Chapter 1215

Does China really have such a strong copycat ability?

These Argentines definitely had a misunderstanding. From the beginning they asked China to help copy the TAM tanks designed by Germany for them, and now they want China to help them copy the French fighters.

MMP, even if it wants to copy, at least it has to copy a more advanced fighter, isn’t it?

At least it has to be the Soviet Union Su-27, the American F-15 or something.

I actually want to ask the Chinese to help imitate the French. The performance is not good. The engine is even a turbojet fighter. As a carrier-based fighter, basically it can only carry one flying fish anti-ship missile. Its combat capability is fundamental. Not so much.

In terms of multi-tasking mode, Super Military Banner is not even as good as Super-7A!

“We are cooperating together. Our technicians are all cooperating with you. How about assigning a Super Ensign fighter to you for research?” Carlos didn’t think Xie Kai had any reason to refuse to cooperate.

Although the Super Banner is not advanced enough, it is considered a good fighter for China. It is better than China’s only in terms of combat radius and performance.

“The Super Military Banner uses turbojet engines instead of turbofan engines. Your country has very mature technology in turbojet engines, and even the avionics system can be upgraded. The performance of the developed fighters will be even better…” Kaoto also suggested to Xie Kai expectantly, “We can also pay a sum of money to purchase production equipment from China.”

If it is other more advanced fighters, it is not easy for China to help them imitate and transfer the technology to them.

But fighters like the Super Banner are not too advanced, nor too lagging behind.

Argentina is enough.

Xie Kai looked at the Argentine’s hot eyes, smiled bitterly in his heart, and finally smiled and shook his head, “Gentlemen, we have better.”

“It’s the Super-7A that you sell to us?” The Argentines don’t think that the light fighter can have much combat capability.

The F-14 is absolutely confidential in China. It was obtained through a secret transaction with the Persians. If the Americans knew that 404 was studying their F-14, even China’s new fire control radar and avionics system would be used. It comes from researching F-14. It is estimated that the pants will jump off.

“No!” Xie Kai didn’t explain, “You just need to know that we can provide aircraft carriers or supporting carrier aircraft.”

The Argentines didn’t believe Xie Kai’s words at all.

I always wanted to persuade Xie Kai, but Xie Kai raised his wrist and checked the time. He said that it was late and should have a rest. Tomorrow, I would watch China help the Thai navy build the aircraft carrier to lay the keel.

The keel of China’s first aircraft carrier was laid. Although it was only a light aircraft carrier with a small tonnage, it could not carry a few combat aircraft, and even the early warning aircraft could not go up, but this is definitely a big deal for China. Up.

A bunch of bigwigs from relevant departments such as the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Commission, the General Armament Department, the Navy Department and so on will come.

It is not equipped by the domestic navy itself, but it is the first real large-scale warship of 10,000 tons or more built in China, which means that China has made considerable achievements in the manufacture of warships.

There are even many foreign military experts paying attention to this.

The Chinese Navy has no money to equip aircraft carriers, but it has the ability to manufacture them. Once the economy goes up and the Navy has money, the Chinese Navy will have aircraft carriers.

“The Thai side did not propose to upgrade their frigates. If possible, I think the Saudi navy should target them as soon as possible.” It was already 11 o’clock in the evening. Li Qingmin and others who had communicated with the Thais all night were in the office. Here are some arrangements for tomorrow.

When Xie Kai came over, Gu Baonong directly explained the result of communicating with the Thai.

The Thai Navy has no intention to upgrade the 053H2 frigate they purchased.

Only by shooting, letting them see more powerful performance and tempted, will it be easy to solve.

“Tomorrow Commander Liu will come over and cut, please ask at that time.” Xie Kai was also anxious.

But I never thought about such a problem before.

As the training supervisor, Yu Haitao is also responsible for communicating with the Saudi navy trained in China. Obviously, the communication is not in place.

At this moment, Commander Liu didn’t rest either.

He personally came to the Beihai Fleet for nothing else, but the final fate of the Anshan-class 102 Fushun ship that the Beihai Fleet is about to retire.(Read more @

The Fushun ship has served as the main force in the North Sea Fleet for decades. Although it is already too far behind now, in the eyes of the North Sea Fleet, this is definitely their true treasure.

The North Sea Fleet Command and senior fleet leaders are all present.

The meeting room was filled with smoke, and the atmosphere was so depressing that people could not breathe. If the eyes could kill people, Zheng Yucheng, a non-navy personnel, would have died too long.

At least it has been turned into flesh by the eyes.

Because he wants to buy 102 ship to be a target ship.

Many senior officials of the North Sea Fleet have served as captains of the Anshan-class Four King Kong.

For these North Sea Fleet once and now the main force has unimaginable feelings.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, there was no independent production capacity for destroyers in China. Almost all domestic destroyers and frigates use talents and commanders. Almost all of the experience in the use of similar ships comes from these four warships. And under the conditions of China at that time, this was the foundation for the long-term development of the entire country’s navy.

For these reasons, the four Anshan-class ships that were inaccessible to the treasures were hardly allowed to participate in dangerous operations.

Even if there is now a 051 with better performance and a larger tonnage in China, the first 052 that has been built, and even the 053 tonnage is close to the Anshan class, and there will be more large warships in the future. The Anshan class is in the navy. No warship can replace the role in mind.

The contribution of the Anshan class to the development of the Chinese Navy is indelible.

Therefore, the North Sea Fleet has always been reluctant to retire the Anshan class. These were completed by the Soviet Union in 1941 and delivered to the Chinese Navy in 1954 and 1955. The Chinese Navy once again established a destroyer brigade on the basis of…

“Chief, can’t it be changed to another warship? Although the 102 ship should have been retired long ago…” Commander Ma Xinchun’s low voice broke the sinking.

Commander Liu looked at him and sighed, “The navy wants to develop. The Anshan class is no longer in line with national defense needs. It is too old and needs to make room for new warships and personnel. I understand everyone’s feelings for the Anshan class. . But the Navy wants to develop…”

Everyone knows the truth.

It’s hard to accept emotionally.

“Chief, there is no problem with decommissioning. Can we not enter the museum and set up a national defense education base?” asked Li Shitian, the political commissar of the fleet.

The tone is very low.

This represents the aspirations of many people.

They hope that the four destroyers of the Anshan class will remain in place.

This is the starting point for the destroyers and frigates of the Chinese Navy.

“It is inevitable for us to build a large destroyer of 10,000 tons, to build an aircraft carrier, and to make some sacrifices…” Commander Liu sighed again. “They bid 32 million, and if you increase it a little bit, you can equip a 053. At least, it’s much better than selling it to a shipbreaking yard and dismantling it into scrap…”

Disassembled into scrap iron, it is completely gone.

Used as a target ship to be sunk, it can allow the design of Chinese warships to obtain some valuable data.

The 051 has a larger tonnage and stronger combat effectiveness, but there are many flaws in the design process. The reason is the lack of corresponding experience in China.

Zheng Yucheng knew the importance of the Anshan class in the minds of high-level naval forces, and he has never said anything.

He was afraid that as soon as he spoke, he would be besieged by these high-level fleets.

“Tomorrow morning, let the 102 ship sail, the officers and soldiers of the fleet will go to Hudong Shipyard to receive the new 053H3 ship.” Seeing that it was late, Commander Liu said, knowing that there will be no results if we continue.

It has been in service for almost half a century since the completion of construction and entry into the Soviet navy.

Continued service, even as a training ship, is somewhat unqualified.

The new generation of large warships has advanced performance, various equipment, and different operating methods. The Anshan class no longer meets the needs of the navy.

The 102 ship was chosen because the warship was seriously aging, many important core parts and components had serious problems, and the cost of overhaul was too high.

Commander Liu went out, and Zheng Yucheng also left.

He doesn’t know how much the Saudis are willing to pay.

Xie Kai told him that he would give a maximum of 6 million, and Zheng Yucheng made his own proposal and gave 32 million.

With this kind of money, he felt that he had made too much money and could not sleep.

Even if one ship is compensated to the navy, it is not excessive.

After Commander Liu and Zheng Yucheng left, the headquarters fell silent again.

I saw the faint flame of the cigarette butt flickering and the smoke more and more…

“Commander…” Li Shitian looked at the back of Commander Liu’s departure, and hadn’t recovered for a long time.

Ma Xinchun looked at everyone looking at him and sighed, “The chief’s feelings for these warships are no less than us…”

Commander Liu was also a member of the North Sea Fleet.

“Walk with me?” Commander Liu asked Zheng Yucheng, who was following him, and went straight to the Navy Pier without waiting for an answer.

Zheng Yucheng hurriedly followed, looking at the lonely but determined back of Commander Liu, a little sad, “Chief, or else, don’t blow up the ship, let’s think of something else…”

“Is there any other large warship in China that is more suitable than the Anshan class? The oldest one is the Jinan, which served in 1971…” Commander Liu’s rhetorical question made Zheng Yucheng unable to answer. “In fact, this is also the best place for the Anshan class. Just leave one or two into the Naval Museum. The Navy needs to develop. At present, any funds are precious! Any data is also precious.”

As the father of the modern Chinese navy and the Chinese aircraft carrier, he has been working hard for the modernization of the navy. At such a time, even if he cannot accept it emotionally, he still has to make a decision.

No one can stop the pace of the Chinese Navy’s construction.

“Not holding a retirement ceremony?” Zheng Yucheng felt sour.

It is possible, who wants to sink such a warship as a target ship?

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