Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 146 I'll Wait For You!

Regardless of his previous life or his present life, Yan Lingfeng was never an impulsive person, but after Li Jingyu's "trash" sentence was uttered, he became angry and looked at Li Jingyu's eyes with a vicious look like a wolf. From the back, he let out a long breath, and slowly put a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth. Some people don't know who you are if you don't fuck their mother.Li Jingyu may not be such a person, but his arrogance has touched Yan Lingfeng's bottom line.

In his previous life, as a standard "chewing old clan", Yan Lingfeng has been a "chewing old clan" for nearly a year, and his relatives and friends have scolded him for a full year of "waste" even in front of others. It can be said that this word has become Yan Lingfeng's heartache.So after Li Jingyu said these words, Yan Lingfeng couldn't help but think of his sad past life, his expression became hideous, and his eyes looked terrifying.The emperor was angry, and the blood was drifting. Will Yan Lingfeng's anger ignite a terrifying anger?

After passing Yan Lingfeng, Li Jingyu drove straight in, swaying from side to side to the basket, facing He Qing, who was like the Optimus Jade Pillar, raised his hand and gestured to shoot. He Qing had no game experience. In addition, the brain's thinking is relatively simple, so Li Jingyu just shook him to the sky.He Qing, who covered the sky and covered the sun, not only did not put pressure on Li Jingyu, but made the smile on his face brighter. He whispered, "It's really a simple-minded single-celled animal!" and jumped up gently. The basketball was thrown to the hoop.He has a high shooting percentage from beyond the three-point line, and naturally there is no possibility of missed shots in the basket, but this very stable throw has deviated from the target, it is not that Li Jingyu remembered a sad past when shooting. , It's not that he is soft-hearted, there is no problem with his shooting, the problem is that the basketball accidentally hit a palm.

No one knows when Yan Lingfeng caught up, and no one knew how he caught up. In the eyes of many viewers, only a flash of yellow light was felt, and then after a loud bang, Yan Lingfeng stopped. Falling from the sky generally fanned Li Jingyu's throws.

Li Jingyu looked at the majestic Yan Lingfeng with a stunned expression. A small heart trembled unconsciously. After taking a breath, she turned her head and looked in the direction where the basketball disappeared.Yan Lingfeng's palm was shot with anger, and the force contained in it was naturally great, and the basketball flew away from the basket in the opposite direction.However, Li Jingyu was a little relieved that the basketball eventually fell to his teammate Wang Leibo, and did not let the opponent take the opportunity to fight back, but soon an expression of chagrin appeared on his face, because at this time the offense There was not much time left. Wang Leibo jumped and shot directly from a super long distance. When the timer "buzzed", the basketball flew directly out of the bottom line. It also declared that Laizhou No. 1 Middle School's attack was ultimately futile. return.

Although he covered Li Jingyu's big hot pot with anger, the expression on Yan Lingfeng's face was still that hideous. He was incapable of his previous life, so when others called him "trash", he could only swallow his anger and hide. He cried silently in the corner, but in this life he would never be allowed to suffer such humiliation again. If someone dared to provoke his scars, then this person must pay the price of blood.

His teammates wanted to rush up to celebrate him this very domineering chasing hat, but after feeling the cold breath of Yan Lingfeng's body, everyone unconsciously shrank their necks and retracted their feet.They have known Yan Lingfeng for a while, and they have never seen Yan Lingfeng as cold-blooded as they are now. Even in their eyes, Yan Lingfeng at this time is like a god of death.Yan Lingfeng raised his eyes indifferently to look at Li Jingyu, and said in a cold voice, "This is just the beginning. If you don't want to regret your whole life, you'd better apply for the end now, otherwise you will never forget what you will be today. I promise you what happened!"

Obviously Li Jingyu was also infected by the murderous aura emanating from Yan Lingfeng's body, but he naturally couldn't admit it at this time. After taking a deep breath to stabilize his mind, he suddenly laughed, "Yes, this It's just the beginning. I also believe that today is a very unforgettable day, because today we are destined to stand on the championship podium!"

Li Jingyu only used two words to arouse Yan Lingfeng's anger, and Yan Lingfeng also used two words to fight back Li Jingyu: Dreaming!

Dreams are not dreams, dreams are dreams, Zhuang Zhou’s dreams are not dreams, and not dreams are not me. The game will tell you who these two people are dreaming.

The battle shifted to the halftime of Laizhou No. 1 Middle School. Just after Bi Xiangyang dribbled the ball, Yan Lingfeng blocked Li Jingyu behind him and strode forward to open his hand for the ball. Bi Xiangyang did not hesitate to pass the ball immediately. Past.If Bi Xiangyang did not think that Yanlingfeng could do the core of the team when the school team was first established, then as time goes by, as the game is played, Bi Xiangyang has already opposed Yan. Ling Feng was completely convinced.So at this time, Yan Lingfeng would never refuse to ask for the ball.

Yan Lingfeng caught the ball with both hands, stuck Li Jingyu behind him with his back, and suddenly turned around with a large amplitude. With both feet flying around Li Jingyu's body, he did not stop for a moment and dribbled the ball straight. He rushed towards the basket.

Li Jingyu didn't expect that Yan Lingfeng hadn't tried it, so he directly launched an offensive. Yan Lingfeng turned very fast and suddenly, and he was a little unprepared, so Yan Lingfeng would easily break through him.Li Jingyu felt cold and hurriedly pulled up his heels. Yan Lingfeng was able to make the first shot and cover up his throw, so why couldn't he, who was much taller than his opponent?

Yan Lingfeng ignored Li Jingyu’s plan. At the moment, his eyes were full of the hoop. The Laizhou No. 1 defensive team had been shielded by him, because when he made up his mind to do something, everyone was Can't stop him.And his decision now is to destroy everything in Laizhou No. 1 Middle School, including this seemingly solid basket.

Zhang Zhaoxu stood under the basket with his arms raised up again like an unkillable Xiaoqiang. He knew in his heart that all fear was futile. Only when he bravely stood up and bravely met him can he truly complete the transformation and become an indispensable person. Victorious.

Zhang Zhaoxu, who is more than 2 meters tall, looks like an invisible person in Yan Lingfeng’s eyes. His eyes are full of angry flames. His muscles are full of explosive power. His anger Caused his eruption, and his eruption fueled his anger.The god of heaven was ordinary, Yan Lingfeng jumped up high with the ball in both hands, arms rounded and raised high, and struggling to hit the rim that seemed to be unpleasant and trembling.

Zhang Zhaoxu jumped up on tiptoe, his arms raised high, as if he was planning to turn the sky on his own.Li Jingyu is still chasing, but when Yan Lingfeng turns on his maximum speed, all pursuits about him must be drawn with a stop sign, because Sun Feiying can't match Yan Lingfeng who is sprinting with all his strength, and there seems to be endless in his body. The energy of Li Jingyu, and Li Jingyu's ridicule became the *** that inspired this energy.

If Yan Lingfeng’s dunk before was very elegant, the impression he left on the audience was only fierce, invincible, and violent. Let’s not say that Zhang Chaoxu was just a basketball player who had not been in contact for long. High school student, Yan Lingfeng's dunk is difficult to intercept even if he is replaced by Yao Ming.Yan Lingfeng's speed is too fast, and his power looks amazing. Zhang Zhaoxu suddenly regrets a little bit, regretting that he shouldn't be the hero standing here waiting to be ravaged, regretting that he shouldn't pay for a vain future. Once the danger of 2+1 was created, Yan Lingfeng had already flown in front of him. At this time, Zhang Chaoxu was too late even if he wanted to pull back, so he could only bite his teeth, open his arms and jump with all his strength. When I got up, the whole person was like an enlarged version of the great jumping god.

Yan Lingfeng, who does not believe in gods and Buddhas, is certainly not afraid of Zhang Zhaoxu's actions. His teeth bit his lips, his eyes are filled with cold light, and his arms are like two steel bars. Down.

"Roar!" Zhang Zhaoxu is too high, his arms are really long, and he jumped up another 30 or 40 centimeters, so his big hands actually cover the basket, but Yan Lingfeng is He didn't care, as if he didn't see it, he smashed the basketball down without evasive.

"Oh!" This was shouted by Li Jingyu, who was following Yan Lingfeng's ass, with a hint of excitement in his voice, because he clearly saw that Zhang Chaoxu's palm had been placed on the basketball, that is, if there were no accidents , Yan Lingfeng's seemingly unstoppable dunk will end in failure.

The person involved, Zhang Chaoxu, was not as excited as Li Jingyu. He knew what happened. Li Jingyu only saw that he touched the basketball, but didn't know that Yan Lingfeng took the basketball to him.Zhang Zhaoxu's arms are very long, but his strength is completely incomparable with Yan Lingfeng, so whether this ball will be a brilliant block or a powerful dunk and a big question mark.

"Go!" Yan Lingfeng shouted again, his arms bulging high and his face flushed. The second force applied directly to Zhang Chaoxu's palm and pressed the basketball into the basket abruptly. .

Although Zhang Chaoxu's arms were very long, his lack of strength was obvious without systematic training, and he was passively fighting again, so he surrendered without resistance.

"Fuck!" Zhang Chaoxu, who was like a Yan Lingfeng bulldozer, fell to the ground, then stood in front of him domineeringly and spit out a short, concise swear word.

Four of the ten fingers of Zhang Zhaoxu's hands were swollen into carrots, but at this time he had forgotten the pain in the heart. He just stared at Yan Lingfeng with a vengeful look, although he still He was lying on the floor with his feet up and down, but his expression was firmer than ever before. Pain could not stop him from revenge, and humiliation could not stop him.At this moment, Yan Lingfeng was so hateful, hateful, and hateful in his eyes. He couldn't wait to eat its flesh, eat its blood, and sleep its skin!

"Beep!" The referee ran over while blowing his whistle, standing between the two people who were looking at each other, raising his hands to hit 50 boards each, Zhang Zhaoxu blocked the foul, and the ball was penalized.Yan Lingfeng honorably received a technical foul.

Yan Lingfeng shrugged indifferently and said with a faint smile: "I'm waiting for you!"

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