Chapter 1225

The tonnage of the Taitokaze-class destroyer is almost double that of old warships like the 102, and it is naturally larger in size.

The targets displayed on the radar are very different.

None of the people on the destroyer thought there was any major problem. This is not the Chinese waters, but the outer areas of the Chinese waters. There are no alert Chinese warships around, and there are only a few small Chinese coast guard ships.

After the order was issued, the speed of the 169 ship quickly increased, and it approached the 102 ship that had stopped.

“Old Yu…” Zhang Ping stood on the bridge, staring silently at the officers and soldiers who were crying aboard the Huaxing Ferry. Seeing that Yu Haifeng looked outside motionlessly, he called out softly.

The electrical and mechanical chiefs and others each count their own people to make sure that everyone gets off the ship, otherwise, big problems will occur.

“Let’s go, let’s check the cabins again.”

Said to be inspected, but in fact, it was just an attempt to take another look at this warship.

Although old, it was the first warship they had just entered the navy, and it was also the warship that they had been with for so many years.

Zhang Ping nodded, “There is not enough time, let’s go.”

The two did not speak, but silently came out of the bridge and walked towards the cabins inside the battleship. This inspection revealed a big problem…

“Why haven’t you gone out yet?”

The two discovered along the way that there were still many people on the battleship, many of whom were hiding in the cabin, many of whom were officers.

This made Zhang Ping and Yu Haifeng both unsightly.

“Order the military police immediately to check all the cabins!”

Zhang Ping also did not expect that these officers and soldiers would do such a thing. The original plan was that each department, under the leadership of the person in charge, would evacuate according to the roster and then count them on the Huaxing wheel.

The deck of the entire battleship is too small to stand on all personnel.

“I’m not going, I want to stay, I want to accompany her…”

“let me go……”

The gendarmerie was dispatched and dragged out those who hadn’t left from the cabins.

“Everyone’s feelings for the 102 ship, we all know! Feelings are not expressed in this way. Even if you sacrifice, it will be useless and will even bring serious consequences to the Navy…” Yu Haifeng did not criticize these Tibetans. People who got up.

Especially the Chief Engineer and Zhou Yue who came out last.

Zhou Yue and the chief engineer were the last to come out.


“Everyone, salute!” After ensuring that everyone who had boarded the ship had left, the stationary Huaxing Wheel started to activate, honking a long whistle.

The 102 ship stopped quietly on the sea, as the waves undulated, the national flag on the mast fluttered in the wind and hunted.

At this moment, the officers and soldiers of the 102 ship standing on the deck of the Huaxing ship neatly saluted facing the 102 ship, their bodies upright, their expressions solemn, but the teardrops in their eyes could not help falling…

“The red flag flutters with the wind…”

Wearing a white navy uniform, Zhou Yue suddenly began to sing “People’s Navy Forward”. This ship is not listed as a navy song, a song that all the navy would sing.

The voice was rough and frantic, and it spread out from a distance.

At the beginning, many people sang with him, and then more and more people joined in.

“Our singing is so loud, the People’s Navy moves forward and has strong confidence in defending the motherland’s oceans…”

The loud singing sounded far above the ocean. Hua Xinglun was getting farther and farther away from the 102 ship, while the masts of the Japanese warship to the east had begun to emerge, and even the 102 ship staying at sea could be seen from the masts.

“Boom boom boom…”

A Zhi-9 flew over from the west and flew towards the warship less than ten kilometers away from the 102 ship.

“This is the drill area, it is very dangerous, please leave immediately…”

The helicopter flew over the 169 ship and used a loud horn to shout to the Japanese warship.

“Danger? What is the danger? Could it be that the Chinese navy would really open fire on our warships?” The officers on the 169 ship couldn’t help but laugh when they heard the translation.

This is not the Chinese waters, but the high seas.

The shamelessness of the Sea of ​​Japan, the Chinese can’t do anything unless they leave.

“Chief, the Japanese warship is less than 6 kilometers away from the target ship… The warning from the observation helicopter is invalid…”

Inside the communications helicopter, a staff officer reported to Commander Liu with a serious face.

“How about the Coast Guard and the warships on the periphery?” Commander Liu’s face has always been ugly.

Little devil, this is a bit too much.(Read more @

This also shows that there are loopholes in the naval warships on the periphery.

“There are too few warships on the periphery. Coastal police ships…”

Coastal police ships are almost all small boats. There are almost no large-scale maritime police ships. There are already few maritime surveillance ships of the Bureau of Oceanography, and there is no way to transfer them just because the Saudi Navy shoots a target with a live ammunition, right?

“General Lafata is in the helicopter, who is there?” Xie Kai asked hurriedly.

Four helicopters have flown over the fleet.

Looking down, the 6 warships shooting targets, the naval gun turrets have been aimed in the direction of the target, and the gun barrels have begun to adjust the angle…

In the first round, the naval guns will fire shells.

The little devil’s warship is too close, it is very likely that the naval gun will threaten them.

“The time has come, why can’t it start? If it were on the battlefield, the battle would have already happened!” Lafata was very dissatisfied with Yu Haitao’s request to order the fleet to suspend shooting. The helicopter has connected to the communication channel of the fleet, and the target ship has already entered the range of the naval gun.

“General, there is a Japanese ship… just in case…” Yu Haitao explained quickly.

Ko Lafata didn’t listen at all, looked at the watch on her wrist, and directly issued the command: “All units, aim at the target, and fire freely!”

“Two target ships?” In the fleet, Colonel Yevrola looked at the two targets on the display, and couldn’t help but wonder.

To be precise, there are three goals, one of which is Huaxing, which is coming towards them.

Huaxing ship often forms with the fleet, and Saudi navy officers and soldiers are very familiar with it.

“Report, one ship is not within the range of the naval gun!” the combat staff explained.

Only one boat can be hit.

“Colonel, the commander gave an order to fire!”


“Boom~Boom~” The H3 where Yevrola was located had already aimed at the main gun of the target ship. As soon as he received the firing order, the gunner in the command room gave the order, and the gunner pressed the launch button.

The fire from the barrel port flashed, and two huge shells flew one after the other towards the 102 target ship 15 kilometers away.

The huge recoil made the battleship sway.


The other five H3s fired in turn after the first one fired.

A series of shells want to go towards the target ship…

Not all warships fired together, so the true level could not be detected at all, and the Bahraini Navy’s shooting came in the back.

“Why did you open fire? What if you hit a Japanese warship…” Yu Haitao was anxious.

Rafata didn’t even look at him. “Lieutenant Colonel, the Saudi navy is doing the exercise! You know, this is the time to test the training level of our navy!”

“Commander, they opened fire, what can we do?”

Commander Liu is also very hot now, why don’t the Saudis think about the consequences?

Xie Kai regretted, why didn’t he go up to the helicopter where Lafata was? Maybe he could stop it.

“Now there is no way. The navy of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, and the Argentines and Thais can testify anyway. I can only rely on fate. I hope the little devil’s warships don’t get too close…” Xie Kai sighed.

Commander Liu could not order the Saudi Navy.

The Saudi navy’s gun was simply inaccurate.

It has been 14 hours since we set off at two o’clock in the morning, and the Saudi navy, which usually takes passenger ships to take turns to rest during ocean-going training…I can’t even think about it.

“This is the drill area, it is very dangerous, please leave immediately…”

About 5 kilometers east of the 102 target ship, the 169 ship not only did not leave, but also moved closer.

Since it’s a target shooting, it’s even more important to see how accurate it is.

“Hoo~ son~”

There was a shrill sound of naval gun shells piercing the air.

“It’s already started over there, don’t care about these dead!” The observers on the helicopter saw that the Japanese warship did not leave, and the fleet in the distance had already started shooting. Their task was originally to check the accuracy of the warship’s shooting. At this time, no matter what happened. A Japanese warship that doesn’t want to leave?

Anyway, the video recorder hanging under the helicopter has recorded everything. Even if something goes wrong, no one can blame it.


The first shell landed in the water, more than 20 meters away from the 102 ship, which was quietly resting on the sea and undulating with the waves. The shell exploded on the sea, setting off a water column more than ten meters high.

“The drop point is 24 meters away from the target…”

“The landing point deviates by 27 meters…”

The observers on the helicopter kept relaying the drop point of the shells to the communications helicopter over the target fleet in the distance, and at the same time, it also transferred to the warship.

“How did you fight? Four warships, none of the shells hit the target!” General Lafata was very upset about this result.

Saudi Arabia’s four warships attacked first.

Bahrain’s ranks behind.

Each of the four warships slowed down and fired, but none of them hit the target ship parked there.

“The level of the Saudi Navy…”

Xie Kai felt a little weird.

The artillery shells set off a huge water column around the 102 ship, and the waves became bigger and bigger, making the 102 ship undulating.

“What is the combat effectiveness of the Chinese Navy?”

On Ship 169, the Japanese officers couldn’t help laughing when they saw the shells falling into the sea.

Who would have thought that the Chinese Navy’s hit rate was so bad.

If you don’t look closely, you can’t imagine it at all.

“Get closer! Record it!” Captain Sato Kazuji gave the order with a smile.

There are not many opportunities to understand the combat effectiveness of the Chinese Navy. The Ministry of Defense actually thinks that the combat effectiveness of the Chinese Navy is very strong…

“Hoo~ son~”

An artillery shell dragged a sharp break in the air and landed on the 102 ship bridge that was undulating with the waves.


The explosion of the shells caused a hole in the bridge of the 102 ship.


Another shell landed on the deck next to the main gun…

“Hit the bridge!”

“Hit the deck…”

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