Chapter 1224

“What did Lafata say?”

A group of people are waiting for Rafata’s attitude.

Xie Kai knew that everyone was worried about the Saudi navy’s mess, but he sighed in his heart, “The general said he would personally command the fleet.”

“Direct it yourself?”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As the commander of the Saudi navy, Rafata personally takes command in the fleet, so it is not easy for any problems to arise.

Whether it is the Thai navy or the Argentine delegation, they are customers and must be shown to them. How can they purchase without letting them know the performance? But American reconnaissance planes and Japanese warships come to join in the fun, if something goes wrong…

No matter how strong the performance of a battleship is, and if the operating army is not reliable, the performance of the battleship will not even be able to play out.

“Is the helicopter coming?” Commander Liu asked Yu Haitao.

“Come here, Chief, you can set off now.”

On the dock outside the shipyard, there are already 4 helicopters parked.

“Hey, it’s actually a straight-9. There are also two communication-type ones.” Xie Kai looked at the helicopter with a look of surprise, “Is this already equipped for HNA?”

The Zhi-9 is a patented SA-365N “Dolphin” helicopter imported from France, and it has not yet been localized.

It was originally planned to equip the helicopter platform behind 053H3 with this thing, but Saudi Arabia did not look down on it, and Bahrain was unwilling to ask for French goods. They ordered it themselves. The Chinese Navy has no money…

“This is the Z-9 multi-purpose light helicopter produced by the introduction of technology from France. It can be equipped with a shipboard system to increase the anti-submarine and early warning capabilities of warships…”

Someone introduced the situation of Zhi-9 to Argentines and Thais.

At present, the domestic localization of Zhi-9 is going on, and it can be exported to earn foreign exchange. Naturally, there is no problem. After the localization is completed in the future, a large number of orders will be needed.

“They are robbing our customers?” Zheng Yucheng was a little unhappy when he heard this. He wanted to go back to the theory, but he was held back by Xie Kai.

“The chiefs are all here, besides, the helicopters in our base don’t even have a prototype, and they haven’t even begun to prototype…” Xie Kai’s words made Zheng Yucheng give up.

The Mi-24 gunship that Libya left in Chad was brought back from Africa. With the help of Soviet technicians, the base has completed surveying and mapping work. Imitation work is also being carried out.

So far, there is no outstanding helicopter in China, except for a small amount of Black Hawk ordered from the United States, it is still a civilian version.

The Zhi-9, a light helicopter imported from France, is not too advanced and does not meet the needs of future national defense. It is impossible to convert into an armed helicopter to have too excellent performance…

Zheng Yucheng wants to sell the helicopter produced by the base, but when there is no physical object, even the technical problem has not been completely solved.

Xie Kai did not board a helicopter with the Argentines and Thais. Instead, he boarded a communications helicopter with Commander Liu. It was originally a light helicopter and the cabin was not too spacious. In addition, the TKR-123 was added. Radio equipment such as radio frequency radio, 150 type shortwave single sideband radio, WL-9 radio compass, BG0.6 radio altimeter, GPST610 transponder.

This cuts the number of people that can carry 12 people by half.


The roar of the helicopter engine sounded, and the propellers began to rotate rapidly. Everyone in the helicopter felt the fuselage shake, and the helicopter had already separated from the ground and flew towards the sky…

The target area of ​​the warship is more than 300 kilometers away from the Hudong Shipyard.

In fact, it has not left China’s exclusive economic zone, but it is not too far away from Japan.

On the East China Sea, a frigate fleet consisting of seven 053 ships is advancing at maximum speed. The radar on the mast of the battleship is turning frantically, and the active phased array radar is constantly emitting invisible radio waves.

“Report the location of the target ship!” In the flagship headquarters, the captain was asking about the search conditions of other warships in the fleet.

“Direction northeast, coordinates…distance 68, speed 24…”

More than two hours ago, the position of the target ship had been detected. At that time, the distance between the two parties exceeded 150 kilometers.

The air-to-air detection radar of the 102 ship has been tracking the American reconnaissance planes in the sky. The U.S. reconnaissance planes did not get too close because there are Chinese Hainan Airlines fighter planes in the sky watching them.(Read more @

This situation has been experienced many times before. Chinese fighters have a short range and cannot monitor them for too long. They can only change fighters continuously. This is also the reason why American reconnaissance planes like to be close to Chinese airspace, which attracts Chinese fighter planes to intercept and expel.

“What does the Chinese fleet want? Are you ready to shoot? Their navy is not very poor, and they can’t even bear fishing boats?” Inside EP-3, the Americans were puzzled.

They also discovered the 102 ship early.

For such a long period of time, I have been circling around nearby, and the Chinese Navy’s fighter planes have been replaced by four or five.

They did not make any threatening actions, and the Chinese fighters did not act excessively, they just watched. Both sides know that as long as they do not enter the Chinese airspace, there is no problem.

“Impossible, the Chinese Navy is willing to fight their warships? They don’t have a few ships of this tonnage…”

American curiosity has long been mobilized.

“Ask about the Japanese warship, they are closer to that warship…”

About 20 kilometers away from the east side of the 102 ship, a Tachikaze-class destroyer with a hull number of 169 and a plaster flag flying.

This destroyer has a standard displacement of 3850 tons and a full load displacement of 5200 tons. The length and width of the destroyer are much larger than that of the 102. However, facing the little devil’s warship, the 102 still moves according to the designated area without the slightest evasiveness.

The little devil’s warship did not leave either, and they were also staring at this old frigate that could disintegrate at any time, and the fleet in the distance, they also spotted it.

I don’t know what the Chinese navy wants to do.

The actions of the Chinese navy made the little devil very nervous, sneaking here, could it test new weapons?

In this world, the least willing to see China is strong is the little devil.

No one wants to be a neighbor with a powerful country, let alone this powerful country has been invaded?

Ship 169 was ordered to monitor the Chinese fleet to see what they wanted to do.

“Captain, what does the little devil want?” In the command room of Ship 102, the officers couldn’t figure out what the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ship wanted to do.

How does Yu Haifeng know what the little devil wants to do?

In the North Sea Fleet, I have never met the little devil’s warships.

“Don’t worry about them, the front is the receiving ship, ready to slow down, and order everyone to prepare to evacuate!”

In the sea ahead, a huge passenger ship has appeared.

This passenger ship is the Huaxing ship that was rented by the Saudi Navy when it ran the South China Sea. The 10,000-ton passenger and freighter that can carry 451 people can pick up less than 150 officers and soldiers on the 102 ship, which is enough.

Since the Saudi Navy rented it before, it has never returned the lease.

There is no other reason. When the Saudis perform long-term missions, they don’t have a good rest on the battleship…

It was supposed to be evacuated by a supply ship, but, Nanyun-950 has been sold to Saudi Arabia and is undergoing upgrades and modifications, just to provide a better resting environment for Saudi naval officers and soldiers…


The deep whistle sounded, this was the 102 ship greeted Hua Xinglun who had stopped in the distance.

“Attention all units, prepare to evacuate in order…”

In the command room, Captain Yu Haifeng gave the order to evacuate.

The first to be evacuated is some unimportant jobs on the warship. At that time, the 102 ship will follow

“Boss, the time is up, we have to evacuate…”

In the engine room, the environment is still extremely harsh, extremely hot, there is oil everywhere, and the noise is loud.

But at this time, no one disliked this harsh environment. Everyone was in their jobs. No one had any actions. Some people had wet eyes.

Zhou Yue approached the chief engineer and sneaked out a pack of cigarettes.

Smoking is not allowed on the battleship, especially in the cabin where the environment is harsh.

“Forget it, I don’t want to violate the regulations…” The chief engineer rejected the cigarette Zhou Yue handed over, “You go out with them…”

“Boss, the time is up. The superior asked me to stare at you…” Zhou Yue didn’t shy away at all.

Yu Haifeng and the others are all aware of the chief engineer’s fault, and are afraid that he will violate the order by then.

“What are you staring at? I don’t want to wait on this broken thing for a long time…” The chief engineer scolded with a smile, “It doesn’t matter if it blows up, we won’t be as busy as the new warship by then…”

There was a smile on his face, but two crystal clear tears fell silently from the corner of his eyes.

Even in the end, it turned into a soft sob, and finally started crying, “Woo…”

He doesn’t look like a big man at all.

Zhou Yue’s hand holding the cigarette had been frozen, looking at the man in front of him who he thought was extremely strong. As long as there is him, no matter how many problems and frequent failures of the 102 ship, every mission can be successfully completed.

Ship 102 has already moved closer to the Huaxing Ferry. The naval officers and men who lined up on the battleship’s deck in advance, weeping, left the deck and climbed over to the Huaxing Ferry through the ladder.

The Huaxing ship is 170 meters in length, and its height is much higher than that of the 102 ship.

On the Japanese 169 ship 20 kilometers away, it was discovered that the 102 ship had actually stopped. Not only that, there was a larger ship at the stop.

“Come up and see what the Chinese want!” Captain 169, Kazuzu Sato, ordered the warship to move closer to the Chinese warship.

“Captain, would you like to ask your superiors for instructions?” The deputy captain asked carefully, “The Chinese side has notified before that it will exercise in this area, in case of accidental injury…”

“No! No matter how bad they are, they won’t be confused about the difference between the target ship and our warship, unless they want to start a war. Otherwise, at best, they will let the warship come closer and drive us…” Sato Kazuji He shook his head and said, “The superior asked us to observe the Chinese fleet up close…”

On the entire battleship, no one else felt that there was any problem.

In previous Chinese naval exercises, they had also been close to observe, and nothing happened.

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