The magistrate really doesn't look like an official. His face is full of horizontal flesh, and his flesh is even more exaggerated. His fat inner and outer layers are full of folds. He looks like a ball from a distance, and the most terrible thing is that his smile is incomparably kind, just like a businessman, without any airs.

"It's the girl who saved the little girl from falling into the wolf's stomach. I'm so grateful!" the magistrate squinted at Su Qiye and said with a smile. In fact, he didn't deliberately narrow his eyes. His eyes were half narrowed. There was too much meat on his face. I'm afraid it was difficult to reduce it.

Su Qiye smiled awkwardly, "it's just a little effort, a little effort..."

"No, no, I have to thank you! I have to thank you! Ha ha..." Lord Liu said stubbornly, "Just now yue'er said that it's too tacky to give a reward, so I thought of a good way. Today's Jubao hall held an auction. I heard that there are many good things. I'd better invite several people to participate in the auction together. If you like something, you'll tell me that I'll shoot it for you."

Su Qiye was stunned by Lord Liu's heroic appearance. Even if she saved people, this adult doesn't have to thank her so much? He boasted so much... How thick should his family's heritage be?

"Your Excellency is so polite..." Su Qiye was interrupted by Xiling zijue just when he wanted to refuse. He said with a smile, "in that case, thank you for your kindness."

Liu Wenyue and Liu Wenqing's dress today is obviously different from before. The grade of clothes they wear is obviously several grades higher. I'm afraid there is a reason why they were so low-key before.

When she went out, Su Qiye probably had a taste of it. I'm afraid Xiling zijue didn't let her participate in the auction casually, but a very fast way to understand Liuzhou at the auction. She can quickly get a general understanding of the financial resources and distribution of Liuzhou officials.

As for some things, if there was no auction, they probably didn't know much about Liuzhou after they left.

The auction was in the morning, and adults Liu and Liu's brothers and sisters were going to the auction. This time, they just brought a few more people.

Su Qiye and his party, except for purple bamboo and ninglan, followed up, including Su brocade and Su Bai.

Then she got on the carriage of Liu's family, and she sighed again.

Although the details of this carriage are not as good as the carriage prepared by Xiling zijue for her, it is very spacious and magnificent in appearance. You can see at a glance that its cost is not cheap.

Of course, the carriages of the Liu family obviously improved their wealth, which made Su Qiye have to say, what a local tyrant!

Along the way, Su Qiye and Dongling Ruisheng kept lifting the curtain of their car and looked out. They found that there were not many people in the street. It seemed that the whole street was deserted, but there was not even a beggar and there were not many shops in the street.

Originally, Su Qiye thought that the people here must have a hard time, but what kind of "hardship" is it? She really can't make this decision without a separate investigation. But anyway, on the surface, the governor of Liuzhou did a good and perfect job.

After about a incense burning time, the carriage stopped slowly. It should be the auction.

When Su Qiye got off the carriage, he saw a huge golden sign with three big characters "Jubao hall" written on it. It was full of style.

The whole treasure gathering hall has three floors, of which there is only one accord on the third floor, but that accord has always been empty and no one dares to sit.

Because once you sit down in that position, you are likely to lose your money.

Under the leadership of the prefect of Liuzhou, the people smoothly entered the treasure gathering hall without any obstacles.

When he walked inside, Su Qiye sighed again that he was really a frog at the bottom of the well. Compared with the magnificence inside, what was the acid of the plaque outside? It was just an ordinary plaque, which could not be more ordinary.

The huge circular display platform is inlaid with a circle of gemstones on the edge of the platform, and the shelves for auction products on the display platform are also exquisite.

The first floor is the hall. At the moment, it is full of people, and everyone has a number plate in their hands.

People like prefect Liu can't be in the hall on the first floor. Naturally, they booked the accord on the second floor.

It's just... Lord Liu's body seems to be too big. It's difficult to go upstairs... But it doesn't matter. There is a manual elevator here, which is specially designed for people with inconvenient legs and feet.

When Lord Liu arrived at the elegant Pavilion on the second floor and sat down, the auction was about to begin.

Adult Liu did it well in his spare time, narrowed his eyes in a condescending attitude and said, "don't worry, Miss Su. If you like something later, I will certainly allow you."

"Then thank you for your kindness." Su Qiye showed a shallow smile.

Lord Liu was stunned. He couldn't speak at once. He could only laugh.

Soon, a middle-aged man came up on the auction platform, wearing a black cloak and a curtain hat. I don't know whether it was to maintain a sense of mystery or to protect himself. In short, he covered his face from beginning to end and didn't use his own voice.

As usual, the man said a few regular opening remarks at the auction.

After listening to the man's nonsense, they ushered in the first auction.

"The first auction item, Amethyst glazed Jade Pagoda," said the man, lifting a piece of black cloth on the table.

For a moment, the whole auction was attracted by the Jade Pagoda on the table.

The Jade Pagoda is half a person high. The crystal glass is shining with a faint purple light. It is dazzling, like crystal ice. It is beautiful.

"No more nonsense, the starting price is 10000 liang of silver." the value of the Amethyst Glass Jade Pagoda can be seen without saying. If the material is not valuable, he will not auction it.

"I'll give you twenty thousand taels of silver!" someone raised a sign and shouted.

"I'll give 100000 liang of silver."

"Twelve thousand taels of silver..."

"One hundred and twenty-five thousand Liang..."

More and more people are bidding in the hall, but no one is bidding in the elegant room on the second floor. It can be seen that the glazed Jade Pagoda is beautiful, but it has no special value except that it is more beautiful. However, it was only the bidding in the hall on the first floor, which had stunned Su Qiye.

Although this thing looks good, is it really worth the price? Well... Did people here pick up all their money for nothing?

Finally, the glazed Jade Pagoda was photographed with 139000 taels of silver.

"The second auction item is three Baihua Yulu pills made by the seventh childe of the divine doctor. They can detoxify the poison. Ordinary people can be inviolable to a certain extent after taking them. The starting price is 30000 liang of silver!" the man in Black said with some excitement.

For a moment, the response of the whole auction began to be enthusiastic. After all, it is something that can save lives. Naturally, people will not be polite. Even the magistrate showed an eager expression. Seeing that the people were so calm, he didn't follow the bidding.

"Forty thousand Liang!"

"Sixty thousand Liang!"

"Sixty five thousand..."

The voice of asking price kept rising, but Su Qiye was directly angry and crooked his nose.

What the hell is this?! Isn't she the seventh childe of the miracle doctor? Isn't the Baihua Yulu pill she sold in the wonderful hand rejuvenation hospital? It's only sold for ten Liang silver. How come it's hundreds of times here, and the price soared to heaven?

What Su Qiye didn't expect is that there are too many rich families in Liuzhou. Once people have money, they will be particularly afraid of death. Moreover, the Baihua Yulu pill was auctioned in Jubao hall, which shows that it must be genuine and effective. No one doubts its efficacy, and the price was quickly fried.

Su Qiye used this medicine when he was doing something wonderful. Generally, he wouldn't sell it outside. It only gave him taste when he was really poisoned. Therefore, the people in the capital didn't know such a good medicine, so no one bought it, and the price could only be reduced.

Su Qiye was angry at the auction of her medicine at today's auction. After all, they should buy the Baihua Yulu pill from the capital and sell it here. Although it infringed her intellectual property rights, there was no way to do it. There was no law here. Moreover, this time, And put such a big ad on her. Seeing that the price of these pills was copied so high, Su Qiye was still a little excited. If she took out the drugs and sold them, I'm afraid she would really make a lot of money. She had to write back quickly and let her hands recover. She was not allowed to sell the pills she made.

Finally, the three Baihua Yulu pills were sold by a seemingly low-key businessman at the price of 15000 liang of silver. After all, small pills can be used to save lives in times of crisis. After all, they are more attractive than good-looking ornaments.

Su Qiye is going crazy.

She didn't know where a raging anger came out. She was so angry that she clenched her teeth and trembled all over. Fifteen thousand taels! It's a thousand times more expensive than what you sold in the wonderful rejuvenation! A thousand times! These people are profiteers! Terrible profiteer! No wonder this place is so magnificent and so terrible. It's impossible for them to make money even if they don't want to make money!

"What's the matter with the girl? She doesn't look very well. Is it because she's uncomfortable?" adult Liu finally noticed her abnormality and asked with great concern.

"I'm fine, but... I'm surprised to see so much silver for the first time." she said with a dry smile.

"Oh? Hahaha... It's just a little more than 10000 silver. It's all small... Small!" adult Liu's expression suddenly became arrogant, and then looked at Su Qiye and said with a smile, "if you are willing to stay in Liuzhou, I can buy a house for you. When the time comes, you will be dazzled by gold, silver and jewelry. You can enjoy endless glory, wealth and honor."

Su Qiye looked at adult Liu's face, which was crowded together like a pig's head, and looked at her with squinting eyes. She tried to resist the nausea in her chest and said, "adult is really generous, but the little woman still has something important to do. She can't stay in Liuzhou. Please forgive me."

"Ah... I don't know what the girl said..." Lord Liu seemed to want to say something to Su Qiye, but unexpectedly, there was a chill behind him. Turning his head, he saw a cold look like killing people, which scared him to shrink his head and lean back on the chair, afraid to say more. In the face of such a person, Lord Liu knew that even if he was the magistrate, he could not be provoked.

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