Chapter 238 - Amethyst Mountains

Give up the quest?

Normally, as long as a Fiend accepted a quest, no matter how dangerous the quest was, as long as the employer didn't voluntarily give up the quest, the hired Fiend wouldn't give up on the quest. This was not a matter of hiring money, but a matter of face.

Giving up a quest midway would result in ridicule from others.

To a demon, although his life was important, his face was even more so. Generally speaking, Fiends wouldn't be willing to give up their face to protect their life.

But Lin Feng dared to go against the will of the people, and so he did it.

Was Lin Feng afraid of death?

Of course not.

He was just suddenly bored. He had already achieved his goal of letting Bei Bei and Ni Si meet by chance. Could it be that he would have to repeat Lin Feng's experiences from the beginning and escort Salomon?

If nothing unexpected happened, then they would be intercepted by Inigo and Elquin. The white-horned elder died, and Salomon suspected that he had leaked some secret, revealing his ugly side …

Knowing the result clearly, Lin Feng did not want to follow the original book and end up like this.

Lin Feng chose 'no'!

Lin Feng looked at the shocked white horned elder, and laughed: "Previously, when I took action and killed this green robed elder, it could be considered as me doing a duty of escort. I don't want the hiring money. Furthermore, I believe that with Li Ermengsi protecting them on the journey ahead, nothing unexpected will happen. "

Without waiting for the white horned elder to speak, he turned and looked at Ni Si, laughing: "Ni Si, are you willing to leave with us?"

"Boss, Ninny naturally has to follow me." "Ninny, don't you think so?" After Bei Bei said, he looked at Ni Si beside him with a face full of hope.

Ni Si blushed, but still nodded her head slightly. She turned to Salomon and softly said: "Brother, I'm sorry."

Ni Si and Salomon, the two siblings, had already discussed on this topic a long time ago, and Ni Si had already made her decision. It was just that she did not expect that everything would come so quickly and so suddenly.

"Little sister, I wish you well." Although Salomon's eyes were filled with reluctance, he wouldn't stop his little sister from seeking out her happiness.

"Bei Bei, I'll leave my sister to you. If you let Ni Si suffer even the slightest bit of grievance, don't ever let me know. Otherwise, I won't let you off." Salomon said with a solemn voice. It was as though he wanted to transform his reluctance towards his sister into anger towards Bebe.

"Don't worry, if I let Ninny suffer even the slightest grievance, I won't let myself get away with it even if you don't need to do anything." Bei Bei became serious as well. He glanced at Ni Si gently, then said with a resolute expression.

"Alright, let's go!" Lin Feng waved his hand and retrieved a dragon shaped metallic lifeform.

Lin Feng held Di Liya's hand and first flew towards the metallic lifeform. Ni Si unwillingly glanced at Salomon before following Bei Bei into the metallic lifeform.


The metallic lifeform was like an azure dragon, howling through the air and disappearing from this desert.

"Alright, let's leave as well!" After Lin Feng and the other three left, the white-horned elder spoke out loudly. He then took out a metallic lifeform, and after the remaining Fiends had all gone up, the metallic lifeform transformed into a blur, disappearing from this place.

They had all left, except for the corpses, which bore testimony to the fierce battle that had just taken place.

Inside the metallic lifeform, Lin Feng and the other three were seated around a table, eating and drinking fruit wine.

"Ni Si, welcome to our tourism team." Lin Feng drank the fruit wine and smiled to Ni Si.

"Travel team?" Ni Si was stunned, was hell a place to travel? It seems more appropriate to say adventure.

Bei Bei stood up with a face full of pride. "Ninny, do you think my boss has ordinary Mid God?"

Ni Si looked at Bei Bei and asked with a puzzled expression, "Mid God is Mid God, could it be that your boss is stronger than Highgod?"

"I was right when I said that women are beautiful and stupid animals." Bebe feigned a sigh as he shook his head.

"Humph!" Ni Si snorted in dissatisfaction: "You're the animal."

"Aren't you an animal?" Bebe asked.

"Big brother Lin Feng, big sister Di Liya, Bei Bei is bullying me." Seeing that he had been trapped by Bei Bei, Ni Si hurriedly asked Lin Feng and Di Liya for help.

"Alright, Bei Bei, stop bullying Ni Si. Have you forgotten what you promised Salomon just now?" Di Liya said.

When Bei Bei heard this, he smacked his head and looked at Ni Si as he said helplessly, "Ninny, it's so hard. I'm going to win this round, yet you're actually playing tricks on me?"

Bei Bei and Ni Si, this pair of playthings, always liked to bicker, but the self-proclaimed quick-witted Bei Bei had never defeated Ni Si, which made Bei Bei very embarrassed.

"Hee hee." Ni Si slyly looked at Bei Bei. "Isn't it all because you're stupid?"

"Lin Feng, where are we going next?" Di Liya ignored the bickering Bei Bei and Ni Si and changed the topic.

"Boss, then where should we go next?" Bebe asked curiously.

Ni Si blinked her eyes and looked over.

"The most famous mountain range in the Redbud Continent is the Amethyst Mountains, and it isn't too far from where we are right now. Our next goal is to visit the Amethyst Mountains. "

The Amethyst Mountains was a goal that Lin Feng had set long ago. If it wasn't for Bei Bei and Ni Si meeting by chance, they would already be at the Amethyst Mountains.

"Amethyst Mountains?" Ni Si exclaimed, then said: "I have heard of the Amethyst Mountains, it is said that the Amethyst Mountains is rich in purple crystals, and in the entire region, only that region has the production of purple crystals."

The metallic lifeform moved like a streak of light, moving towards the east at high speed.

Within a year or so, Lin Feng and the others had already reached the legendary Amethyst Mountains!

"This is the Amethyst Mountains?" Lin Feng stood at the front of the metallic lifeform, and through the transparent metal in front of him, could clearly see the vast Amethyst Mountains.

Amethyst Mountains was vast, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. A circumference of hundreds of thousands of kilometers in the Infernal Realm wasn't that vast, but at least it was enough to completely fill one's field of vision.

At the same time, the white mist floated above the Amethyst Mountains.

The strange thing was, they could only see the mist, but not the Amethyst Mountains.

"It's indeed as the book says. Although this Amethyst Mountains is a mountain, it is also known as the Fog Sea. From the outside, you couldn't see any mountain rocks at all. There was just an endless white mist. " Lin Feng lamented, at the side, Di Liya, Bei Bei and Ni Si were all relaxed as they looked at the beautiful scenery before them.

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers of white fog swirled about, and the blood-red sunlight that shone down from the sky was reflected within the white fog, creating a dazzling scene that truly did make one feel relaxed and happy.

"How strange." Di Liya exclaimed, "This large mountain range with a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers is actually covered by an endless white fog, and it's even so dense. Di Liya was also very confused.

Di Liya and the others' understanding of the Amethyst Mountains were limited to books. Although Lin Feng understood it a little more, but it was not much more.

"Let's go down." With a thought from Lin Feng, the large metallic lifeform disappeared into thin air. Lin Feng, Di Liya, Bei Bei and Ni Si all flew downwards.

On the surface, the Amethyst Mountains appeared to be the Fog Sea.

On the surface of the Amethyst Mountains, in Lin Feng's line of sight, there were at least three ancient castles.

Lin Feng knew that these three ancient castles were the property of the eighteen families that controlled the Amethyst Mountains.

When Lin Feng and the other three approached, two middle-aged men in black uniforms immediately flew over. They could not help but look at Di Liya in surprise, as they had obviously discovered that she was a Highgod Demon.

Highgod Demons, even if they were bodyguards, their pay would be much higher than harvesting amethysts. Collecting amethysts was usually made with Demigods and Mid God.

When they noticed Di Liya, the Highgod Demon, their attitude became much better. Among them, the golden-haired middle-aged man smiled and said: "Excuse me, are you guys here?"

Ni Si laughed: "We are here to travel to Amethyst Mountains."

"Oh?" The golden-haired middle-aged man nodded, "This Amethyst Mountains is managed by our eighteen clans. Of course, we won't stop outsiders from entering. Whether it's touring or collecting amethysts, as long as you want to enter, everyone will have to pay five thousand inkstone s. "

"What if there are no inkstone s?" Bebe suddenly said.

"No?" The golden-haired man glanced at him, then said with a faint smile, "No, no problem." We can let you in, but we won't give you the keepsake, so when you come out, you have to pay us three purple crystals! "

"We choose to pay three amethysts." Lin Feng said as he led Di Liya closer to the sea of mist. Bei Bei and Ni Si also quickly followed.

The blood-red sunlight shone on the gently rolling sea of fog, creating a wondrous color and forming many beautiful scenery.

"So beautiful." Di Liya laughed very happily, "Lin Feng, look over there!" Di Liya pointed towards the distant sea of fog. Under the illumination of the sunlight, the balls of white fog looked like galloping horses.

"It looks beautiful, but once you fall in, it's hard to come out again." Lin Feng shook his head.

Although his goal this time was to enter the Amethyst Mountains's Fog Sea, he was not in a rush.

Afterwards, Bebe also heard Lin Feng's words, and pointed suspiciously at the people in the distance. "Boss, aren't there still people in the Fog Sea?"

Lin Feng explained, "Amethyst Mountains's Fog Sea is very strange. Generally speaking, if one was in the Fog Sea, they would only be able to see within a range of a hundred meters. Once you enter deeper and cannot see the outside, you will not be able to get out! "

"Can't get out?" Ni Si exclaimed, "How is that possible? Isn't it just white mist? Although it has a small range of vision, if I fly in a straight line, how can I not be able to fly out? "

"He can't fly out. Even with a divine clone guiding him, he can't fly out." "Of course, the only exception is experts of the Asura rank or higher."

Although the book did not say whether an expert of the Shura level would be able to resist the astonishing gravitational force and the strange soul attack in the fog sea, Lin Feng deduced from the various signs that an expert of the Shura level would be able to come out from the fog sea.

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