturally you didn't mention my existence. I'm not mad at you anymore."

Seeing Dongfang Que's generous appearance, Ling Mu'er couldn't help laughing, and hurriedly explained to Shangguan Shaochen what they discovered about the ancestor of Yao Wanggu in the Western Regions, and even told their plan.

After her words fell, Dongfang Que immediately said seriously, "Have you finished the story? Should I speak?"

Seeing that he was serious, Ling Muer realized that he had something to say, and hurriedly listened carefully, "What did you find out?"

"Master, it has appeared!"

One sentence is enough to make every cell in Ling Muer's body boil.

She stood up in shock, "Where did you find it, how do you know?"

"Yesterday, someone from the Second Prince's Mansion reported that someone had broken into the secret room with the national flower! Amu De immediately led his men to chase after him, but they didn't find anything, and I happened to hear everything."

Dongfang Que raised his jaw confidently, "Although Amud didn't get any useful news or catch anyone, I'm sure that person is Shizu!"

Ling Mu'er knew that although Dongfang Que looked like a fool on the outside, she actually had the same temper as Nangong Yizhi, and when encountering things, she was very serious.

"Then how can we find her? Amu De is surrounded by a cloud of masters, but none of them can catch her, which shows that she is very powerful." Ling Muer asked curiously, "Why did she appear in that secret room? Could it be that she also wanted to find her?" National flower?"

"That's exactly what I want to know."

The oriental sparrow said. "So, don't you plan to check? How should we start?"

Ling Muer fell into deep thought for an instant.

Of course she wanted to find out, she was simply full of curiosity about this Master of Medicine King Valley, and the point of curiosity was enough to make her give up all important things.

But why is this person so elusive? If they can't even catch Amud, it will be even more difficult for them to do so.

"Shaochen, maybe you can give me some advice?" Ling Muer had already briefly told him about the matter of Master Yaowanggu, hoping that he would have a different opinion.

"Although I don't know how important this person is to you, but this is the Western Region, maybe we can find someone to help."

Shangguan Shaochen nodded to Ling Muer, who instantly understood.

"Yeah, we can find Amutuo, he has no less manpower than Amutuo, maybe he has a way."

Ling Mu'er was about to send someone to invite the eldest prince over, but Dongfang Que immediately stopped him, "Wait, don't you think this is too arbitrary?"

"..." Ling Muer didn't speak.

"Amutuo is the great prince of the Western Regions, and he is also the one who has been fighting against Amu De! He is the only prince recognized by the king of the Western Regions, so we can safely tell him about the ancestor? If he has his own plans, then Aren't we..." making wedding dresses for others?

"It just so happens that my opinion is the opposite of yours." Shangguan Shaochen didn't think so, "It's impossible for Amutuo to become king of the Western Regions by force alone. It is the assistance of the outside world. And Tianchao is his best candidate."

Therefore, he will offer the strongest sincerity.

"If you want peace, coexistence is the truth. He may threaten us with what you call the ancestor, but at least he won't shoot himself in the foot now. Don't worry, he will help."

On the second day, they really got good news from the First Prince.

"Yunyi Restaurant, someone has seen the person you are looking for."

Seeing the words written on the note, Ling Muer looked at Shangguan Shaochen and Dongfang Que in surprise, "It seems that our plan has succeeded! My story has successfully attracted her attention, what are you waiting for, go and see Bar?"

Although they came to congratulate the king of the Western Regions on behalf of the Celestial Dynasty, they were honored guests after all, and they were free to enter and leave the palace.

When Ling Muer came to the Western Region Market again, she sighed once again.

"Although the king here is very evil and sinister, the people here are very simple and warm, and they have a different feeling from the capital. I am a little reluctant to leave here." Sitting in the carriage, she pouted her chin and looked out the window. If it wasn't for time, she really wanted to go down and have a look.

"It seems that Miss Ling really likes our Western Regions. How about this? After this matter is resolved, my prince will invite the three of you again in the name of the Western Regions to enjoy the customs of our Western Regions. How about it?"

Amutuo offered a friendly invitation, which was unbearable to refuse.

"Then I would like to thank the First Prince." Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen exchanged glances.

Temporary promise does not mean that it will really do so. I don't know when this matter will be resolved. Besides, if it is resolved here, there is still a big trouble in Kyoto.

"Here, are you sure you can see the person we are looking for here?"

After getting off the carriage, Ling Muer looked at the crowded Yunyi Restaurant, feeling uncertain.

"Most of the people who come to the restaurant to listen to books are regular customers. Occasionally, they will attract the attention of others! My people are sure that the person you are looking for is the person you are looking for, but whether you will see her today is not certain." Amutuo said that he had already made a gesture of invitation, signaling the three of them to go in.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant didn't know what relationship he had with Amutuo. When he saw him enter, he greeted them personally and led them to the private room on the second floor.

This is the best location in the whole restaurant, you can see every blind spot.

Ling Muer was busy sitting on the chair, seemingly listening to a book, but actually carefully observing the surroundings, looking for the suspicious person in her heart.

Her story was about how to go back to modern times. She deliberately wrote some words that were unfamiliar, and the people in the audience were confused and curious, but she knew that since that person appeared, she must have understood it.

Master Yaowanggu, the woman who looks exactly like her, is indeed from the future just like her!

"I heard that the story that Mr. Storyteller is telling is written by Ms. Ling. I didn't expect Ms. Ling to be so powerful?" Amutuo praised, "To be honest, this Yunyi Restaurant relies on Mr. Storyteller's stories to attract so many people. But I heard that the business of the restaurant these days has been unprecedented, especially at night, it is full of seats, all because of this story. The prince admires Miss Ling for being so smart!"

Amutuo praised sincerely, without any trace of compliment on his face.

"The eldest prince is absurd." Ling Mu'er smiled and quickly looked away. How could she be willing to give up a minute and a second, what if she missed it in a blink of an eye?

"I said what are you doing so seriously, and you haven't seen her before." Dongfang Que spat out a mouthful of melon seeds, and then realized that she had said the wrong thing.

I haven't seen anyone before, that person looks exactly like her, isn't she looking for someone like looking in a mirror?

"Forget it, I said something wrong. How about it? After watching it all night, did you find anything?" Dongfang Que asked softly.

Ling Muer shook her head in disappointment, "My eyes are hurting, but I still haven't found anything. Could it be that she won't come today because of rumors?"

Ling Muer felt a little frustrated in her heart.

Hearing that her eyes hurt, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly covered her eyes, ignoring her screams and forcibly pulled her up, "Since I can't find it, I won't look for it anymore. She is very curious about the secret room, and she will definitely see it again." Go again. Instead of blocking people here, it is better to keep an eye on the movement of the secret room, let's go."

Before she could react, Shangguan Shaochen had already put his arms around her waist domineeringly, intending to take her away.

"I don't want it!" Ling Mu'er resisted, planning to use the last trick to make her stay for another hour, but when she turned around, her eyes were immediately attracted by a pair of sharp eyes.

Diagonally opposite, a plainly dressed woman was wearing a face scarf, only revealing a pair of cold eyes, staring at her carefully, and even raised the corners of her lips.

Ling Muer's heart 'thumped'!

is her!

Ling Muer hurriedly pushed Shangguan Shaochen away to chase after him, but unfortunately that figure had already disappeared, and the speed was so fast that it seemed that the scene just now was just an illusion of hers.

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