Chapter 1242

“Boss, how do you sell this pile of things to me?” Xie Kai had a plan in his mind, and naturally started to implement his own plan.

The owner of the ship looked at Xie Kai, who was holding the child in doubt, “Little brother, although this thing looks like a bell, it doesn’t make a sound… You have to make a toy for your son, cut a piece and give it to you.”

For the owner of the ship, this is something that does not know what it is useful for, and it is absolutely worthless.

“No, no, I may know this thing. A relative of mine is a technology. I once said in a chat that something is a bit like this thing. It is useless to ordinary people and useful to the country…” Xie Kai half Said half-truth.

Drag sonar is also a shortcoming for China.

The navy does not have much funding, and naturally not much is invested in research. Buying it back and sending it to the unit for sonar research may really work.

Besides, this is still an important part of his plan.

Seeing Xie Kai talk more and more ridiculously, the boat owner couldn’t help but feel happy: “In this case, you can give me a price and take it away if it suits you.”

He being Xie Kai is to entertain him.

Anyway, the fishing boat will return to the port and will not leave immediately. As the owner of the ship, I just take a rest at this moment.

After the catch is processed, it is time to prepare to go to sea again.

“Ten thousand, okay?” Xie Kai asked with an unsure tone.

It’s as if this thing was originally worth the old nose’s money, and the price was too low.

“How much?” The boat owner thought he had heard it wrong.

Although my own ship is relatively large, it is not a huge ocean-going fishing boat. Once you go out to sea, when the fish is good, you can only make three to five thousand without the cost. This year, the price of sea fish and ordinary shrimp is not as good as meat. expensive.

“Less? How about 20,000? Up to 20,000! Boss, I won’t pay a penny more…” Xie Kai gritted his teeth.

The face is even more painful.

This made the boat owner whisper, isn’t this kid insane? Spend 20,000 to buy a pile of tattered?

“Little brother, this is just a bunch of tatters, it’s useless at all. It can’t cost such a lot of money. If you really want it, so let’s give you five hundred dollars to take it away. This is almost three hundred kilograms, two hundred How many meters long…” The owner of the boat is a real person.

This year, 20,000 yuan is definitely not a small amount of money.

There are not many ten thousand households nationwide. Although owning a fishing boat with a large tonnage, the owner’s annual income is not much higher.

Large-scale ocean-going fishing boats cannot be bought at all, and most of the fishing teams are national.

At this moment, the owner of the fishing boat doesn’t think Xie Kai really wants to buy it. Such a young person, although it looks a little unusual, can buy a pile of scrap iron for 20,000 yuan! Simply quote a psychological expected price directly.

If it is really sold, there is no trouble, and you have to hire a car to go to the waste collection station.

“It’s only 20,000, no more points!” Xie Kai didn’t make a joke.

After that, Xie Kai had picked two fish under the boat, some shrimp, and Mo Qi who was weighing shouted, “Daughter-in-law, come up.”

Mo Qi gave the money before he got on the boat.

Xie Kai pointed to the entangled drag sonar, and leaned to Mo Qi’s ear to introduce it to her in a low voice.

Mo Qi was surprised, and naturally knew that Xie Kai would not lie to her.

But he frowned and said, “The money I brought out is less…”

“How many?” Xie Kai asked.

“Only one thousand.”

Xie Kai took out all the 1,000 yuan and stuffed it directly into the hands of the dumbfounded and disbelieving ship owner: “Boss, you keep it for me. This is a 1,000 yuan deposit. I’ll go find a phone call. , Call someone to send money and take things away by the way.”(Read more @

“Little brother, I can’t cheat you, this thing is not worth the price, it’s more than a thousand…” The boat owner recovered for a long time.

But he is holding on to the money tightly, for fear that Xie Kai will regret it.

“If it’s really useful, I can get more! Just like those who sell seafood, we only sell different things and have different values!” Xie Kai said calmly, and then went to the dock to find a phone call to the shipyard Call.

Hudong Shipyard originally designed and built frigates, and now it is not only manufacturing aircraft carriers, but also studying 10,000-ton large destroyers.

Towing sonar is a standard configuration for large fleets. If you want to make the carrier fleet safer, you must have special anti-submarine ships.

With the continuous development of modern technology, the noise of submarines in various countries is becoming smaller and deeper and deeper. For example, towed sonar used to monitor long-distance underwater movement after water has become a key technology in the field of anti-submarine research in various countries.

This aspect has just started in China.

In the design of the 0.55 million ton-class large drive, there is a towing sonar. The cooperation of the towing sonar with the hull sonar is of great benefit to the improvement of the anti-submarine capability of the warship.

Moreover, as long as all the fishing boats catch these things when they encounter these things, they can let out the wind, saying that some equipment on the EP-3 was caught, and they were still caught in the waters far away from the EP-3 crashing into the sea. The Americans did not believe it and had to give up.

Otherwise, let them pay to let the salvage team continue to salvage.

After the Malaysia Airlines plane crashed into the sea, it has not been found for several years. It is more normal that an EP-3 that has fallen apart cannot be found.

I heard that the owner of the ship made the recovered things be appreciated and offered an astonishingly high price of 20,000 yuan. All the sailors on the ship did not believe it.

But the ship owner waved the old man’s head in his hand, making everyone believe that this was no joke.

Moreover, the owner of the boat is generous. There are more than ten people on the boat. Once they get the money, each person will give out 200 yuan to reward everyone for their active work.

The fishermen around had heard about it, and they came forward to find out what can be sold at such a high price.

Fishing in nearby waters is getting less and less, unless you change to a larger boat and go to farther waters to fish.

If you have the strength, you won’t be a small fishing boat.

The owner of the ship didn’t know what was worth, so he could only tell everyone and ask them to wait. When Xie Kai came over, he asked him directly, if he received these things, he naturally knew what he needed and which ones could be sold at a high price.

Xie Kai called the people at Hudong Shipyard and briefly explained the situation, asking them to send 20,000 yuan in cash first, and to bring back the domestic drag sonar for study.

When the fishing boat caught the drag sonar, Li Qingmin, Gu Baonong and others did not even ask, and went directly to the Finance Department.

This thing is not easy.

The technology is difficult, and it is not easy to study.

Either the performance is not good, the detection distance is not close enough, or the speed is too high.

Everyone knows the principle. What materials are used by the key people and how to design them. There is no domestic experience in this thing. It is a little bit of experimentation. The time and money required are huge.

For frigates like 053H3, adding anti-submarine helicopters to improve anti-submarine performance is already pretty good.

But for a 0.55 million ton-class destroyer, it is not enough to use an anti-submarine helicopter and the sonar in the hull of the ship, and it is impossible to detect a submarine hidden in a water depth of hundreds of meters.

Towing sonar can control the working water depth by adjusting the length of the streamer.

Even in the original era of Xie Kai, countries are still vigorously studying towing sonar, which is the main method for surface ships to anti-submarine and detect long-range targets.

Naturally, Li Qingmin and Gu Baonong couldn’t take it lightly.

With a sample, it will save a lot of time and funding for research.

Who doesn’t want to build a big warship?

The cost has come down, and when the Navy is rich, it may be equipped sooner.

Even if the navy is not equipped now, as a technical reserve, it is natural that Han Xin will order more troops, the better.

The finances were already off work, and the factory and the secretary were both alarmed and asked to prepare 20,000 cash immediately, so naturally they did not dare to neglect.

After Xie Kai finished the call, he thought for a while, then called Tan Lin’s person here and asked him to come over.

“Brother Kai, what did you call Tan’s people to do?” Mo Qi puzzled.

It is normal for the people at Hudong Shipyard to send money.

This thing would have been thrown away to the research team of the shipyard for research.

What can you call Tan Lin’s people here?

“It’s not convenient for us to come forward, nor for the Navy. It is even more inappropriate for the shipyard to come forward. It needs an intermediary. This is different from ordinary harvesters. We are not a one-shot deal. We will be a long-term business in the future!” Xie Kai said triumphantly.

The Chinese fishermen are crazy and a little bold. For money, they even chase the warship. Once the warship puts down the sonar, they will go straight to the net to catch it, and then cut it back to sell the scrap copper.

The U.S. warships were forced to use the slogan “Sonar is no copper, stealing is useless” to tell China that these Chinese fishermen who don’t have much culture, only know that scrap copper is expensive, and don’t work properly to fish sonar and sell scrap copper.

“He’s here, please ask him any questions…” The owner of the boat was asked by more and more fishermen around him. He had no time to deal with it. Seeing Xie Kai coming, everyone hurriedly asked Xie Kai.

Xie Kai and Mo Qi, who just called back, were also frightened by the battle.

In front of the fishing boat, there was a large group of people in Wuyang.

Before Xie Kai could react, he was surrounded by a group of people, asking him what he wanted to collect.

Think of Xie Kai as a tattered harvest.

The children in Mo Qi’s arms were so frightened by the noisy sound that they cried.

“Stop! Be quiet, I will tell everyone what we charge…” Xie Kai roared in desperation, scaring the people around him back.

Squeezing the crowd away, Xie Kai took the portable tweeter in his hand from a worker maintaining order in the fishing port, climbed onto the fishing boat, and stood on the bow of the boat and said loudly to the fishermen below: “Everyone, please be quiet. In the future, we will purchase such things at high prices for a long period of time. Moreover, it is not limited to such things. As long as it is a foreign military technology product, whether it is a sunken warship or parts of a plane that has fallen into the sea, we will pay high prices. The purchase, the specific price, is determined according to the value of the item, such a drag sonar, according to the length, one hundred yuan per meter…”

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