Chapter 1228

“Agree to the Bahraini Navy to open fire!”

Lafata thought for a few seconds, then looked up and said.

Bahrain is also a member of the peninsula’s defense force, not to mention that the target boat people also paid for it.

“Commander, this…”

The staff officer looked worried, but didn’t say anything worried.

If the Bahraini navy played too accurately, they would be ashamed. If the target ship is finally sunk by the Bahraini navy with a naval gun…

“Agree to the Bahraini navy to fire!” Lafata once again emphasized his order, “It is not terrible to be embarrassed. We must analyze why this happened. Why is our human level so poor with the same training!”

As the commander of the navy, Rafata knew very well.

He knew why it was such a reason, but he didn’t want to admit it.

If an army is too greedy for pleasure and unable to endure hardship, it will not have any combat effectiveness at all.

Fortunately, this is a target practice exercise, not actual combat.

If it is real combat, the consequences will be disastrous.

The speedboats equipped with anti-ship missiles by the Persians can defeat a navy at the level of Saudi Arabia.



During the high-speed maneuvering of the two Bahraini navy warships, the naval guns began to roar.

“Hoo~ son~”

A sharp blast across the sea, a round of artillery shells fell on the smoke-bearing, devastated 102 ship. This old warship, which has not experienced actual combat and served for half a century, is experiencing the baptism of artillery fire.

But still stopped firmly at sea.

“Hit the bridge!”

“Hit the missile launcher!”

“Hit the waterline…”

While the two warships were maneuvering at high speeds, in accordance with the provisions of the exercise plan, they continuously opened fire on the target ship that was already only 12 kilometers away during the maneuver.

Observers on the helicopter continue to report the results, allowing the warship officers and soldiers to modify the parameters and analyze whether the advance amount was correct during the previous round of attacks.

The 102 captain is hundreds of meters long, but the width and height are not so large. If it is an army artillery, for such a large target, only fire coverage is needed, and dense shells can produce good results.

The warship is different.

The main structure is all made of steel, and the strength is far from being as easy to destroy as targets on land.

Hundreds of meters long, as long as it is not destroyed too severely, does not enter too much water or the amount of water entering is not large enough, it will not be able to silence the battleship.

The 102 ship is old enough, the hull is seriously aging, and it is still a steel structure. It was built during the era of the giant cannon during World War II to defend more powerful shells. You know, the caliber of the battleship’s main guns at that time almost reached a frenzied degree-460 mm!

Each shell is more than a ton.

The structural design of warships back then was designed to withstand the destruction of tons of shells.

Otherwise, when encountering such a shell, how useful is a warship that is broken into two pieces by one shot and killed by one shot?

Therefore, if the 100mm naval gun has a total weight of only more than 31 kg, if it does not hit too many, the 102 ship will not be silent.

“Hit the waterline…”

Hit the waterline again.

The observer’s report sounded again.

“This is the level they should really play! The true level of the Chinese Navy is even higher than this!” Carlos sighed. The Chinese Navy has less actual combat and less training funds, but the true level will definitely not be like the Saudi Navy’s performance. It came out so badly.

“General, the Chinese Navy usually lacks training funds, and there are not many opportunities for live ammunition shooting.” He didn’t have the right to speak, but at this moment, Colonel Wallila didn’t think that General Carlos was telling the truth.

I don’t know what the level of the Chinese navy is.

The experience of the Chinese Navy is definitely not as rich as that of the Argentine Navy.

The Argentine Navy is much better than the Chinese Navy in terms of combat experience, construction time, and even the large warships it owns.(Read more @

The Chinese Navy has not been equipped with combat warships of more than 5,000 tons, and the auxiliary ships of supply ships that have no defense and combat capabilities at all are not to be counted.

“The Bahraini Navy did not have a navy before, and even their maritime police force did not have many ships. Their navies are almost all brand new. In such a short period of time, the Chinese Navy can train them to such a level. Do you think the Chinese Navy Isn’t there a training program for lack of funds?” Carlos said coldly.

The layman sees the excitement, and the insider can see the doorway.

The Bahraini navy has not been in force for a long time, and it has not even performed missions in its own waters.

When it was established, it was sent to China for training. Now that shooting can be done like this, it is not much worse than the old naval countries such as Argentina.

If you start from a fresh start, it is absolutely impossible for the Argentine Navy to do this.

Everyone knows that the Argentine Navy was trained by a naval power with hundreds of years of naval history like the United Kingdom.

One year for the army, ten years for the air force, and one hundred years for the navy.

The improvement of naval combat capability is not only the improvement of equipment, but also the combat experience and the mastery of hydrological conditions.

“The wiseness of the Chinese Navy will be completely destroyed by these incompetent students!” Carlos sighed.

If Xie Kai were here, he would definitely tell General Carlos, not to mention the Chinese navy, even the wise and advanced equipment of the United States would be destroyed by the Saudi army.

Armed to the teeth, all of them are the most advanced combat equipment in the world. They can be crushed by guerrillas with only bazookas, and they can be used to capture tanks…

That sad…

Maybe one day in the future, China and American instructors can sit together and we can discuss with tears how those ineffective Saudi students ruined their fame.

“Why is the Bahraini Navy’s hit rate so high? Is it possible that their warships are better equipped?” Shuntong Khon Sompong was a little confused.

Naris Weng Suwan shook his head, “It’s not like that. The configurations of the warships on both sides are the same. We saw it when we visited.”

“Why does this happen?” Shuntong Kong Sompong was puzzled.

They were all cultivated by the People’s Liberation Army Navy, and it is impossible for them to be in the sky and underground.

The gap between the levels of the two sides is really too big.

“Because the discipline of the Saudi Navy is really bad, and their soldiers in the army also need to receive very good welfare…” Naris Onsuwan shook his head and smiled bitterly. “If there is no comparison with the navy of Bahrain, we can suspect that the Chinese navy is too poor. Your Excellency, our officers and soldiers trained in China must strictly abide by the requirements of Chinese instructors…”

In the end, the Secretary of the Navy made a request.

Because some high-ranking officers in the aircraft carrier fleet are all arranged by the new Secretary of Defense.

Once it is like the Saudi Navy, their naval level is estimated to be like this in the end.

“The trainees must be required to strictly abide by the requirements of the Chinese instructors!” Shuntong Kong Songpeng said solemnly.

As comfortable as the Saudi navy, it takes passenger ships to go out to sea, and the Thai navy can’t afford it. Thailand’s economic development is good, and every penny is earned by themselves, not by digging sand and selling oil.

They cannot provide the high welfare of the Saudi Navy.

The gap between the Bahraini navy and the Saudi navy is directly reflected at this time.

Previously, it was only the treatment of the two navies.

Bahrain is rich in China, trained in China, and has never received any special treatment, which makes them have the same living conditions and training conditions as the Chinese navy.

“General, let the Bahraini navy continue to fight, and their guns will sink the target ship.” The staff officer beside him heard the report from the observation helicopter and was anxious.

This is unacceptable to the entire Saudi Navy.

The Bahraini navy used ship artillery to attack the sinking target ship. How did the King explain it after returning home? What do you think of His Royal Highness Prince Sultan?

After training for so long, His Majesty the King, His Royal Highness the Prince and even the people of the whole country are eagerly looking forward to the navy going back to protect everyone and guard the safety of the sea and borders…

The result…

“We can’t directly order.” Lafata shook his head.

There was even despair on his face.

Such a result is beyond their tolerance.

The staff officer was also stunned.

The general really couldn’t give such orders.

You can only count on the fleet to figure it out.

Whether they are completely embarrassed or can leave them a little face, it depends on how Colonel Yevrola decides.

Yevrona was in the command room like an ant on a hot pot.

The Bahraini Navy’s shooting conditions are notified to the entire fleet.

Their hit rate is only about 6.7%, which is actually less than that, while the Bahrain Navy’s hit rate is more than 40%, and there is no harm if there is no comparison.

During the previous training, they laughed at the people of the Bahrain fleet as being too stupid.

“Ask the commander for permission to launch anti-ship missiles!” Yevrola made a decision.

The anti-ship missiles must be launched before the Bahraini navy can hit the target sinking ship with ship artillery.

The Bahraini Navy has a large number of naval artillery shells, so it hits the waterline once every three points, and a large amount of seawater floods in. After the warship rolls over, it will definitely capsize.

It spreads out, the face of the Saudi Navy…

“Report, Deputy Commander, Your Excellency Commander did not reply.” The communications staff’s words made Yevrolla’s heart sink.

It was originally expected that the commander would allow them to launch anti-ship missiles.

But now, the commander has not issued an order.

Should anti-ship missiles be launched?

“Hit the waterline! The target ship has begun to tilt…”

The situation report came from the observation helicopter again.

The target ship’s waterline has been hit many times and has begun to capsize.

Hearing this, Lafata took a deep breath, suppressing his inner anxiety. If Yevrona does not do well, he will definitely recommend that His Highness remove Yevrona from his post.

Of course, he himself must take the blame and resign.


Rafata did not look at his staff.

Zhao Yang calmly looked at Lafata on the side, guessing whether this guy would issue an order to launch an anti-ship missile.

As long as the anti-ship missiles are launched, the Bahraini Navy will not be able to explain that their guns sank the target ship.

The Bahraini navy next to it continues to fire slowly…

Will Yevroa launch anti-ship missiles?

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