
Su Qiye was awakened by a beam of dazzling sunshine. He opened his eyes vaguely, and suddenly had a panoramic view of the scene in the cave.

Su Qiye took a look at the fire, which was still steaming. He suddenly reacted and was surprised!

"Shoes... Where are the shoes?!"

Su Qiye was stunned. Where were the shoes she baked on it yesterday? Those are Dongling Qi's shoes!

She grabbed the fire stick next to her and stirred it in the fire. Finally, she found a piece of the wreckage of Dongling Qi shoes

Su Qiye's expression immediately became very wonderful. How did she explain how donglingqi's shoes left his feet and appeared in the fire?

Just when she was about to cry without tears, Dongling Qi suddenly moved and frowned, as if she was about to wake up.

"Don't... don't wake up!" Su Qiye rushed forward, as if to point his acupoints again, but his body didn't receive his own control, because his feet were numb before, he suddenly got up and didn't react. As soon as his legs were soft, he fell directly on donglingqi's body, and his mouth hit his cheek.

At the same time, Dongling Qi also opened his eyes, and his bright black eyes looked at her for a moment.

This is

So active? It would be great if she... Didn't press his arm.

Su Qiye's nose was against his nose. He watched his face turn green a little bit. He scrambled away from him and pretended to get up calmly.

"Don't get me wrong, my feet are numb... Hiss..." the knock just now was not light!

"Thank you for dressing me..." Dongling Qi glanced at his clothes. His smile was very warm and warm, and his tone was soft with a little doting.

Su Qiye didn't even want to look at him, but he didn't return his head: "you think too much. I'm just afraid you'll die. I can't leave here alone."

Dongling Qi didn't speak, but quietly watched her leave. He moved some stiff fingers. He sat up with his left hand and leaned against the stone wall for another breath.

Su Qiye didn't know why he was moved again because of his just smile. He said he was in a hurry to leave. It was better to say that there was no hiding under his gentle eyes, so he wanted to escape quickly.

A man walked to the water, washed his face with water and drank a mouthful of water. Only then did he feel more comfortable.

There were still many dewdrops on the grass in the morning. Su Qiye walked on the dew at night. Looking around, she found a small pear tree and picked some pears. Only then did she return to the cave. She knew that donglingqi must be hungry.

Originally, Su Qiye might have worried that Dongling Qi would suddenly disappear, but today she was not worried at all, because with her current physical condition, I'm afraid she couldn't go if she wanted to.

Back in the cave, Dongling Qi sat quietly and regulated his breath, but his bare feet were a little eye-catching

"Here, eat!" Su Qiye threw the pear, but he began to look for dry food.

Dongling Qi took a look at the pear in his hand and Su Qiye. He smiled and bit off a piece.

Su Qiye found dry food and began to eat without a bite.

"When will we start to look for the gold mine?" Su Qiye asked indifferently, still eating.

"It's so sweet." Dongling Qi ate the pear and boasted sincerely. There was a glimmer of crystal water control on the corner of his mouth. His lips looked much more attractive than the pear full of water.

Su Qiye didn't know when to start. Dongling Qi became so unreasonable. He couldn't help turning his eyes and didn't have a good way: "I think you seem very energetic today. I warn you, don't pretend to be dead today. Don't want me to carry you!"

"OK..." Dongling Qi calmly agreed, but the next second his expression changed a little, "but where did my shoes... Go?"

Su Qiye glanced at his feet. Although he was a man, his feet were white and tender, and his skin was very thin. If he didn't wear shoes to walk, I'm afraid he couldn't walk a few steps. He couldn't help turning his head with some guilt: "I don't know. Maybe he lost them in the water yesterday."

"Maybe." Dongling Qi nodded. He didn't talk too much and didn't mean to doubt.

Seeing him like this, Su Qiye was even more sorry. After all, she did it. He didn't even have shoes to wear, and he was hurt. I'm afraid he couldn't stand stably?

Dongling Qi still worked hard. He moved his body and tried to get up. However, he was sweating a lot for a while, but his body still didn't have enough strength to get up.

Su Qiye looked at it and felt that he couldn't use all his strength. Finally, he sighed helplessly, walked up to him, bent slightly and said, "help you for the last time. In the future, your things have nothing to do with me. I won't help you any more!"

Dongling Qi didn't listen to her at all, but fell on her back and hooked her neck.

Su Qiye looked back at the fire of the culprit, sighed and walked out of the cave.

This night, nothing happened, but I lost a pair of shoes and socks of Dongling Qi alone.

Qi Mingxian of Dongling is familiar with this place. Su Qiye keeps walking according to the road he points out. After walking for about half an hour, Su Qiye finds the place mentioned by Qi of Dongling, where you can see the gold mine.

It was another cave. Su Qiye almost didn't think about it and went in.

When I went in and looked, Su Qiye found that it was not a cave, but a karst cave, because Su Qiye found a lot of water, a lot of molten stones, a lot of space, enough air, and a lot of animal corpses, but some remains.

The more he went inside, the darker it was. Finally, there was almost no light in the cave. However, Su Qiye found a torch nearby. Seeing that he was so familiar, it was obviously prepared by Dongling Qi.

"How deep is it?" Su Qiye asked as he walked. I don't know why. There was a cool wind in front of her. She had a bad feeling, but she had already come here. It must be impossible to go back.

"Not far, fast." Dongling Qi probably noticed a mistake, frowned slightly, but still didn't say anything.

After hundreds of meters, Su Qiye finally found a more spacious place, but the scene really surprised Su Qiye.

The whole cave is in the shape of tortoiseshell, and there are four channels in total. Plus this one she came from, there are five channels in total. The stone wall presents an irregular arc on her head, but the uneven stone wall is inlaid with large pieces of gold, which makes Su Qiye couldn't help but stare, and subconsciously stopped.

That's real gold! You can use it directly!

Su Qiye almost didn't jump up and pick it with his hands! The map is indeed right. It's really a geomantic treasure land. There are hundreds of thousands of taels of gold she saw alone, let alone deeper inside. She made a lot of money this time!

Dongling Qi has obviously seen here. Naturally, he is not as excited as Su Qiye. He said faintly: "I've only been here. As for the four holes inside, I haven't gone in, and I don't know what's inside."

Su Qiye understood what he meant, that is, if something happens next, he can't predict. Unless she can resist curiosity, she has determined that there is gold here anyway. Maybe it's better for her to leave directly.

However, although reason told Su Qiye not to take unnecessary risks, on the other hand, his curiosity encouraged him to go in and have a look. It's a pity not to go in here?

"Why are there caves here?" Su Qiye decided to have a rest first and put down Dongling Qi.

Dongling Qi barefoot on the ground, simply the stone here is very smooth, there is no small stone, he can walk freely temporarily, so he groped on the rock wall for a while.

"The rock walls here are very smooth and naturally formed, while the stone rock walls of the other four channels are very rough. It should be that someone has prepared to mine the gold mine here, but it has been interrupted for some reason. I'm afraid there is nothing good in it. However, there may be gold that has been mined." Qi of Dongling said faintly.

"Oh! Gold is not a good thing. What good thing can there be? Go and have a look!" Su Qiye heard it and made a conclusion regardless of three, seven and twenty-one.

"Aren't you afraid of being ambushed inside?" Dongling Qi suddenly asked.

Su Qiye ordered the stone in his hand, sneered and said, "kill God in case of God, kill Buddha in case of Buddha, those who block my way of wealth, die!"

Looking at Su Qiye's confident and arrogant expression, Dongling Qi was stunned for a moment, then looked at her helpless but spoiled and said, "silly girl, when are you short of money?"

"If you don't need money, it doesn't mean you need money. You know, the only thing that can give women a sense of security in the world is money. How can you understand the benefits of money..." Su Qiye looked back at him and said if he meant something. He is afraid that he will never know that there are really people in the world who will betray their friends, hurt their relatives and abandon their loved ones for money.

"If you like money, no matter how much, I can give it to you." Qi yuanyao of Dongling looked at her and said very seriously.

Su Qiye had just come to the mouth of the cave. When he heard his words, he suddenly stopped, looked back at her, laughed, looked down and said, "do you think I will believe you?"

Then she ignored him and walked into the cave without looking back

Dongling Qi looked at her back and felt a pain in his heart. Today, she is no longer willing to believe him?

Oh, that's good. Isn't this what he wanted to see, so that she doesn't have feelings for him anymore, so as not to worry about pain in her heart in the future

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