Su Qiye lived in Murong mansion very smoothly. Although she was taken good care of, her identity was not very good... In order to hide her identity from others, she became a servant girl just bought by Murong Yu, a pretty servant girl.

However, the servant girl is different from the ordinary servant girl after all. Because she was brought back by the young master Murong himself, she will be noticed. The servant girls look at each other and whisper with curiosity and envy.

Because of his health, Su Qiye was placed in the guest room in his yard by Murong Yu and arranged a servant girl to take care of her.

The servant girl's name is cui'er. She is thirteen or fourteen years old. She is also a girl just bought from outside. She looks very beautiful and simple. She can do anything quickly. Su Qiye was slightly moved. Murong Yu didn't arrange some older servant girls for her. I'm afraid she was bullied by the servant girls because of her identity and couldn't get good care. It has to be said that under Murong Yu's cold appearance, he also has a delicate and gentle heart.

"Cui'er, you'll be free later. Can I trouble you for one thing?" Su Qiye lay in bed and looked at cui'er, who was busy in the room. She couldn't help her forehead. She didn't know that there were so many places to tidy up in this small room.

"What's the matter?" cui'er looked at her strangely, but didn't stop her work.

"I want you to help me pass a message to the Seven Star Pavilion and bring something back." she doesn't want Su Bai and Su He to continue to worry. Now she finally left Xiling zijue. Even if she doesn't tell them where she is, she should say that she is well... At least her silver needle and poison have to be on her body, otherwise she won't feel safe.

Cui'er stopped her movements, looked up at her, seriously shook her head and said, "no... today's work has not been finished. If you finish these, I'm afraid it will be dark. The manager said that the servants in the house can't leave after dark."

"Well... Then don't clean it first. Hurry while it's not dark. You should do me a favor..." Su Qiye looked at her with a pleading face. She can only ask for help now.

"No... servants in the house can't leave the house at will. Besides, I've just come to the house. The manager will certainly not let me out..." cui'er shook her head resolutely. Although she is relatively simple, she still knows the difference between the master and the servant girl. She can't refuse the master's orders. However, the person in front of her is not the master, but a servant girl like her. It's just that she needs her help because she is not in good health. She doesn't have to help her, and she's still such a big favor. No one will be happy to come.

Su Qiye was a little helpless. After all, she used to be a master. The servant girls around her were basically obedient to her. They came and went at once. It is still an urgent task now to find the jade seal and another tiger amulet. As long as both of them are found, it is just around the corner for Dongling Qi to defeat the Lian family.

Of course, if she wants to do these things smoothly, there is a very necessary key, that is, Dongling Qi must live, and he can't have any accidents... Su Qiye has no bottom in her heart. She is not sure whether Dongling Qi is really alive. If he is alive, why don't you give her news or come to her? Why was there no trace after the fire that day? Why did everyone say he was dead... Naturally, she didn't want to believe it, but his quiet voice made her worry day by day. She could only pray again and again in her heart that he must be ok

Su Qiye lay quietly in bed and waited. It was about dark. Cui'er finally came back, but she didn't come back alone... Murong Yuhei followed her with a calm face and looked in a bad mood.

Cui'er walked gingerly aside. Her face was full of fear. She shrunk her neck and looked at her in fear. She looked dead.

"What's the matter? What happened? So angry..." Su Qiye looked at him strangely. Could he want to put him under house arrest like Xiling zijue?

"Go out." Murong Yu ordered coldly.

"Yes!" cui'er quickly saluted. If she was pardoned, she ran away quickly. Before she left, she left Su Qiye a look of "asking for more blessings".

After cui'er left, Murong Yu threw a small package on her and said angrily, "Su Qiye! Do you have a brain?!"

Su Qiye caught the package and opened it. There were some poisons and silver needles she needed. Having got what he wanted, Su Qiye finally had a sense of security and breathed a sigh of relief.

Put the package aside, Su Qiye looked at Murong Yu strangely: "I said, did you eat gunpowder or explosives? What's the good black face doing?"

"You... Stupid woman! I thought you were a bit smart, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid! What can't you come to me? You just want a little girl to do it. Do you really think she can retreat? With your current strength, if you reveal your identity and can be taken advantage of by an assassin, how much chance do you have to survive?" Murong Yu said angrily, Obviously, he was annoyed by Su Qiye.

"I just asked her to go to the Seven Star pavilion to report a letter to Su He... Besides, no one knows that cui'er is my servant girl. How can I expose my identity?" Su Qiye said indifferently. Anyway, she has 100% trust in Su He.

"Do you really think the Seven Star Pavilion is safe? In that case, why did your whereabouts leak on the boat that day?" Murong Yu said gnashing his teeth. He really couldn't bear Su Qiye's ignorance.

"That's the king of Jin..."

Su Qiye said something quietly. However, before he finished, he was interrupted by Murong Yu: "the king of Jin invited Dongling Qi. How can she be sure that you will be present? How can Rong Chuqing kill you?"

Su Qiye was stunned. He thought for a long time in his mind and finally understood

On that day, when she was in the palace, few people knew that she would go to the banquet with Dongling Qi, and she used the identity of the seventh childe to travel. Even on the road, she wouldn't be too ostentatious... So how did Rong Chuqing know that she was su Qiye, and she and Dongling Qi would go to the banquet on that day?

The result of thinking is only one, that is, there are traitors around her and Dongling Qi, who are reporting to Rong Chu.

Thinking of this, Su Qiye only felt numb and cold behind her. Can it be said that Su he was the traitor hidden around her? He has always been more alert and calm than ordinary people. He doesn't look like an ordinary teenager. Although he was innocent when he was found, he can't assert that he must not be a traitor

"Don't think about it! I asked Su He to take these things. If he is harmful to your mind, he can't escape the eyes of Dongling Qi." Murong Yu finally slowed down her tone and said proudly.

"Who would that be?" Su Qiye frowned, and his heart was more and more uncomfortable. It's not Suhe, otherwise, she really doesn't know what to do. It's not him. Who is it?

"You ask me?" Murong Yu glanced at her contemptuously.

Su Qiye was suddenly silent. Yes, there was a traitor in her own people. She didn't know, but how could an outsider know?

Self mocking smile, it turns out that she looks beautiful, but in fact she is still alone and has no real loyalty to her power. In fact, it has been three years since she came here. She seems to have done a lot hard. In fact, she has done nothing at all. The only thing that is more and useful is money.

After a long silence, she looked up at Murong Yu with an unprecedented dignified expression, lowered her voice and solemnly said, "thank you for reminding."

With that, she glanced at the little figure eavesdropping outside the window, let go of her voice and said, "thank you for your concern, major general. I'm tired and want to rest."

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