The referee also regretted the sentencing of Zhang Zhaoxu too lightly. After all, he has also enforced a lot of competitions and has a lot of experience, so it can be seen at a glance that Fu Zijun is definitely not acting.In other words, Zhang Zhaoxu's foul just now was really bad, and it was absolutely not excessive to expel him from the field.

But the gentleman rushed with his words. It’s hard to say whether he is a gentleman, but in order to maintain his authority on the field, he can’t do things that make changes every day. He is planning to find it back in the next game. At the time, Xu Jianye ran up and questioned him angrily. This made the referee whose conscience had not been diminished, so he not only ignored Xu Jianye's protest, but overturned the plan he had just made.

Xu Jianye didn’t know that he had something bad, and he refused to give up and chased after the referee: “Mr. Referee, I believe you are fair and just, so I implore you to make the correct sentence, otherwise he will continue to hurt me. Of the players!"

The impatient referee suddenly turned around, with the whistle in his mouth, and showed a technical foul with both hands. Then he straightened his right hand and pointed to the side of the court. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning was already expressed. It is very clear that if Xu Jianye continues to haunt him without knowing it, then another technical foul is waiting for him.

Xu Jianye stared at the referee and stomped his feet. He opened his mouth but still didn't say anything. He shook his head helplessly and walked to the sidelines, leaving the referee with a lonely and lonely back. He had already damaged the two generals. If Fu Zijun is injured again at this time, then this match may be really bad luck.

The referee quickly reported Fu Zijun's injury to him. Fortunately, Fu Zijun was fine, and all injuries on his body were serious injuries. Except for a little pain, it would not affect his continued participation in the competition.After the team doctor made a simple treatment, Fu Zijun slowly stood up with the support of his teammates and walked to the free throw line slowly amidst the cheers of the audience.

It may be the wrist injury that affected his feel. Fu Zijun's first free throw missed the target and bounced after a bump in the basket. Fortunately, he quickly adjusted his shooting posture and made a steady hit. After the second penalty, the score of the two teams became 62:59. The leader is still Shuiyun No. 1 Squadron, but they are chasing after Laizhou No. 1 Middle School. Their advantage in the score has become smaller and smaller. It is possible to be tied or even overtaken by the opponent.

The attack of Laizhou No. 1 Middle School was initiated by Sun Jianfei as usual and ended by Li Jingyu.But this time after Li Jingyu received the ball, he was not as relaxed as the last time, because the person defending him has been replaced by the first blue-collar Gao Yang of Shuiyun No.1 Middle School. As an inside player, Gao Yang's height is not even as high as the previous one. Li Jingyu floating on the outside.But basketball is not a sport where height decides everything. Especially in this one-on-one offensive and defensive game that opens up driving and heads-up, height is not only an advantage but a burden, because height will definitely affect a person. It’s no longer possible for Li Jingyu to sway Gao Yang with his footsteps. Because Gao Yang’s body is strong and his steps are not slow, so Li Jingyu wants to defeat Gao Yang like Fu Zijun did. It's easy.

However, Li Jingyu, nicknamed the "scoring machine", is obviously not a person who can't live without a breakthrough. I saw that he retreated two steps to outside the three-point line and suddenly held the ball high and wanted to shoot. After all, Gao Yang's defensive experience and temperament were still lacking. I didn’t see that Li Jingyu’s move was just a false move. He didn’t realize that he had been tricked until he was flying high in the sky before he could get the ball. But the reaction was useless at this time. After shaking Gao Yang, Li Jingyu did not shoot the ball on the spot. Instead, he passed the ball to Xu Zhen on the inside and made a subtle two-on-one match with him. After receiving a return pass from Xu Zhen near the free throw line, he pulled the ball on the spot. A take-off shot made the difference between the two teams to 1 point.

After Gao Yang landed on the ground, his annoyance was beyond words, and he shook his right hand unwillingly, staring coldly at Li Jingyu and secretly made an amazing decision.

It was Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School’s offense again. After the basketball arrived on the front court, it was once again stagnated due to the lack of good organization, but this time without Fu Zijun’s interspersed support, Sun Feiying could only attack in 24 seconds. In this case, it is impossible to enter the basket without the favor of Goddess of Luck. So Feiying Sun knew the result as soon as he took the shot. She didn’t even look at the basketball anymore, and withdrew unswervingly to the back court. .

The result did not surprise Sun Feiying. The basketball fell weakly after hitting Lan's neck and fell into the hands of Zhang Zhaoxu who was guarding the basket. After Zhang Zhaoxu protected the rebound, he did not rush to pass the ball, but waited until his opponent. They all returned to the backcourt and then passed the ball to point guard Sun Jianfei.At this point in the game, the efficiency of the offense is the most important thing. Especially now that the team is only one point behind, as long as the offense is successful, it will overtake the score. It is not anxious.

Sun Jianfei obviously understands this. After half-court walks casually, he passed the ball as if he had completed the task. Unsurprisingly, the basketball was naturally in Li Jingyu's hands.With the experience just now, this time Li Jingyu didn't even intend to use a breakthrough to defeat Gao Yang, who defended him. After shaking the ball twice with his short body, Li Jingyu suddenly pulled up the shot without warning.For him, shooting is always the easiest and most reliable way to score.

Gao Yang didn't jump up to the block without self-control. He knew very well in his heart that he was not taller than Li Jingyu in terms of height. His bounce and wingspan were also comparable to his opponents. In addition, Li Jingyu's shooting point was very high. Li Jingyu wanting to have a hat is simply a foolish dream.But not blocking does not mean that Gao Yang has no other way to interfere with Li Jingyu’s shooting. He leaned forward a step, his hands stretched out to Li Jingyu’s eyes, and his right foot seemed to be interesting and undoubtedly placed on Li Jingyu’s landing. Location.


"Oh, I wiped it, what is he doing?"

"Is he planning to abolish Li Jingyu? Who is this person? Why is he so vicious?"

After seeing Gao Yang's small movements, the audience who understand the ball immediately burst out with exclamations, because it is obvious that unless Gao Yang is a rookie who has just started playing basketball, otherwise his foot stretch is definitely intentional. , Because if Li Jingyu fell without precautions, he would definitely step on the back of his insteps, and there would be a great possibility of hurting her ankle.

On the sidelines, Liu Chuntao jumped three feet high, just as Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School that lost Yan Lingfeng was no longer the original Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School, and Laizhou No. 1 Middle School without Li Jingyu would suddenly become second-rate. For the team, Li Jingyu is so important to him for the whole team. If you accidentally hit the opponent's insidious move, it would be bad.

The audience reminded that Liu Chuntao's reminder and teammate's reminder made Li Jingyu a little flustered, who had not had time to take action. He is just a young and old man, and just a flower in a greenhouse. He has always been smooth and has never experienced it. What a big storm, and I have never encountered an opponent like Gao Yang who would rather bear the name of victory without scrutiny.His psychology has changed, and his shots will inevitably be out of shape. In order to avoid Gao Yang’s black feet, Li Jingyu no longer cares about seeking the sights for his shots. After hurriedly throwing the ball out, he drew a sigh of relief. Leaning forward, he staggered and avoided Gao Yang's plot.

"Oh! It hurts me to death!"


Before the basketball touched the rim, there were two noises suddenly heard from underneath the basket, and then he saw two huge bodies falling to the floor at the same time. Han Dengyun looked particularly painful, clutching his face and rolling back and forth on the ground. , And on the opposite side of him, Zhang Chaoxu had to be relatively quiet, but the big beads of sweat dripped from his forehead uncontrollably, and the steel teeth of his mouth were bitten together tightly.

"Clang" "Toot!"

The sound of the basketball hitting the rim and the referee's whistle sounded almost simultaneously. The referee trot to Han Dengyun and Zhang Zhaoxu and took a look left and right. After hesitating for a while, they decided to play 50 rebounds each. Both received a foul.

Han Dengyun didn't say anything about the result, sitting on the floor and nodding helplessly.Zhang Zhaoxu stopped doing it. He covered his lower abdomen with his hands and stood up in pain, and said, "I didn't foul, do you see clearly?"

The referee nodded expressionlessly. Although he did see the whole process of the incident clearly just now, what he saw with his own eyes is not necessarily the truth of the matter, because what he saw just now was clearly that Zhang Chaoxu slammed Han Dengyun to the side. , But seeing Zhang Zhaoxu's pitiful appearance, the referee was softened again.However, Zhang Zhaoxu rushed up and yelled without thinking. The referee was upset and was about to impose capital punishment on him, but Lu Zhisen rushed forward and pulled Zhang Zhaoxu behind him, looking at the referee sincerely apologizing with a flattering look: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, he was just impulsive, I hope you and him don't have general knowledge!"

"Yeah." The referee snorted from his nose, and Lu Zhisen was sensible and he did not pursue it any further.

"I didn't foul, I'm really a victim..." Although Zhang Zhaoxu was dragged aside by Lu Zhisen, he still didn't forget to clean up his grievances.

"I know, but from the surface, it looks like you are the one who fouled the rules!" Lu Zhisen lowered his voice and explained, "I can only say that your opponent is too cunning, so you must be careful in the next game!"

"Oh." Zhang Zhaoxu turned his head and glanced at Han Dengyun who was still lying on the floor and killed him, and snorted coldly: "I will definitely make him pay! I swear!"

It turned out that during the fight under the basket just now, Han Dengyun gently pinched Zhang Zhaoxu while the referee was not paying attention. Of course, Zhang Zhaoxu was not willing to give up. He was ready to make a counterattack immediately, but at this time, he took the initiative to pick. Han Dengyun, who started the incident, chose to retreat without a fight.Zhang Zhaoxu thought that Han Dengyun was afraid of him, and his actions would inevitably be a bit big, but where did Han Dengyun really fail?His retreat was only for better progress, so after successfully igniting Zhang Chaoxu's anger, he was ready to add firewood.

In order to seize a favorable position, Zhang Zhaoxu unconsciously lowered his shoulders, but Han Dengyun had been prepared for a long time, and took the initiative to bring his chest together, and then the iron fist hidden behind his back suddenly blasted out very quickly, hitting Zhang Zhaoxu all at once. Heart.

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