Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 156 Deliberate Murder?

Xu Jianye had no choice but to apply for a timeout. Originally, he planned to save this timeout opportunity for the most critical moment, but there was no way that Yan Lingfeng’s injury disrupted his deployment, and he was helpless. We can only make adjustments in advance.

Xu Jianye's gaze swept across the faces of the ten team members, and he sighed a long sigh: "We have struggled all the way to the present. Seeing that we are about to reach the destination of victory, I am really very Not reconciled to give up at this time! I am not reconciled!"

Xu Jianye shook his hand and sighed, "Since ancient times, the difference between the winner, the prince and the loser, the champion and the runner-up will always be more than just the difference between the first and second place. If we can win this game. Come, then all of us will become Yantai household names in the first place, but if we fail, then we will be worthless!"

"Coach, don't say it!" Sun Feiying stood up and said loudly: "I don't want to be a celebrity, and I don't have to get this champion! But I have to do my best for this game and fight for injuries. Lingfeng and Senming of the confession! If I cannot fulfill their unfulfilled wishes, then I would rather be like them!"

Sun Feiying's generous speech and sonorous tone revealed unquestionable despair!His sword eyebrows are tightly furrowed, his mouth is pressed upwards, his fists are tightly together with me, he looks like a warrior waiting to go on the battlefield at any time.

"Okay! Well said!" Fu Zijun replied loudly: "Brothers! Ling Feng once said, no brothers, no basketball! Our brother went to the hospital, so now we are not playing football, but Fight! Fight for our honor! Fight for our brother!"

Fight for our honor!Fight for our brother!

The players of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School shouted these words in unison, spreading to every corner of the basketball hall. All the audience on the scene couldn't help being shocked by their unwillingness to hesitate. How powerful this is. the power of!People can't help but feel trembling about it!

Little Cui in the commentary slapped his lips and didn't know what to say for a while.Deng Mingliang, who was sitting next to him, nodded repeatedly, and couldn't help showing a shocked expression in his eyes looking at the rest area of ​​Shuiyun Yizhong.

Gong Xiaobin in the box couldn’t help being moved, because he saw what he used to be from this group of children, thinking that back then, the Bayi men’s basketball team was like a lone lonely player seeking defeat in China, fighting all over the world. Invincible, but the "troika" composed of Gong Xiaobin, Ji Minshang and Ju Weisong bravely challenged the Bayi Men's Basketball Team.Although they failed in the end, Gong Xiaobin never regretted the original choice, because power is never meant to be surrendered, but to challenge!

Without Yan Lingfeng and without Zhao Senming, there is no doubt that the strength of the Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School basketball team has dropped a lot, but even so, the confidence of the Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School players to win has never weakened by more than half a point.The short timeout was over. Bi Xiangyang, Sun Feiying, Fu Zijun, Gao Yang, and Han Dengyun stepped onto the field side by side with cold eyes and firm expressions.

On the other side of the court, compared with the tragic and majestic Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School, the expressions on the faces of the Laizhou No. 1 Middle School players were relatively relaxed. Without the threat of Yan Lingfeng, the pressure on their heads was suddenly reduced a lot.After Yan Lingfeng left the field due to injury, Li Jingyu could not only focus more on the offense, but also better drive the offense of his teammates. It can be said that Yan Lingfeng's departure made Li Jingyu liberated at once.

Sun Jianfei dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, and then leaned on Bi Xiangyang to give a light pass to Lu Zhisen, who came up to support him. Lu Zhisen kept the ball and handed it over to Li Jingyu.Fu Zijun was originally not a good defensive person. Against Li Jingyu, who had exceptional offensive ability, he had no power to fight back at all and was rid of him by Li Jingyu's accelerated change of direction.Li Jingyu rushed into the inside with the ball. Gao Yang, with quick eyes and hands, saw that the situation was not good. He quickly raised his arms to make up for the defense, but unexpectedly Li Jingyu suddenly stopped and turned back to make a jumper. Although Gao Yang tried his best to stretch out his right arm Blocked, but could not threaten Li Jingyu's shots, and watched helplessly as his elegant shots sent the ball into the basket.

61:59!After Li Jingyu hit the mid-range shot, the difference between the two teams became within reach of 2 points again. The morale of the Laizhou No. 1 High School players was greatly won, and their faces were full of determination to win. In contrast, Shui Yunyi In the middle and here, all the dejected and listless people who have not personally defended Li Jingyu will never know how difficult this 14-year-old child is to defend.Fu Zijun only defended him once, and a deep sense of powerlessness came to his mind. He could not understand how Yan Lingfeng prevented Li Jingyu from going crazy for almost the entire game, just as he didn't think about it. Understand why Zhang Zhaoxu would stand up again and again.

"I'm coming!" Gao Yang silently walked to Fu Zijun's side, and whispered while looking at Li Jingyu's back.

"Huh?" Fu Zijun turned his head and glanced at him suspiciously, "What are you coming for?"

"I'll defend this No. 10!" Gao Yang hesitated, fearing Fu Zijun's misunderstanding, and then explained: "This way you can focus more on the offensive end."

Fu Zijun stared at Gao Yang for a while, then suddenly laughed and patted Gao Yang's shoulder lightly, "Thank you then! Good brother!"

"Well, good brother!" Gao Yang looked at Fu Zijun sincerely and nodded, then the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and ran to each other's half court with firm steps.

Bi Xiangyang dribbled the ball for half of the game, and then handed it to Sun Feiying, who has the strongest singles ability in the team currently on the field. Sun Feiying took the ball to face his defending Lu Zhisen and flickered, seeing Lu Zhisen not. There was no rush to break through because of the move, and he took a step back from the dribble and waved his hand to signal the teammates to open up the space.

Both Yan Lingfeng and Zhao Senming were not on the court, and the important task of organizing the team's offense fell on the shoulders of Bi Xiangyang and Sun Feiying, but neither of them were good at this task, so Feiying Sun could only choose Opened singles.

Although Lu Zhisen has never stopped to rest from the start of the game to the present, it seems that his physical condition is still very good. Feiying Sun’s several attempts to break through have been blocked by him. When he was irritable, he suddenly noticed that he was always there. Fu Zijun, who was wandering outside the three-point line, broke out suddenly, and rushed inside when the referee didn't pay attention and pushed Xu Zhen away from him.Regardless of thinking about it, Sun Feiying passed the ball just subconsciously.Lu Zhisen focused his attention on defending Sun Feiying's breakthrough, while Xu Zhen staggered back a few steps, so Sun Feiying's sudden pass was successfully delivered to Fu Zijun's hands.

Fu Zijun received the ball while advancing at high speed and took another big step forward. With a burst of shout, he jumped up high with his hands holding the basketball, and smashed it towards the basket.Fu Zijun's playing has always given people a very elegant feeling, but this dunk has used his whole body's strength, as if it was not the basket but Huashan that was smashing, fierce and quick.

Seeing that Fu Zijun was about to dunk the ball into the basket, but at this moment, Zhang Chaoxu suddenly jumped up and blocked Fu Zijun's body, and stretched out a fleshy palm towards the basketball fan.

Fu Zijun’s moves are old. At this time, it’s too late to avoid Zhang Zhaoxu’s cover. Therefore, he can only bend his teeth, bit his teeth, and put some strength on his arms, hoping to be like Yan Lingfeng. Buckle the ball together.

Fu Zijun's ideas are beautiful, but reality is often cruel. Zhang Zhaoxu has already suffered a loss after Yan Lingfeng, so how could he fall in the same hole again?There was a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth. The palm of his right hand was folded into a fist, and he moved slightly down two or three centimeters. The left hand was hidden under his ribs, and he concealedly pushed towards Fu Zijun's chest.

"Ah!" Fu Zijun wailed in the air, and the whole person flew out like a kite with a broken line. The basketball also broke away from his fingers, but instead of flying to the basket, the follower Fu Zijun fell to the floor. Direction.

"Boom!" Fu Zijun fell on the floor with all four feet up and down, his brows tightened, tears faintly flashed in his eyes, and his right wrist was black and it was obviously swollen.Just now, Zhang Zhaoxu used both hands together, both prosecuted, his right hand turned into a fist and hit Fu Zijun's wrist with a fierce punch, and his left hand was folded into a palm and hit the center of Fu Zijun's heart.,

It can be said that Zhang Zhaoxu vented all the shame he suffered in the previous game on Fu Zijun alone. Gong Xiaobin's words have been completely forgotten by him. He did not intend to defend the ball at all, but at the beginning. Just for the injury, the opponent has lost two generals in succession, and if they abolish one of them, the victory of your team will be a certainty.Zhang Zhaoxu’s thinking is very simple, and he doesn’t need to think too complicated, because as long as the opponent’s breakthrough players can’t continue the game, his presence or absence will not have a big impact on the team, so he just risked being caught. The danger of being sent off hurt Fu Zijun.

However, after the referee hesitated for a while, his men were still merciful. Maybe it was because Zhang Zhaoxu had always played a pitiful victim, so although the referee saw Zhang Zhaoxu's small actions clearly, he decided to open the net and only gave Zhang Zhaoxu a normal There are no additional technical or malicious fouls.

Fu Zijun was holding his wrists in pain, his chest, his wrists, his back, his ass, and his whole body were filled with hot pain, frowning, gritted teeth, and finally rolled all over the floor regardless of his image. Obviously he was not acting to deceive the referee's sympathy, but his injury was really serious, to the point that it made him burst into tears.

Fu Zijun is still a strong person, and the ordinary pain can't even make him frown, but now he exhales in pain, one can imagine how serious the injury this time is.The two team doctors of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School became the busiest people on the field. Not long after Yan Lingfeng had just been sent away, Fu Zijun, the other main player of the team, seemed to be in trouble for an ambulance again.Xu Jianye also frowned, and strode to the referee to question: "Mr. Referee, I think from the angle you just saw, you should see clearly that our opponent made an intentional foul. This is definitely not just an ordinary defensive foul. , But a deliberate murder! I strongly recommend that you expel this executioner from the field! Otherwise, there will be no way to explain to my players!"

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