"That's right, it is indeed out of the palace. This courtyard is not the courtyard of the palace at all."

Amutuo was very sure that he read it correctly, besides, the structure and facilities of this courtyard were so peculiar, which he had never seen in his life. Now he just wants to know who the owner of this yard is, and why he has such a great ability to build a secret passage leading to the outside of the palace without being noticed by others?

"Mu'er, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Ling Muer's mood was not right, Shangguan Shaochen thought it was because of her body, and was very nervous.

"No, I'm just curious about the structure of this yard just like everyone else." Ling Mu'er hid her truest thoughts, smiled, and continued to walk forward, exploring the surroundings.

Yes, she is as curious as everyone else, but she is a little clearer than everyone else, at least she knows all the layout and structure here.

Grandmaster of Medicine King Valley, who are you, why are you able to bring all the modern things here, and make her feel so ashamed.

"Although the courtyard looks strange, the layout is very large. Maybe she is hiding in one of the rooms. Why don't we search separately."

Amutuo suggested, everyone was silent, and spread out in a very tacit understanding, but Ling Muer's pace was very slow, always circling in the front yard.

She was thinking, if she was the master here, where would she choose to hide?

Could it be that the master of Yaowang Valley hid it deliberately and asked her to come to find it on her own initiative, because she wanted to keep her secret.

Did she want to meet her alone?

Confirming the thoughts in her heart, Ling Muer immediately looked around and saw the shadows everyone was looking for in the distance, she suddenly shouted to one side, "There are people over there!"

The three of them withdrew immediately, especially Shangguan Shaochen who came to her side first and protected her behind him, "How are you, Mu'er?"

"Who is he, where is he?" Dongfang Que was also very excited.

"There is a shadow flying over there. I can't catch up to him because of his lightness kung fu." Ling Mu'er said anxiously, "Dongfang Que, hurry up and chase him."

Dongfang Que and Amutuo looked at each other, and they set up light kung fu and left one after another, only Shangguan Shaochen stood by her side.

"Shaochen, you can go too." She suggested.

"But you..."

"I don't worry about the two of them. I can only rest assured if you go." Ling Muer gave him a look of 'I will protect myself', and motioned him to catch up.

"Then you stand here and don't move."

It wasn't until Shangguan Shaochen also left the courtyard that Ling Muer came back to his senses and looked carefully at the room in the middle.

Although she wasn't sure there must be someone here, she guessed that someone might respond to her?

"Come out, lure me here on purpose, don't you just have something to say to me? Continuing to hide will only waste each other's time, and your secret will be known by more people, won't you?"

Although Ling Muer's voice was not loud, she was full of confidence when she yelled into the air, looking very sure.

Sure enough, some subtle voices came from the side. When Ling Muer looked around, she first saw a delicate embroidered boot in front of her eyes, followed by a slender but slender figure slowly approaching.

Looking up, it was indeed a face exactly like hers.

Ling Mu'er was so shocked that she couldn't speak, but the other party seemed to be in a good mood, smiling with great interest, charming and charming.

"Who are you?" Ling Muer asked, her voice trembling uncontrollably.

"and who are you?"

An answer beyond imagination.

Ling Mu'er thought that the person on the other side was hiding everything secretly, and had already kept a low profile of her details, but she didn't know her identity?

yeah, who is she? Is she Ling Mu'er? No, the real Ling Mu'er was already dead, so how would she answer this fellow Taoist who traveled with her?

"I'm Ling Muer, that's right, I was also called Ling Muer in the past, maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was God's will, I was in Lingjia Village when I woke up again, I think you and I would have the same idea at that time, to live a new life How could you be willing to die again? So I took my family away from that impoverished and backward place, I always thought I was pretty good, but I didn’t expect someone out of this world to meet you.”

Ling Mu'er narrated simply, curling her lips, smiling elegantly and gently, "It's your turn, aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"I..." Master Zhang opened his lips and wanted to say something, but he was so shocked by her words that he didn't know what to say. She took a step forward and almost rushed over, but held back, "You, you said you came from Ling Family Village?"

I really didn't expect that the point of master's curiosity was her origin.

Although Ling Muer was also curious about why she was so excited, she still nodded obediently, "Do you know Lingjia Village too?"

Master looked at her carefully for a long time, re-evaluating her from beginning to end, and gradually, the excitement on her face turned into joy, and she even nodded silently.

Just when Ling Muer was so curious that she couldn't help asking again, she took out the national flower fruit that she had stolen.

"To be honest, when I was configuring this thing, I didn't expect it to be looted by so many people. It's actually not as miraculous as you've heard, and it won't have an absolute effect on your condition, but it does work for me. very important. But..."

The master carefully collected the fruits, paused and then suddenly raised his eyes, "If you really need it, I will give it to you..."

She generously stretched out her long arms and spread her palms, and the fruit that was still shining with colorful light was lying quietly in her palms.

Ling Muer was shocked again, "Really, give it to me?"

Just as she was slowly approaching, suddenly, a figure flew up behind her, and before both of them were prepared, they snatched away the fruit in the palm of the master.

"My fruit!"

The master was so amazed, he hurriedly set up light kung fu to chase him out, Ling Mu'er didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway.

She no longer cared about her physical inconvenience, and hurried to catch up with her as fast as she could. When she saw clearly that the person who took the fruit was Amu De, she regretted it even more.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have dismissed Shao Chen just now.

Amu De obviously didn't understand the situation of this yard, ran several places but failed to find the exit, and tied himself in one of the small and hidden yards.

When Ling Muer caught up, the master was confronting him head-on.

"Hand over my things!"

Amu De sneered, "Leave it to you? Humph, what are you? I'm the new King of the Western Regions. This should be mine!"

"Bastard!" Master was in a hurry, obviously he didn't want to waste any time with him, so he pounced on him.

Unfortunately, it turns out that like Dongfang Que, she can only do light work, not martial arts.

When she approached Amud to try to snatch the fruit, not only was she unsuccessful, she even received a slap.

"Are you all right?"

Ling Muer didn't know why she was so nervous about a stranger.

She hastened to stabilize Master's body, when Master's eyes looked over, her heart trembled for some unknown reason, and even skipped half a beat.

"Mu'er..." The master was obviously moved, but before she finished speaking, the long sword in Amu De's hand stabbed towards her, the master hurriedly pushed Ling Mu'er away, but because he couldn't dodge in time, Got a sword on his left shoulder.

"Master?" Ling Mu'er was extremely nervous, and rushed over to check on her injuries. At this time, Amu De took advantage of the victory to pursue again, and rushed towards the two of them with his palm with 50% of his internal strength.


The master hugged Ling Mu'er almost immediately and flew away, but when she heard Ling Mu'er's strong heartbeat, her face became moved again.

"I'll dismiss him later, you find a way to join your husband, and also, he can't get this fruit."

Listening to the words passed down by her master, Ling Mu'er felt a very strange feeling in her heart for some reason.

She didn't know why the master would talk to her in such a gentle tone, she still had a lot to ask, but the master had already pushed her away.

"Shameless junior, dare to steal my things, I will let you know how powerful I am!"

As the master said, he was groping for something in his pocket with his right hand, while Amu De aimed at the right moment, turned the long sword in his hand and went towards her again.

The master dodged, but he didn't expect him to make a feint, but in fact, the hand behind his back was going to hit the back of the master's head hard.

Ling Mu'er, who saw all this in her eyes, didn't know why. There seemed to be a voice in her heart shouting: Shizu can't be hurt, don't let Shizu get hurt.

Therefore, she almost didn't think about it, and even threw herself uncontrollably at the side of the master.


With a scream, Ling Muer's body was thrown into the air by Amu De's slap, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Everything happened so fast and so suddenly that neither Shizu nor Amu De thought about it, and Ling Mu'er had already fallen to the ground at this moment, spitting blood at the mouth and suffering from unbearable abdominal pain.

"My stomach, I... ah!"

Ling Mu'er roared with difficulty, her hands tightly covering her painful abdomen. Just now, she didn't know why she didn't want Amu De to hurt her master, as if there was a kind of magical power, she rushed over uncontrollably and recklessly, blocking in front of her master, causing Amu De's palm to hit her precisely. on the stomach.

At this moment, she felt a warmth flowing down her legs.


The master was stunned, and immediately gave up poisoning Amu De, and hurriedly flew to Ling Mu'er, seeing her pale face and blood-soaked pants, she trembled and felt guilty, not knowing how to accept all this .

"How did this happen? Silly boy, who told you to pounce on me just now!"

She wanted to scold her, but how could she bear it?

She quickly grabbed Ling Muer's arm and tried to feel her pulse, then groped her chest in a panic, "Where is my medicine, no way, why did I lose my medicine at this critical moment. Don't worry, I Nothing will happen to you, and neither will the child in your stomach."

Seeing her master's tense and worried expression, although Ling Mu'er had guesses in her heart, she was left with pain, infinite pain.

"Please, save my child, I, I can give up my life, I can give up my life, but he hasn't come to this world yet, hasn't appreciated this great river and mountain, hasn't met his father yet, please ..."

"Stop talking!"

The master yelled, and only after he had yelled did he realize how out of control his emotions were: "Don't worry, I am the master of Medicine King Valley, my medical skills are very exquisite, I will definitely protect you and the child..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she heard another scream from Ling Muer. Looking down, she saw Ling Muer's pale pink trousers once again puddles of blood.

It seems that something is missing...


The master trembled, for the first time, she felt what it means to be at a loss...

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