Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 257: : Rewarded answer: Excuse me, the correct way to do it when encountering a plug-

Well, it's not that there are no players, there are still a small number of players trying it out.


   However, Huanyu Technology’s attitude towards plug-ins has always been very strict. Once data is monitored, it is immediately banned.


   Of course, this ban is not all at once, but half a month first.


   If you continue to use it depending on the situation in the future, it will be 3 months, half a year, 3 years, and will be sealed forever.


   Of course, Chen Yu is also afraid that players will be upset about the title.


   Which player's account was blocked, I felt uncomfortable.


   Even if he was banned by using a plug-in, he was extremely depressed.


   For this reason, Chen Yu made arrangements early in the Legendary World and the Bubble Hall.


   For example, an activity to answer questions every day.


   From time to time there is a sentence in this activity. May I ask, what punishment will I be given if I use a plug-in?


   There are four options above.


  A: Nothing is wrong. b: You can continue to use it. c: Verbal warning. d: Title.


   Obviously, abc is wrong, and the correct answer is d.


   As long as you choose the right d, then the system will send you a small reward, such as experience, points and so on.


   Therefore, if you do such a problem every day, countless players naturally develop the idea of ​​not using plug-ins. Because they know that they will be blocked if they use it. The official website makes it very clear. If you use it again and are eventually banned, you can't blame the game company.


  Similarly, this advertised setting of continuous answering questions is also more acceptable to the masses of players.


   Even if his own friends are blocked using a plug-in, the majority of players will say that they deserve it.


  Who told you to use a plug-in.


   I'm all right now.


   It is not worthy of sympathy at all to be banned with a plug-in.


   Obviously, the founders of Penguin who came back to study seem to understand this point.


   "Zhidong, forget it, don't promote it in the group, promotion is useless."


   "Well, Huanyu Technology's Legendary World and Bubble Hall are not without plug-ins. They have plug-ins for a long time. But they have made more mature operations for plug-ins. Even if our plug-ins are very powerful, there is no market."


   "Yes, Huanyu Technology is also awesome, and it can tune the player so that the three views are correct."


   "I said that my friends on several plug-in forums said that they should not be plug-ins of Huanyu Technology. There is no market for their plug-ins. I didn't really understand it before, but now I understand."


   Zhang Zhidong shook his head helplessly.


   Ma Huateng also sighed.


   "Is there no way?"


   Ma Huateng asked.


   "There is a way, we can only use these plug-ins by ourselves."


   Most players dare not use it, only they dare to use it.


   "How much noise can we people cause?"


   Ma Huateng smiled wryly.


  Zhang Zhidong explained: "I mean like Huanyu Technology, we also invite dozens of companies, no, hundreds of power leveling companies give us power leveling."


   "Break the economic system of Huanyu Technology?"


   Ma Huateng's eyes lit up.




Zhang Zhidong is right: "I think our strategy was wrong before. If the game data is modified by the too powerful plug-in, the game company can monitor it immediately. Jin’s offline game plug-in."


   "Zhidong, if this is the case, do you think Huanyu Technology can detect that we are using these plug-ins?"


   "It's difficult."


Zhang Zhidong explained: "Our plug-in principle is to simulate a normal game client to send real data packets to the server. The server cannot tell which data is real and which is fake. Unless, their gm can be online 24 hours a day. Staring at the player."


   "It's impossible."


Speaking of this, Ma Huateng also understood and nodded: "The number of people online at the same time in Legendary World has broken 1 million, and the other has broken 400,000. So many people are online and send messages to the server through the client. How can they have so many gm? ."


   "So, since it is difficult for them to find out, then we can ruin their economic system. Once their economic system goes wrong, it will be like our triumphant triumph."


   This is called treating one's body by one's own way.


   "Okay, Zhidong, I will work hard for you again this time."


   "It's all for the company."


   Zhang Zhidong showed a slight smile: "As long as Huanyu Technology can be defeated, then we will be saved."


   The five founders of Penguin are all people with dreams.


   In order to dream, they gave up a stable job.


   In order to dream, they created Penguin.


   With a dream, Zhang Zhidong once again developed a new offline plug-in.


   This offline plug-in can simulate dozens of normal clients in a host to send data requests to the server.


   is equal to one computer can hang dozens of accounts for leveling.


  Of course, in order to maximize the destructive power of this plug-in, they also secretly contacted major goldsmithing studios.




   What Huanyu Technology can do, they can do the same.


   Only, although Penguin’s strategy is not wrong.


   If this method is effective for general games, it might be very effective.


   However, for Huanyu Technology, Penguin's offline plug-in once again lost its value.


   "What's the matter, why did they find out that we are using offline hook?"


   "It's impossible, if you find a small part of it, it's okay to say, but more than 95% of the accounts have been discovered."


   "Did they recruit thousands of gm?"


   The answer is naturally impossible.


   Even if Huanyu Technology is rich and powerful, it is impossible to recruit thousands of gm.


   However, there are not thousands of gm, but Huanyu Technology has tens of millions of players helping them.


   For example, they will do a great trick to report.




   Recently, Huanyu Technology has made a new answer.


  Title: When encountering people who use plug-ins, the correct way is.


  A: Ignore. b: It's fine if you don't need it. c: scold him. d: Report.


  Abc is also wrong.


   The correct answer is d.


   As long as you choose d, then you can give a little gift every day.


   Moreover, this report is not without benefits.


   As long as the player reports another person using the plug-in, the official website will not only block the plug-in account, but also reward the reporter.


   "Hahaha, today I reported 10 plug-ins, and the system rewarded me with 3 million experience."


   "I said, it's so cool, I won too many awards."


   "No, it's more experience than playing for hours."


   "Then I have to report it too, but brothers, how did you find that they are using a plug-in?"


"Simple, when you see a player constantly fighting monsters in front of you, without saying a word, and looking like a robot, then the player may be using a plug-in. You only need to slash him and he will Go offline immediately."


  In order to protect the account, generally the account that hangs up will be set to self-protect.


   For example, if another player cuts him, this account will automatically go offline.


   After all, it’s a plug-in playing, how could pk win real players.


   Even if they can get pk, they hang up just to make money, just to destroy, there is no time to pk with players.


   Of course, in addition to this, as long as you carefully observe other players on the map near you, you can guess which is the player and which is the robot hanging up.


   As for how to see, this is also very simple.


   Plug-in is always plug-in, just like npc is always npc.


   Even if he is smarter, it is very different from the human operation mode and the way of killing monsters...


  Such as walking, the game character who hangs up will choose the shortest way to walk.


   But for real players, UU reading www. Where can compare to computers, they must walk left and right.


   Sometimes when you pick up a piece of equipment, you have to stand there and see if you have encountered a super product.


   can be placed on the robot, sorry, not at all.


   Pick it up and leave, never staying.


   Then, for these players who look different from humans, there is only one operation.


   That is, click to select to report.


   "Report and go, don’t worry about upgrading today."


   "Report a double pair, today is the healthiest upgrade..."


   I'm not afraid that you need to hang up, just that you don't need to hang up.


   As long as you use it, millions of players can report it to you in minutes.

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