When Yuan Peng died, he was directly crushed and didn't carry a single blow.

But at this moment, there is no fear or fear.

Because he is yuyehua, a disciple of yushiqie.

The terrible momentum rippled in an instant, the figure flashed, and the rain night China was near Luochen.

This blow shakes the heaven and the earth, which is caused by the fist peak. It is like opening the way to heaven, and the Huangdao dragon Qi of Luochen is directly broken.

The pulse of splitting the sky is immune to the technique. In addition, yuyehua is also the person of the pulse of the great demon rain master concubine. It can be said that if you hit it with one blow, you can do it with one blow.

When Luo Chen faced the blow, he retreated slightly. At the same time, after the emperor's Dragon Qi was ineffective, he raised his hand to fight with the force of reincarnation.

Like a millstone, the wheel moves around, on which the road runes between heaven and earth are flashing, and the sound of Tao is shaking, which seems to affect the force of the three realms and six Tao, and the void is completely squeezed in the past.

"It's a pity." Rain night China seems to be in regret, still a punch, and its golden, very terrible!

"Gold body?"

"He has become a gold body?"

At this moment, countless people exclaimed.

This is the immunity method. How terrible is it if you cultivate it into a golden body?

That's like today's no use at all.

"Luo Wuji, I have noticed you for a long time."

"I know you're unfathomable and have a lot of backhand."

"But there are too many things you don't know, and there are too many things in this world that can restrain your means." On a rainy night, with a cold smile, he raised his hand to beat the force of the six samsara.

It's not that the power of the six samsara is too bad, but the archaic race immunity method, more golden body, almost no injury!

Squeezed void instantly rebounded back, rain night Hua step by step forward, such as into the realm of no one, invincible!

"I see." Luo Chen said softly.

I'm afraid the Vajra glaze body was created by imitating the gold body on the other side of Xumishan.

The rain night China's one punch fiercely hits, forces back Luo Chen, then one step closely follows it, is another punch.

The simple and unadorned fist has already shaken Mo yaochi, that is, the whole Zhongdu has been shaken at this moment.

"Do you know each other before?"

"It's said that when you fight with people, you usually break them with one blow!"

"How does it feel?" Every blow of the rain seems to shake the world.

And ignore any technique of Luo Chen.

Almost as soon as I came up, I felt like I was beating Luochen.

And the side of the Qing Laosan and others also showed a sneer.

In less than a minute, Luochen seems to have been beaten.

Because Huali broke the sky on a rainy night, and its combat power was unparalleled, just like an ancient beast out of the ancient myth!

Strike the sky, shake the air, shake the stars!

Every hit has a sense of ten meeting.

Once again a punch out, such as the vast river of stars hit from, and like a star burst open in general, mountain and tsunami, smash the sky.

The sky is shaking, splitting one by one, and the clouds in the sky are collapsing and falling.

This is a vision, because it is not the clouds that collapse and fall, but the sky that carries them.

On a rainy night, Hua's body glittered with gold, and the endless breath swept all over the place. When he opened his fingers, the void was pierced, and then he gave a roar.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Because the rain night China unexpectedly tore down a corner of the sky, swung that corner, toward the Luo dust smashed in the past.

Huangdaolongqi, reincarnation power, all kinds of techniques, but all have no use, no injury immunity!

This kind of war is so terrible that it is destroying the world.

"Life or death?"

"Do you feel like lifting a stone and hitting your feet now?" On a rainy night, Hua Leng laughs.

"I can fight with the fourth level of the ghost. If you face the third level of the ghost, you will be absolutely shocked, because the breakthrough speed is too fast."

"But, in my place, you are as good as the previous six layers or the present three layers of the ghost!"

"In my eyes, you are just a dead man." In the rainy night, the light is shining everywhere. At this moment, it has turned into a fierce beast in human form.

On the contrary, the more emperor Fu looked at his brows, the more tightly he frowned.

"Nephew Luo Xian, you asked for it yourself."

"If you don't say life or death, you can give up at this time." Qinglaosan sneered.

"To remind you, don't get close, because yuyehua has only practiced close combat since he was a child, and has never learned the law. No one can control the close combat!"

Yuyehua didn't learn any skills. After all, he was immune to them and had a golden body. They were useless to him.

But if you have been practicing close combat, its terrible degree is enough to explain everything."The technique is useless. It's a pity that the talent of the Terran fell in the first world war today." Qinglaosan sneered again.

"It's a pity." Luo Chen stepped back again.

"Are you stupid?" Long Yufan can't sit still.

"After fighting for a long time, I didn't hurt Mr. Luo's hair. Up to now, I haven't seen who has the advantage?"

"I've lost my mind, and I'm still making sarcastic remarks there?" Long Yufan's words suddenly awakened everyone.

They have just focused on the fight and the rainy night, and they have indeed ignored a fact.

That is to say, after fighting for a long time, luowuji is harmless!

"That's not right!"

"This is limitless?"

In other words, in the beginning, yuyehua did not have any advantage.

"Hum, even so, how long can you hide from Luo Wuji?"

"How long will it last?" Rain night although China also wake up, but still do not care.

But there is still a little doubt in my heart.

"The technique is invalid. You are just a trapped beast."

"Who told you that Luo Wuji is just a practitioner?" Luo Chen suddenly made a move.

The whole person turned into a streamer, and suddenly lightning left.

Shake hands into a fist, the same punch hard to shake the past.

"Well come!"

"Luo Wuji, in terms of melee, how dare you fight with me On a rainy night, Hua raised his fist to meet him.

"Mr. Luo, you can't fight with monsters. The Terrans don't have any advantage!"

One punch hard shake, rain night China also a punch hard shake.

But at this moment, in the incredible look of yuyehua, the fist was cracked.


Yuyehua just had a pain, but the next kick was in yuyehua's abdomen.

On a rainy night, Hua couldn't help flying backwards because the blow was too heavy.

However, Luo Chen clasps Yu Yehua's arm and pulls it back. At the same time, he steps on Yu Yehua's knee with one foot. At the moment of jumping up, he directly hits Yu Yehua's face with the top of his knee.

On a rainy night, the blood mist sprayed out of Hua's face.

In addition to the technique, when it comes to close combat, it is reasonable to say that the monster has the absolute advantage.

This is common sense for all.

But Luo Chen this moment, actually broke this common sense!

"Who said that in close combat, the monster family is dominant?"

Luo Chen falls down again, kicks Yu Yehua's abdomen and breaks her ribs.

"You and I are born to be human. They are trained and transformed into human form." Luo dust a point out, hit yuyehua's throat.

"Fighting in the form of a human being is just a thing that will be transformed into a human being, but also a human race that wants to win a living in the form of a human being?" Luo Chen hit Yu Yehua's chest again.

"Don't forget, the human form posture close combat, is my Terran thing!"

"You want to defeat me with Terran things?"

"Isn't it a joke?"

"If you fight with the technique, maybe you still have an advantage!" "But to choose close combat in front of the Terran is to seek death!"

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