As soon as these women opened their mouths, they surprised everyone, especially Lu Rongcheng and Yan Chaosong.

Because this group of women ride the rainbow bridge, everyone's breath is very high, all Saint level!

Especially the leading woman, or a saint!

"Master, what is this Long Yufan bows, while Lu Shuixian and Su Shang follow.

Because the accomplishments of these people were extremely terrible, which was enough to make the three of them respectful.

"No need to. You three are Mr. Luo's friends. If you do, Mr. Luo will punish me if he knows." The woman hastened to reply.

In a word!

It says everything!

With one word, there is no need to say more.

Great sage!

Now it's like a maid!

"I don't want to go after him any more." Long Yufan gave a bitter smile.

Today is a grand gathering in yaochi. How many big people are present?

Which of those big people is not the existence they need to look up to?

But Luochen still let Lambert become the focus of attention, if Luochen's cultivation has not entered the saint, who can believe it?

At the moment, he sent the great sage to meet them, which showed that the cultivation of the other side had reached the point that they could not look up to and imagine.

At this moment, Yan Chaosong, Lu Rongcheng and others felt a thump.

They know, they're done!

No suspense!

What can I say about sending a great saint to be a maid?

Challenge a man who can send a great saint to be a maid?

Is the world crazy, or are they?

"Please The leading woman respectfully made a please gesture.

"Let's go." Long Yufan shook his head and thought nothing else.

Lu Shuixian looks at long Yufan, and finally he sushang steps on the rainbow bridge, leaving Lu Rongcheng and others gaping in the same place!



"Ha ha!" Long Yufan turned his head and sneered at Yan Chaosong and other people!

Several people boarded the rainbow bridge, and then followed yaochi female disciples to the top of the mountain.

At the moment, on the top of the mountain, not to mention those sitting, but those standing are all great figures. Even those standing, each of them is deep and unfathomable. It seems that one look can easily kill them.

"Come and sit here." Luo Chen sits on the western side, waving casually, squatting at the foot of the big white mastiff!

"Mr. law, why don't we just stand?" Long Yufan is a little numb. This place is where the emperor is standing, and even some of them, in their eyes, are standing like gods. How dare they sit?

"Sit, it's OK. You are worldly people. You are qualified to sit." Luo Chen a mouth, originally the left side of several ghosts can immediately for long Yufan three people let the position.

"I've met your predecessors." Long Yufan several people immediately embrace fist to worship.

"Since you are Mr. Luo's friend, you don't need to be polite." The Taoist of Bajing palace sits on the right side of Luochen, and beside him sits the rose of yaochi grandmother.

"Who are you, sir?" Long Yufan's heart has set off a huge wave at the moment.

"This is the current owner of Bajing palace, next to the owner of yaochi." Luo Chen said casually.

But in a word, but surprised long Yufan and Su shanget al. Almost dropped their chin.

In particular, long Yufan may not be qualified to know, but he has heard something about it. Yaochi's grandmother rose is famous for its popularity in Guanghan palace, and so is the Taoist priest in Bajing palace.

Not to mention Su Shang, even when her teacher came, she had to kneel down.

But at the moment, Luo Chen actually wants to pull them to sit on an equal footing with this group of people?

This kind of shock has made Su Shang and long Yufan a little confused.

And Xia Jingdi, the goddess of yaochi, is standing beside the rose.

It's clear at a glance that we are in a high position.

"Sit down." LAN BEI'ER says with a big smile to Lu Shuixian. Now she sits next to Luo Chen.

Did not mind Luo Chen and Lu Shuixian before some grudges.

And Lu Shuixian looks extremely complex, in fact, she has now understood that even if she did not do it at the beginning, I am afraid Luochen would not like her.

Because this man is much higher than she thought.

It's someone she can't touch in her life!

Several people uneasy after sitting down, rose looked at the time, and then looked at the bottom.

"It's time to come."

Sure enough, as soon as her words came out, qinglaosan and futaidi drove Changhong!

And the big people on the scene also got up one after another.

"Nephew Luo Xian." Qinglaosan looks at Luochen and smiles, but the smile is always gloomy.

"Today's peach Festival, I came uninvited. Please forgive me, rose girl." Qinglaosan and rose are of the same generation, and their names are not the same."Qingsan Shuai is joking. Naturally, the peach festival will not dislike your archaic race." Rose smile opening way.

But there is no lack of irony in this sentence. Qinglaosan is an archaic race.

"Ha ha, that's good." Qinglaosan took a seat and opened his mouth.

"Originally, today is a peach Festival. I shouldn't move out my business in Bajing palace to disturb your purity."

"But it's about the survival of our Bajing palace. I have to."

"I've always heard that some gratitude and resentment can be solved at the yaochi grand meeting, so I'd like to take this opportunity to ask Luo xiannephew of Bajing palace for advice." Qinglaosan spoke directly.

"The peach festival could have been a challenge, to boost the fun."

"It's a good thing for me to compete with each other from generation to generation, especially among young people." Fu Tai Di opens a way in the side.

"Martial uncle, for today's grand meeting, we'd better wait until we close the door and come from home." Dao Tong frowned.

"Well, I don't think nephew Luo will refuse, will he?" Qinglaosan sneered and said.

"It's not impossible to challenge." Luo Chensheng opens his mouth.

"Just one condition." Luo Chen suddenly forest ran opens a way.

"What conditions?" Asked Voltaire.

"Life or death!"

"If you want to fight, then come true. I don't have time to waste with you." Luo Chen sneers.

This words a export, is rose and way Tong Mei facial expression all changed.

"Nephew Luo, it's just a challenge, but it's not necessary"

"hum!" As soon as Luochen raises his hand, a golden light flies out of Luochen's arms.

Directly suspended in the void.

At this moment, the third group of qinglao people can no longer sit.

"There's no need to hide."

"If I lose, I can take it away with one breath and three cleanings!"

"But as I said, if you want to challenge, it's life and death!"

"Those who dare to come are ready to die!" Luo Chen cold mouth way.

"Luo Wuji, do you really think you are afraid of you?" Yuan Peng is the first to stand up! "I, Yuan Peng, will fight you!"

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