Rebirth of Coiling Dragon

C461 thunder action

Lin Feng, Si Wangzhuzai, the red-clothed man, the Chief Sovereign of Destruction Wodred and the Chief Sovereign of Life Vivian were standing together, conversing with each other. The rest of the people, on the other hand, stayed a distance away and occasionally looked in their direction with respectful gazes.

"They're here." Lin Feng laughed faintly.

The red-robed elder, Wodred, and Vivian turned to look. The other Sovereigns had noticed this as well.

From afar, a group of twenty-three figures could be seen flying in the air.

The Chief Sovereign of Fate, Ao Fu, led the charge. The Chief Sovereign of Light, Augusta, followed by the other Sovereigns, not only had to do with the Fate and Light elements, but also the other elements.

Lin Feng scanned the area with his divine sense. There were seventy-three Sovereigns present. In addition, the Chief Sovereign of Lightning, Hurley, had sent seventy-seven earth-type Sovereign clones, as well as two of his own. All of them were present.

Generally speaking, during the Planar Wars, the number of Sovereigns who would be able to attend the final, decisive battle was around sixty. It was quite rare for all seventy-seven Sovereigns to be present today.

Of course, the reason so many Sovereigns had come today was also due to Lin Feng's sudden rise to power, as well as the significance of this plane war.

Just as Ao Fu landed, his gaze landed on the four of them who were standing together. "You four have arrived rather early!"

"Your Heaven Realm side has a lot of people. It's not easy to gather." The red clothed man said lightly: "Since we have less people on our side, naturally we arrived earlier."

Red's words sounded like a complaint, but it was also an indisputable fact.

The Infernal Realm's side, including Lin Feng and Qinghuo, only had sixteen people. The Underworld's side, along with Lin Feng, only had fifteen people. As for the other Divine Planes, there were only two or three of them. As for the Heaven Realm that Ao Fu commanded, there were a total of twenty-three Sovereigns. Comparatively, it was indeed a large number of people.

Even if Lin Feng's three Sovereign clones were included, the Netherworld Kingdom only had seventeen people, which was still incomparable to the Heaven Realm.

Of course, although there was a difference in numbers, the overall strength of the Underworld wasn't any weaker than the Heaven Realm because of Lin Feng's existence.

The red-clothed man's words immediately caused the atmosphere to turn cold. In the past, although the red-clothed person was unsatisfied with Ao Fu, at least on the surface, he could maintain a friendly relationship with him. However, ever since Lin Feng and Ao Fu had gotten involved, the red-clothed man no longer showed any good expression to Ao Fu.

Ao Fu felt bored, and could only lightly say this, "We'll wait until tomorrow before the final battle. Let's just wait here slowly."

The Sovereigns all seemed to calm down, but they were all secretly chatting through divine sense, waiting for the Endwar to begin.

At this time, the upper echelons of both Heaven Realm and Hell Army were preparing for the upcoming decisive battle. This battle could be said to be the last battle of the hundreds of millions of years, in which the number of commander-level experts in the Planar Battlefield was the smallest.

In the past, the focal point of the Planar Wars was the various commanders battling each other before the final battle.

But this time, virtually none of the long-famous commanders and Paragons had come.

In the entire Planar Battlefield, there were no more than thirty commanders and Emissaries. Most of them had just become Emissaries. For example, Lin Feng's four Emissaries. There weren't any Paragons at all.

Highgod Paragons had a high chance of survival.

But if they had just one Highgod Paragon, most likely the enemy would've dealt with most of their forces against a Highgod Paragon. Nothing was worth a Paragon risking their life for.

Logically speaking, as long as Sovereigns didn't personally attack, Paragons were invincible existences. Even Paragons like them wouldn't be able to kill other Paragons. Once a Sovereign personally took action against a Paragon, even if the Paragon had a soul defense, material defense, and material attack three Sovereign artifact, it would still be hard for him to escape death.

This had also led to the fact that although Sovereign power and Sovereign artifact were tempting to Paragons, they were not very strong, and had not reached the stage where they could risk their lives for this.

The four Chief Sovereigns of the Edicts and Lin Feng stood shoulder to shoulder on the mountain peak, watching the battlefield that was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

"Rumble ~"

Suddenly, within the Stellar River of the Planar Battlefield, endless amounts of energy began to converge and spread outwards in every direction. All of the military camps on both sides of the Stellar River were instantly transformed into dust. All of the participating soldiers were at least at the Highgod rank, and all of them could easily resist this energy wave.

"Swoosh!" "Swish!"

A dreamy, beautiful, multicolored light shot up into the sky.

The Stellar River had a total of two corridors. At this moment, the two corridors began to emit dazzling, rainbow-colored light.


Many of the soldiers who had just been meditating and resting didn't hesitate at all. In accordance with their previous arrangements, all of them began to follow their respective squads in a steady, orderly manner as they charged towards the Stellar Corridor.

"It's starting!"

The seventy-three Sovereigns who stood hundreds of thousands of kilometers away couldn't help but be completely focused on watching this battle.

"Ao Fu, Wu Te Re, which side do you think will win?" The Chief Sovereign of Life wanted to see the world fall into chaos.

The cold black robed man, Wodred, said indifferently: "Win?" The Infernal Realm doesn't need to win. As long as we can get a draw, we can be considered to have succeeded. If we want to win in both corridors, we are not sure. However, winning in a single passage is not too difficult. "

"It's up to them." The Master of Fate, Ao Fu, this friendly old man, still had a smile on his face.

Other than the last time Lin Feng stole his Highgod artefact, there seemed to be nothing that could surprise and anger him.

"This is crazy." Lin Feng sent his divine sense over to the Sovereign. Staring at the battle going on hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, Ning couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! For a profound practitioner to use the Sovereign power, it could even threaten a commander who did not use the Sovereign power. And at that moment, thousands and thousands of experts were using the Sovereign power.

What kind of scene was that?

"Crazy." Lin Feng looked at the charging warriors and sighed in his heart, "Compared to this, the last great battle for the Planar Battlefield was really too gentle."

The last Planar War was between the Divine Light Plane and the Divine Darkness Plane. It didn't involve the bestowal of the Will Power, and the Sovereigns didn't interfere too much, so the battle wasn't too crazy.

But this time … "For the sake of the Sovereign, all of this happened." Lin Feng understood this principle, "All the people in this world benefit from this, all the people in this world benefit from this. This is what ordinary citizens are like, while Deities are like this. Even the mighty Sovereigns are not immune to this sort of thing. "

As more and more warriors from both sides poured into the Stellar Corridor, the battle became more and more fierce. When the forces of the Celestial Realm mobilized their Twelve-Winged Angels, the battle reached its climax.

Last time, when the Divine Light Plane and the Divine Darkness Plane had to face each other, although the Twelve-Winged Angels had been dispatched, they were only a small group of a hundred or so people. This time, the Twelve-Winged Angels of the Celestial Realm had been summoned by the Celestial Realm, and all of the Twelve-Winged Angels had been gathered together over a trillion years since the last Planar War.

On the two Stellar Corridor, in the Heaven Realm's side, the Twelve-Winged Angel Battle Team appeared at almost the same time.

A bright white light shrouded the area as the twelve white wings flapped.

"In front, material killing!"

The six emotionless Twelve-Winged Angels, enveloped in white light, formed an Angel Battle Formation. It shot out a thick streak of white light, instantly shooting towards the front. Wherever the white light passed, space itself shattered. In the dense crowd of warriors from the Infernal Realm's side, in the blink of an eye, dozens of warriors had transformed into nothingness.

Twelve-Winged Angels, the six of them forming a squad.

The ten squads were divided into one squadron.

Ten squads were a large squadron.


The many Twelve-Winged Angels continued to advance in an orderly manner. On both sides of them, there were also a large number of soldiers from the Heaven Realm assisting them. With the Twelve-Winged Angel acting as the sharp knife, and the many warriors of the Celestial Realm acting as the support, the Infernal Realm completely suppressed the Infernal Realm's forces. He was continuously suppressing his opponent.


Every single squadron of Twelve-Winged Angels would simultaneously attack and kill a large number of warriors.

After all, the Twelve-Winged Angels were no weaker than Seven Star Fiend. And most of the Hell's warriors were at the Six Star Fiend level. There was a gap in power to begin with. In addition, the Twelve-Winged Angels were skilled in the art of joint attacks.

"Opposite of us, the frontmost Angel squad, material attack, joint attack."

More than five hundred warriors of the Infernal Realm joined forces to unleash material attacks. A massive, earth-shattering amount of light shot out, and the Twelve-Winged Angels weren't able to dodge in time. Instantly, the squad was transformed into dust.

Two consecutive flashes of white light shot towards the Infernal Realm's side, instantly killing nearly a hundred warriors. The Infernal Realm's side was thrown into chaos once more.

"They are on completely different levels." Bei Lute frowned and shook his head, "A Twelve-Winged Angel, alone, can already compare to ten Six Star Fiend. On the Infernal Realm's side, even if a squad of a hundred attacked together, the attacks would be chaotic and wouldn't be able to kill the six Twelve-Winged Angels who had formed the Angel Battle Formation. Only with hundreds of people working together can there be hope. "

Lin Feng also nodded slightly.

He could tell that the Twelve-Winged Angel was an extremely sharp knife.

They weren't afraid of death, and they were very strong!

To kill six Twelve-Winged Angels meant the loss of thousands of warriors on the Infernal Realm's side. This was just the ratio of numbers. The most important thing was … morale!

With the Twelve-Winged Angels acting as sharp blades, the soldiers of the Celestial Realm also soared into the heavens, while the Celestial Realm's forces were unstoppable.

As for the warriors of the Infernal Realm, although they weren't afraid of death, the enormous difference in power caused many of the warriors to feel cold in their hearts. How could he win if he continued to send himself to his death? Once their morale fell, it was very easy for them to be defeated.

"If this goes on, after a while, the Heaven Realm's side will both win." Lin Feng said as he frowned. Although Lin Feng was afraid of having another set of Will Power s, as Ao Fu's enemy, Lin Feng naturally did not want him to become strong again.

"The Infernal Realm's side shouldn't lose so quickly." Lin Feng shook his head, and Lin Feng also nodded, "Yes, the four emissaries under my command are currently still within the Infernal Realm's ranks, and do not participate. I think that the Infernal Realm has some plan. "

There were six hundred Twelve-Winged Angels on each of the two corridors.

The twelve hundred Twelve-Winged Angels weren't afraid of death at all. The one thousand and two hundred Seven Star Fiend level experts who could perfectly cooperate were extremely useful.

In one of the two corridors of the Stellar River, the Infernal Realm's side was slowly being forced to retreat, while the Infernal Realm's side was being forced to retreat as well … but their speed was much slower. He had killed slightly more Twelve-Winged Angels.

The Infernal Realm's side was retreating at a fast pace.

"Swoosh!" "Whiz!"

One streak of white light after another came crashing down from the combined attacks of the six Twelve-Winged Angels. A large number of Hellsworn had died miserable deaths. Although occasionally forming an effective joint attack, it was able to kill six Twelve-Winged Angels. But the Infernal Realm's side had suffered too great a loss. Too many had died.

A white light constantly lit up.


The many warriors of the Infernal Realm were transformed into smithereens by the white light.

The Heaven Realm Warriors who were fighting roared excitedly as they chased without restraint.

He continued to retreat, and finally, he was forced to retreat on a large scale. Under the frenzied pursuit, he was completely defeated.

With one defeat, victory and defeat had been decided.

Soon, the Celestial Realm's forces arrived at the end of the Stellar Corridor, and the rainbow-colored light instantly vanished.

The Celestial Realm had gained victory in one of the Stellar Corridors.

"Wodred, you lost on one of the tunnels." Ao Fu laughed.

"There's another path." Wodred indifferently said.

"Oh, the experts were indeed assigned to this passage." The Chief Sovereign of Fate Ao Fu said while laughing.

Lin Feng and the others also realized that on the other path, Hell's side had finally started to attack crazily.

"As expected, the Infernal Realm has gathered many Seven Star Fiend experts. "A hundred people for one team, a total of three teams." In the Infernal Realm and the other realms, there are still many Seven Star Fiend s. In particular, many of their Seven Star Fiend s were controlled. For example, the Purgatory Commander Mo Si was able to control quite a few Seven Star Fiend. Even Lin Feng himself had controlled one of the Seven Star Fiend in the Morgan family before.

Those Seven Star Fiend, whose souls were controlled, were naturally incomparably loyal and fearless of death.

With this kind of Seven Star Fiend, he was finally able to gather three hundred people from the Infernal Realm, the Netherworld, and many other planes.

However, although their individual strengths were the same, the Seven Star Fiend of the Infernal Realm's side was unable to ingeniously form a battle formation.

"The berserk counterattack." Bei Lute laughed, "Under the lead of the Seven Star Fiend 100 people, the morale of the Hell's Warriors have risen."

The Infernal Realm's side and the Celestial Realm's side were both going crazy.

An overwhelming amount of attacks were wildly attacking the opponent.

A large number of Seven Star Fiend and a large number of Twelve-Winged Angels had perished.

The battle formation formed by the six Twelve-Winged Angels was unable to resist the combined attack of so many Seven Star Fiend. Of course, even more people from the Infernal Realm's side had died.



The strange thing was, one Twelve-Winged Angel after another fell. Numerous silhouettes silently shuttled through the crowd. They were extremely nimble, and their individual strength was also extremely terrifying.

The Chief Sovereign of Fate, Ao Fu, frowned slightly, then turned to look at the Chief Sovereign of Destruction. "A commander-level character?"

"Not much, but that's all." The Chief Sovereign of Destruction said calmly.

Most of the chosen Emissaries were close to commanders in power. Furthermore, he had a Sovereign artifact. It wouldn't be too hard for a single person to ambush and kill a Twelve-Winged Angel.

Because this time, many planes had joined hands to deal with Ao Fu. Thus, the majority of Emissaries belonged to the Infernal Realm's side, while the Celestial Realm's side had very few.

Every single Sovereign's Emissary was comparable in power to six Twelve-Winged Angels.

"Lin Feng, it seems like the Infernal Realm does not have the advantage." Bei Lute frowned, "Those Twelve-Winged Angels are basically fearless. One or two died, and they immediately reformed into a team. Any of the six Twelve-Winged Angels are capable of forming an Angel Battle Formation. "

Lin Feng also saw through it.

Because of the madness of the Twelve-Winged Angels, they vowed never to retreat.

For the Infernal Realm's side, even if three hundred people of the Seven Star Fiend were dispatched, and even many Emissaries of the Sovereigns launched sneak attacks, they still wouldn't be able to force the Celestial Realm's side to retreat.

Last time, too few Twelve-Winged Angels had appeared in the Divine Light Plane. Although they had been of some use, it had only been a fleeting moment, and they had quickly been annihilated by a large number of warriors.

But this time, the number of Twelve-Winged Angels that the Heaven Realm had sent out had reached over a thousand. Every single Stellar Corridor had more than six hundred. Even if they were all killed one by one, it would still take a very long time.

Of course, Lin Feng was confident. He didn't believe that the Infernal Realm's side only had this many tricks. In addition, the four Emissaries under his command had yet to act.

At the peak of the mountain, the wind howled.

The Sovereigns stood at the peak of the mountain, chatting while at the same time, the war that was going on hundreds of thousands of kilometers away was completely in the eyes of these Sovereigns.

"Wodred!" The Chief Sovereign of Fate, Ao Fu, smiled as he glanced at the nearby Chief Sovereign of Destruction. "So this is what you rely on. To be able to gather so many Seven Star Fiend which are not afraid of death, it's a pity that your side in hell still does not have any advantages. "

"Let's talk about it when it's to the end!" The Chief Sovereign of Destruction watched everything coldly.

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, within the Stellar Corridor.

Under the command of the three hundred people from Seven Star Fiend and the many Emissaries, the forces of the Infernal Realm flourished. A large number of Six Star Fiend level warriors, and even a few Seven Star Fiend level warriors, frantically unleashed one collective attack after another.

The Infernal Realm's side wantonly erupted like a flood.

As for those Emissaries who were constantly dodging and launching sneak attacks, they were the venomous snakes hidden within the flood waters.

On the Celestial Realm's side, there was no fear in the eyes of the Twelve-Winged Angels. They led their armies to constantly resist, causing one Twelve-Winged Angel after another to perish.

"These Angels are so hard to deal with." Bei Lute chuckled, "They are not afraid of death. They are stuck in the Stellar Corridor, and even with the Hell's side acting so crazily, they still can't move one step further."

"The main thing is, the Stellar Corridor is only so wide and so tall." Lin Feng shook his head as he watched countless lives pass by, "The Infernal Realm's side, in terms of number of soldiers, far surpasses the Heaven Realm's side. But the Stellar Corridor was only so big. At most, we can fight a thousand people at a time. "

"Two or three hundred Twelve-Winged Angels spread out, forming a battle formation that nearly covered the entire tunnel. Beside them are a large number of Heaven Realm warriors.

Lin Feng understood.

If it was a different environment. For example, the battle on the plains.

Hundreds of elites were unable to change the situation in the face of the overwhelming force. However, this was a decisive battle within the Stellar Corridor. The two sides of the Stellar Corridor were filled with chaotic space. If they were to fall in, with the strength of these people, they would definitely die.

"Hmm? The four of them have finally moved. " Lin Feng could not help but laugh.

Back then, when Lin Feng had sent his four Emissaries into the Planar Battlefield, he had only asked them to be assigned to the Infernal Realm's side.

Lin Feng knew very well that on the battlefield, a person's bravery could not change the situation. Only by having his four Emissaries coordinate with him during the entire battle and take action at the most appropriate time would they be able to bring out the greatest impact.

The four, who were hiding within the group of Hell Warriors, finally made their move.

The four Emissaries, even by themselves, were capable of killing dozens of Twelve-Winged Angels. However, right now, the bodies of these four Emissaries suddenly began to blaze with Sovereign power.


These four Emissaries, who had been hiding in seclusion for so long, were like four bloodthirsty beasts, charging towards a flock of sheep.


Bu Leile told the other three.

"Rumble ~"

Four surging Sovereign power s formed a perfect four-sided star array. The four of them occupied a corner of the four-pointed star array.

A ray of light flashed, and in an instant, a terrifying energy gathered onto Gansla's body. Gansla, with the power of four others, coldly chopped out with his sabre the color of violet!

Lightning flashed on the surface of the saber light.


Wherever the saber light passed, space itself collapsed.

"This is bad!" The Chief Sovereign of Light, Augusta, who was watching from hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, couldn't help but let out a low cry.

Indeed, the situation wasn't looking good.

The blade-light was extremely fast. Wherever it swept past, a Twelve-Winged Angel Battle Formation instantly transformed into dust. And, the blade-light actually continued to charge forward, shattering the formation. Only then did the blade light become weak, and after exterminating more than ten Heaven Realm Warriors, it was finally defeated by all kinds of attacks.

With a single attack, he killed twelve Twelve-Winged Angels and more than a dozen Heaven Realm Warriors!

This scene caused the situation on the side of the Celestial Realm and the Infernal Realm to immediately change.

In fact, this scene was also a matter of course.

The battle formation of the Twelve-Winged Angels had killed dozens of Hellsworn with a single attack.

It was natural for four Emissaries with Sovereign artifact s to form a Samsara Formation and annihilate twelve Angels. This was mainly due to the fact that the angels were in a battle formation. Otherwise, he could have easily killed dozens of them.

"Haha, kill!" The morale of the Infernal Realm's forces rose dramatically.

"Kill the four of them!" On the side of the Heaven Realm, the commander of the army immediately gave the order.

The six Angel Battle Formations, as well as the many soldiers of the Celestial Realm at the very front, all unleashed their most powerful attacks.

However, when the Heaven Realm side had just started moving as a group, Bu Leile's group of four had already made their second decision.

"Darkness!" Bu Leile shouted angrily through sound transmission.

Immediately, four Sovereign power s flowed between the four of them once again. Only this time, the combined Sovereign power was wrapped in a layer of black Sovereign power.

The Law of Darkness favored hiding and speed.


The four Emissaries almost instantly transformed into black shadows. In a flash, they entered the Infernal Realm's forces.

Only now did the many attacks of the Celestial Realm's forces land on them, not harming the four of them at all.

"Haha, this is great." The muscular subway laughed, "Bu Leile, the method you set down is really not bad."

"Of course." Black Robe Bu Leile laughed lightly, "After attacking once, don't bother about the other party's reaction, immediately escape into the depths of our camp. Then he would attack and retreat! Hmph, their attacks will at most kill a few ordinary soldiers. We from the Infernal Realm don't have many of them.

Immediately after, Bu Leile gave the order once again — "Darkness!"

The four Emissaries suddenly spread out, pulling apart from each other as they charged forward.


Bu Leile ordered again through sound transmission.

Four Sovereign power s gathered together once again, the thick and dense Earth Sovereign power enveloped the entire outer area, this extremely powerful energy gathered onto the robust man's body, the muscular man coldly struck out with his right fist, his fist was like a mountain, pressing forward, the heaven shattered.


The four Emissaries once more flew backwards and retreated.

The Angels once more suffered massive losses, and a total of twelve Twelve-Winged Angels once more perished.

Although the twelfth rank wasn't too high, compared to the number of Twelve-Winged Angels this time … But given the speed of the four Emissaries, killing twelve at once would make for a hundred and twenty people each time. This time, the Angel Corps had a total of two large teams of twelve hundred. And within this corridor, there were only six hundred Twelve-Winged Angels.

The battles continued. By now, more than half of the Angels had been killed. There were less than two hundred left.

As for the three hundred Seven Star Fiend s from the Infernal Realm's side, none of them numbered more than a hundred. Most of the Sovereign's Emissaries had died under the counterattack of the Angels.

It was tragic!

"Quick, all of you, hurry up and assist." The Celestial Realm's side grew anxious as well.

"Hurry. If we're too late, it'll be too late."

The Celestial Realm had reinforcements on their side as well. In another corridor, the victorious Twelve-Winged Angels could be seen. In the other corridor, there were six hundred Twelve-Winged Angels as well. As for the six hundred Twelve-Winged Angels, their losses weren't too great. Right now, there were more than five hundred Twelve-Winged Angels.

However, the fight between a God and a God would happen every second.

For example, Bu Leile and the other four Emissaries would probably only be able to attack for less than thirty seconds ten times in a row.

The reinforcements of the more than five hundred Twelve-Angels had to go through another corridor and rush to the very front of the line of people. Even if they were faster, it would still take a minute or two.

The Sovereigns all fell silent. Everyone could sense how miserable this was.

"If the more than five hundred Twelve-Winged Angels were to arrive before the hundred or so were all killed, the Celestial Realm would win. If the Infernal Realm's side were to first charge to the end, then the Infernal Realm's side would win. " Lin Feng also clearly saw this scene.

The Infernal Realm's side had a Sovereign's Emissary, Bu Leile and the rest of the four, as well as the nine Emissaries who were constantly attacking and killing Angels.

They alone were enough to destroy these hundred-plus Twelve-Winged Angels.

"Not good, I have to speed up." "We've already won on the other path. On the other path, the enemy's six hundred Twelve-Winged Angels have suffered relatively small losses, and once that group of Twelve-Winged Angels rush over, we won't have much hope."

Gansla sent a low mental message, "Let's increase our speed and charge into the Angel Corps."

The other three Emissaries were shocked.

Up till now, they were like turtles, taking a sneak attack and then shrinking back. After that, he took another sneak attack. Although this way was much safer, the speed at which they killed the enemies was far too slow.

"There's no choice. If this goes on, we will definitely lose. " "Carry out the final plan." Black Robe Bu Leile gritted his teeth.


"Let's begin."

The four Emissaries almost instantly came to a decision. If they charged into the enemy group, they would face overwhelming attacks. They might die, but they might also win.

"President Bell, carry out the final plan." The black-robed Bu Leile transmitted to the highest commander of the Infernal Realm's battlefield, who was standing in the back of the crowd.

"Haha, good. Victory or defeat depends on this final move!"

The leader of the presidential team immediately ordered the management staff of each team.

Instantly, the Infernal Realm's army began to move in a different direction.

Black Robe, Bu Leile, and the other Emissaries all had solemn looks on their faces.

"Water!" Bu Leile shouted.

Immediately, six streams of Sovereign power surged, Bu Leile and the other three were like flowing water, unable to enter anywhere. Silently, these four figures charged to the forefront, charging straight into the Heaven Realm's camp.

The forces of the Heaven Realm were instantly enraged.

You dare to charge in?

"Work together and kill them." Without hesitation, a large number of Heaven Realm warriors and Angels immediately joined forces to attack the four.

Unfortunately, the four of them were like flowing water as they flowed through the crowd. The most important thing was — — Water was the strongest defensive move among the group of four. Moreover, amongst the four of them, they either had Sovereign artifact s for defense or Sovereign artifact s for attack.

The combined defense of four people was simply too strong. And it was also using the technique of 'Water'. Even though he had been attacked, he hadn't died.

They immediately began to wildly attack.



He created the four most powerful techniques in unison – Darkness, Earth, Lightning, and Water. The earth and thunder were all attacks. Darkness was used as a means of escape and movement, while water was used as a defensive ultimate attack.

The four of them charged into the crowd of Angels, not caring about anything else.

They were surrounded by enemies, they just had to attack as much as they wanted! As for the Sovereign's Might, Lin Feng had given each of them a thousand drops of the Darkness, Earth, Lightning, and Water elements.

"Kill!" The warriors from the Infernal Realm's side, as well as some Seven Star Fiend, rushed over like a flood.

This was because those Angels had been completely thrown into chaos by those six people. They were simply unable to organize any defenses in order to defend themselves against the Infernal Realm's side. Instantly, the forces of the Heaven Realm began to retreat.

The warriors of the Infernal Realm's side attacked the Heaven Realm's side without restraint.

This also eased the burden on Bu Leile and the other three.

"Haha, kill these Angels." The Infernal Realm's side went crazy.

Originally, there were only a hundred or so Angels left. Under the crazy attacks of Bu Leile and the other three, they were able to kill another half. Actually, with Bu Leile and the other three working together to defend, they probably needed close to a hundred Twelve-Winged Angels working together to kill them. However, amidst the chaos, there were only a total of a hundred or so Angels. Under the harassment of the Sovereign's Emissaries and Seven Star Fiend from the Infernal Realm's side, they weren't able to organize any effective attacks at all.

Only fifty or sixty Angels remained. Facing the flood of Hell's legion, they attacked in an overwhelming manner, instantly killing more than half of them.


Frenzied retreat!

The ordinary warriors of the Celestial Realm weren't like the Twelve-Winged Angels. They had their own selves, and knew how to choose.

"It's too late." By now, the five hundred Angels had finally reached the borders of the Stellar Corridor.

However, what welcomed them were the defeated armies of the Heaven Realm.

"Charge in." These five hundred Twelve-Winged Angels were all knocked out of their seats by the attack, and they didn't even have to go any deeper. As for the Infernal Realm's side, they were filled with overwhelming material attacks and soul attacks, wantonly attacking in this direction.

In the blink of an eye, the Infernal army arrived at the end of the Stellar Corridor.

"Rumble …"

The seven-colored light covering the Stellar Corridor suddenly vanished.

Both sides had achieved a victory. This Planar War was a draw.

"It's a success!"

"It's over!"

Those six Emissaries who had survived on their own, including Bu Leile's group of four, as well as the other warriors of the Underworld Army, all revealed smiles on their faces. They were happy not because they had achieved a draw, but because — They were still alive!

They had survived this terrifying Planar War.

Out of the three hundred Seven Star Fiend s, only forty or so remained alive.

Those who survived were, of course, worthy of rejoicing!

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, atop a mountain peak.

The Sovereigns began to chat warmly amongst themselves.

"Ao Fu, you've lost this time!" The Chief Sovereign of Destruction, Wodred, finally revealed a hint of a smile on his face.

Ao Fu, the Chief Sovereign of Fate, laughed and said, "Haha Wodred, the draw for this round is indeed considered my loss. However, Wodred, the main reason why your side in the Infernal Realm has won this time is because of those four Emissaries who have formed the formation. Which of the four Emissaries were part of the Sovereigns? "

Ao Fu was not discouraged or dissatisfied by his loss in the slightest. Still smiling.

"These are the four Emissaries under Lin Feng!" The Chief Sovereign of Destruction said directly.

"Oh?" The Master of Fate, Ao Fu, couldn't help but turn to look at Lin Feng.

Even the other Sovereigns who heard the conversation between the two Chief Sovereigns turned to look at Lin Feng. So it turned out that the four people who had played a major role in this Planar War were envoys under Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, it's you who helped Wu Te Lei this time." Ao Fu laughed as he looked at Lin Feng, as if they were good friends for many years.

Lin Feng laughed blandly: "Rather than saying that I helped Wu Te Reid, it would be better to say that I helped myself. "What do you think?"

"Lin Feng, aside from being enemies, we can also be friends." Ao Fu looked at Lin Feng, and seemed to be deeply moved: "Even standing at the highest peak, will make you feel lonely for countless years."

Lin Feng also understood what Ao Fu meant. Loneliness of an expert was the deepest feeling that Ao Fu had during these years. If everyone was respectful to him, then he was alone. It was because of this, that he hid his true strength, and weakened himself to the same level as Si Wangzhuzai and the Chief Sovereign of Destruction.

Would Lin Feng feel lonely?

No, at least not yet!

Lin Feng had parents and elders who wanted to be filial to him, children and grandchildren who came to be filial to him, and three wives who loved him dearly. Lin Feng felt very happy.

Furthermore, Lin Feng had a higher goal, a bigger dream to fulfill. Ao Fu could only be his enemy and could not be his friend.

"Haha, Ao Fu, I have not cultivated for more than ten thousand years. I am unable to understand how lonely it is talking to me." Lin Feng looked around at the various Sovereigns, then suddenly took a step forward, held the red-clothed man's hand, and announced in a clear voice: "Everyone, I, Lin Feng, will take Si Wangzhuzai as my wife. The wedding ceremony will be held in the Netherworld Udumbara Mountain in a hundred years.

Regina was Si Wangzhuzai's real name. As for the name "Red Cloth", it was merely a code name that Lin Feng had given her when she was unwilling to reveal her name.

Actually, this book has more than 1.2 million words, I can't even count how many bugs there are myself. I write a book, everyone read, cool, it is fine, there is no need to delve deeper.

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