Chapter 1216

Commander Liu remained silent, so he walked slowly from the headquarters to the dock where the warship was anchored.

The orderly soldier persuaded the commander to rest, but was glared at by the commander. He dared not speak any more, and could only follow behind with his arm around his coat.

At this time, the night was still a bit cold. If the chief had a cold, he would be in trouble. He had to take a plane to the Hudong Shipyard in the morning, and there was simply not enough time to rest.

When he got to the dock and looked at the monster-like figures in the dark, the old man’s footsteps slowed down and lighter, as if he was afraid that the footsteps would be too loud to wake these steel monsters like sleeping.

There are not too many warships on the pier, and they vary in size, and even a few warships are sparsely moored. The model can be judged only from the shadows in the dark.

The entire navy does not have many types of warships.

In addition to the usual patrol and training missions, many warships have left the port, and there are very few warships on the wharf.

Ship 102 is the second-largest warship staying at the port berth, and two 051s are parked not far away.

Commander Liu stood quietly in front of Ship 102, keeping an eye on this old warship that had served in the Chinese Navy for 35 years.

“Commander, it’s windy outside…” The orderly helped the commander put on his coat and reminded again.

He knew that the commander felt uncomfortable.

“It’s okay, I’ll accompany her again. From now on, I won’t see it again.” The commander’s words were light, but the corners of his eyes were sore to the orderly soldiers next to him. Tears could no longer stop falling.

Never see it again.

He also came out of the North Sea Fleet. When he was in service, the Navy already had 051 guided missile destroyers.

But for the people of the entire fleet, even if the 051 tonnage is larger and the performance is more advanced, seeing these four King Kongs will make them feel at ease.

Almost all of the Four King Kong and the older naval personnel have served on them.

China’s first destroyer fleet started from the Anshan class; the early destroyer frigate fleet officers of the Chinese Navy all went out of the Anshan class. Even now, the Anshan-class has been seriously aging, like a late old man, still undertaking the heavy task of training naval officers and soldiers, and at the same time being responsible for coastal defense.

Soon, a strong light shone on Liu Commander’s body.

“What are you doing?”

A stern voice sounded.

After hearing a rush of footsteps, an ensign and two soldiers ran over, saw Commander Liu, and hurriedly saluted.

“I’ll stay here for a while!” Commander Liu did not accuse the officers and soldiers.

They are responsible for ensuring the safety of warships.


Soon, Ma Xinchun and Li Shitian and other generals arrived.

“You are here.” Commander Liu just said softly, “If there is nothing else, just join me and stand another guard for her. You must set sail at 4 o’clock, leave the port, and reach the designated area at full speed! ”

The commander’s tone was light, but he revealed beyond doubt.

Four 053H3s sold to Saudi Arabia are waiting for target shooting.

There are more than 700 kilometers from the naval base here to the target area over there.

The maximum speed of the 102 ship is only 32 knots, and it is impossible to run at such a high speed all the time. The severely aging power system simply cannot withstand it.

The target area will be forbidden to approach other ships before the target is started, and the target area cannot be blocked for too long.

“Please rest assured, the chief, the 102 ship will definitely arrive at the designated location at the designated time!” Ma Xinchun’s voice revealed tragic and vigorous.

On the pier, there was no sound except the sound of waves hitting the berm.

Zheng Yucheng was on the side, just watching quietly.

This kind of sentiment is no different from them, just like when the salary of the base could not be paid at the beginning, Wang Shuwei and others wanted to sell the equipment of the base to solve the problem… In the end, when the funds for developing the CNC system were not enough, they were not willing to sell. Some of their precious machine tools…

Eliminate, in order to equip better.

Time passed slowly.

A group of generals stood tightly in front of the 102 ship. The air on the beach was humid. Soon, the generals’ coats were wet by the dew condensed from water vapor in the air, but no one left.

Until two o’clock in the morning, the pier was illuminated like daylight.

The last officers and soldiers of the 102 ship who had been ordered before arrived on the berm, and they would operate the 102 ship to complete the last mission.

Except for a few cadres, the officers and soldiers of the 102 ship did not know what the last mission to sea was notified by the superior, and the soldiers only had to obey the orders.(Read more @

“The 102 ship has already held a decommissioning ceremony, and now it needs to perform the last mission… I hope you can ensure that the battleship is in good condition… successfully completed the mission… boarding!” Ma Xinchun did not give much introduction.

He said in a low voice at the more than one hundred naval officers and soldiers lined up in front of him.

The commander personally assigned the task, and his voice revealed tragic and vigorousness, which made the entire 102 ship’s officers and soldiers feel depressed. Even if they had doubts in their hearts, they couldn’t ask.

This is a meritorious ship of the Navy. Although it has not experienced any actual combat, it has not experienced the baptism of artillery fire, the missiles on it have not been fired several times, and the gun barrels have not been destroyed. But they have trained batches of naval backbones.

Well-trained naval officers and soldiers neatly boarded this old warship.

The 102 ship is half a century old. From the outside, it is invisible at all. The naval officers and soldiers have done a good job of maintenance, and there is hardly any dirt on the outside. Even more unlike those warships that lack maintenance, their appearance has become mottled under the devastation of the years.

Soon, the officers and soldiers of the warship were in place and on guard, the boiler of the 102 ship began to start…

All the lights on the battleship came on.

The officers and soldiers of the ship started the old warship in accordance with the procedure. During the whole process, there was no extra words except for reporting the parameters and operating status.

The big guys outside still stood upright, watching the start of the battleship.

When the flame is completely turned off, it will take a long time to start. I have stood here for a few hours, and the generals are still standing straight and looking at the 102 ship. No one wants to take a glance.

Even every detail of the 102 ship has been deeply engraved in their minds.

One glance, one less.

After leaving Hong Kong this time, I will never see it again.


A long whistle sounded, which was the signal for the departure of Ship 102.

The siren of the 102 ship is a few years old, and the voice is a little hoarse.

The veterans in the base can almost distinguish each warship by the sound of the whistle.

The sound of the whistle made everyone on the shore feel nervous.

No one wants to see this moment appear, the one that should have come, it has come.


It seemed that the entire military port had come alive, and all the sleeping warships seemed to wake up at this moment. The searchlights on each warship were turned on and the siren sounded at the same time.

Echoed with the siren sounded by the 102 ship before.

All the lights are gathered on the 102 ship, allowing people to see more clearly.


Ship 102 blew the whistle again, and then, the huge hull of a hundred meters long began to move slowly.

The severely aging boiler still transmits power to the entire battleship, and the propeller in the water pushes the heavy body of the entire battleship more than 2,000 tons, slowly leaving the berth.

The bow of the warship was headed towards the outside of the military port, and the officers and men in white navy dresses on the side of the ship were very serious after they boarded the ship.



The officers and soldiers standing straight on the side of the 102 ship neatly saluted the chiefs who were seeing off on the shore.


Almost at the same time, Commander Liu murmured, his body straighter, and raised his right hand to the 102 ship that had completed its turn faster and faster…

The same is true of other generals, and tears have begun to flow in the eyes of some people.

The searchlights of various types of warships staying in the naval port illuminate in front of the 102 ship’s channel and continuously move with the movement of the 102 ship. They keep honking their horns, illuminating the course of this old warship.


At the moment of leaving the port, the 102 sirens sounded again, two long honks in succession.

“Accelerate, full rudder, coordinates xxxx.xxxx, go forward at full speed…”

After leaving the harbor, the last captain of the 102 ship, enduring the uncomfortable heart, gave the order.

He wants to let the 102 ship sail slowly, and it is best to never reach that position, so that there will be no results they do not want to see.

The military order is like a mountain, and it must arrive at the designated position on time, otherwise, this will not be able to draw a satisfactory end to the warship career of the 102 ship.

“Captain, what is the mission this time?”

Inside the 102 ship bridge, the communications staff asked the stern captain.

The commander of the navy and the chief of the fleet all appeared, which instinctively made them feel that things were not easy.

When sailing out of the port, the warships in the entire harbour sounded their horns at the same time, and the searchlight illuminates the channel for the retired warship of Ship 102, which is too unusual.

“I’ll know at that time.” The instructor glanced at the captain who was about to burst into flames, and said to the communications staff. “It’s good to arrive at the specified location within the specified time and complete the task successfully.


In the military port, the siren of all warships rang at the same time, without stopping, they continued to rang.

The low sound of the siren sounded continuously in the night sky of the military port.

It spread far away and awakened the entire city. Countless people who lived nearby also ran to the beach to see what was happening, but they couldn’t see anything.

All this is too unusual.

Until no longer see the 102 ship.

“Commander, let’s go.”

I don’t know whether it is to remind the commander that it is time to leave, or that the 102 ship has already left.

“I will never hear the siren of Ship 102 again.” Ma Xinchun’s words made everyone around him heard, as if a huge stone was pressed against his chest, and he couldn’t breathe.

“It’s time to go.” Commander Liu nodded.

The dark sky in the distance opened a line, and the sky was about to dawn.

A new day has begun.

The navy will also enter a new era.

“Farewell, Ship 102!” Ma Xinchun looked at the sky that had been lit up, and said to the direction of Ship 102 that was no longer visible.

There will be no day to meet again.

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