Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 256: : Please use the money, OK?

Penguin's game development ability is very average, inferior to Huanyu Technology.


   However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to develop games, you can do plug-ins.


  Zhang Zhidong is a technical expert himself, making a few plug-ins a piece of cake.


   Similar to Huanyu Technology, Penguin also set up a plug-in secret team, which only took a week.


   No, it took only 3 days to create a plug-in for Legendary World.


The reason why    is so fast is actually very simple.


  Legendary World is so popular, there are many open source Legendary World plug-ins on the Internet.


   Some of the source code can be used directly, which saves a considerable amount of time.


   However, Zhang Zhidong took a look at the exchange forum where the plug-in was made, and everyone was generally not interested in the plug-in of Legendary World.


   "Zhidong, what are you looking at?"


   "Looking at the forum, many technicians in this plug-in forum seem to be not interested in the legendary world plug-in."


   "Oh, what?"


   "They said that developing the Legendary World plug-in won't make much money."


   "We are not trying to make money."


   "That's true."


   Zhang Zhidong has not studied the legendary world in detail.


   He only knows that the legendary world is very hot, but he can only give a general idea of ​​how it is.


   After all, Penguin only acts as an agent for online games. It’s normal if I don’t understand it.


   "Has the plug-in been made yet?"


   "It's done, not only is it done, I also made a few new features."


   "What new feature?"


   "One shot 999...One shot can drop the boss in seconds."


"so smart?"


   "That is, who am I."


   "Great, send out this plug-in."


   Ma Huateng was happy in his heart.


   Such a perverted function, it depends on whether your Huanyu Technology is sealed or not?


   Let you do difficult multiple-choice questions.


   It’s just that when Ma Huateng was expecting everyone to use their perverted plug-in to kill the legendary world, something strange happened, and no one downloaded their plug-in.


   "Zhidong, what's the matter, no one seems to be using our plug-in, is our plug-in not working?"


   "It works. I tried it and killed the boss with a single shot. I don't know how abnormal. However, I was a little depressed. After trying it for a while, they detected that I was using a plug-in, so I blocked my account."


   "It's okay, it's just a number, do they dare to seal us one, dare to seal everyone?"


   After thinking about it, Ma Huateng said: "It may be that the legendary world is too popular, and there are various plug-ins. Let's promote our plug-ins."




   Zhang Zhidong thinks it makes sense.


   Then, they used vests to sneak into various legendary world game groups.


   "Why, brothers, I found a super legendary world plug-in, are you interested?"


"Not interested in."


   "Damn, I haven't said any functions yet, you are not interested."


   "I'm really not interested."


   "Don't worry, this plug-in costs 999 for a dollar, and it can be a boss for a dollar."


   "I'm not interested in you every single time."


   "Brother, it's free."


   "I'm not interested in free ones."


   Seeing that no one in the group was interested, Zhang Zhidong was stunned.


"No way?"


  Ma Huateng is also miraculous: "They are not interested in hanging out at all?"


   "This, I don't know, maybe this group is all super **** players, let's change the group."


   Then, Zhang Zhidong changed another group.




   Same as the first group, everyone is also not interested in what is 999.


   Zhang Zhidong was afraid that they would be embarrassed, so he directly sent the link to download the plug-in.


   Okay, it’s useless if the link is posted, and there is no download.


   Not only was no one downloaded, Zhang Zhidong was also kicked out of the group.


"How is this going?"


   blinked, Zhang Zhidong was Zhang Er's monk confused.


   "There are other players who are not interested in external links?"


   Ma Huateng also found it incredible.


   "Or, let's take a look at another game."


Not on the legendary world, Ma Huateng thought of Paotang: "At present, Paotang is engaged in a China-Japan-Korea competition. Many people have participated in this competition for honor and ranking. If we develop a Paotang Software, I believe many people who play games will be interested."


   "Okay, I will try."


   Zhang Zhidong thinks it makes sense.


   It took another 7 days to make a plug-in for Bubble Hall.


  Because the bubble hall is not comparable to the legendary world, Zhang Zhidong specially made a special function to levy the bubble hall when making the plug-in of the bubble hall.


   For example, the function to display the remaining time of the bubble.


   This function will display a countdown on each bubble.


   As long as the player looks at it, he will be able to navigate through the thousands of bubbles without chaos.


   In addition, Zhang Zhidong also set up the function of displaying hidden props for the plug-in of Bubble Hall.


   In the bubble hall, some props need to be exploded to obtain, so you don't know what props are in it when it is not exploded. There is a certain element of luck if you want to get the props of the year.


   But as long as you use the external hanger, you can see all the props in the building at a glance.


   What are the props you don't want, and what are the props you need.


   can quickly grow through the plug-in, even if the technology is not very good, but after the rapid development, it can defeat the opponent.


   Of course, this plug-in does not only have these functions.


  Zhang Zhidong also developed the function of pirate turtles.


   There is a tortoise in the bubble hall pet that will become a pirate turtle at a certain probability.


   The speed of pirate tortoise is dozens of times faster than normal tortoise.


   But most of the tortoises that come out are ordinary tortoises, which is useless.


   But Zhang Zhidong developed a plug-in, as long as he rides a tortoise, he immediately becomes a pirate tortoise.


   It can be said that such a plug-in is simply a necessary artifact for upgrading pk.


   "Extra, extra, brothers, I found a new Paotang plug-in."


   "What kind of extra is this, there are too many avatars in the bubble hall."


   "No, this plug-in is the latest and has a lot of functions."


"Not interested in."


   "This plugin can display the remaining time of the bubble."


   "Mentally retarded."


   "This plug-in can find all the props hidden in the building."




   "This plug-in can turn ordinary turtles into pirate turtles."




   "My grass, you are not interested in this, and you are not interested, what do you want to do?"


   Zhang Zhidong is going crazy.


   He has worked so hard these days and a team is developing plug-ins.


   But now, Nima, the plug-in developed is useless.


   "Stop talking about plug-ins, besides, I will kick you out of the group."


   "Don't you like plug-ins?"


"do not like."


   "Why don't you like it?"


   "Bubble Hall is a competitive game, what plug-in do you want?"


   "Don't you want to win every game?"


"In no mood."


   "You don't even want to use plug-ins, are you still not gamers?"


   Now Ma Huateng is also forced.


   are also How come the players on their triumphant side can't survive without plug-ins?


   But on the other side of Huanyu Technology, they even regard the plug-in as dung.


   do not believe in evil, he continues to recommend to everyone in the group.


   "It's free, it's really free."


"do not want."


   "It's really easy to use."


"I reject."


   "Sister, then I'll give you 10 yuan, please use it, okay?"




   gray head and face.


   spent a lot of effort to use the plug-in, but he didn't even have a player to try it.

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