Is Yan Lingfeng diving into acting?Of course, after only appreciating hundreds of American blockbusters and countless performances at La Masia Film and Television Training Center, his acting skills are not superb, but at least he will not commit the low-level "finger leak". Made a mistake.

The referee didn't know whether Yan Lingfeng was really injured or fraudulently injured. Because of the responsibility, he still stretched out his hand and waved to the bench of Shuiyun Yizhong to signal the team doctor to enter the field.

Xu Jianye’s heart was raised immediately, because he hadn’t seen the collision between the two clearly just now because of the vision problem, so he watched Yan Lingfeng rolling all over the floor, his heart was cut like a knife, Yan Lingfeng He is the greatest protector of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School who can go all the way to today. If he leaves the game due to injury, then the influence of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School on his Xu Jianye will not be slight.The members of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School who are accustomed to Yan Lingfeng's presence will definitely feel uncomfortable if they suddenly fail to see Yan Lingfeng.Lu Yao knows that Ma Li has seen people’s hearts for a long time. Similarly, Yan Lingfeng has also established a certain prestige among the team members over time. Coupled with the support of the four bad friends of Class 18, in Han Dengyun’s words, Yan Lingfeng can be regarded as "one person under one person and above ten thousand people" in the team at this time.If this Minister of State retire early, Xu Jianye's expectations for this game will also drop to the lowest point in an instant.

The two team doctors ran into the arena in a hurry with the first aid kit. Yan Lingfeng looked less painful, at least he didn’t roll all over the floor anymore. There was a circle of people around him. There were referees. The team doctor, of course, also has his opponents and brothers.

The two doctors checked with sweat, rolled their eyes and asked Yan Lingfeng: "How are you feeling now?"

"Much better!" Yan Lingfeng was already fine, so he nodded and replied immediately after hearing the words. Of course, his facial expression was still very painful. After all, his behavior was a flop that Qianfu referred to. Once it was seen by the referee In the light of this, you can understand how miserable it will be waiting for him with your toes.

"Don't you need to leave the field for treatment?" The referee asked with a black face. He is not a fool or blind. The scene of the collision between the two has been played back in his mind countless times. Seeing Yan Lingfeng’s arrogant faction, his anger stopped hitting him, and his fists clenched secretly. Yan Lingfeng had been designated as the number one object of dislike by him at this time, and he was already thinking about how to concoct and dare to use it. Yan Lingfeng, whose sympathy is haunting.

Yan Lingfeng knew that he was recovering too fast and had made the referee suspicious, but at this time he was already riding a tiger, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: "Thank you for your concern, I don't think I am needs!"

"That's good!" The referee hurriedly turned his head back and glanced at Yan Lingfeng, then turned around, as if watching Yan Lingfeng more would lose a year of life.

Xu Zhen defended him. After seeing that the effect was not great, he gave up and continued to struggle. The referee is always the one with the most power on the basketball court. Offending him is tantamount to offending the whole world temporarily. Think of this stupid thing, but if it does To do it, you still have to weigh it carefully.

Li Jingyu also said nothing, but his eyes on Yan Lingfeng were full of ridicule. He is a flower that has not been polluted before, and his heart is pure and pure. He has never thought about basketball. There will still be immoral practices such as diving on the court. He always thought that people playing basketball are upright people, but he did not expect that Yan Lingfeng would let him know how to write the word "shameless" today.That's right, Yan Lingfeng's actions seemed shameless in Li Jingyu's simple eyes, and extremely shameless!If he is not still thinking about the championship, he even disdains to compete with such a scum.

Yan Lingfeng noticed Li Jingyu's contemptuous gaze, but he didn't take it seriously.Li Jingyu is really young, and one day he will understand the meaning of the words "victor, prince, loser, Kou". In order to win, he can sweat and bleed, or he can be desperate, even if his personality is defiled. Regardless, he has never believed that there really are orders to reward good and punish evil in this world. If there is, then why is there the saying "good people don't live long, bad people live for thousands of years"?

The game continued and the possession of the ball returned to Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School. Bi Xiangyang did not pass the ball to Yan Lingfeng after halftime. Instead, with the help of Fu Zijun's screen, he got rid of Wang Leibo's follow-up and went straight to the inside. go with.Zhang Zhaoxu, the patron saint of Laizhou No. 1 Middle School, I hesitated, but still did not choose to make up. The closer to the basket, the greater the damage. He believes that as long as he holds the basket, Bi Xiangyang may not dare to shoot in the middle distance, even if he does. He may not be able to enter, but if he rushes out, he is likely to be left behind by opponents whose footsteps are far more flexible than himself, and he is more likely to leave the empty basket to He Qing's behavior.

There is nothing wrong with Zhang Zhaoxu’s approach. His choice is also wise in this situation, but what he doesn’t know is that Bi Xiangyang’s best and favorite is to shoot in the middle distance. Before Wu Fengtao transferred, the three of them were together. When fighting the Quartet, when Wu Fengtao fell into a scoring drought, his pick and roll cooperation with Li Kun was the best way to score, and he shot cold arrows from the same position again and again to kill his opponent. This lore position is exactly what he is now. The position of the feet.

The chasing soldiers were still far behind, and the interception in front was not tight, so Bi Xiangyang's shot seemed very calm. After the basketball broke away from his ten fingers, it flew to the basket lightly, and then lightly slipped into the net nest, rolling up white waves. .


Bi Xiangyang's mid-range shot made Shuiyun Yizhong regain the lead in the score and also swept away the team's continuous offensive scoreless haze.Zhang Zhaoxu patted his forehead with a little annoyance. When Bi Xiangyang took off his shot, he didn't rush to block the shot because he was worried that Bi Xiangyang was a fake shot, but Bi Xiangyang actually shot it. Obviously, he still has his own shot. Very confident.

Bi Xiangyang smiled and celebrated with his teammates one by one. The school’s well-known basketball class and the "golden trio" with dozens of basketball courts all over the size of the water cloud and no opponents ended up alone in the school team. , This made him very stressed. If it is excusable to say that Wu Fengtao had to leave the basketball team because of the transfer, then Li Kun’s loss is puzzling. You must know that now Shui Yunyi In the position of power forward, there is absolutely a lack of people. Li Yi has a strong body but lacks the protection of rebounds. Fu Zijun's shooting is accurate and flexible but his power is too weak.Bi Xiangyang is not ignorant of the real reason why Li Kun was selected for the school team, not because of technical problems. His push in the finals directly pushed Yan Lingfeng into the hospital for a month, which also made the school. The leader of Li Kun was very dissatisfied and decided that Li Kun's character was defective, so he turned him away.Thinking of this, Bi Xiangyang unconsciously turned his gaze to Yan Lingfeng. This schoolboy seemed to have a kind of convincing energy in his body. He should have hated him, but he was unconsciously attracted by his personality charm. Attracted, he became a very good friend with him. Perhaps this was the reason why Wu Fengtao strongly recommended him to enter the school team instead.

Yan Lingfeng didn't know that Bi Xiangyang remembered so many past events because he made a shot. Although there was a faint smile on his face, his brain was running at high speed. He had to come up with a solution as soon as possible. Li Jingyu The defensive method relies on Bi Xiangyang's scoring, which is not a piece of cake. It will be sooner or later that Shuiyun will be overtaken by the score. He is very clear in his heart that only by opening himself can he drive all his teammates to blossom.

Laizhou first attacked, with lessons learned, this time Li Jingyu did not greet the inside players to pick and roll himself. He was not angry, he just wanted to use his genius to tell Yan Lingfeng that playing smart on the basketball court is never the right way. , Only upright strength is the key to victory.

Of course Li Jingyu has the strength, otherwise he would not use genius to claim himself, but his strength is only so in Yan Lingfeng's eyes, even though Yan Lingfeng seems to be unable to prevent his shots and break his. Defensively, but Yan Lingfeng still believes that it is only a matter of time. This is his true self-confidence, a self-confidence based on the comparison between his own strength and the opponent's strength.

Li Jingyu patted the ball slowly, always with her hips down, sometimes behind her back, fancy and calm, the whole arena was silent. When these two people confront each other, it is often the essence of the game. The audience does not want to be affected by their own noise. The birth of the essence.The muffled sound of a basketball hitting the floor made every audience feel their heart beating out of their chest cavity. They did not dare to speak loudly. This is probably the case with the horror.

Yan Lingfeng looked at the basketball in Li Jingyu's hands intently. Everyone has his own unique way of defense. Yan Lingfeng's defensive style is to watch the ball but not people, because people may make various fake moves. , But basketball will never be. A person who really loves and understands the ball can communicate with basketball. Yan Lingfeng may not be able to do this now, but he has been working hard on this road.Similar to Yan Lingfeng, Li Jingyu’s offense is often not moving. One move is a killer move. No matter who controls the ball and defends, the time always seems to freeze when the two of them are facing each other. Li Jingyu is in a stalemate. Taking a deep breath, the basketball in his left hand suddenly slammed forward like magic, and then the whole person shot out like an arrow from the string. He had already noticed that there was something on Yan Lingfeng’s right foot. So a little bit of emptiness, this is definitely not a bait, because every bait will always have something that fish likes, but if this is a bait, then it only shows that Yan Lingfeng can't be a qualified fisherman.

Yan Lingfeng’s Gujing Wubo face immediately changed color. Li Jingyu’s timing was very precise. He also noticed that there might be a problem with the position of his right foot, but when he was about to adjust, Li Jingyu was Suddenly he swung a sword, and what the sharp point pointed to was his flaw. This made Yan Lingfeng panicked, and he adjusted his pace at a loss to adjust his defensive posture to make up for it, but Li Jingyu's speed was too fast. The first step may not be as fast as Yan Lingfeng, but the convergence speed of his second step is definitely beyond Yan Lingfeng's.

Watching Li Jingyu whizzing by his side, Yan Lingfeng's eyes showed a trace of irritation. After rebirth, he rarely got angry no matter in the basketball court or in life, but at this moment he is real. I was angry, not because Li Jingyu passed him, but the words after Li Jingyu passed him: "Trash!"

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