"The third auction item is an extremely precious and rare herbal medicine, called silver leaf lotus. The starting price is one hundred Liang silver." the man in Black opened a jade box, let everyone have a look, and immediately closed it. In the box, a delicate and small lotus lay quietly.

Silver leaf lotus is indeed very precious and rare, but because it is just a medicinal herb, it will not have any curative effect alone, so it is impossible to sell at a high price. Unless some skilled doctors will know the curative effect and function of silver leaf lotus, they just need to use it for medicine. Otherwise, this medicinal herb will not be known or needed at all.

One hundred Liang silver. This price shouldn't have appeared in the treasure gathering hall, but because no one needed it in the previous auctions, and the medicinal materials can't be preserved for a long time because they are perishable, so I had to auction the originally precious medicinal materials at a low price. I just hope I can meet a lucky one and sell them.

Many people at the scene didn't know the goods. They immediately booed. They thought that this silver leaf lotus was useless. No one held a sign in the hall.

"It's really a rare silver leaf lotus, but it's really useless to use it alone. Unless someone needs it, I'm afraid no one will be bored enough to buy a lotus and hide it at home." Xiling zijue yawned in boredom.

Su Qiye's eyes lit up at this time and immediately shouted, "one hundred and fifty Liang!"

This herb is really useless to others, but it is of great use to her. She is worried that these rare herbs are nowhere to be found. Now she has sent them directly to the door. If she has this new herb, she can make more and better medicines. I'm afraid she can sell a lot of money in the future.

Su Qiye is very happy. These people don't know much about goods. It really makes her a little complacent. Silver leaf lotus, silver leaf lotus, she is bound to win today!

"It's a rare and precious medicinal material once in a hundred years. Do you still need it?" the man in black is obviously unwilling. The price is too low anyway. If it's really sold, it can be said that he doesn't earn a penny.

However, no matter how the man in black asked, the whole hall was extremely quiet and no one responded for a long time.

Even if it's cheap, it only costs 150 Liang. All of you here are rich, but you won't waste money because of this useless thing.

The man in black bit his teeth, hit the table with a hammer, and then winked at the people in the hall.

"Two hundred Liang." some people began to bid, but they didn't really want to buy this. It's just that Jubao hall is arranged inside. It's not surprising that many auction halls will do such things.

Su Qiye naturally knew this rule. With theout any surprise, he continued to shout softly: "three hundred Liang."

Although she loves money, she is not greedy. She doesn't expect to shoot the silver leaf lotus for 150 Liang. Her goal is to be within 1000 Liang. If it's really too high, it's not necessary for this grass.

However, she was thinking like this. A faint female voice came from the elegant Pavilion on the second floor, shouting with great pride: "one thousand Liang."

Su Qiye's expression with a faint smile suddenly froze.

Frozen with her, there was Dongling Jingrui on one side. The original dull eyes became gloomy in an instant.

Su Qiye's mood became very bad, because it was absolutely impossible for him to be seated in the elegant Pavilion on the second floor. I'm afraid he also wanted this silver leaf lotus!

The eyes of the people in black on the auction platform showed joy, and even their tone changed a little. With joy, they said, "tenant No. 9 bid 1000 Liang, can it be higher?"

Su Qiye tightened her lips and hesitated in her eyes. She didn't want to give up the money, but looked at each other's posture. She was afraid to fight with her to the end.

"If the money on xiaoye'er is not enough, I still have it here. If you want, just shoot it." Xiling zijue said gently and considerately, and directly asked her to buy it.

If ordinary people, I'm afraid they will be very happy, but Su Qiye shook his head and said, "it's just a broken grass. I don't want it. She'll take it if she wants." but in her tone, she can't stop her irritability.

"Five thousand Liang." Dongling Jingrui suddenly made a noise, and hardly hesitated to increase the price.

Soon a voice came from the opposite side: "ten thousand Liang."

Dongling Jingrui's face sank slightly, with a frightening cold light in his eyes, lowered his voice and said word by word: "50000 Liang."

Su Qiye stared at him and exclaimed, "Dongling Jingrui... Are you crazy?!"

The light female voice soon came from the opposite side, and the voice line was incomparably flat: "100000 Liang."

This remark really caused an uproar among many people.

100000 Liang! A hundred thousand taels of silver! This number is no joke!

In the whole of Liuzhou, 100000 liang of silver may not be completely unavailable to some very successful businessmen, but just use the money to buy a useless medicinal herb, and the price is so fierce, this person is crazy! How rich should I be to do such a bad thing? It's obviously an angry way to bid twice as much. It's intentional at all.

Dongling Jingrui's hand hidden in his sleeve tightened slightly, then narrowed his eyes dangerously, opened his mouth slightly, and just wanted to continue shouting, suddenly a cool hand tightly covered his lips.

"You're crazy! Can you shout again?!" a voice suddenly sounded in my ear. Although it was low, it was very anxious.

Slightly raised his eyes. When he saw her nervous eyes, he obviously regarded him as his own person. He was really worried about him. The coldness in his eyes immediately dissipated and turned into a spring breeze with a shallow smile.

He blinked slightly, could not speak, so he told her with his eyes that he would not continue to bid. Su Qiye released him when he saw this, then gave him a warning look and whispered, "this grass is not worth the price at all. Don't cry any more! If you really have money, you can help me elsewhere, don't waste it here."

Dongling Jingrui nodded with a gentle expression, which meant that he was spoiled.

Xiling zijue looked at the two people's dialogue like flirting and flirting, Su Qiye's nervous look, his eyes were slightly heavy, but he didn't say anything. He put his hand behind his head and changed into a more comfortable position. He looked at the auction table as if nothing had happened. Although he had no expression, his expression was not as relaxed and natural as before.

Finally, a silver leaf lotus that could not be sold was photographed by a mysterious woman at a high price of 100000 liang of silver. This is absolutely impossible. I'm afraid the boss of Jubao hall will wake up with a smile in his dream.

The auction will continue. However, the next thing seems to be a little ordinary. It's nothing more than some seemingly precious ancient sword paintings or ancient jade, as well as some strange things. Although rare, it's not surprising. Su Qiye looked at it for a while and felt a little bored. She was not rare in the ancient paintings of swords on it, and she was not very interested in strange things. As for some poison pills with strange effects, they were even Pediatrics for her. She could do it more advanced if she did it casually.

But anyway, there are still a lot of buyers, and the treasure gathering hall makes a lot of money. Lord Liu seems low-key, but he happily bought a lot of things and took the initiative to give the exquisite jewelry obtained from the auction to Su Qiye.

Su Qiye accepted it without affectation. They all entered the hands of Zizhu ninglan and let them look at it by themselves.

With the passage of time, the auction items are decreasing one by one. Just when she yawned bored and thought that the treasure gathering hall was just like this, the auction will gradually come to an end and finally come to the end.

Today's treasure gathering hall is full of people's appetite. Now it should be an eye opener.

"I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting for today's last auction."

After hearing this, Su Qiye reluctantly cheered up and waited to see what the treasure gathering hall had today.

The people in the lobby were excited and eager to move their hips. Some people's faces showed the color of tension and expectation.

"Night, don't you guess what the last auction will be?" Xiling zijue asked with interest while taking advantage of the stall.

Su Qiye sneered with disdain and said with a smile, "what can I do? It's the auction in this small place, but I can only take out some things that are no big deal. Hum, I still steal and sell Baihua Yulu pills..."

"Night Er doesn't think that the treasure gathering hall can't get what you want?" the smile in Xiling zijue's eyes became stronger and stronger. It seemed that he had guessed what the last auction item was.

"Hmm? Do you know?" Su Qiye looked up at him with a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

"If you don't think about it, why is Liuzhou so rich if the treasure gathering hall really can't bring out good things?" Xiling zijue said with an unfathomable face.

Su Qiye raised his eyebrows slightly. As soon as he wanted to speak, he was interrupted by a voice. The man in black on the auction platform finally took out the last auction item.

"This last auction item is a map." when the man in Black said this, he suddenly stopped and began to sell. He said mysteriously, "are you interested?"

Unexpectedly, it was sold at the last minute, and there was a lot of booing. Someone began to shout to go, someone began to urge him to take it out quickly, and even someone began to shout loudly, shouting that no matter what he finally took out, he would buy it.

"The throne on the third floor of the treasure gathering hall is unoccupied all the year round. I don't know today, but which guest is willing to try?" the man in Black said calmly while listening to the people below.

As soon as these words came out, the shouting people immediately counseled. They naturally lost their original momentum and obediently closed their mouths.

When others bid, he pays the bill and goes bankrupt every minute, the wronged leader will go to that place

Seeing that everyone was in good spirits, the man in black stopped selling off and said, "since this map is the finale of today, it is not an ordinary map, but..."

"Gold, pulse, earth and map."

A moment of silence.

Then there was an uproar. The simple four words directly made the whole treasure gathering hall about to explode!

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