Chapter 239 - Direct Penetration

Lin Feng brought Di Liya and the other two on a tour around the edge of the ocean of mist. To Lin Feng's disappointment, he did not find Ao Liweiya's figure. But when Lin Feng thought about it, he felt it was funny. Perhaps Ao Liweiya had not even been teleported to the Redbud Continent, and even if she did, he might not have come to the Amethyst Mountains to collect Purple Crystals like she had in the original book.

"Inside?" Bebe said, puzzled, "Boss, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to leave?"

"Since I can bring you in, I naturally have the confidence to bring you out again." Lin Feng held onto Di Liya's hand, "Let's go!"

As he spoke, he flew into the Fog Sea.

Bei Bei trusted his boss 100%, so he didn't hesitate to grab Ni Si's hand and follow along.

"The four of you, stop." A voice rang out.

But at this time, Lin Feng and the others had already disappeared from his sight. A hundred meters was nothing more than a fleeting blink of an eye to Lin Feng and the others.

Di Liya looked at the white mist in shock: "This white mist, it's so cool." The temperature of the white mist was very low. When one touched the skin, it was like ice.

"Hey, amethyst!" Bebe, seeing an amethyst shooting towards him, waved his hand, collecting it into his interspatial ring.

"There's quite a bit of amethysts here." Di Liya casually waved her hand, and the two purple crystals were stored in her spatial ring.

By now, Lin Feng and the rest were within a hundred meter radius of the Fog Sea. There were indeed more purple crystals than outside.

"Waa, Bei Bei, Big Sister Di Liya, why are your luck so good? "No, I want to get it too, I want to get it too." When Ni Si saw that both Bei Bei and Di Liya had harvested amethysts but she himself had not, she immediately called out.

"Don't worry about harvesting amethysts, pay attention to your safety. Inside, there are a lot of amethysts which can make your harvest go soft. " Lin Feng said.

As they travelled deeper into the Fog Sea, more and more amethysts began to appear, but the corresponding amethysts also began to shoot out at increasing speed.

Roughly a kilometer in, suddenly … "Whooosh."

The deep sound of the wind continuously rang out, one after another, assaulting the soul. Ni Si fell into chaos almost immediately. Di Liya had the Highgod, Lin Feng had the broken spirit defense Sovereign artifact, Bei Bei also had the spirit defense divine artifact that Bei Lute gave him. It wasn't enough to affect them here for the time being.

"Bei Bei, protect Ni Si." Lin Feng said, and even held onto Di Liya's hand tightly.

Bei Bei immediately pulled Ni Si into her embrace.

But as they continued to go deeper in, Bebe began to feel a bit uncomfortable as well.

"Boss, my head feels so bad." "But I can still stay awake." Bebe shut his eyes, then opened them again, trying to clear them.

Lin Feng looked at Di Liya, who was beside her, and realised that she was already in the same dazed state as Ni Si.

Although Di Liya had reached the Highgod realm, she didn't have a soul-protecting divine artifact. Although she had absorbed some of the Golden Soul-Pearls, under the assault of the bizarre sound of the wind, he was completely dazed.

"C-Lin Feng, my head feels so bad!" Di Liya tried his best to open his mouth and say a few words.

Lin Feng immediately grabbed Di Liya's hand. He could understand Di Liya's condition, and in this kind of environment, it would be difficult to stay awake, let alone think about using his divine sense to send a sound transmission. Di Liya could only barely say two or three words. Even her eyes were occasionally clear and occasionally dazed.

Seeing Di Liya being tormented like this, Lin Feng felt some regret in his heart. In order to learn Lei Sijing's unique innate skill and make her woman suffer, was it worth it?

"Swoosh!" Suddenly, a violet light shot out from afar.

"Amethyst." With a wave of his hand, Bebe swept that violet light into his interspatial ring. "Boss, although this pile of amethysts isn't much, there's at least a few thousand."

"Bei Bei, don't rush to collect the amethysts. Protect Ni Si first, we need to quickly advance." Lin Feng gave a command, then quickly flew towards the depths of the white mist with Di Liya.

Bei Bei didn't hesitate either, immediately following with Ni Si in her arms.

"Amethyst!" From afar, some more amethysts flew over. When they approached Lin Feng, Lin Feng waved his hand and swept the amethysts over. He directly stored the ten amethysts into his Coiling Dragon ring, while keeping the rest into his interspatial ring.

The Coiling Dragon ring instantly bound those ten amethysts.

After absorbing the refined soul essence, Lin Feng felt his dizziness lessen a little.

Under Lin Feng and Bei Bei's rapid flight, not long later, the sound of the wind disappeared.

"We've finally flown out of that strange region." Lin Feng and Bei Bei both revealed a smile on their faces, but at the same time, Di Liya and Ni Si also regained consciousness.

"Lin Feng, what happened?" Di Liya said, "Just now, it was very difficult for me to even think about it, it was so painful."

Seeing that Di Liya's face was still pale white, Lin Feng regretted it to death. If only he had come in by himself, why would he let Di Liya, Bei Bei and Ni Si come in together?

While they were talking, Lin Feng and the rest continued to fly forward.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a terrifying attractive force swept through his entire body. This sort of gravitational force was applied to every part of the body, including the blood vessels, the heart, and even the soul!

Lin Feng, Di Liya, Bei Bei, and Ni Si suddenly suffered from a terrifying gravitational pull that engulfed their entire bodies, causing them to be unable to react in time. The four of them were sucked towards the depths of the Fog Sea at an astonishing speed. But after a while, the four of them regained consciousness.

"This is Gravity Spell!" Lin Feng immediately said with a sound transmission, "To be precise, it's the 'Gravitational Space' profound mystery of the Laws of the Earth."

Although Lin Feng knew that there was something strange about the gravity inside, he didn't expect the gravitational force to be this strong. Even he, who had fused with the Four seed mystery, was unable to resist the force and could at most slow down.

Lin Feng and the other three tried to resist the gravity and slow down their speed as much as possible.

"Gravitational Space?" Di Liya and the others looked at Lin Feng.

"It's slightly different." Lin Feng said, "Gravitational Space is only a strong gravitational force that affects your body and doesn't affect your soul. "But this damned place," Lin Feng said, and could not help but shake his head.

Although Lin Feng had also comprehended the profound mysteries of 'Gravitational Space', the gravitational force here had clearly been strengthened and he was unable to resist it completely. Especially since the gravitational force could still affect his soul, this was the first time Lin Feng felt that his soul also had a weight.

"Gravity on the soul?" Lin Feng muttered to himself, "In the Laws of the Earth, only the 'Throbbing Pulse of the World' and the 'Power of Life' can affect the soul. Could this be the effect of the 'Gravitational Space' after fusing the 'Throbbing Pulse of the World' or the 'Power of Life'?"

"No, although this gravitational force is very exaggerated, there is no feeling of being able to live forever, it shouldn't have merged with the power of life." Since it is not the 'Power of Life', then it should be the 'Throbbing Pulse of the World'. Right, Lei Sijing's ultimate technique from the original book is to fuse the 'Gravitational Space' and the 'Throbbing Pulse of the World' together, and then infuse it with some special abilities. "

After figuring out the key point and sensing the gravitational force that could invade one's soul, Lin Feng faintly felt that the 'Gravitational Space' and the 'Throbbing Pulse of the World' that he had already fused with the bottleneck actually had a feeling of mastery.

However, just at this moment, an purple crystal shot over quickly. The speed was so fast that Lin Feng was simply unable to react. It instantly appeared in front of Lin Feng, and then — "Puchi!"

The purple crystal had actually penetrated through Lin Feng's Pulseguard Armor, and barely penetrated Lin Feng's body. However, after passing through it again and again, the purple crystal's speed decreased greatly, and it did not have enough speed to escape the gravitational force.

Although Lin Feng's body had been refined by the Azure Dragon's blood essence and was much stronger than warriors of the same realm, that was under the condition of Lin Feng's Dragonform. At this time, Lin Feng had not Dragonformed, and the strength of his body could only be compared to normal Highgod.

"F * ck, this isn't some purple crystal, it's a bullet!" was shocked when his body was pierced. If it was not his body but his head, he would have been turned into a corpse by now. The kind that died without a complete corpse.

Although Lin Feng had read from the original books that the speed of the purple crystals inside were astonishing, even though the speed of the purple crystals he had encountered was great, it was still far from being able to harm them.

"Lin Feng, are you alright?" Di Liya panicked when he saw Lin Feng's body being penetrated by the purple crystal.

"Nothing, luckily I didn't smash my head, otherwise something would have happened." Lin Feng comforted Di Liya and then shouted towards Bei Bei, "Bei Bei, make Ni Si stay behind you. The speed of the purple crystals are too fast, every single one of them are not inferior to an attack from your Highgod."

Lin Feng instructed Bei Bei while blocking in front of Di Liya, at the same time he himself Dragonformed in an instant.

"Wow, big brother Lin Feng, you're actually a Draconian?" The little girl Ni Si didn't have any sense of danger, at this moment, he was still in the mood to pay attention to this.

"How could my boss be one of those low-level Draconians?" "My Boss is a Dragonblood Warrior, he's in the Dragonform now."

"Oh." Although Ni Si didn't know what the Dragonblood Warrior was, but after hearing Bei Bei say this, she understood that Lin Feng was not a Draconian that she had seen before.

"Boss, there's someone over there." Bebe sent mentally.

Lin Feng and the other three were trying their best to resist the gravitational force and slow down their speed, but the people that flew past Lin Feng and the others were advancing at an astonishing speed, they did not resist at all. Because — His head was already riddled with holes.

"He's dead." Di Liya transmitted.

Lin Feng slightly nodded his head: "He should have been shot through the head by the purple crystal that suddenly appeared. If that purple crystal from before had been even higher, maybe I would have been like him now."

With the purple crystal that was able to escape the terrifying gravitational force and the speed at which it broke through the Pulseguard Armor, even if Lin Feng wasn't thinking at that time about the possibility of using the 'Gravity on the soul', he wouldn't have been able to react in time.

Fortunately, Lin Feng was lucky and got hit in the chest.

But, that person's luck was a bit unlucky. He was shot in the head by a pile of amethysts, instantly dying a miserable death!

"Don't you say that about yourself." Di Liya glared at Lin Feng snappily. If Lin Feng was really lucky, Di Liya didn't even know if he would have the courage to live on.

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