Chapter 244 - Profound Mysteries of Stealth Technique

A day was neither long nor short, and soon passed. Furthermore, Lin Feng and the others had pretty good luck, they did not meet Lei Sijing during this period.

When night fell and the beasts' roars had all disappeared, Lin Feng's anxious heart was finally at ease.

Amethyst Mountains was shrouded in white mist. He could not see the blood sun during the day, and naturally, he could not see the purple moon at night. As a result, the Amethyst Mountains's night was especially dark. Of course, none of this was a problem for the gods. The light affected his vision, but not his divine sense.

"The day of the Fog Wave has finally come to an end. After this day passes, there will be another hundred million year long days of peace and quiet." Lin Feng sighed with emotion. At least to Lin Feng, who had only cultivated for a hundred years, he did not have much experience on this matter.

Once Bei Bei said this, Ni Si and Di Liya's gazes also shifted towards Lin Feng. They were all confused by Lin Feng's insistence to enter the Amethyst Mountains, and since the Amethyst Mountains came in, he wouldn't be able to leave. Could it be that he had to stay here for the rest of his life?

"Cultivate!" Lin Feng spat out two words, then looked towards Bei Bei and the other two, and said: "After the fog tide has passed, Amethyst Mountains is a rare and peaceful place, and also an excellent place to cultivate."

"Boss, you can't be thinking of letting me cultivate to the Highgod in this damned place, right?" Bebe said in disbelief.

"With the treasure that your grandfather gave you, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to cultivate to the Highgod right?" Lin Feng smiled as he looked at Bebe.

"Boss, you … you know everything?" From the way Lin Feng said it, it seemed like he already knew that's grandfather gave him the law fragment, but he had never told the boss about it. Could it be that grandfather Bei Lute said that?

Lin Feng smiled noncommittally, and said: "Only by cultivating to the Highgod can your strength increase by leaps and bounds. I also know that allowing you to fuse with the profound mysteries of the Laws, is completely unrealistic like a sow climbing a tree."

"Boss, I'm the second Godeater Rat in countless planes. I'm a Divine Beast, so how can you use a sow as a metaphor for me? "It makes me sad!" Bebe pretended to be sad.

"You still have the nerve to say that." Lin Feng glared at Bei Bei. "You Godeater Rats are dark type divine beasts, and you train in the wind-style as well. But look at you, to this day, how many levels have you comprehended of the Laws of Darkness? Other than the 'Shadowshape Doppelganger Technique' that you naturally comprehended when you were in your mature years, and the 'Darkness Element' that you spent twenty years to comprehend with the help of your Grandfather Bei Lute, what else did you comprehend? "

Towards Bebe's lazy training, Lin Feng had always been very helpless. Bebe didn't like to train. It was natural, and he couldn't force himself to do so. But even so, Lin Feng still wanted to give some pointers and provoke him.

"I've mastered the profound mysteries of the 'Undercover' technique of the Laws of Darkness as well." Bebe said softly.

The 'Stealth' technique was a profound mystery of the six profound mysteries of the Laws of Darkness. It was a level higher than the most basic 'Essence of Darkness' and 'Shadowshape Doppelganger' techniques.

Of course, for Bei Bei to be able to comprehend the [Undercover] technique within thirty to forty years, it was all thanks to the Law Fragments that Bei Lute had given him. Otherwise, with his way of training, not to mention thirty to forty years, even if he was given another ten or forty years, he still might not be able to comprehend the 'Undercover Technique'.

"Then how many times did you fuse the Darkness profound mysteries of the Laws?" Lin Feng looked at Bei Bei and asked despite knowing the answer.

Without waiting for Bei Bei to speak, Lin Feng answered for him, "I'm afraid I haven't fused even one!"

"Boss, comprehending the profound mysteries of the Laws is already that difficult. To fuse it is simply too difficult." Bebe had a bitter look on his face as he said helplessly.

"Alright, then I won't talk about the Laws of Darkness, let's talk about the Wind Elemental Laws." Lin Feng said, "Even though you Godeater Rats aren't wind-type divine beasts, you guys also possess wind-type Inherent Skills. As far as I know, Lord Bei Lute and his three sons, Harry, Hart and Harvey, all have two divine clones of the Wind and Dark elements. As for you … "

"Boss, my original body has nothing to do and is still gaining insights into the Wind Elemental Laws, moreover, I have already comprehended half of the 'Elements of Wind' profound mysteries within the Wind Elemental Laws." Bebe said rather proudly.

"The elements of wind? "Half?" Lin Feng smiled as he looked at Bei Bei and said, "Then I'll give you another hundred years. Do you have the confidence to have another divine wind clone?"

"A hundred years is too short." Bebe said, lacking in confidence.

"If it's too short, then fifty years is fine." Lin Feng smiled as he looked at Bei Bei.

"Uh …" Bei Bei looked at Lin Feng pitifully. "Boss, you're not serious, are you?"

"Of course." Lin Feng glanced at Ni Si at the side, then chuckled at Bei Bei. "If you can't break through in fifty years, then when Ni Si bullies you in the future, I won't help you."

"Big Brother Lin Feng, I, I, have never bullied Bei Bei." Ni Si said somewhat embarrassedly.

"Right, right, if you don't bully him, he will always be bullied by you." Lin Feng laughed, then changed the topic. "Ni Si, you cultivate the laws of lightning, right?"

"En!" Ni Si nodded. "I only have a lightning divine body. When I first became a god, I didn't choose to leave my divine spark outside of my body."

Ni Si only had a Lightning attribute Inherent Skill, the other elements were all very low, so it was almost impossible for him to become a God. Thus, when she had broken through to become a Deity, she had chosen to have her divine spark remain within her body, while avoiding the pain and weakness caused by the separation of her soul.

Ni Si, in the future when Bei Bei cultivates, you can stay by his side and train. If he dares to slack off, you can just use lightning to strike him.

"Hee hee!" Hearing that, Ni Si immediately smiled towards Bei Bei, "Bei Bei, did you hear that? This is the gold medal arrow that big brother Lin Feng gave me, if you don't cultivate seriously, I will use it. Un, I will use lightning to hack your hair out."

"Ninny, my good Ninny, you wouldn't be so cruel to me, right?" Bei Bei looked at Ni Si with a hopeful expression.

"That will depend on your performance in the future." Ni Si counted on her fingers, "From now on, you must at least say 'I love you' to me once a day. You are not allowed to look at other girls without my permission."

Bebe: "… …"

Seeing that Bei Bei and Ni Si were laughing merrily again, Lin Feng couldn't help but shake his head. Lin Feng didn't have the heart to scold Bei Bei for being lazy. He originally wanted to be more serious and have Bei Bei cultivate more in the future, but seeing that both Bei Bei and Ni Si obviously did not take his previous words to heart. His efforts could be considered to have been in vain.

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