Soon, a carriage stopped outside Zuixian building, and the second young master of Murong family drove it himself.

Murong Yu hugged Su Qiye and stepped into the carriage. He noticed that a look followed him behind him, but he didn't look back. As for the identity of the other party, there was no need to guess.

Put Su Qiye on the carriage, Murong Yu leaned against the carriage with his arm, looked at her with a good face and said, "can you say it now?"

"Cough..." Su Qiye coughed bitterly, and the burning pain came from her chest, which made her very pale face white again.

During this time, the body has been trying to repair, but because Rong Chu's palm is still too powerful after all, the cold poison has almost eroded most of her body, and she has not fully recovered after half a month of cultivation. It can be seen that its severity has completely exceeded her imagination. Had it not been for the cloud dragon beads in her body, she would have died.

Rong Chuqing really wants her life

Murong Yu could not help sinking his face when he saw her in such pain. In his voice, he asked angrily, "who hurt you? How could you be hurt?"

Su Qiye pulled the corners of his mouth for a long time, and then said, "speaking of my injury... It should be thanks to the king of Jin. If he didn't want to kill donglingqi, how could I be implicated..."

Murong Yu frowned and said angrily, "where is the fourth Lord at the moment?"

Su Qiye shook her head, and a painful look flashed in her eyes. She said in a hoarse voice, "I... I don't know... That day the boat caught fire, and he was trapped again. He couldn't move. He couldn't escape... I don't believe he's dead. I have to stay in the Dongling state. I want to help him get everything he wants... Cough cough..." she coughed again, His eyes sparkled with tears from coughing.

Seeing her so painful, Murong Yu's look changed slightly. A touch of pain flashed in his eyes, but he was soon covered up.

"The Lord will be fine. He has divine skill to protect his body. Ordinary fire will not kill him." Murong Yu didn't know how to comfort her, but said stiffly.

"I hope so..." Su Qiye murmured. The corners of his lips coughed up blood, which made the whole face very pale.

"Why do you want to escape?" Murong Yu suddenly asked. Obviously, he knew the relationship between Su Qiye and Xiling zijue very well. He certainly wouldn't hurt her.

Su Qiye was silent for a moment and said, "I narrowly escaped the fire that day. When I woke up, I was trapped in a small courtyard by Xiling zijue. When he refused to let my people take care of me, I knew what he wanted to do."

Murong Yu didn't speak and looked at her quietly.

"I'm afraid he also thought that Dongling Qi was dead... He wanted to take over the Seven Star Pavilion for me. Naturally, I didn't agree. He put me under house arrest and didn't let me communicate with the outside world. If I didn't escape, I'm afraid I would be brought back to Xiling country by him." Su Qiye said with a bitter smile. Although she was trapped these days, Xiling zijue treated her well after all. She found the best doctor to help her heal her injury. However, her internal injury was too serious and she couldn't get better.

"He treats you with good intentions." Murong Yu said sarcastically. Obviously, he doesn't like Xiling zijue very much.

"Cough... I saw it just now. The old fox in donglingsi wants to make friends with you?" Su Qiye asked instead of answering him.

Murong Yu nodded casually, still a cool look. Don't turn your head and don't look at her, but Yu Guang unconsciously swept her. This woman, no matter what kind of state she is in, is so beautiful and sick. On the contrary, she makes people want to pity more and more.

"The old man is ambitious. He just wants to usurp the throne... As soon as he returns to Beijing, he will plot against Dongling Qi and hurt me like this. If he dies or lives in a bad future, I won't be Su!" Su Qiye gently covered his chest and looked out of the window with a fierce face and gnashing his teeth.

"..." Murong Yu glanced at her contemptuously.

It's all like this. I dare to speak hard, and I don't see whether I have this qualification or not.

After a rest, Su Qiye looked at Murong Yu seriously and said solemnly, "Murong Yu, can you be sure that you are loyal to Dongling Qi?"

Murong Yu was stunned. Unexpectedly, Su Qiye would ask such a question. This question is not easy to answer. He dare not guarantee that Murong family will help Dongling Qi. Of course, except himself.

"Are you asking, Murong Yu, or me?"

Su Qiye didn't think about it and said, "I asked you."

Murong Yu nodded and said he would not betray Dongling Qi. After all, they are brothers, brothers who live and die together. In front of Dongling Qi, he is no longer the eldest son of Murong family, but the brother of Dongling Qi. If he dies, he will not betray his brother.

"Well, I want you to help me." Su Qiye looked at him with a firm look in his bright and clear eyes, "avenge him."


Zuixian upstairs, Xiling zijue, who had been lying quietly in bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and a dark light flashed through his dark pupils.

He sat up from the bed with some difficulty and covered his head for a while. Even though the overpowering drug could not fascinate him, it was enough to make his body immobile for a while.

A dark shadow flashed outside the window, and Ling Mo appeared in the room. He reported: "master, the girl was taken away by Murong Yu. Do you want to go down and find the girl?"

Xiling zijue shook his head. After a long delay, he said, "don't go after me. If she really doesn't want to go with me, it's useless to come to Xiling state."

"Do you want to arrange to protect the girl?" Ling Mo knows Su Qiye's weight in Xiling zijue's heart. He is worried about what will happen to her, so he takes the initiative to propose.

"No need... Murong Yu will protect her. Now I just hope that her body can get better soon..." Xiling zijue said with a bitter smile. Before, the reason why she didn't let Su Qiye contact the outside world was just that she didn't want people to find her and hurt her. After all, she still makes too many enemies after all. I'm afraid even the people of the Seven Star Pavilion can't trust her anymore. He really didn't expect that she would misunderstand herself and try her best to escape from him. Of course, the fact is that he really wanted to marry her and proposed to treat her to Xiling state, but he never wanted to force her.

"Childe, do you really think that Dongling Qi is dead?" Ling Mo hesitated. He heard a lot of rumors and was really curious.

"Can Dongling Qi die so easily? Do you believe it?" Xiling zijue snorted coldly and said, "if you die, he won't necessarily die. Do you really think Rong Chuqing will let him die so easily?"

"Then why don't you talk to the girl..." Ling Mo said with a smile on his face. He knows. Listen to him. Dongling Qi is dead

"I told her, how could she be willing to stay with me... If she thought he was dead, maybe one day she would empathize..." Xiling zijue said with a smile on her face, and she didn't believe the truth of her words.

"Hehe, aren't you afraid that the object of her empathy will become Murong Yu?" Ling Mo said with a smile.

"Mu... Murong Yu? It's impossible! With his coffin face and dead fish eyes, how can Ye Er look at him!" Xiling zijue's expression was extremely surprised. It was obvious that he had not considered this problem from beginning to end. Su Qiye's eyes are so high that he can't even see it. How can he see Murong Yu's smelly face? After all, in this world, only Dongling Qi can compete with him in appearance! She likes Dongling Qi, so he recognizes it, but if it is Murong Yu, he is absolutely not satisfied.

"What you said is true." Ling Mo didn't dare to say anything more and retreated silently.

Xiling zijue was lost in meditation. He began to think seriously about the possibility that Su Qiye would fall in love with Murong Yu. However, after thinking about it, he felt that this possibility was almost impossible, so he immediately gave it up.

He got up and poured a glass of water, then took the tea cup to the window and opened the window. It was evening now. A bright sunset glow was reflected on the sparkling lake. The scenery was very beautiful.

He stared at the scenery outside. There are so many charming rivers and mountains. Who wouldn't want to get it? Who doesn't want to own it?

Su Qiye left him, perhaps it would be safer. After all, he still has a lot of things to do. I'm afraid he can't accompany him all the time. It's also a good choice to have Murong Yu's care. After all, Murong Yu is from Dongling Qi. I think he will never neglect him.

When it comes to Dongling Qi, although he has not seen Dongling Qi during this period of time, and the people sent out have not found out where he is, he can roughly guess his plan. The reason why smart people oppose smart people is because they like to try to figure out what smart people think.

He thought that there were three possibilities why Dongling Qi disappeared half a month ago. The first is that he deliberately pretended to be dead and found a place to hide or work in a new identity. I'm afraid his purpose is to restrain his wings and eliminate dissidents. At the same time, donglingsi and Lianjia will lose both sides. Finally, he will reap the benefits. In this process, he can not only secretly observe the trend of power in the court, but also do a lot of things secretly. The most important thing is that he can go to the frontier personally... After all, no one in the world is more persuasive than himself.

The second possibility is that he was burned to death by the fire. For various reasons, he could not escape.

The third possibility is that he was captured, imprisoned and unable to contact the outside world.

Of course, in Xiling zijue's heart, he almost eliminated the latter two possibilities. Because in this world, there are too few people who can kill Dongling Qi. Even the two most poisonous poisons in the world didn't poison him. How could a fire kill him... Unless he wanted to die.

Thinking about it, Xiling zijue suddenly smiled. He really hoped that Dongling Qi was not dead. If he died, he would lose an equal opponent, and the next days would not be interesting enough.

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