Chapter 1229

“Colonel, the Bahraini have tilted the target ship and must make a decision.”

The staff are in a hurry.

If it’s just their own fleet, everything is not a problem. Even if you can’t get it right, you can call a supply ship, and you can continue to bombard the ship with ammunition after you have refilled it.

The problem is that there are bastards like the Bahraini navy and they are very accurate. This is a newly established navy just like the Saudi navy, and it was trained in China almost at the same time.

The Saudi navy can’t make it, but the Bahraini navy can make it. This is not a problem of training their teachers, but a problem of the military itself.

The entire Saudi navy has invested far more funds than Bahrain, and its combat effectiveness is so poor. How will it be accounted for then?

“I know!” Yevrolla roared, “what can they do if they tilt? Did we use anti-ship missiles in violation of regulations?”

The colonel was embarrassed.

Everyone knows that the only thing that can reverse the situation is to launch anti-ship missiles.

China’s flying fish missiles are not bad.

Although they have never fired, they have never seen a flying fish missile hit a target.

“Once the Bahraini navy sank the target ship with ship artillery, it is a trivial matter that we cannot explain to His Majesty the King, His Royal Highness, and even the citizens of the entire country, but there are still Argentines watching the Thais!” the staff officer said righteously.

Both the Argentines and the Thais are watching.

The result of the naval gun shooting is already clear.

The artillery shells of their four warships were all shot out at the beginning, but the Bahraini navy was still slowly aiming, calculating, and firing slowly.

If this continues, the cannonballs will not be exhausted and the target ship will be sunk.

They must respond before they hit the target sinking ship, otherwise the Saudi Navy’s face will never be found.

The target ship in the distance, the hull has already tilted to one side, thick smoke billowing from the battleship, a raging fire has risen, and it can be seen from a long distance. You can see thick smoke from battleships more than ten kilometers away from the fleet.

Many of the officers and soldiers of the 102 ship who did not enter the cabin of Hua Xinglun had already cried into tears.

But no one is like on a battleship. Even though his voice is hoarse, he still sings “People’s Navy Forward”, which is not a navy military song, in the loudest voice.

Everyone now understands that backward warships must be eliminated.

Just like them, many people who have served in the navy for a certain period of time will also be eliminated because they are older and unable to keep up with the development of the navy.

An iron-fought battalion and running-water soldiers.

Ship 169 has now slowed down.

The originally worried Saudi navy warship will launch anti-ship missiles after the target is ineffective. If the anti-ship missiles do not hit the target ship, they will accidentally hit their destroyer.

When the Bahraini navy continued to target with naval guns, ship 169 found that it had not launched anti-ship missiles, and its speed slowed down.

After a period of separation from the maximum speed, the 169 ship has been nearly 40 kilometers away from the entire fleet. In addition, the worry has not appeared, and naturally there is no previous state of urgency.

The speed of the entire warship not only slowed down, but started to stare at that side again.

The distance is too far to understand too clearly.

“Is the Chinese Navy shooting targets now? Such a frequency?” The people on the 169 ship wanted to go back and have a look.

Let’s see what level the Chinese navy has.

“Report, there is news from the base that Saudi Arabia and the Bahraini navy are shooting targets.” The intelligence staff’s words made everyone who had an idea to go back to give up.

They have already seen the level of the Saudi Navy.

Just the naval gun fire made them have to flee quickly, pulling the distance between the two sides.

Now there is the Bahraini navy together.

The Bahraini navy has just established its navy, and originally there were only three or two maritime police ships of dozens of tons.

What can you count on them?

“The Bahraini navy has learned the style of the Chinese navy, and I don’t know how many shots it can hit.” Sato Kazuji sighed, “Just keep this distance and observe when they can sink the target ship. Pay attention to their launch. Anti-ship missiles.”

Observing the anti-ship missiles launched by the Bahraini Navy and the Saudi Navy, we can understand the performance level of anti-ship missiles researched by China.(Read more @

Since the battleship era, after the aircraft carrier has become the strongest navy force, the large naval vessels of the world are either developing toward arsenal ships equipped with more missiles, or toward the direction of aircraft carriers.

The arsenal ship is represented by the Soviet navy. The Kirov-class nuclear-powered cruiser is equipped with more than 500 missiles of various types. In addition to not matching fighters, a ship can even compete with a huge fleet in terms of attack firepower and defense. Contend; Needless to say, the aircraft carrier is represented by the United States and the Western world…

After the war, Japan was restricted from developing military forces, but this did not affect their observation of other navies and the development of their technology.

Both the Bahrain and Saudi navies use anti-ship missiles developed by China. It is impossible for Chinese warships to match French anti-ship missiles, right?

French talents will not be willing to open the interface to China.

“Always paying attention, they did not launch anti-ship missiles.” The radar soldiers have been staring since the battleship accelerated and pulled away. The police system on the Taitokaze-class destroyer and the Javelin anti-SM-1 air-to-air missile system All fire control radars are monitoring the direction of that fleet.

The British Sheffield-class destroyer was sunk by the Flying Fish missile launched by Argentina, and the navies of all countries began to guard against these anti-ship missiles that were launched from a distance and could fly at low altitudes over the sea.

The Tachikaze class is no more advanced than the Sheffield class.

“Report, news from the Japanese destroyer, Saudi Arabia trained in China shooting with the Bahraini navy!” An officer in charge of intelligence reported the news to the captain.

“It’s just a shot of shells, nothing to look at.” Deep in the clouds in the sky, the reconnaissance plane has lost interest in watching the excitement, “Prepare to return.”

I thought I could still see the excitement, but there was no excitement.

It’s a waste of time.

It’s better to go back for coffee at this time.

“Walk around again.” The captain looked at the time, and it was too early for the mission time to end.

Ever since, the EP-3, which was about to return home, began to wander around again.


The two H3 warships of the Bahrain Navy fleet continued to fire, and the shells hit the target ship from time to time.

The tilt of the 102 ship is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, Lafata’s face was so gloomy that she could squeeze out of the water, and she was silent and silent. From time to time, the communications staff reported the fleet’s request for the launch of anti-ship missiles, but Lafata said nothing.

He had already made a decision in his heart, and he must suggest to His Royal Highness that he should withdraw Yevrola from his post and resign again.

In such a situation, do I need to report?

I don’t know how simple the truth is that I won’t be affected by the foreign monarch’s order.

If you personally issue an order to launch anti-ship missiles, the face of the entire Saudi Navy will really be lost.

“I don’t have any decisive power at all, how can Yevroa be qualified for the post of deputy commander of the fleet? Wait two more minutes, if he hasn’t moved yet, I must act.” Lafata made a decision secretly in his heart. “The target ship must not be sunk by the Bahraini navy guns.”

“The Saudis are about to launch anti-ship missiles.” When Xie Kai heard the observer report that the Bahraini naval ship had hit one meter above the target ship’s waterline, he knew that the Saudis could not hold it.

Almost never once, the pressure in the hearts of Saudi Navy officials will be heavier.

To crush the camel, all you need is a straw.

“They have no shells anymore.” The colonel’s staff shook his head. He didn’t think the Saudi Navy would launch anti-ship missiles.

At least not now.

Although Xie Kai said before, an anti-ship missile can only produce a day’s output from a high-production oil well.

“There are also anti-ship missiles. Maybe, there will be a volley of missiles. They can’t afford to lose this person, especially in front of the Argentines and Thais. Maybe we can sell more anti-ship missiles.” Xie Kai understands the Saudis.

They don’t care about the money. For Saudi Arabia, money comes too easily.

You must not care about your face.

Besides, is that the face of the newly established navy?

Spent a lot of money, but in the end there was no result…

“Colonel, the commander hasn’t answered yet. We must take action. Another round or two will cause the target ship to sink.” The staff was anxious, seeing that Yevrola hadn’t made a decision, and said eagerly.

Zhao Yang looked at the Saudis with a calm face.

In my heart, all these people were marked as unqualified.

In the Chinese Navy, such people will never stay in the army, which is ruining the reputation of the army.

Yevrolla was entangled in his heart, the commander did not object, nor did he approve it, he realized from the beginning why this was the case.

It is impossible for the commander to issue such an order. He represents the entire Saudi Navy and even the country.

There is no problem without Argentines and Thais.

But once such an order is given, it is likely that his military career will come to an end.

The treatment of the Navy is much better than that of other troops.


Everyone else is waiting for Yevrola’s order.

The only thing that can change the current situation is to launch anti-ship missiles.

Yevrona didn’t want to be a backer.

It’s impossible for him to know Rafata’s mind.

“Major Zhao, what do you suggest?” At this time, Yevroa pined his hopes on Zhao Yang, who was next to him.

It can be pushed to the instructor at that time.

Zhao Yang shook his head, “Your Colonel, we are only responsible for training. Your navy has already mastered how to deal with various situations during training.”

The shells are gone, what else?

According to training, at long distances, anti-ship missiles should be launched first.

According to the preplan for this exercise, the Saudis themselves violated the rules of the exercise and consumed the artillery shells of the naval guns. Unexpectedly, the Bahraini navy was also suffocated and aimed at the waterline.

“Order, all ships, launch anti-ship missiles! Test the performance of anti-ship missiles.” Yevrolla finally gave the order through gritted teeth.

“All units follow the order and launch anti-ship missiles! Sink the target ship!”

As soon as Saudi Arabia’s four H3s heard the order, the cover of the anti-ship missile launching tube of the missile launching module bounced off…

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