Chapter 243 - Force, Harmony

There are three profound mysteries in the Laws of the Earth that are related to energy: 'Strength', 'Gravitational Space', and 'Life'.

Earth was a virtuous being and contained within it the power of life. Although this' Life 'power was also a type of power, it was very different from the' Strength 'and the' Gravitational Space '. Relatively speaking, 'Strength' and 'Gravitational Space' were a bit more similar.

"Strength is pure brute force, while Gravitational Space contains gravity and the power of space." Lin Feng's original body and the divine earth avatar were fully focused on deducing the Laws of the Earth, evolving the two profound mysteries in their minds again and again, trying to find something similar about the two seed mystery s, in order to combine the two seed mystery s.

"Bei Bei, big brother Lin Feng couldn't have gone silly from his cultivation, right?" Seeing Lin Feng's sometimes doubtful and sometimes enlightened look, Ni Si quietly asked Bei Bei.

"Nonsense!" Bei Bei stared at Ni Si. "My Boss must have comprehended something."

"Haha, that's right. Regardless of strength, gravity, or the power of space, all of them are forces. Everything is powerful, and all things are forced. So that's how it is. So that's how it is!"

Under the inspiration of the devouring power of the Purple Crystal Demon Cave, Lin Feng finally managed to fuse his' strength 'with the' Gravitational Space '.

Of course, it was merely a fusion. Even with Lin Feng's current cultivation speed, it would still be impossible for him to completely fuse these two profound mysteries in less than ten years.

"Phew!" "Although it is only a fusion, it is still considered the first step. As long as it is a fusion, it is only a matter of time before it is decided." Lin Feng sensed the situation within his body, and then opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, Lin Feng saw three pairs of eyes, each with different expressions, staring at him. Di Liya was concerned and Bei Bei was happy, but Ni Si was a little curious.

"Boss, what insights have you gained this time?" Bei Bei immediately rushed to Lin Feng's side and asked happily.

Lin Feng shook his head and laughed, "I only had a breakthrough in the Laws of the Earth occasionally."

Bei Bei trained in the Laws of Darkness and was not very familiar with the Laws of the Earth, so he didn't ask any more details. He only asked excitedly, "Boss, when will your Laws of the Earth be able to catch up to your Wind Elemental Laws and cultivate to the Highgod?"

"Huh?" Hearing that, Ni Si suddenly exclaimed: "Big brother Lin Feng, could it be that you have another Highgod clone?"

Although Ni Si and Bei Bei had been together for more than ten years, and Bei Bei genuinely liked Ni Si, Bei Bei was not an idiot. It was impossible for him to reveal her and Lin Feng's family assets before he had Ni Si in his grasp.

Although Ni Si had already followed Bei Bei and kept her distance from her brother Salomon, after all, time was still young, and Bei Bei did not tell Ni Si about Lin Feng's situation. This was the reason why Ni Si only knew about Lin Feng so well, relying on what she had seen with her own eyes.

But now, hearing that Lin Feng actually had a Highgod doppelgänger, and hearing Bei Bei's tone, Ni Si was surprised to hear that her Highgod doppelganger's strength was actually very high. Because Ni Si was very sure that the Big Brother Lin Feng standing in front of him was definitely just her Mid God. And if he had a Highgod clone, there was no reason for him to only display the realm of her Mid God.

Could it be that Big Brother Lin Feng's Highgod clone is not here? Ni Si thought.

"Ninny, look at who's boss is. He's the boss of me, Bei Bei. What's so surprising about having a Highgod clone?" Bebe had a look of pride on his face, as though he was talking about himself.

Ni Si also did not give in. She glanced at Lin Feng and Di Liya, then shifted her gaze back to Bei Bei and said in a serious tone, "Bei Bei, since Big Brother Lin Feng and Big Sister Di Liya are already at the Highgod, why don't you see that you're at the Highgod? Don't tell me you also have a Highgod doppelganger! "

Ni Si was very sure, it was clear that he was very knowledgeable about Bei Bei.

Bei Bei rubbed his nose and muttered to himself: "If I had Highgod, would I still want you?"

"What?" Ni Si immediately scurried to Bei Bei's side, grabbed him by the ear, and said with an unkind tone, "Bei Bei, repeat what you just said again."

"My dear Ninny, I didn't say anything." Bei Bei pretended to cry out in pain while denying it.

"You really didn't say anything?"

"I really didn't say anything!"


"I really didn't say anything!"


He quickly changed his words and acted as if he had just realized something. He said, "I remember now, the beautiful Miss Ni Si is just like the purple moon in the sky, she's so beautiful and noble. The first time I saw you, I fell for you, and with my second glance, I fell deeply in love with you. With just a glance, I was unable to extricate myself and fell into your beauty."

Seeing Bei Bei's flattering face and extremely praising words that tried to please Ni Si, Di Liya couldn't help but cover his mouth and snicker, while Lin Feng just rolled his eyes.

"That's more like it." Ni Si released her hands in satisfaction, but then immediately asked in a low voice: "Bei Bei, am I really as beautiful as you said?"

"Huh?" Bei Bei was startled, turned his head and asked Lin Feng, "Boss, what did I say just now?"

"Ah?" Damned Bebe, you're messing with me! " Ni Si was prepared to grab onto Bei Bei's ears, but this time Bei Bei had expected this. When the words left his mouth, his body had already scuttled out.

"Stupid Bebe, don't run!"

"Hehe, Ninny, you won't be able to catch me."

Lin Feng and Di Liya looked at the couple who were chasing each other. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Roar! Roar!"

"Ah!" Kill! "

A large number of beast roars and sounds of fighting could be heard, echoing within the mountain forests. Hearing this roar, Lin Feng's face changed.

Bei Bei and Ni Si also stopped playing around and returned to Lin Feng's side, their faces filled with worry.

They were all very familiar with this roar; it was the amethyst beast's trademark slogan. Although Bebe had beaten back the amethyst beast, the power of the amethyst beast had left a deep impression on everyone. And this time around, from the roars, it was clear that there was more than one. Rather, it was a group of people.

"There are at least a few dozen amethyst beasts." Di Liya immediately said, "Let's go."

Lin Feng instantly determined the direction: "Let's go this way." After confirming the direction, Lin Feng and the other three immediately flew out.

Although Lin Feng was skilled and bold, he wasn't so bold as to be able to fight against dozens of amethyst beasts.

One, Lin Feng could defeat the other in an instant. With five heads, Lin Feng could barely hold on. But if dozens came, Lin Feng would only be able to run.

"Hurry up." Lin Feng urged again as he heard angry roars coming from the white mist behind him.

"You're really slow." Bei Bei directly pulled on Ni Si's hand. Ni Si borrowed the force of the impact to keep up.

Although Ni Si's Mid God was not weak, when compared to the abnormal brothers Bei Bei and Lin Feng, the difference was too big. In terms of speed, she was obviously inferior as well.

After running for a long time, the furious roars could no longer be heard.

"Phew, I'm finally safe." With a flip of his hand, Bebe once more put on his straw hat, then leaned against the giant boulder. "Hey, let's rest here. Those amethyst beasts aren't in the same direction as us. They won't be able to catch up."

Lin Feng and Di Liya also sat down beside each other.

Tilting his head, seeing Di Liya's worried look, Lin Feng smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, the fog tide is only for a day. Today, these amethyst beasts will all come running out crazily. After today, the amethyst beasts would all return, but even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be able to find them. "

"If every day is like this, then these days will be too painful." Bebe muttered.

"Bebe, you are afraid as well." Ni Si sat next to Bei Bei and laughed as she teased Bei.

"I was afraid. I was afraid that you would be snatched away by the amethyst beast for food." Bebe reclined atop the boulder, his eyes narrowed as he stared at the white fog hovering above him. The white mist was still as before, hazy and obscuring the sky.

"Hmph, if I'm so cute, then the amethyst beast definitely won't be willing to eat me." Ni Si's exquisite nose slightly creased as she looked at the satisfied Bei Bei. "But you don't have to be sure."

"If I really am eaten by the amethyst beast, won't you become a widow?" Bei Bei turned his head and looked at Ni Si.

Knowing that Ni Si was the one to tease him, Bei Bei didn't mind. She waved her arm and snorted: "If those amethyst beasts want to eat me, they'll have to first weigh their own teeth and not collapse."

Seeing that the young couple Bei Bei and Ni Si were arguing again, Lin Feng and Di Liya looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

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