Rebirth of Coiling Dragon

C460 Changes in the Space of Consciousness

The Netherworld. At the foot of the Abyssal Mountain stood two men and a woman.

The girl in the middle wore a long purple dress. She had a pretty face and fiery red hair. She seemed to be a beautiful young lady of around 20 years of age.

Whereas the young man on the right instead wore a white long robe, and a calm and natural smile hung on the corners of his mouth.

The last man was a middle-aged man. He had a kind face and was wearing a coarse robe that didn't match with the man and woman. He stood a bit further away from them like a servant.

This strange couple was none other than Si Wangzhuzai and the two others. They were Lin Feng and Lin Feng, as well as the Netherworld Sovereign.

The sky was dark.

"Hu!" "Hu!"

Twelve figures flew over from the distance, quickly arriving in front of the three.

"Chief Sovereign!" The twelve figures all bowed towards the red figure.

These Sovereigns were all members of the Netherworld Kingdom's camp. This time, they were gathered here by Si Wangzhuzai, who would head to the Planar Battlefield to spectate the final decisive battle.

However, these Sovereigns were evidently very puzzled by Lin Feng's appearance here.

Lin Feng had always been considered to be from the Infernal Realm's side, so he should be heading to the Planar Battlefield together with the Chief Sovereign of Destruction right now. Even if he hadn't lost last time because of a duel with Ao Fu, his status would still increase drastically.

Could it be that Lin Feng was recruited by Si Wangzhuzai?

At this moment, these twelve newly arrived Sovereigns all had the same thought in their minds. Thinking of this, his eyes flashed with joy.

Lin Feng was an awesome person that could fight with Ao Fu one on one, even if it was Si Wangzhuzai, he might not be his match. If they were on the same side now, then …

Without waiting for them to finish speaking, Si Wangzhuzai gave the order, "Let's go!"

After saying that, Si Wangzhuzai waved his hand and tore open a spatial rift, rushing straight into the spatial turbulence.

Lin Feng followed closely behind and stepped into the spatial turbulence. The other thirteen Sovereigns also rushed in.

The fifteen of them flew through chaotic space. The ones in the lead were naturally Si Wangzhuzai and Lin Feng. The two flew shoulder-to-shoulder, while the other thirteen Sovereigns followed behind them.

Chaotic space was very dangerous for Deities, and even Paragons of Highgod, but for Sovereigns, it was very safe.

Previously, the twelve new Sovereigns were all very curious as to why Lin Feng would accompany them to the Planar Battlefield. When they thought about how the Netherworld Sovereign had always been at the Abyssal Mountain, and that he might have some information, they all sent mental messages to ask him.

"The Netherworld, then why is Lin Feng with the Chief Sovereign? Did the Chief Sovereign really recruit him?" The person who had asked this question was an Intermediate Sovereign of Death.

The Netherworld Sovereign had always been in the Abyssal Mountain, so he naturally had a better understanding of Lin Feng and Si Wangzhuzai's situation than the other Sovereigns. Although the other Sovereigns stayed in the Underworld most of the time, they all knew that the Abyssal Mountain was Si Wangzhuzai's dwelling place. Normally, even if they used their consciousness to scan the entire Underworld, they would intentionally avoid this place to show their respect.

"That means, even if Lin Feng wasn't recruited by the Chief Sovereign, he has a special relationship with the Chief Sovereign?" The Sovereign of Flame sent back.

The Sovereign of Fire, a Lesser Sovereign of Death, one of the seven Sovereigns of the Netherworld.

"I don't know about that." A hint of a smile appeared on the Netherworld Sovereign's face. He no longer said anything.

Although these Sovereigns were all conversing with each other through divine sense, Lin Feng's fused divine sense easily overheard the conversation between these Sovereigns. Seeing that all of the Sovereigns were curious about their relationship with the red-clothed man, their hearts moved, and they smiled towards the red-clothed man. "Redblood, they all say that our relationship isn't ordinary. I think this time's gathering of Sovereigns will be an opportunity. "

"What do you want to do?" The red-clothed man's eyes were filled with shame and joy, but he did his best to pretend as if nothing had happened.

"Hehe, I'll keep it a secret for now. I'll give you a surprise later." Lin Feng gave a mysterious smile, but it caught the attention of the red-clothed man.

The red-clothed man still wanted to continue asking, but he heard Lin Feng say: "Oh, we're about to arrive at the Planar Battlefield."

The Four Higher Planes and the Seven Divine Planes were very close to each other. Within the chaotic space in the center of these eleven divine planes, there was a very small plane … the Planar Battlefield. Thus, for these eleven planes to tear apart any of the planes and fly to the Planar Battlefield would take a very short period of time.

If one were to enter the Planar Battlefield through the plane of the Tartarus of the Netherworld, it would instead be taking a detour.

After walking through chaotic space, one would be able to follow the shortest path in a straight line.

"Lin Feng." A familiar voice rang out.

Lin Feng turned his head, and saw a group of figures approaching from afar. The leader was the Chief Sovereign of Destruction. This squad was clearly one of the Sovereigns of the Infernal Realm's side. The Infernal Realm's side had sixteen Sovereigns. Bei Lute and Qing Huo were also on Hell's side.

"Crash ~"

The Sovereigns all directly charged into the Planar Battlefield. The cold wind howled.

From both the Netherworld and the Infernal Realm, thirty-one Sovereigns landed atop a mountain. Moments later, nine more figures flew over from afar. It was the Sovereigns of the Life Higher Planes. And then, two or three of the scattered Sovereigns drew near. Soon, fifty-one were gathered.

"Right now, all that's left is the Celestial Realm and the Divine Light Plane." Si Wangzhuzai's pretty face revealed a smile, and glanced at the Chief Sovereign of Destruction, "Wu Te Reid, that Ao Fu seems to be very confident."

"Confidence? Who didn't have confidence? The true victor or loser will only be known after the end of that war. " The Chief Sovereign of Destruction said indifferently, then glanced at Lin Feng and laughed: "I think Lin Feng will not just sit by and watch as the Heaven Realm obtains the victory in this Planar War, allowing Ao Fu to obtain another set of Will Power."

The Chief Sovereign of Destruction thought that after a hundred thousand years, Lin Feng and Ao Fu would have a huge battle. Naturally, Lin Feng didn't want Ao Fu to get another set of Will Power s during that time. With an additional set of Will Power, their strength would increase tenfold.

However, what he did not know was that Lin Feng did not even care about his battle with Ao Fu a hundred thousand years from now. No matter how strong Ao Fu was, could he be stronger than a universe controller? Even if he could break through the Sovereign's limit and reach a realm comparable to the Four Great Highgod, he would still not be a match for the controller.

After several hundred years of absorbing primordial spirit energy, the space of consciousness that Lin Feng had opened up within the primordial space had grown quite a bit. It had grown at least two to three meters, and had reached a radius of more than a thousand meters.

The four originally slowly circulating energy clusters had completely agglomerated into four tiny particles. Compared to the entire space of consciousness, these four tiny particles were negligible. If one did not observe carefully, one would not notice at all.

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