"Wait a minute!" Qinglaosan suddenly blocked the way.

"Nephew Luo Xian, you are all from your own family. Do you really want to live or die?" Qinglaosan suddenly said with a smile.

In fact, Luo Chen's words, whether life or death, are enough to show that Luo Chen has a heart to kill.

Although rose and Dao Tong feel wrong, it's not good to refute Luo Chen's face.

"Brother Qing, even if you are a younger generation, today is a peach Festival, and you and I are all practitioners of Dharma. We should do what we say!" Voltaire at the moment cold mouth way.

Life or death?

They want that!

Qinglaosan is also in order to completely force Luochen to live and die. No matter what they say, they are already acting.

And once Luochen repents, then they will have other means.

"Brother Fu is right, but he's always from Bajing palace. I'm afraid it's not right?"

"Nephew Luo Xian has always been the one I like. He is also the one that the Taoist of Bajing palace and rose like. If something goes wrong, it will be difficult." Qinglaosan seems to be regretting.

"After all, this is yaochi. If my poor disciple accidentally killed nephew Luo Xian."

"There's no way for us to leave your land safely."

This sentence has been in the back road of Jue Luochen, and it is forcing others. Even if Luochen died today, he can't take revenge for him.

"Since it's a human race, it's more important to keep your word!"

"Well, since it's a matter of life and death, and there are some disputes among the younger generation, then I, Voltaire, can at least guarantee that no matter who died today, I will not intervene!" Voltaire sneered.

"Brother Qing, I hope you can do the same. If the talented young man of our Terran family killed your disciple, you can't intervene or take revenge, can you?" At this moment, Voltaire began to sing white face.

"Well, since brother Fu has said that, of course I'll give you face!"

"The younger generation will never interfere in the struggle!"

"What do you say?" Fu Tai Di looked at the rose and Dao Tong.

"Promise him!" Luo Chen stands with his hands in his hands, dressed in casual clothes, and looks like an ordinary youth in a secular society.

"Well, in front of the world's Dharma practitioners, we all promise not to interfere in the grudges between the younger generations." Rose full of promise.

"Well, since nephew Luo insists on life and death, let's fight for life and death." Qinglaosan sneered.

In a few words, Luo Chen has been led into the trap.


"Go ahead." Qinglaosan's mouth, he brought the young man called Yehua has slowly come out.

And night China these two words a, immediately cause many people a burst of whisper.

"No, I've got it." At this moment, rose face changed.

"What's the matter?" The child frowned.

"You don't know?" The rose frowned.

"Yuyehua is not qinglaosan's disciple!"

"Yuyehua is one of the disciples of yushiqie, a demon girl. She once shook Kui Niugu and inspired the celestial phenomena."

"What?" Dao Tong can't sit any more.

"Rain master's concubine's disciple?"

Yushiqie was a famous witch during the first World War of the great flood. It is said that she was chased and killed by the emperor of heaven three times, but she didn't die!

And had a war with the king of men!

As for the gods, unless they are masters, they are not rivals at all, because yushiqie's reputation is too fierce. It is even rumored that Guanghan palace was broken, and there are yushiqie's figures behind it.

It's one of the great demons in ancient times. It's obviously an enemy!

Yehua is the disciple of Yushi Qie. Even though he is only a disciple, Kui Niugu is one of the most difficult things in the world.

He can shake Kui Niugu, and he is also a disciple of Yu Shiqi.

"Mr. Luo, why don't we stop this fight?" The child frowned.

He had noticed this young man, but he always thought that he was a young man cultivated by Kaitian, but he didn't expect that he was so big!

With this identity alone, not to mention the overlord, even if the waiting comes, you have to be polite.

It's hard for Fu Taidi to keep calm at this moment. Some unbelievable people took a look at qinglaosan.

"Let's give up this battle. Qinglaosan, it's unfair for you to find the big demon rain master's concubine and deceive us, even if you are a human genius." Rose sink way.

"It's true that he's the one who breaks my veins. He was my brother's teacher when I was a child."

"Even if it's only nominal, it's not taught by us, but it's my disciple." Qinglaosan sneered.

No wonder qinglaosan is so confident. At this moment, many people suddenly understand.

Because even though they have never heard of yuyehua, have they never heard of yushiqie?

"But as a genius of our Terran race, our accomplishments are lower.""He himself promised to fight for the first World War!"

"No one forced him!"

"And he put forward the idea of life and death."

"If you don't dare to fight, then kneel down and apologize, and hand over one Qi and three Qing." Qinglaosan sneered.

Suddenly let rose and others face suddenly cold down.


"You dare not fight?" Yuan Peng also stood up at the moment. Now his cultivation has made great progress, and he has stepped into the second level of the ghost!

At the moment, he has no fear, extremely ironic!

"If you dare not fight, you can fight with me!" Yuan Peng walked to Luochen.

Now he has gathered the spirit of Kirin, more solid than before.

"Are you challenging?" Luo Chen asked coldly.

"Of course, are you afraid?"

"Hum!" The void vibrates, and Luochen moves boldly!

The magic power is boundless, and the emperor's Dragon Qi comes from the cover. The eighteen emperor's Dragon Qi sets off Luochen like the emperor of heaven!

It's just a blow.

Huangdao Longqi is like a collapse of Tianyue, covering the world!

The power of massiness is like the fall of a big star, and Yuan Peng almost has no chance to make a move!

Yuan Peng's body split inch by inch and was crushed by the imperial spirit. His whole face showed an incredible look and fell to the ground!

And the spirit of unicorn is suddenly grasped by Luo Chen, and directly pinched in his hand!

Then shake hands a throw, direct shot to long Yufan!

Luo Chen stepped forward on Yuan Peng's body with one foot.

"It's life and death."

A few words indifferent export, but let the audience in a moment of consternation!

It's just a blow. It's a direct crush on Yuan Peng!

And at this moment, many people are thrilled!

At this moment, Zhuang Meng and Fu Qingtian felt numb.

Long Yufan and Lu Shuixian saw their hair standing upright, and the Yan Chaosong below were pale to the extreme at this moment. They were in cold sweat. It's no exaggeration to say that they were just fished out of the water! "You are qualified to fight me." Rain night China looking at Luo dust, slowly raised a head.

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