"You bastard, take your life!"

The master didn't know whether it was stimulated or what, but after confirming that the fetus in Ling Mu'er's womb was powerless, she suddenly turned around and killed Amu De.

With no internal strength, she was no match for Amu'er. Even though she was injured, she still wanted to avenge Ling Mu'er. Unfortunately, with no internal strength, she gradually lost.

"Want to kill me?"

Amu De sneered, a handful of white powder suddenly dropped from his hand, the master almost instinctively backed away, but when the white mist dispersed, he found that the long sword in Amu De's hand was pressing against Ling Mu'er's neck.


The master roared loudly, breaking his throat.

"So worried about her?"

Amu De obviously didn't expect that a person who appeared suddenly would be so nervous about Ling Mu'er's safety, but this also just gave him an opportunity, "Stop, if you dare to take a step forward, I will kill her immediately!"

The master who had never been threatened stopped immediately, "Don't, don't hurt her!"

"It's okay not to hurt her. Tell me, what's your relationship with her? Why do you care so much about her and look exactly like her?"

The more Amu De spoke, the more excited he became, the long sword in his hand even tried to cut through Ling Mu'er's neck several times.

In the grief of losing her child, Ling Mu'er, who had already lost any strength after receiving another slap from him, was like a dying person whose life was hanging by a thread.

She wanted to struggle, but she didn't have any strength, so she could only let Amud grab her by the collar and threaten him.

Master Zu didn't look at Amu De, but fixed his eyes on Ling Mu'er.

"If I'm not wrong, your space has the ability to hide, so what are you waiting for?"

Hearing this, Ling Mu'er, who was on the verge of death, suddenly opened his eyes.

In this world, there are three people who know her treasure, and two of them covet it, but they only call it a treasure.

Only the person in front of him told its real name.

"Sure enough, I did not guess wrong. You are from that place, just like me. But he is also right to ask. What is the relationship between you and me?"

Ling Muer's voice was very weak, and she really wanted to hide when Amu De rushed over to threaten her, but Amu De asked the question she wanted to ask.

The child is gone, her life is hanging by a thread, maybe she won't die, but she wants to know the truth.

"As long as you live, I will tell you."

Master was much calmer than her, and his tone was also much calmer.

She carefully looked into Ling Muer's eyes, those big talking eyes seemed to be conveying some message.

Ling Mu'er nodded, "I understand." After she finished speaking, she disappeared in front of her eyes.

When Amu De watched the hostage in his arms disappear without a trace, he was about to explode in anger, "Bastard! Who allowed you to disappear, and who allowed the two of you to communicate with each other!"

When he raised his eyes again, the murderous Amu De glared at the master, "I killed you because you ruined my good deed, I want my life!"

It was too late and then it was too late, Amu De immediately rushed to the ancestor, the sword in his hand was deadly, hitting her heart.

But at the very moment, Shangguan Shaochen, Dongfang Que, and Amutuo came back suddenly.

Four people fought against one, and Amu De was obviously defeated.

"Master, are you alright?"

"Where's Mu'er?"

Shangguan Shaochen and Dongfang Que asked in unison, only Amutuo pointed his sword at Amutuo, "Young brother, please stop, from the moment you killed your father with your own hands, you are not worthy of sitting on the throne. I admit that I am ashamed of you, and the people of the world will not submit to you."

"shut up!"

Roaring hysterically, seeing the sudden appearance of a few people, Amu'd's eyes were filled with resentment, "I will not let each of you go."

When the words fell, he wanted to flee, how could the master give him a chance to escape.

"catch him!"

While sprinkling poisonous powder, he shouted, with Dongfang Que, a person with excellent lightness kung fu, Amu De couldn't escape at all.

Amu De knew that the only way to save his life was to throw down the fruit of the national flower.

When he threw the fruit, Dongfang Que was really eager to catch the fruit and gave up chasing him. He seized the opportunity, knocked Amutuo away and fled the scene.

"Forget it, stop chasing!"

Seeing that Dongfang Que wanted to chase after him, Amutuo stopped him, "It's important to save Miss Ling first."

Dongfang Que nodded, and hurried back to Master, "Master, the junior Dongfang Que has met Master!"

After nodding in salute, Dongfangque returned the fruit to the master, "Since it is something cultivated by the master, it must be returned to Zhao intact, but what about the master, Miss Ling?"

Master didn't look at Dongfang Sparrow, but said to the air beside him, "Come out."

Others might not understand what he was talking about, but Shangguan Shaochen understood immediately, and he was looking forward to Mu'er's appearance.

For a long time, Mu'er did not appear.

"how so?"

Master was also extremely nervous, "Mu'er was seriously injured trying to save me, did she faint inside?"

Hearing this, Shangguan Shaochen was very nervous, he rushed over and grabbed Shizu's sleeve without caring about his identity, "Tell me how Mu'er is doing?"

"Even if you are her husband, you are not qualified to order me. Besides, I'm not in the mood to explain to you..." Before finishing speaking, the master saw the invisible mark on Shangguan Shaochen's finger while struggling. .

"You actually inherited her subspace?"

Although Shangguan Shaochen didn't understand what she said very well, but he was so smart that he guessed the meaning of her words immediately, "You mean, can I go in and bring Mu'er out?"

"Maybe you can try, be careful!"

Almost as soon as the words fell, Shangguan Shaochen tried to enter the space for the second time, and the master sprinkled a poisonous powder in order to protect their secrets. Amutuo and Dongfangque, who were watching carefully, were killed at the same time as he was invisible. faint.

"Don't pretend, I know you are not poisoned."

Grandmaster spoke.

Dongfang Que rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and stood up, "Master is indeed Master, that's why he's amazing."

"I didn't expect you to be so accomplished at such a young age, but because you were so nervous just now, Mu'er, I won't argue with you."

After the master finished speaking, he stopped opening his mouth, and seemed to be quietly waiting for Shangguan Shaochen to appear.

Dongfang Que opened his lips and wanted to ask something, but seeing his master's silent posture, he had no choice but to hold back his curiosity.

Although he was also curious about why Shangguan Shaochen suddenly disappeared, since he experienced Ling Muer's disappearance in Yaowang Valley last time, he was not so curious.

"Muer, Muer!"

Shangguan Shaochen who dodged into the space saw Ling Mu'er lying beside the Lingquan water, dying of blood all over her body, and there was a mass of blood on her leg, so he rushed up without caring about other things.

"How are you, Mu'er?"

Looking nervously at the pale Ling Muer, Shangguan Shaochen knew what tears felt like for the first time.

"Don't be afraid, with me here, I won't let anything happen to you. I'll take you out right now!"

With a thought, Shangguan Shaochen appeared in front of everyone holding Ling Muer.

Not caring about Dongfang Que's jaw dropping in surprise, or why Amutuo fainted, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly hugged Ling Muer in front of the master, "Save her, I know you can do it, please You save her!"

Looking at Ling Mu'er in his arms, seeing her pale and weak, as if she was going to die at any moment, Master was moved for a moment.

But soon, she returned to normal.

"It's useless, there's nothing I can do. That guy's palm used 100% of his internal strength. Since you are Mu'er's husband, you should know that there is no such thing as resurrection in this world. I'm sorry, it's my fault."

She apologized, although her voice was once choked to trembling, but she really had nothing to do,

"No. Please don't!"

Ling Mu'er woke up when she said a certain word, she shook her head in despair, and even wanted to sit up straight and heal herself.

But the abdominal pain was so severe that she almost collapsed, "Ah!!"


Shangguan Shaochen's heart ached, he hugged Ling Mu'er tightly, tears fell on her face, wishing to bear all this for her.

"If crying was useful, there wouldn't be so much unhappiness in this world!"

Withdrawing the tears from his eyes, Master was even more cold-blooded and ruthless than everyone imagined.

"Actually, it's good if you can't keep it. Her strange disease will only heal itself when the child is gone. I don't think you want to see the scene where the adults die, do you?"

Hearing these ruthless words, Ling Muer was on the verge of collapse, "Shut up! Even if it takes my life, I don't want to trade his life for it. I just lost too much blood. In her stomach, she's still there..."

"Ling Muer, stop lying to yourself!"

The master suddenly roared, and the state of madness was exactly the same as that of Ling Mu'er.

Realizing that she was too impulsive, she took a deep breath and calmed down, looking at Shangguan Shaochen, "I'm not trying to scare you or make sarcastic remarks, because I have experienced everything she is doing at this moment."

After saying these words, the surroundings instantly became quiet, and everyone even forgot to breathe. It was obviously a huge courtyard, but it was so quiet that they could hear each other's heartbeats.

"Since you know it all, I won't hide it from you. I am indeed from the same place as you, and I have experienced the same strange disease."

The master's eyes looked at Ling Mu'er carefully, his gaze became distant and long, and his memory suddenly returned to the past.

"At the beginning, my body became like this because of my child, so I worked hard and hid in that secret room to cultivate the national flower. Otherwise, why do you think I got this fruit?"

She is playing with the national flower fruit in her hand, which is the pride of her life.

"Back then, I met him in Tianchao, fell in love at first sight, and fell in love quickly, but in the end he told me that he couldn't stay with me forever, because he wanted to protect his own people! But at that time, I was already pregnant with his child , How can I tolerate my child being born without a father? I gave up everything in Yaowang Valley, I faked my death and came to the Western Regions, but on the way I fell into a coma several times and got a strange disease."

Master Zu said, her eyes were intricate, with pain and helplessness, she was very excited.

"No one in the world is better than me in medicine, but I still don't give up. I seek medical treatment everywhere, but the results are the same. Only when the child is gone, can my heart be normal, and I can be like a normal person. Alive! How could I be willing not to have this child? Because only this child can keep my lover in check, and stay by his side justifiably. So I volunteered to build that castle for him, and I volunteered to live in that darkened secret room, I cultivated the national flower for him, firstly to recuperate my body and keep my two children, and secondly to let him know that I am the most special. It's a pity..."

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