Chapter 45 - Returning to the Academy

It was almost dusk and the sun was shining over the land. Wearing a cyan colored robe stained with a trace of blood, Lin Feng walked to the entrance of the Ernst Institute, where Bei Bei was currently standing on his shoulder. Behind him was a tiger cub about half a meter long.

This' little tiger 'was naturally Acanthopterygium Sa Diesi. However, under Lin Feng's forceful request, Sa Diesi had no choice but to shrink his body so much that even the thorns on his back were taken away. At first glance, it really did look like a little tiger.

"I'm finally back." When Lin Feng saw the Ernst Institute, he felt his heart calm down.

The Ernst Institute and the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts were two completely different extremes. No one dared to kill anyone here; the atmosphere was very good. The Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, however, was a world of magical beasts. The strong were revered, while the weak were eliminated. The killing could happen at any moment.

"It's Lin Feng." The guard at the entrance of the Ernst Institute naturally recognized Lin Feng, the famous person of the academy, and wouldn't stop him.

Lin Feng nodded slightly to the guard, and then stepped into the Ernst Institute. Walking on the academy's streets, many students of the Ernst Institute who had already gone to class began to chat quietly with each other when they saw Lin Feng.

"It's Lin Feng. Look, there's still blood on his body, he must have just returned from the Beast Mountain Range. I heard that he went to the Magic Beast Mountain Range last year and didn't even participate in the examination at the end of last year's examination. This is already past ten months.

"At the end of last year, Di Kexi reached level 6 Magician, but he did not participate in the test."

Hearing those whispers, Lin Feng was slightly taken aback. "Di Kexi is back? Then Di Liya should also be back by now. "

Thinking about this, Lin Feng immediately changed his direction, and headed towards the sixth grade Wind magic class.

Right now, it was the Wind magic class's time, and Lin Feng knew that as long as he didn't cause trouble, Di Liya, the diligent and good girl, would definitely not skip class.

Arriving outside the classroom, Lin Feng looked through the window and saw that Di Liya was indeed seated in the first row, listening intently to her mentor explaining the principles of the Wind Roar's magic.

After one and a half years of not seeing each other, Di Liya had matured quite a bit. Di Liya, who was already sixteen years old, had a face that was completely replaced by the aura of youth. With long golden hair and a sweet and beautiful face, she was a great beauty that could be found anywhere. Adding on the fact that Di Liya was originally training in wind magic, her fusion with the wind element over a long period of time, made him even more elegant.

Looking at the beloved one in his heart who was listening earnestly in class, Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

"Is that Lin Feng? The number one genius of the academy, Lin Feng? "

Suddenly, a scream was heard, bringing Lin Feng back to reality.

It turned out that a female student sitting beside Di Liya had casually caught a glimpse of Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng?"

Upon hearing this name, Di Liya immediately turned around. She saw Lin Feng standing outside the window.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, he walked into the classroom and courteously greeted the dumbstruck instructor and said: "Instructor, I'm sorry, I'm late."

"No, it's fine!" The instructor stammered in reply.

Although he was Lin Feng's teacher, towards this number one genius of the Ernst Institute, he also felt admiration from the bottom of his heart. Aside from Di Liya, the other students in his sixth grade magic class were also around twenty years of age. As for him, who was nearing his prime, he had only just reached the eighth rank as a magister.

Lin Feng walked over to the girl who had exclaimed earlier and said with a smile: "This student, may I sit in your seat?"

"Of, of course!"

The female student immediately moved to the side and gave Lin Feng her original seat right next to Di Liya.

This girl had long heard that Lin Feng and Di Liya were a couple. Eight years ago, the farce of Lin Feng publicly begging Di Liya had already spread throughout the academy, and anyone who had any gossip would hear about it.

"He is Lin Feng? "So handsome! Just now, his words were so gentle. There's also …"

For the next half of the class, the girl let her imagination run wild. Most of the girls in the class were similar to her.

Lin Feng sat down beside Di Liya, and indicated for the instructor to continue with the lesson, and turned his head to look at Di Liya, and did not care about the fact that he was seated in the first row, whether or not his actions would affect the students in the back row.

Di Liya was already a bit more reserved to begin with. In front of such a large audience, she was nearly embarrassed to death by Lin Feng's unbridled gaze. However, she was still extremely happy and sweet in her heart.

In the year and a half that he had parted ways with Lin Feng, Di Liya had been lost in thoughts of passing the day in panic, and basically had no mood to cultivate. This was also the main reason why her strength had not increased at all in this one and a half year, and she was still at the peak of the sixth level.

Suddenly, Di Liya felt her hands being grabbed under the desk. She was shocked, but did not struggle, just her face that was already completely covered with red clouds became even redder.

"Boss, I, Bebe, despise you. If you have a wife, you'll forget about your brother. Wuuuuuu, I'm so pitiful!" Bei Bei's voice suddenly sounded out in Lin Feng's mind.

"Go, go and stay where you are. Can't you see that I've been reunited with your eldest sister-in-law for a long time?" Lin Feng replied snappily: "Take Sa Diesi to the dorm first, I'll come over after class."

After the instructor tried his best to lecture for ten minutes, he saw that all the students were focused on Lin Feng, and helplessly announced that everyone was going to study by themselves for the rest of the day.

The number one genius of the academy was much more charming than him. Moreover, he was a genius who was rarely seen, so it was only natural that he piqued the curiosity of his classmates. When his mentor was with Lin Feng, he would naturally be ignored.

The bell for the end of class rang, Lin Feng immediately pulled Di Liya and ran out of the classroom.

After running to a corner with no one around, Di Liya finally couldn't resist and threw herself into Lin Feng's chest, beginning to sob softly.

"Lin Feng, I will never be separated from you ever again."

Lin Feng laughed bitterly in his heart. He was the one who said this to Di Liya at the beginning, but now, Di Liya had said it again. No! He still had yet to take revenge. In addition, not too long ago, Dylin had been released by him. If nothing went wrong, the 'Apocalypse Day' which Dylin had created would come as planned. At that time, Di Liya would still be staying here, and it would definitely be extremely dangerous.

"I might not be able to do it." Lin Feng struggled in his heart, but he still decided to speak the truth. At this moment, it was time to tell Di Liya about some things.

"Wh-why?" Di Liya stared at Lin Feng with teary eyes, "Don't tell me you don't love me anymore?"

Lin Feng could clearly feel Di Liya's delicate body tremble for a moment. Hearing Di Liya's words, he immediately replied: "No, there's no edge to the mountain.

"Then, then why did you still do that?" Di Liya asked carefully.

"There are some things that I am unable to explain to you right now. At that time, you will naturally understand. You only need to understand that you will forever be the most beloved in my heart." Lin Feng passionately whispered to Di Liya.

Hearing this, Di Liya's heart was finally at ease.

"Come, Di Liya, let me show you something." Lin Feng pulled Di Liya and went back to dorm 1987.

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