The cave is not very big. There are the clothes and food mentioned by Dongling Qi, and a straw mat made of clean straw. It can be seen that this is the small bed he carefully prepared for her.

With a slight movement in his heart, Su Qiye put him on the grass mat and began to make a fire. There was enough firewood in the cave to burn for a day.

Soon, there was a fire in the cave, and it gradually warmed up.

Dongling Qi's body was frozen because of the cold in his body, and his wet clothes were frozen. His eyebrows and hair also formed a layer of white frost, and his body exuded a terrible cold.

Su Qiye didn't intend to take care of her at all. He just thought he had completely fainted. He took off his clothes and put on a clean new clothes. Then he found some dry food and squatted on the ground to eat it.

Across the fire, Su Qiye secretly looked at Dongling Qi. His whole body was trembling. His face was terrible pale, and the breath around him was as cold as if it was going to stab the bone. I don't know why, Su Qiye is inexplicably distressed. Why is she so worthless!

The food tasteless ate a few mouthfuls of dry food. Su Qiye reluctantly sighed, took out another clean clothes from his baggage and walked towards donglingqi.

Anyway, it's not the first time she saw Dongling Qi's body. She doesn't care, but she doesn't know if he will mind.

Directly wipe the easy face powder on his face with his hand. Su Qiye's hand touched his belt impolitely and was ready to release.

However, at this time, his clothes have frozen and caked, and it is difficult to take them off. Su Qiye can only melt the temperature above with his own hands. She also understands Dongling Qi's body. Once there is an accident, it will become like this. Su Qiye is used to it.

Just as she was about to untie his belt and change his clothes, a cold and stiff hand suddenly grabbed her hand

Su Qiye was surprised, looked up and found that Dongling Qi didn't know when he woke up and was looking at himself.

"Don't... don't worry about me..." he brushed her hand away for fear of frostbite.

"Hum! Do you think I want to take care of you?" Su Qiye didn't continue to be hypocritical. He turned around and sat alone by the fire.

Dongling Qi looked at her still angry face, flashed a complex color in her eyes, opened her mouth and stopped talking.

"To be honest, how long will it take you to recover your strength in your current state?" Su Qiye suddenly asked. After all, she didn't want Dongling Qi to die here.

"It will take three days to recover your strength, and it will take three months to recover all your skills..." Dongling Qi said slowly. What he said at the moment was a little stronger than before.

"Then your arm..." Su Qiye asked half before he remembered. He was afraid it was superfluous, so he immediately changed his mouth, "I want to know where the gold mine you said is? How can I mine it?"

Dongling Qi looked at her with warm, soft eyes and said slowly, "my arm will be fine. It will return to its original state in a few days."

"I didn't ask this! I want to know what you said about the gold mine!" Su Qiye said angrily.

"I'll take you tomorrow. Have a good rest first. Don't worry." Qi softly advised Dongling.

Su Qiye turned his head, looked at him for a while, and suddenly asked, "how did you know we would stay in that village?"

Dongling Qi didn't expect that she would ask him such a question at this time, but said, "because the people in their whole village are not ordinary people."

Su Qiye immediately understood. No wonder, no matter which room she went in for lodging, it was the same. The village was his people. What else could she not do.

No wonder she felt very strange when she entered the yard at that time. She felt something wrong. Now she remembered that there was no child in the village. Logically, this is the most inappropriate. People in the countryside care about family succession. Every family will have more than one child, and all children like excitement and are bound to come out to play, But when they entered the village that day, their existence was empty, and only a few people passed by.

"No wonder you left in advance. It was to arrange these things here. Donglingqi, you wouldn't have liked here long ago?" Su Qiye couldn't be more surprised. How can he calculate these?

"At the auction, I was already arranging these things. There were no villages nearby. I specially prepared one... And the cave here. In order to prevent information leakage, she knew it, so no one knew here except you." Dongling Qi said slowly while trying to adjust his breath, At the moment, my body was not shaking so much, and my strength came back a little, and the ice on my clothes began to melt and disappear.

"You are really a scheming man, so you expected Rong Chuqing to send someone to assassinate me!" Su Qiye asked him very upset.

Dongling Qi didn't speak. She was acquiescent. Anyway, she could guess everything and had nothing to hide.

"You've arranged so much, you've calculated everything, so do you think I'll be so angry? Do you think I'll do such a move to live?" Su Qiye looked at him with a cold smile on his face, which was extremely ironic. "You can calculate everything, but you can't calculate my heart and my thoughts alone!"

Dongling Qi saw her so sad expression. A trace of heartache flashed in his eyes. He couldn't speak and had nothing to say. Su Qiye was indeed the only person he couldn't guess. Her personality was too bright, her temper was too stubborn and strong, and her ideas were too out of line. He never knew what she wanted.

The firewood made a burst of thunderclap and a sudden silence, which made the atmosphere of the whole cave a little depressed and strange.

Su Qiye knows that she is sometimes too extreme, but she will never change her original idea because of this.

But now, Dongling Qi is very poor. If you don't change his clothes, maybe he can only stay alone. Will it be too poor all night? Although he did something sorry for himself, he saved his life after all

Su Qiye is more and more tangled. On the one hand, she wants to help him, but on the other hand, she can't pull down her face. She's already talking hard. How can she not bear to help? Didn't you hit yourself in the face?

Su Qiye was extremely distressed. He was holding a matchstick and poked and poked in the burning fire

God, is there any way to make his clothes clean automatically and make his body recover quickly?

Naturally, there is no answer. Su Qiye can only continue to think of a way silently.

Suddenly, a light flashed in her mind. Isn't there anyone here? As long as she doesn't let Dongling Qi know, no one knows what she does?!

Thinking of this, Su Qiye suddenly turned back, looked at Dongling Qi, showed a strange smile, and then jumped forward, "pa" lit the sleeping hole on Dongling Qi.

Qi Yuan of Dongling originally closed his eyes and ordered the sleeping point. There was almost no difference between no point and no point, but Su Qiye had a lot more sense of security, at least in her sense of security, which ensured that he would not find what he had done.

Su Qiye didn't point other people's acupoints for the first time, but she was so cool for the first time. She wanted to point more and let him always point his own acupoints before!

After confirming that he had completely fallen asleep, Su Qiye naturally began to take off his clothes, and immediately Dongling Qi's body was completely exposed to the air.

"Tut tut..." Su Qiye looked at his white body like jade and couldn't help tut tut praising. His fingers unconsciously stroked a piece of smooth skin on his shoulder and rubbed it back and forth. His look quickly became a little strange.

She clearly remembered that he had a wound here. It was a deep arrow wound, and it was still poisonous. Normally, after falling such a wound, there would be deep raised scars on his skin, but as she confirmed, there was no miraculous trace on Dongling Qi, only a large piece of smooth and elastic skin.

This time, Su Qiye leaned his head extremely forward, and repeatedly rubbed it with his hands. His skin was red, but no trace was found. Isn't it that this man at this time is not donglingqi at all? Or was it donglingqi who took her to the arrow before? But no matter how she thinks, these two people are undoubtedly her.

Su Qiye really doesn't believe it. There can't be a second Dongling Qi in the world. There must be something wrong!

Thinking of this, Su Qiye was really unhappy. She pinched the skin on his waist, and then angrily took clothes for him to wear. Although her expression was not particularly happy, her hand movements were extremely gentle and took care of his other arm. In order not to damage his bones again, she found a wooden stick to fix it for him, What a surprise. The knife mouth is bean curd heart.

He helped him change his clothes. Su Qiye helped him take off his shoes and socks, baked them on the fire with his own frame, and then leaned aside for a rest.

Suddenly, a burst of sleepiness suddenly hit her. Her eyes could hardly open. A trance double shadow began to appear in front of the fire. The whole world in front of her began to rotate and finally fell into darkness

Su Qiye didn't know how he slept, what's more, why his body was so warm, and how the fire in the cave burned all night.

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