"What's the matter?" Shangguan Shaochen noticed something and quickly followed her line of sight, but there was nothing strange in front of him.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm dazzled." Ling Mu'er smiled and greeted everyone, "Maybe I really made a mistake in my judgment and delayed everyone's time tonight. Let's go back."

"Miss Ling may have to wait a little longer." Amutuo suddenly opened his mouth,

Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer immediately looked back, "What's wrong?"

"Young Master Dongfang said just now that he wants to invite someone over, let us wait here for a while, if it is someone important, just wait," Amutuo always spoke in a gentle and courteous manner, even if he didn't ask everyone to wait. , and there is no reason for rejection.

Not long after, Dongfang Que came over with a man, to be exact, an old man, who was wearing a long robe and holding a folding fan with the word "righteous way" written on it. Who was it if it wasn't the storyteller who was sitting on the stage just now?

"Hey, this is Miss Ling who provided the script." Dongfang Que introduced to the storyteller, and looked at Ling Mu'er again, "Mr. Dugu is a famous storyteller in the Western Regions, don't look at him staying at Yunyi Restaurant for a long time , but in fact everyone is attracted by his story, he is quite popular, and he is on an equal footing with the four masters of the Western Regions. But Mr. Dugu likes your script very much, and he has told me many times, and wants to see it with his own eyes. Huaben, you just came today, so I promised him, you won't be angry, will you?"

As he said that, Mr. Dugu stretched out his hands, clasped his fists, and looked politely and excitedly at Ling Muer, "Miss Ling, I never thought that at such a young age, she would have such a talent for writing, and the stories she wrote would be so deeply rooted in people's hearts. I thought I was someone who had gone through life, but I didn't expect to be such a beautiful and intelligent girl..."

Mr. Dugu couldn't hide the excitement on his face, "Girl, I don't know when I will have time, may this old man have the honor to sit down and have a chat with the girl! After all, the girl is so whimsical, and how did such a story come out of her imagination? , No, you are not everyone, but you are better than everyone!"

With such praise, Ling Muer was directly lifted up to the clouds,

Her pretty face was a little red, "Mr. is absurd."

"No, no, there is no praise at all. You have seen today's grand occasion. So many guests are attracted by your story! Look, if I hadn't insisted on stepping down, they wouldn't have left. , I still want to listen to the clamoring."

Mr. Dugu hastily took out the scriptures that Dongfangque gave him before, "The handwriting is flamboyant and powerful, I thought it was written by a man, but today I saw the girl Lushan's true face and realized that there is a sky beyond the sky in this world, there are people beyond people, girl ,awesome!"

Seeing Mr. Dugu's thumbs up to her, Ling Muer felt even more ashamed. After all, her story had a personal purpose.

Thinking of the purpose, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Since Mr. likes my script, why don't I write more today. I wonder if Mr. can wait for me for a while?"

As soon as he heard that Ling Mu'er was going to take the initiative to send the next storybook, Mr. Lonely was naturally delighted, "Young lady, please."

Looking at Shangguan Shaochen, and then explaining a few words to Dongfang Que, Ling Muer hurriedly followed behind Mr. Dugu with her skirt lifted.

"This is the place where the old man usually rests in this restaurant. Although the old man is only a storyteller, he occasionally has an interest in writing story books. Therefore, there are pens, inks, papers and inkstones in this room. I just condescend to the girl."

"You are welcome, sir."

Ling Muer didn't dare to waste time, so she hurriedly sat down and began to write.

In fact, she had already prepared the script for tomorrow, but just now that familiar yet unfamiliar look made her suddenly change her mind.

She wants to speed up the progress of the story and attract that person out!

"I'm in a hurry, maybe a little sloppy, I hope you don't mind, sir."

About half an hour later, Ling Muer handed a few pieces of paper to Mr. Dugu, and even explained in detail some points that should be paid attention to and emphasized.

When Mr. Dugu saw that the words given today were so wonderful, he couldn't hide his excitement, "Wonderful, really wonderful, girl, I have never admired anyone before, but girl is the first one I admire. Man, the girl is indeed a rare talent."

"I have slightly modified the story. I hope that people who like this story will like this ending. During this period of time, I have Mr. Lao." Ling Muer smiled. Her modification is very simple. The method was described in detail. She didn't know if it would attract that person to appear, but she didn't want to miss any hope.

"I wonder if this junior can ask sir to help me again?" Ling Mu'er hesitated, a little embarrassed.

Mr. Dugu, who was still obsessed with the storybook, raised his head, "Busy? What are you busy with? The girl is simply too polite. Your storybook has accumulated so much popularity for me. Let alone one, there are many. As long as it is Whatever the old man can do, he will do whatever he wants."

Ling Muer looked behind her, with a cautious look, obviously not wanting the third person to know.

"The junior would like to ask Mr. to carefully observe whether there are any guests who look exactly like me when I start the lecture tomorrow."

"Exactly the same as the girl?" Mr. Dugu became even more curious.

"That's right, this person is very important to me, but I can't find her. Please let me know if you have any clues." Ling Muer put a certain silver ingot in his hand.

Mr. Dugu hurriedly waved his hands, "It's just a matter of little effort, how can I collect the girl's money! To be honest, I was unwilling when Mr. Dongfang brought this script. How can I use someone else's script for my business? But when I read After reading this storybook, I was immediately attracted to it, so it is I who want to thank the girl!"

He said, "When telling the story, it is also one of my habits to look carefully at each audience to see if they like my story today, so that I can make changes for the next story, so girls, don't Be polite to this old man again."

Since he said so, Ling Muer didn't force her, thanked her husband again and left Yunyi Restaurant with everyone.

"Are you sure that the modified place can attract the master to come out?" Outside the restaurant, Dongfang Que was a little uncertain.

"Try it, I guess she will show up!"

"Okay, leave it to me here, it's late at night, your body is important, come back"

Ling Muer told him a few things to pay attention to, such as what kind of person the master would disguise as, focusing on her eyes, etc., and then boarded the carriage with Shangguan Shaochen and Amutuo.

Dongfang Que stood alone outside the restaurant for a long time.

In fact, just now Ling Muer pushed Shangguan Shaochen away to look for someone, he could see clearly from a distance.

And that look, he also saw it.

Therefore, he plans to live in the restaurant from today, hoping to have the chance to see Master again.

He was planning to go back to the temporary room in the restaurant to rest, but suddenly two men in black came down from the roof, one on the left and the other on the right were standing beside him with swords in their hands.

"who are you?"

"The one who took your life!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they immediately rushed towards Dongfang Que. Dongfang Que tried to escape, but who knew that someone on the roof had already taken precautions, and a huge sky net fell, covering him like a turtle in a urn.

"The master has an order, take it away!"

In the palace.

Ling Mu'er waited anxiously for a whole day, but did not wait for any news. She looked at the moonlight and felt a little anxious.

"Where are you going?" Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly stopped her.

"One day and one night passed, why didn't there be any news from the oriental sparrow? Before, even if Amu De was staring at me all the time, he would have a way to sneak around me in disguise, but today he didn't come,"

Ling Mu'er was worried and uneasy, always feeling that something happened to him.

"Dongfang Que's qinggong is excellent, it is very difficult for ordinary people to catch him, maybe he was delayed by something." Shangguan Shaochen comforted, "Or maybe there is news about the master."

"No, if there is really news about the master, he should inform me." Ling Mu'er felt even more uneasy, "Something happened, something must have happened to him, Shao Chen, what should we do?"

Knowing that Mu'er is really worried about Dongfang Que's safety, after all, this person went to the Western Regions to save her, and Shangguan Shaochen's complexion didn't go well there either.

"This is the Western Region, it is very difficult for our people to search for it. In this case, I will send someone to inform the First Prince."

About a quarter of an hour later, Amutuo walked over quickly, and refused to look for anyone as soon as he entered the door.

"Now is not the time to look for someone, Miss Ling, Monarch, I know you are worried about the safety of the owner of Dongfang Valley, but tomorrow is the day when Amu De ascends the throne, we must not make any mistakes tonight! It is Amu De, he must have sent someone He held the Oriental Sparrow hostage, and his purpose was to make us anxious and distract us. There must be a lot of nets outside right now, and he is just waiting for us to throw ourselves into the net."

Although what Amutuo said made sense, Ling Muer was still worried about Dongfangque's safety.

"Amu De is cruel and ruthless. If the Oriental sparrow falls into his hands again, the consequences will be disastrous. Is there really no other way?"

Amu De wanted to say yes, but seeing Ling Muer's nervous look, she looked at Shangguan Shaochen, "Perhaps, I can check again behind my back! Although Amu De is waiting for us to go out to save people, so as to prevent us from going out tomorrow The appearance of her, she is not nervous at this time, but..."

He paused, "Amu De will definitely not get the throne tomorrow. If the Western Regions are handed over to him, it will be truly destroyed! Tomorrow is still the day when the national flower will bloom and bear fruit. I wonder if the monarch is ready?"

His meaning is very simple, as long as Tianchao shows enough sincerity, he will try his best to rescue the Oriental Sparrow.

Shangguan Shaochen disliked being calculated the most in his life, but he could bear such a calculation that would benefit both parties.

"Since I came here in person, I will not just sit idly by. I believe that the First Prince has also made a perfect plan, so Dongfang Sparrow will have to help the First Prince."

Amutuo nodded, "Don't worry, you two, I will do my best, of course, tomorrow will all depend on you two!"

After the words fell, Amutuo disappeared into the room.

With the moon hanging high outside and the wind howling, it was destined to be an extraordinary night.

"Shaochen, do you mean that we can really get the national flower tomorrow?"

Shangguan Shaochen hugged Ling Muer and let her lean on his shoulder comfortably, "Since it is what you want, I will do what I did many years ago, even if it is a cliff, I will do my best to help you get it."

Red lips fell on her forehead, and gently comforted the little woman in her arms, "Mu'er, the scene will be very chaotic tomorrow. Amutuo wants to prevent Amut from ascending the throne, and the national flower will definitely cause a lot of looting. Promise me, no matter what happens Don't be brave about anything."

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