Chapter 46 - Di Liya, Level 7

Lin Feng pulled Di Liya to dorm 1987, where Ye Lu, Qiao Zhi and Lei Nuo were currently. When brothers met, they would naturally exchange pleasantries. Of course, because of Di Liya's arrival, Lin Feng received quite a bit of ridicule from Ye Lu and the other two.

"Ol 'Three, you brought Di Liya here to let her see that sculpture of yours, right?" Ye Lu looked at Lin Feng with a teasing smile. "In order to give sister-in-law a pleasant surprise, I had kept it a secret from you before."

"What sculpture is this?" As expected, Di Liya's words aroused her curiosity and she asked immediately.

"This sculpture is incredible. If you were to see it, you would definitely be pleasantly surprised. However, you'll know what the actual work is after you've read it. " Ye Lu said with a smile.

Alright, boss, stop teasing Di Liya. Where did you put the stone sculpture? Lin Feng looked at the anxious Di Liya, and said to him.

The Huadeli Hotel!

When Di Liya saw the stone sculpture 'love' with her own eyes, she was immediately shocked. She could feel the love Lin Feng had for her from this stone sculpture.

Di Liya focused on the five vivid 'myself' in front of him. Every one of the 'myself' sculptures contained a special flavor.

When Di Liya saw this stone statue, she couldn't help but recall the scenes where she went with Lin Feng. It was the first time in a first grade magic class that Lin Feng looked at him with an evil smile.

In the Magic Beast Mountain Range, the two of them cuddled together.

Scenes appeared one after another, causing Di Liya to be completely dumbfounded. She really didn't think that such a beautiful and magnificent stone sculpture would be based on her.

"Lin, Lin Feng" Di Liya was extremely touched, but she was unable to find words to express her feelings.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly asked, "What is the name of this sculpture?"


"Is it called 'love'? Is this love? " Di Liya who was mumbling to himself finally understood his own heart at this moment.

Suddenly, Di Liya felt a burst of good fortune in her heart, her mind was refreshed and her mental energy, which she had not been able to train in for a long time, soared, directly surpassing the peak of the sixth level, and stepped into the peak of the seventh level.

Lin Feng, who was already a Saint-level Grand Magus, could naturally feel the condition of Di Liya's body. He did not expect that just by looking at the stone statue, Di Liya's mental strength would instantly increase by a level, and her comprehension ability was not inferior to her.

"Congratulations, Di Liya!" Lin Feng was genuinely happy for Di Liya's breakthrough.

Di Liya was only sixteen years old at the moment, and had actually already reached the peak of the seventh level of Magician. With this kind of progress, in the future, relying on her own efforts, it would not be difficult for him to reach the Saint-level. Di Liya could finally avoid the fate of refining a divine spark to become a god in the original book.

"I love you, Lin Feng!" Di Liya snuggled into Lin Feng's embrace with a gentle expression.

As for Ye Lu, Qiao Zhi, and Lei Nuo who were left alone at the side, they simply did not know what had happened, and only thought that Di Liya and Lin Feng had fallen deeply in love, and had sent a message because they had feelings for each other.

Lin Feng, there's no numbing in the meat. We three bachelors are still stuck here, you and sister-in-law should take into consideration the feelings we bachelors have. "

Lei Nuo, who could not stand watching this any longer, finally spoke out and interrupted his loving exchange.

Lin Feng and Di Liya looked extremely awkward. They had really forgotten about Ye Lu and the others just now.

Within the Huadeli Hotel.

Lin Feng, Ye Lu, Lei Nuo, and the other two casually sat on the two sides of a long table as Di Liya snuggled up to Lin Feng's side. On the dining table, there were over ten types of exquisite dishes placed in twos and threes. There were also quite a number of fruit wine and spirits placed beside the table. The four bros were drinking wine and discussing what had happened during this period of time.

"Lin Feng, you should have gone to the Beast Mountain Range after the year-end exam last year. Last year, Di Kexi had finally reached Magician of the sixth rank, but you didn't participate in the exam at all. Some people say that you are inferior to Di Kexi, and only we know that you are already at the sixth level of Magician. " Lei Nuo said unhappily.

Lin Feng drank a cup of fruit wine and smiled.

A sixth stage Magician?

Lin Feng, who was already a Saint-level Grand Magus, had long forgotten about the feelings of a Magician of the sixth rank. Ever since he had entered the palace carved with the straight chisel, Lin Feng's mental strength had been increasing at a rapid rate, like a rocket.

"Fourth Bro, it's not like you don't know Third Bro. He doesn't care about this sort of thing at all." If you care, then you will be able to participate in the annual competition every year. " Ye Lu laughed and said, "Oh right, Old Third, when school started this semester, your Uncle Xi Erman came to school."

Lin Feng paused for a moment, looked at Ye Lu, and immediately inquired: "Uncle Xi Erman, is there something you need?"

Although he asked this question, Lin Feng secretly guessed in his heart: "Maybe father passed away."

The reason he had chosen to spend the New Year in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts was a type of escape. He was afraid that if he stayed in the academy, he wouldn't be able to resist going to Duke Parland's estate to stop his father from dying. Naturally, he didn't want his father to die, but he also didn't want his father to live a painful life. Under the entanglement of these two thoughts, Lin Feng chose to escape, or could it be said to let nature take its course?

"Nothing much, I think I saw that you didn't go back to celebrate New Year." Worried that something might have happened to you. " Ye Lu said casually, and then continued, "That's right. There's something I have to tell you. On the day that your Uncle Xi Erman came, the chief instructor of the Proulx Gallery also came.

Lin Feng exclaimed: "Chief Curator? "How did he know that my sculpture, 'Love'?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

"Lin Feng, that chief curator still wants you to auction this sculpture, 'Love'? Even if we don't auction it, do you agree to let this' love 'be displayed in the Proulx Gallery? " Ye Lu looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shook his head without hesitation.

"Aucting this' love 'is definitely impossible, as for whether or not it will be brought to the Proulx Gallery to exhibit it will all depend on Di Liya's decision." Lin Feng looked at Di Liya, waiting for her verdict.

Ye Lu and the other two also shifted their gaze onto Di Liya, wanting to see her meaning.

Di Liya lifted her head and glanced at Lin Feng, but she could not see anything in his eyes. After pondering for a moment, she slowly said, "Taking it to an exhibition is also good.

This stone sculpture completely expressed the love between Lin Feng and her. As long as one was not a fool, one could feel the strong love Lin Feng had for her from this stone sculpture. It could be said that the moment this stone sculpture was displayed in public, the love between her and Lin Feng would be completely exposed, and at that time, the entire world would become the matchmaker for her and Lin Feng.

"If that's the case, I'll immediately send someone to contact Director Maia and arrange for the 'Love' exhibition." Ye Lu immediately said.

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